The Bride Collector (7 page)

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Authors: Ted Dekker

Tags: #FIC030000

BOOK: The Bride Collector
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“No, I don’t think so. Hold on.” Brad asked Nikki if she’d heard of the facility. She stared upward for a moment, then shook
her head.

“It’s a private residential facility in the hills south of Boulder that only takes mentally ill patients with high IQs,” Frank
said. “As far as we can gather.”

Brad glanced at the wall. The confession. A single line expanded in his field of view.

Where intelligence does centered.

for Wellness and
Nikki followed his eyes and saw what he saw.

“The program picked up on the words

“I got it, Frank. Text me the address and advise the administrator that we’re on our way.”

“Yes, sir.”

He snapped the phone shut.

“You think it’s something?”

“It’s a lead,” he said. “He’s playing us, right? So let’s play.”


Department of Mental Health, the state’s organization had certified and currently regulated fifty-three facilities that cared
for the mentally ill, ranging from state hospitals to residential care facilities and nursing homes.

The Center for Wellness and Intelligence was listed as a referral facility, privately run and uncertified.

State-by-state closure of state asylums and hospitals between 1960 and 1990 had flooded the streets with mentally ill patients
who had no provider to take up their care or cause. Many, up to half by some estimates, wound up incarcerated.

Over time, a range of facilities began to take up the slack, but no national care system had yet replaced the atrociously
run asylums that once blanketed the country. There was more to the story, much more according to what Brad had learned while
in Miami. Some said that mistreatment of the mentally ill was one of the country’s few remaining dark secrets. No one wanted
to lock them up in expensive institutions. Yet no one knew how to treat them effectively through any other means. Better to
sweep them all under a rug, otherwise known as the streets and alleyways of the modern city.

They left Nikki’s car at the crime scene and headed east toward Eldorado Springs. The small town was nestled at the base of
the Rocky Mountains, roughly six miles southwest of Boulder.

Eldorado Springs Drive wound through the foothills, populated by scrub oak and smaller pines. “Never been out here,” Nikki

“I haven’t, either.”

The wheels hummed on two-lane blacktop.

“Beautiful,” she said.



Mental illness.
Brad mulled over the words. The mystery of the mind, hidden in the folds of hills beyond the tangles of life in the city.
Nothing of the placid landscape spoke to him of the killer. Less than half an hour before, they’d stood before a wall on which
a madman had glued a woman whose heels he’d drilled and drained. Now they rode through God’s country. The incongruity of the
two images brought a faint buzz to Brad’s mind.

While Brad drove, Nikki glanced at the notebook where she’d jotted down notes from a conversation she’d had with the director
of CWI, Allison Johnson.

“Something strange about her.”

“The director?”

Nikki stared ahead. “There’s our road. Before the village, she said. South on a dirt road two miles.”

Brad slowed, turned, and headed the BMW down a winding gravel road. “Isolated.”

“I think that’s the idea. It’s a privately run facility for families or patients who can afford a hefty room-and-board fee.
Used to be a convent run by nuns. There’s a place like this in Colorado Springs, something about the healthy air that once
attracted caregivers and patients.”

“It’s religious?”

“Actually, I’m not sure. Wouldn’t surprise me; health care administered by the Catholic Church has a strong history.”

“You said she was strange.”

Nikki nodded. “Maybe
is the wrong word. Don’t get me wrong, she was delighted to have us. She just sounded rather eccentric.”

“Maybe she has a little of what they have,” Brad said, then added so that he didn’t sound demeaning, “Maybe we all do.”

“She said they only accept patients who display exceptional intelligence.”

Brad wasn’t sure what to make of that.

They rounded a bend and saw the large gated entrance immediately. A white sign above the heavy metal gates left no doubt:
. And underneath, a motto of sorts:

A high fence ran in both directions away from the gate—the kind of fence that brought images of concentration camps to mind,
complete with barbed wire and charged lines. Beyond lay a long paved driveway bordered by manicured lawns and tall pine trees.
Brad chuckled appreciatively. The Center for Wellness and Intelligence might be mistaken for an upscale resort.

He rolled up to the guardhouse and presented his identification. “Brad Raines and Nikki Holden here to see Allison Johnson.”

The uniformed man with a badge that said he was Bob nodded and checked his log sheet.

Brad indicated the barbed wire. “Nice fence.”

“It’s not as threatening as it looks.” The guard handed the IDs back. “They installed the barbed wire and monitors last year
after someone broke in and raped two of the residents.” He hit a switch and the gates rolled back. “Head up the driveway,
visitor parking to the left. You’ll find Allison in the reception room.”

“Thank you, Bob.”

“No problem.” He sat down and picked up his phone, probably to report their arrival. A Brad Meltzer novel lay open at his
fingertips. Plenty of time to read out here.

They rolled past the trees toward a circular driveway that rounded a white stone fountain. To their right, a woman wearing
a yellow flowered dress and a large sun hat was trimming bushes that had been sculpted into perfectly formed poodles, a larger
one trailed by three smaller puppies. She waved as they passed, then stopped to watch them.

“Nice,” Brad said.

“Very nice.”

“Is she…”


He pulled into a parking spot reserved for visitors and stepped out into clean, cool mountain air. Birds chirped above them.
Shadowed by a cheerful sun, mountain ramparts towered against the near distance. A loud, distant voice carried to them from
deeper inside the compound. With a glance back, Brad met the eyes of the woman in yellow, who was still staring at him with
fixed interest.

She must have mistaken his glance as an invitation, because the moment she saw his look, she started to walk toward them.
Nikki got out and the woman pulled up, looking from one to the other. Cheerful and harmless looking, she was maybe in her
sixties, with gray hair and bright eyes.

Her eyes settled on Brad. “You are very wonderfully built. I could do you, right here in the bushes. Would you pose for me?
You like my poodles? I started on them this morning, because Sami said he hated dogs. I love dogs and I love pigeons but it
takes twenty-seven pigeons to fill one poodle. Poodles aren’t like rats, because rats breed quickly and eat crackers. My favorite
crackers are sodium-free.”

She said it all with a warm smile.

“Thank you, Flower.” Another gray-haired woman, probably in her early fifties, had appeared from the administration building.
She possessed the lean, compact features of so many foothills residents. Piercing blue eyes, slim wrists sporting a dozen
silver bangles and bracelets of the most intricate design. She was dressed in jeans and a white blouse. Three silver chains,
one supporting a rhinestone-studded cross, hung from her neck. She looked like someone who fully intended to take what life
owed her, but she managed to pull it off without appearing gaudy.

“I think this kind gentleman would look wonderful on our front lawn. What a nice offer.” She looked at Brad with knowing eyes
and winked. “What do you say, Mr. Raines? It would only take her half an hour, she’s quite skilled.”

He was caught flat-footed. This must be Allison Johnson. Was she serious?

“No?” she asked. “We’re in a bit of a rush, are we?”

“Actually, yes, we are a bit pressed for time.”

The administrator addressed Flower, who stared motionless, awaiting a verdict. “I’m sorry, Flower, he’s in a hurry. Can you
do him from memory?”

A grin flashed on Flower’s face, and she spun away without another word. She marched toward the hedges, stopped after ten
paces, and measured him up using her hands to approximate his height and dimensions, then continued in a brisk stride.

“Welcome to CWI,” Allison said. “Please come with me.”

Allison Johnson struck Brad as the kind of woman who’d seen it all and remained both uncompromised and unflappable, a wise
woman who wore her experience with beauty and grace. He found himself immediately drawn in with an ease that unnerved him
a little.

She led them into what looked more like a living room than a reception area. Two high-back chairs in plaid and a gold sofa
surrounded an oval coffee table made of wood. An unlit fireplace beneath a large painting of a seaside Mediterranean village
filled the brick wall adjacent the couch. Large windows looked out to the inner courtyard, and beyond that to a large lawn
with another fountain, several wrought-iron benches, and two sprawling maples. A few residents loitered about the grounds,
some dressed in jeans, others in slacks, one in what appeared to be night clothes or a smock.

Allison faced them. “Would you like to sit inside, or would you rather wander the grounds with me?”

“Well…” Brad still felt oddly off balance.

“They won’t bite, Special Agent Raines. My children are rarely violent.”


“Well, come on—we all like to throw a tantrum now and then.”

Brad nodded at the lawn. “After you, then.”

“A good choice.” She turned and pushed open a glass door. “We are very proud of our home.” A light breeze rustled through
the massive maples’ leaves above them. The setting was entirely serene. Calming.

“So, Mr. Raines, tell me how I can help you.”

“This is Nikki—”

“A forensic psychologist who works with you, yes, she told me. I suspect she knows more than most about what goes on here.”
She paused. “You’re looking for a killer?”

He felt an oddly unsettling sensation. Being stared at. He glanced around and saw that indeed, all eyes from the residents
standing or sitting about the grounds were now fixed on them. It struck Brad that he and Nikki were the spectacle in the zoo
at the moment, not the other way around. To the residents’ way of thinking,
was the intrusion into a perfectly normal world.

“Yes. A pattern killer we’ve dubbed the Bride Collector. He’s taken four women in the last month. We have reason to believe
he intends to take three more. Our team cross-referenced a note he left with mental health care providers in the state and
found a connection to your facility.”

“Residence,” she said. “And please don’t use the terms
mentally ill
around them. It doesn’t sit well with the Monkeys.” She smiled and winked. “May I see it?”

“See what?”

“The note.”

Brad caught Nikki’s inquisitive eye. She seemed fascinated. Perhaps amused. He withdrew a copy from his pocket and handed
it to the administrator. She read it as she strolled, then handed it back. Her smile softened, but he noted that her eyes
had brightened.

“How does he kill them?” she asked.

“We haven’t shared any of this with—”

“Mum’s the word, FBI.”

“All right. It seems that he takes women he considers beautiful, fixes them up to appear without blemish, and then drills
into their heels. He glues them to the wall and lets them bleed to death.”

“Dear me. That’s a ghastly image, isn’t it? The note would suggest classic schizophrenia. What makes you think he’s highly

Nikki responded. “Despite apparent delusions of grandeur indicated by his note, he’s clearly capable of avoiding the typical
mistakes in cases like this. If not for the note, we wouldn’t at first focus on anyone with a history of mental illness. As
you probably know, most pattern killers aren’t mentally ill.”

“Then apart from his use of the words
you have no reason to suspect any connection to the center,” Allison said. She pointed to a round building across the lawn.
“That’s our hub. Game room, gathering room, television, the cafeteria, it’s all centrally located. On either side are two
wings, one reserved for men, one for women. We run a structured schedule and environment to help our residents avoid any confusion.
Our primary objective is to facilitate their reintegration by helping them learn to live
their gifts and challenges. The world’s a hostile environment. We hope to give them the skills they need to navigate it using
all the brilliance God has gifted them with.”

“Gifted?” Nikki said. “Forgive my boldness, but isn’t that just a little naive? Most of humanity sees mental illness as a

“Exactly. That’s the whole point, now isn’t it? We cater to no more than thirty-six residents at any given time, and we are
very careful about who joins us. No criminal records. They or their loved ones must be able to afford our room and board as
well as the nurturing and medical care we give them. They must exhibit a high level of intelligence, indicated by a string
of basic tests we administer ourselves. Currently, over half have tested with IQs that classify them as geniuses. Most are
extraordinarily creative. To the world, they are crazy. In our minds, they are truly gifted individuals. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Nikki raised her brow. “Put like that… I see your point. Why only the intelligent?”

“Ah, why? Yes, of course, why.”

Allison stepped off the walkway and headed toward the trunk of the larger maple, nodding at a young man who stared at them
from a park bench. His plaid shirt was buttoned all the way up. “Hello, Sam. How are you this morning?”

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