The British Billionaire Bachelor, Act Three (12 page)

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“Just like that,” she remarked.

“Just like that,” he grinned.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to how you live,” she commented.

“How we live, Belle,” he corrected her, “and you will.”

Taking her hand he led her across the room, and as he unlocked the door to leave, she turned and looked back.

“I love this room, I love the richness, the smell, everything,” she sighed.

“I do too. I think I’m going to transform my office at Chastworth Hall. Maybe after this Hardcastle business is over with, it will be time to retire the Thomas Crown theme.”

“Can I help?” she asked.

“Of course. I’d be glad of you overseeing it,” he replied, as they made their way towards the stairs to rejoin the party.

“Speaking of Hardcastle, I wonder how Joseph’s getting along,” she mused.

“You and me both,” he replied.


uch to Lucinda’s dismay, she had been seated at one end of the long dining table and Joseph at the other. Robbie Cobalt was next to her, and while she knew the seating was well intentioned by her host, she had no desire to spend the entire meal next to anyone except Joseph, and making the situation even more intolerable was the gorgeous redhead sitting next to him.

The young woman had been introduced as Katherine McManus, and Darren had informed Joseph that she was Scottish and an heiress to a centuries-old and very successful brewery.

“She has five older brothers,” Darren had told him, “and she’s the youngest and the only girl. Apple of her father’s eye, but she can be a bit wild.”

Lucinda couldn’t help but notice the sparkling baubles hanging from her ears, gracing her neck, and dangling from her wrists, and as she had furtively glanced towards Katherine and Joseph during dinner, she could see the perky redhead’s flirtatious manner; it was obvious to Lucinda the girl was taken with the handsome American next to her.

By the time dessert was being served, a rich sponge pudding with custard sauce, Lucinda’s mood had deteriorated from annoyed to angry; Joseph appeared to be flirting back and it was making her crazy.

She was correct, Joseph was flirting back, but it wasn’t because he was attracted to the Scottish lass. He assumed the girl was an effort by Hardcastle to soften him up, and Joseph was simply playing along, but he had caught Lucinda shooting covert glares his way more than once, and he knew she was unhappy at what she was witnessing.

“Joseph, why don’t we take a stroll through the greenhouses after dinner,” Katherine suggested. “We don’t even have to go out into the weather. Darren has created an ingenious covered walkway.”

“As much as I would enjoy that, I’m afraid I can’t let Lucinda out of my sight,” he replied.

“She’ll be safe as houses,” Hardcastle interjected, hearing the exchange. “I’ll take full responsibility.”

Joseph shook his head.

“I appreciate the offer, Darren, really, but I’m on the clock, and I assured her manager and her sister that I would be with her at all times.”

“At all times?” Katherine giggled.

Joseph tactfully ignored the remark and returned to his dessert, hoping Hardcastle would make his move so he and Lucinda could leave.

“There is something I’d like to discuss with you in private,” Darren frowned. “Not sure we can do that if you have to be within earshot of her all evening.”

“Oh, I don’t have to be in earshot, I just have to have my eyes on her,” Joseph responded, relieved Hardcastle had finally broached the subject. “What is it you’d like to talk to me about?”

“Just have an idea that might appeal to you. I was going to suggest some billiards with a few of the chaps. Do you play?”

“I do,” Joseph smiled. He didn’t just play, he’d almost turned pro, and considered the invitation a happy coincidence.

“Excellent. So Katherine here can keep Lucinda company while you and I have a game or two, and a quiet word.”

“I’d like that,” Joseph nodded,
I just hope Lucinda will keep her tongue in check,
and glimpsing in her direction, discovered she had draped her arms around Robbie Cobalt’s neck, and was whispering in his ear. It was obvious she’d decided to fight fire with fire, and as Joseph watched, his concerns grew.

“Looks as if your little actress has found a new friend,” Katherine commented.

“It does,” Joseph replied lightly, hiding the fact that Lucinda’s behavior was beginning to annoy him. It occurred to him that leaving her alone with Katherine was fraught with danger, but as his eyes moved from Lucinda back to the spirited redhead, an idea flashed through his mind. He could turn a potential disadvantage into an opportunity; a lesson he had learned as a marine.

At the other end of the table, Lucinda was becoming increasingly frustrated. She had teased and flirted and whispered in Robbie’s ear, but he simply wasn’t responding, and she couldn’t understand why her charms were lost on the handsome rocker. What she didn’t know, what few people in the world knew, was that Robbie was gay. He was always seen with a gorgeous girl on his arm, but his heart belonged to a young man named Jeremy, and it was how Darren Hardcastle controlled him.

Darren had signed the talented young singer years before, after discovering him in a basement rock club. With his connections and savvy, Darren had turned him into a star, but when his contract expired, and Robbie wanted to leave to sign with different management, paying less of a percentage and having more say in his career, Darren had done what Darren did best.

Played dirty.

Knowing of Robbie’s fervent desire to keep his sexuality a secret, Darren had managed to record a video of Robbie and his lover. When Robbie had seen it he’d been utterly mortified, and was forced to not only renew his contract, but give up an additional ten-percent as punishment. Robbie had been at Darren’s beck and call ever since.

Coffee was served, and Joseph watched with growing concern as Lucinda’s behavior grew increasingly physical. The more Robbie turned a cold shoulder, the more aggressive she became. When Hardcastle stood up and suggested the party move into the reception room for after-dinner cocktails, Joseph said a silent prayer of thanks, and telling Darren he’d join him in the billiard room shortly, he moved quickly to Lucinda’s side.

The dinner guests were standing and mingling, slowly making their way from the room, and as he approached he saw a look in Robbie’s eyes that surprised him; the rocker wanted to escape. Lucinda was a beautiful young woman, and she was literally throwing herself at him, but Robbie wanted no part of her advances.

“I need to talk to you for a moment,” Joseph said calmly, taking her elbow.

“I’m busy with Robbie,” she replied tersely. “He’s telling me all about how he runs marathons and does rock climbing to stay in shape. Tell me more, Robbie,” she purred.

“I, uh, have to mingle,” Robbie replied diplomatically, “but it was great to meet you, and good luck with the movie.”

“Yes, Joseph, what is it?” Lucinda asked impatiently, turning to face him. “Robbie and I were hitting it off, like you and that redhead.”

Gripping her arm he moved her to a corner of the room, smiling at the other guests as they passed. Finally alone, he did a quick scan and saw that Hardcastle and Katherine had left, and there were only a few loiterers finishing their coffee and conversation at the table.

“Listen to me very carefully,” he said firmly.

“I don’t have to listen to anything you say,” she quipped. “You don’t own me.”

“No, but I’ll be happy to put you over my knee in front of all these people if you don’t pay attention,” he threatened, though in the circumstances he wouldn’t have, but she didn’t know that.

“You wouldn’t dare,” she scoffed.

“You wanna roll those dice?” he asked, locking her eyes.

“Not particularly,” she frowned, her bluster evaporating.

“Then listen to me. I am not, I repeat, I am not interested in Katherine McManus, or anyone else. I was simply responding to her for the sake of our host. There’s more going on here than you know.”

“Uh-huh,” she replied sarcastically.

“Lucinda, I mean it,” he growled, “and you can either help me, or-”

“What do you mean, help you?” she interrupted, her jealous anger abruptly fading.

“I’m going to play pool with Darren, and Katherine McManus will be keeping you company,” he began. “If she asks you anything about me, or Simon, tell her that Simon and I barely know each other, but on the few occasions we’ve met it’s been like oil and water. Can you do that for me?”

“What’s this all about?” she asked, completely intrigued.

“I’ll tell you later, but it’s extremely important. Don’t be obvious, just-”

“Please, I’m an actress, remember?” she replied, rolling her eyes, “and I’ll do it on one condition, if you’ll let me sleep in your bed again tonight,” she purred.

“That’s blackmail!”

“No, it’s just my condition,” she quipped.

“Okay, Lucinda,” he agreed, not having the time or inclination to argue,
and yes, it is blackmail, and you’re going to get your bottom tanned for it.

They headed into the reception room and found Katherine wandering through the guests looking for them.

“Ah, there you are,’ she smiled. “Darren has asked me to show you to the game room.”

“Lead the way,” Joseph replied, and with a gentle hand on Lucinda’s back, he guided her in front of him.

The game room was exactly as Joseph imagined it would be, larger than life, with two gorgeous game tables, one for pocket billiards, otherwise known as pool, the other for English Billiards, the modern day version of the centuries-old game. There was also an antique juke box, a dart board, a full wet bar, and bronzes of race horses were strategically placed on pedestals, while various paintings depicting sporting events graced the walls.

“What would you like to drink?” Darren asked.

“Nothing for me, thank you,” Joseph replied. He hadn’t touched a drop of anything throughout the evening, wishing to retain his sharp edge.


“Champagne, please,” she replied.

Darren lifted his hand and a young man stepped forward.

“Glass of Dom for the young lady,” Darren directed, “and bring me another scotch.”

The waiter nodded and disappeared, and Darren made a move towards the cues lined up against the wall, gesturing for Joseph to join him, while Katherine led Lucinda off towards the juke box.

“Lovely lass that Katherine,” Darren remarked.

“She is,” Joseph agreed.

“Close friend of mine. Do just about anything for me,” Darren continued.

“Close friends, especially attractive ones like that, are always nice to have,” Joseph chuckled, playing along.

“Are you attached, Joseph?” Darren asked.


“If you’d like her number I’m sure she’d be happy to spend some time with you,” Darren winked.

“Ah, very kind, but I really am unavailable for such things on this trip,” Joseph replied.

They each selected a cue and made their way to the pool table, the billiards table already in use.

“Are you interested in making a bit of extra cash while you’re here?” Darren asked casually as they began to play.

“I’m always interested in making money,” Joseph smiled, “but as I told you, my days are spoken for.”

“What I have in mind wouldn’t take you away from your responsibilities,” Darren replied.

Purposely missing a shot and relinquishing his turn, Joseph stood up and walked over to him.

“You’ve got my attention,” he said quietly, “but if it’s anything illegal…”

“Not at all,” Darren responded shaking his head.

“Then, sure,” Joseph nodded. “What is it you need?”

“Give me your mobile number and I’ll call you. Just need to check a few things,” Darren replied, bending down to line up his cue.

“I’ll make sure you have it before I leave,” Joseph replied, moving away, leaving him to make his shot.

The soft murmurs of several conversations had been the only sound in the room, until the mellow chords of a 1950s Sam Cooke song filled the air.


Darling, you send me

I know you send me

Darling, you send me

Honest, you do, honest, you do

Honest, you do


As Darren studied his shot, Joseph glanced across at the juke box. Katherine was flipping through the song choices, Lucinda next to her, but as Joseph’s gaze touched her, Lucinda turned around and caught his eye, the lyrics of the love song floating between them.


Ohhh, you thrill me

I know you, you, you thrill me

Darling, you, you, you thrill me

Honest, you do


A surge of emotion filled his heart, and his unspoken words sparkled across the room. Lucinda heard, and smiled.


hough the conversation on the drive home had been about Simon, Simon’s father, and Darren Hardcastle, it merely served as a thin crust covering what was actually happening between them. The air was electric, and while Joseph knew what he was feeling, he had grave concerns about a relationship with the highly strung actress. Not her personality, he knew he could manage that, but the differences in their lifestyle. Lucinda, however, had no such worries; she was too caught up in her emotions.

The air between them was crackling as they rode the elevator to the second floor, and when they entered their suite Lucinda immediately headed towards his room, but Joseph paused, standing just inside the door. Realizing he wasn’t behind her, Lucinda stopped and turned, staring at him quizzically.

Two small table lamps offered the only light, but it was enough for him to see her expression. He knew why she didn’t understand his hesitation, it made no sense. The energy between them was alive and sparkling; why was he waiting there, unmoving?

They stood, staring at each other in frozen silence. Lucinda was afraid if she moved or spoke it would break their spell and he would reject her, and Joseph, caught like a deer in headlights, wanted her desperately, but didn’t trust what that might mean.

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