The Breed (3 page)

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Authors: EL Anders

Tags: #erotica, #incest, #breeding, #paranormal erotica, #evangeline anderson, #sci fi erotica, #impregnation, #brothersister, #erotica adult, #brothersister incest, #psuedoincest, #lactation erotica, #impregnation erotica, #incest erotica with a plot, #brothersister breeding

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Chapter Three


The minute I got into the bathroom I couldn’t
wait to get out of my restrictive clothes. Popping open my suit
jacket I pulled it off and then yanked the white silk blouse I was
wearing out of the waistband of my black pencil skirt. I slipped
the little pearl buttons free of their loops and shrugged off the
blouse before turning my attention to my front-hook bra.

This was the hard part.

Unclasping the hook, I pealed the cups of the
bra away from my breasts as carefully as I could. But though I
tried to be gentle, the pain was still excruciating. God, why did
it hurt so
My nipples were dark red and throbbing and
the strange honey wasn’t just leaking from them—it was
. Thin shining trails of the sweet, sticky stuff made
their way down the undersides of my full breasts and dripped to the
hand cut tiles below. The sight was both frightening and obscenely
beautiful somehow—as though I was some kind of a fertility goddess
unable to control her overflowing fruitfulness.

“God,” I whispered, looking down at myself.
“What is
with me? What’s going on?”

“They need to be sucked.”

The familiar masculine voice made me look up
and clasp my arms over my naked breasts protectively. To my horror
I saw Lukas in the mirror, right behind me. His eyes met mine for a
moment and then flickered down to my full breasts.

“Lukas—what’s wrong with you? What are you
doing here?” I demanded, whirling to face him, still trying to hide
my breasts with my arms. The feeling of anything rubbing against my
tender nipples was excruciating but there was no way I was going to
let him see me naked.

“They need to be sucked,” he repeated, coming
closer. “By someone who knows how.”

“What are you talking about?” I wanted to
take a step back but the edge of the countertop was right behind
me, making it impossible.

“You have to relieve the pressure. It’s the
only way to ease the pain.” He was standing right in front of me
now, his broad chest almost brushing the arm I held over my
breasts. “You know that, don’t you, Lexie?”

“What do
know?” I demanded,
looking up at him. “What do you know about what’s going on with

“Everything,” he murmured. “And I’ll tell
you…if you let me help you.”

“What do you mean by ‘help?’” I looked at him

“You know what I mean, Lexie,” he said
softly. “Let me ease your pain.”

“Y-you mean you want to…want to…” I couldn’t
make myself say it.

“Suck your nipples. Yes,” he said simply but
there was a flame burning far down in his black eyes, a hunger so
vast and deep and wide it was like a huge dark ocean flowing inside

I leaned back, trying to make some room
between us even though the granite edge of the countertop dug into
my lower back. “For God’s sake, Lukas, you’re my

“Which is exactly the reason why I’m the only
one who can help you.” His voice was still maddeningly calm. “The
only one who can make it stop hurting.”

“You’re not making any sense.” Since I
couldn’t get away from him, I turned my back instead, facing the
mirror. But he was right behind me, looming over me in a way I
couldn’t ignore.

“I know I’m not but I can explain. First,
though, you need to let me help you.”

“Why should I let you…let you do
I snapped, frowning at him in the mirror. “If all I
need to do is relieve the pressure, I can manage myself.”

“No, you can’t,” he growled softly. “The
nectar’s too thick to be pumped out manually.” He looked at me
intently, catching and holding my eyes in the mirror. “But you know
that, don’t you? Because you’ve already tried.”

Unfortunately, I had. There was no breast
pump on the market, either manual or motorized, that could come
close to drawing the syrupy, sticky honey from my breasts. The
stuff Lukas had called ‘nectar.’

“Let me help you,” he said again. He was
right up against me now, his broad chest against my bare back. I
could feel his body heat like a line of fire down my spine and the
warm scent of his skin filled my senses.

“No,” I said, but my voice sounded uncertain,
even to me. “No, I—”

“They hurt all the time, don’t they Lexie?”
Reaching around me, he pulled my arms gently away from my chest,
baring my over-full breasts and aching nipples. “The pain just gets
worse and worse and the nectar won’t stop flowing.”

“How…how do you know about all this?” I met
his eyes in the mirror. “How?”

“I just do,” he said simply. “And I’ll tell
you everything. But you have to let me help you first.”

I had no idea what to do. On one hand, it was
wrong—utterly and undeniably wrong—to let my big brother suck my
nipples. On the other hand, he seemed to have some kind of
information about the strange changes going on in my
body—information I desperately needed. And my breasts and nipples
ache horribly.

Oh God, I shouldn’t do this. No way in
hell should I even be considering it!
But I needed to know. And
even more than that, I wanted the constant, never ending pain to

“Lexie?” he murmured, his large hands sliding
down my arms to cup my bare breasts. His skin felt warm against
mine, his fingers looked long and skillful and knowing.

“All…all right,” I whispered at last. “But
not because I want you to—because it hurts. Hurts so

His black eyes, which had been blazing at me
from the mirror as he waited for my decision, softened immediately.
“I know it hurts, Lexie,” he murmured, turning me to face him. “But
that’s okay. I’m going to take all the pain away. Here.” Putting
his hands to my waist, he lifted me easily to the countertop,
sitting me to one side of the sink. “There,” he murmured. “Now I
don’t have to stoop too much.”

That sounded ominous to me—as though he was
planning on doing this all night or something. “Just…make it
quick,” I said nervously. “How long is it going to take,

“Depends.” He traced one swollen areola
gently with his fingertip, making me jump. “How long have you been

“About a month,” I confessed.

He shook his head. “A whole month? I
misjudged the time. I should have come earlier.” Leaning down a
little, he placed a soft kiss on my right nipple. “I’m sorry you’ve
been waiting for me so long, Lexie.”

“I haven’t,” I protested rather breathlessly.
“And you’re not supposed to be kissing me or anything—I
thought…thought you were just going to suck.”

“And I will.” He placed a kiss on the left
nipple too and I gasped as I felt his hot tongue flick out and
bathe the aching bud. “But I want to take my time. I’ve been
waiting for this for a long…

I frowned at him, my heart skipping nervously
in my chest. “You’re my
, Lukas,” I reminded him
pointedly. “Are you honestly saying you’ve been wanting to…to…”

“Go on and say it.” His black eyes flashed
with amusement and he lapped gently at the other bud. “Can I
honestly say I’ve been wanting to suck my own little sister’s
nipples? Yes.” He looked me in the eyes. “And you might as well
know that’s not all I want to do to you either, Lexie. But it’ll
have to do for now.”

Before I could ask him what he meant, he
leaned down and took my right nipple between his lips. I gasped as
he sucked it, drawing as much of my breast into his mouth as he
could. There was a sharp pain at first and then it eased to a
pleasurable ache. Then, as Lukas sucked, the ache faded and the
pleasure grew. I could actually
the pressure in my full
breast easing and at the same time, the feeling of his hot mouth on
my nipple was sending sparks of desire straight to the spot between
my thighs.

I squeezed my thighs firmly together despite
the ache in my over-sensitive pussy. I wanted to look away, to not
watch as he sucked and swallowed, nursing at my nipple to ease the
pain. But somehow I couldn’t stop watching. His dark head bending
down, my tender nipple completely engulfed in his hot mouth, the
pleasure in his black eyes…The sight of my big brother sucking my
nipples was a picture I knew I would never get out of my head.

It seemed to take forever. After he finished
with the right, he moved to the left and then went back again, as
though to make sure there wasn’t any more. I continued to get
hotter and hotter until I was crossing and uncrossing my legs every
other minute. I was gripping the edge of the counter so hard I was
certain it would leave a groove down the center of each palm. But
it was either that or bury my hands in his thick black hair and
urge him on—and I wasn’t about to do that.

I tried closing my eyes for awhile, tried to
close out the sight of my big brother’s tongue lapping my sensitive
buds, of his sensual mouth sucking my nipples deep and hard and
long. But that only seemed to heighten the sensation and make
things worse. I began to wonder if I could come just from having my
breasts played with. And if I did, how would I ever live it down?
Could I ever forgive myself for having an orgasm while my own
brother sucked my nipples?

At last he looked up and licked his lips.
“God, your nectar’s sweet,” he murmured. “So sweet and hot and

“Thank you,” I said hesitantly, not sure what
else to say. “I…I wasn’t sure about letting you, uh, suck them at
first. But they
feel better now.” And they did. The ache
was gone and my nipples weren’t horribly sore anymore. I realized
now that I had been in so much discomfort it had been hard to
think. With the constant dull ache gone, I felt like myself

“You’re welcome.” He licked his lips. “And
now I’m sure you want an explanation.”

“Yes,” I said, glad to be back on firmer
ground. “Tell me what you know.
you know.”

“I will. But it can’t be very comfortable for
you to stay sitting on the sink. Why don’t we go back to the living
room?” His eyes flashed. “Or better yet, the bedroom.”

My stomach felt like an entire flock of
butterflies had just taken off inside it. “No way,” I said flatly.
“Not the bedroom.”

“Not yet, anyway.” He gave me a mocking
smile. “Very well, the living room then.”

“All right.” I reached for my discarded shirt
but he shook his head.

“Leave it off. I might have to suck you again
if there’s any residual nectar left.”

I felt my cheeks starting to get hot. “You
expect me to just walk around the penthouse shirtless and bare

Lukas shrugged, his broad shoulder rolling
under his impeccably tailored jacket. “Why not? You just let me
suck your nipples, Lexie. Why should you care if I look at your

He had a point but I
care. Since I
couldn’t face putting my torture-device of a bra back on, I settled
for slipping my white silk shirt on instead. I wasn’t sure it
wasn’t more obscene looking than if I’d just gone topless, though.
My nipples were still dark and erect and they pressed against the
thin, almost transparent fabric in a way that seemed designed to
attract attention.

“Better now?” Lukas raised an eyebrow

“Yes,” I said with as much dignity as I
could. Turning, I walked past him into the living room and very
pointedly sat in the tall wooden chair that had been my mother’s.
Its narrow antique seat was hard and narrow—only big enough for
one. In some ways it reminded me of her. She had never been a very
warm or demonstrative person—the chair was like an outward
manifestation of her personality.

Lukas didn’t miss the significance of my
gesture. Sighing, he sprawled in the loveseat across from me with
one arm thrown over the back and his long legs kicked out in front
of him. For my part I sat bolt upright with my legs crossed at the
ankles and my hands folded neatly in my lap.

“All right,” I said. “Talk. What’s going on
with me and how do you know about it and how can I stop it?

“Whoa, Sis—one question at a time.” He held
up a hand and gave me a lazy grin. “Let me see…what’s the best way
to tell you?”

Despite my prim posture, I felt like I was
going to burst with impatience. “Just
it, damn it!”

“Temper, temper, little sister.” He shook his
head. “But all right, I’ll just say it. How much do you know about
the Breed?”

It was the last thing I’d expected and I had
no idea where he was going with it. “The Breed?” I frowned. “What’s
there to know? They live on the other end of the galaxy and they’re
savages. Primitive, animalistic and sexually perverse if you
believe the tabloids.”

The Breed had been discovered by the
intergalactic explorer, Alexander Breedlow and so the planet they
inhabited—which was only about half the size of our moon—was named
after him. Only most people simply called it Breeder and the
inhabitants were known only as the Breed or Breeders. In our
exploration of the Milky Way, they were the only other humanoid
life humans had ever found and as such, they were a great

Lukas’ face was dark. “Trust me, you can’t
believe what the tabloids say. Or the government either. The Breed
isn’t nearly as primitive and unsophisticated as they’d like us to
believe. They just want us to think that so we believe it’s all
right to keep exploiting them.”

“Okay, it’s nice to see you’ve grown a social
conscience,” I said dryly. “But what does this have to do with

“Everything, Lexie.” He leaned forward, his
elbows resting on his knees. “Did you know that some wealthy human
couples even steal Breeder babies and raise them as their own?”

“What?” I frowned. “But that’s impossible.
They look completely different from us.”

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