The Broken H (8 page)

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Authors: J. L. Langley

Tags: #m/m romance, #Western

BOOK: The Broken H
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Shane kissed Gray’s shoulder, rubbing his face against the other man’s chest, then rolled over, slipping wetly from Gray’s body as he did so. Scooting up, he snuggled the younger man’s head against his own chest. He loved the way Gray felt in his arms. Hell, maybe he
old. But as long as Gray didn’t mind the thirteen years between them, he wasn’t going to let it bother him.

“’Night, old man.”

Shane smiled against the dark-brown hair, kissed the top of Gray’s head and pinched Gray’s arm. “’Night, you little shit!”

Chapter Seven

“I look like an idiot!”

Gray grinned and leaned over Shane’s shoulder, peering into the little mirror on the optometrist’s assistant’s desk. “I don’t think so, chief. I think they make you look…distinguished, sexy even.”

Shane snorted. “Distinguished is just a fancy word for old.”

Gray chuckled and stood up. “I give!”

The assistant, her name tag said, “Rosy,” winked at Gray. “I agree with him, Mr. Cortez. I think they are very attractive on you.”

Shane rolled his eyes at them both while he still examined his reflection. “Well, I don’t guess it matters, anyway. I can see and that’s what counts.”

“That’s right. So, get used to them because I’m going to tell my deputies to stop you and harass you every time they see you driving without them.” And he would, too. He’d be damned if he let Shane’s vanity get him killed.

Shane glared at him in the mirror. “You wouldn’t dare!”

Gray shrugged and quirked a brow. He didn’t want to get into this now. They needed to get a bite, then return to the hospital. But since they were already at the mall, maybe they’d look around and find his dad some sort of get well gift. He nudged Shane’s shoulder. “Come on, old man, we have places to go, stomachs to fill and people to see.”

Shane frowned at his mirror reflection one last time, then stood, grumbling something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like, “little shit.” He thanked Rosy, took the glasses case she offered him and turned and pushed Gray toward the door.

Once they got out of the LensCrafters store and into the mall, Gray leaned over and whispered in Shane’s ear. “You really
look hot in those glasses, chief. They make you look really smart.”

Shane thumped Gray on his shoulder. “I
really smart.”

Gray smiled. That much was true. From what Gray knew, Shane had taken all advanced placement classes in high school and graduated at the top of his class a year early. He’d turned down a full academic scholarship to the University of Texas so he could replace the Broken H’s elderly foreman. Shane had had a head for business and the ranch had flourished under his management. Gray had never met anyone that could do math in their head faster than Shane, and as a teenager, Gray had taken full advantage of it. His philosophy had been who needed a calculator when he had Shane. Unfortunately, it hadn’t taken Shane long to figure out why Gray followed him around with his algebra homework in hand. Yeah, Chief had put a stop to that pretty quick.

Gray leaned in close again so that only Shane could hear him. “Yup, I know, but did you know I have a thing for sexy smart guys? Do you have any idea what I’d like to do to those glasses?”

A smile tugged at Shane’s lips, and he raised an eyebrow. “With them on my face or off?”

“Well, what fun would it be to do it with them off?”

Shane’s steps faltered, and he cleared his throat. “Behave. Good Lord, I had no idea you were such a pervert and you an officer of the law, too.” He tsked.

Gray would have kept teasing but his pants were getting a little tight in the zipper area, and he really didn’t want to be walking through the mall with a boner.

“Besides, I’d rather you show me than tell me.” Shane winked, his hand brushing against Gray’s briefly.

Gray growled. Yeah, he actually freaking growled. Damn Shane, Gray’s cock was not going to get any softer with that little remark.

“Problems, Grayson?”

“Just one.” He smiled, baring his teeth and fluttering his lashes.

Shane shook his head, grinning from ear to ear. “But you’d have to clean them afterward.”

“Clean what?”

“My glasses.”

Gray groaned. “Oh, God…”

A clopping noise came up fast behind them, then a hand landed on his shoulder and Shane’s from behind. It startled the arousal right out of him. He pivoted sharply to find Jamie Killian.

“Keep walking! Go, go, go…” Jamie wore a pair of khaki shorts that hung just above his knees, a white Kenny Chesney t-shirt, a beige ball cap and a pair of flip flops, hence explaining the clopping noise. He looked at the direction he came from them, then gave both Shane and Gray a little nudge to get them moving again.

Shane chuckled and obliged him by walking forward. “Hey, Jamie. What are you doing here?”

“Birthday present shopping. How ‘bout y’all?” Jamie’s forehead creased as he squeezed between them. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the two of you together.” He shrugged and peered at Gray. “How’s your daddy?”

Gray glanced behind them to see if he could figure out who Jamie was hiding from. “He had a double bypass yesterday, but he’s doing good. We went to see him this morning in CCU. He was still pretty out of it after they took him off the ventilator, so we came to do some shopping and get some grub, then we’re going back.”

“Great, glad to hear it. I like your dad. He’s a nice guy. You need anything? I ordered some flowers to be sent up to the hospital this morning.”

“Thank you, Jamie.”

“You’re welcome. I didn’t figure your dad would care too much for the flowers, but I know your mama will like them. And at least he’ll know we’re thinking about him.” Jamie cast a furtive glance over his shoulder.

Shane looked as well, then shook his head, grinning. “Who are you buying a birthday present for? And who are you hiding from?”

“Ethan. Oh, hey, that reminds me, Gray. You still coming over to play poker next Tuesday night?”

Gray shrugged and eyed Shane. Jamie did, too. Then his eyes went from Gray to Shane again, obviously putting two and two together and coming up with the correct result. A huge smile appeared on his face and he chuckled.

“Shane, of course, is welcome to join us. I was planning on having cake and ice cream since Ethan’s birthday is the next day, but don’t bring presents. He made me promise I wouldn’t throw a birthday party. Just get some beer or snacks or something.”

Shane smiled. “We’d love to come.”

“Cool!” Jamie clapped Shane on the back. “You’ll have to start coming to our weekly poker games. Right now it’s just me, Ethan, Gray, John and Royal. Sometimes Bill and sometimes one of our three hands, but there’s always room for one more.”

Gray chuckled at Jamie’s excitement. “Come on, spill. Who the heck are you hiding from?”

“Julia. She made me go into Victoria’s Secret.” Jamie gave an exaggerated shudder. “God, I don’t know what was the worst, the lady with the huge boobs and way too much perfume flirting with me, the creepy bald biker guy leering at me while he was waiting for his girlfriend or the three girl teens asking me if I preferred thong panties or bikini bottoms.” He shuddered again and made loud gagging noises.

Gray and Shane cracked up.

“Yeah, you two laugh, but y’all didn’t have to experience it! I mean, it was bad enough that she made me go in there in the first place, but then she made me wait while she tried on a bra and left me standing outside the dressing room. It was positively frightening!”

Shane stopped snickering long enough to ask, “So you hightailed it when she was in the dressing room?”

“You bet your ass I did!”

“James Wyatt Killian!”

Jamie winced as his sister’s voice reached them. Gray and Shane laughed even harder.

Julia stomped up to them and grabbed Jamie by an ear. Jamie squeaked and looked at Gray pleadingly. “Arrest her for assault!” Shane practically had tears in his eyes by this time and Gray couldn’t catch his breath, he was so amused.

“He can’t arrest me. He isn’t in uniform and he’s out of his jurisdiction!” Julia smiled at Shane. “Hi, Mr. Cortez.” She glared at Gray. “Don’t even think about arresting me, Gray!” She pointed a finger in Jamie’s face and tugged on his ear harder. “I can’t believe you did that! You deserted me!”

“Well, you deserted me first. That bald biker waggled his eyebrows at me, and the chick with the huge ta-tas tried to grope me!” Jamie didn’t exactly whine, but it was a close thing.

Julia sighed heavily and shook her head, finally letting go of her younger brother. “Bye, Gray. Bye, Mr. Cortez.”

Shane and Gray gasped their farewells in unison, both holding onto their bellies.

“His name is Shane, and he’s not that much older than you,” Jamie grumbled.

Julia rolled her eyes and shoved him in the back. “Bye, y’all.”

Gray and Shane looked at each other and burst into open laughter again as Julia pushed her much larger but younger brother, directing him back to the lingerie store.

“Oh, man! I’m so glad I don’t have a sister!”

Shane nodded. “Sisters can be tedious, I’ll give you that.”

Gray sobered. Shane never talked about his family. In all the years Gray had known him, he never mentioned them. All Gray knew was that Shane had been kicked out of his home when he was sixteen and he’d ended up in Texas. “You have a sister?”

Shane’s smile faded. “I used to.”

Gray hadn’t thought too much on Shane’s past. It had never mattered. But now…it still didn’t matter, but Gray was curious. “You do?”

“Yeah. Come on, let’s go find something for your dad and grab a bite to eat.”

Gray hesitated a moment, debating whether he should continue to ask questions. What was the worse Shane could do? Get mad and not talk to him? He was certain he could kiss the man out of the sulks. “What’s her name?”


“Is she older or younger than you?”

“Younger.” Shane’s voice was getting more and more clipped as he answered.

He knew he was pushing his luck, but Gray couldn’t help himself. “Do you have any brothers?”

“No. It was just me and Sarah.”

“Why haven’t you kept in contact with—”

“Gray.” Shane stopped to stare at him, face hard and remote. “I don’t want to talk about it. Sarah feels the same way my parents do about me. Leave it alone.”

Gray sighed. Clearly now wasn’t the right time to learn why Shane’s parents had kicked out their only son and eldest child, but he could afford to be patient. Shane wasn’t going anywhere and neither was he. He grabbed Shane’s hand and squeezed, then let go. “Sorry, chief.”

Shane nodded. After a few more seconds, he grinned. “It’s okay. I have a great family now. In fact, we need to hurry, so we can go see them at the hospital.”

* * *

Shane hadn’t even gotten his key in the lock when Gray’s hand cupped his ass, then slid around and grabbed his dick through his jeans. “Wait until we get in the house.”

All his admonishing got him was a grumble, then Gray pushed aside his hair, which Gray had unbraided earlier in the day after they’d left the mall. “Hurry up.”

As soon as the door opened, Gray herded him inside and locked it. Shane’s back hit the door with a thud as Gray’s mouth crashed down on his. The kiss was hard, rough. Gray’s hands were everywhere, Shane’s chest, waist, crotch, then he grabbed two handfuls of Shane’s butt and hauled him up against him. Their cocks pressed into each other and Gray grunted into his mouth.

Shane relaxed and went with the passion. Gray needed and he would give, just as he’d always done when Gray had wanted something.

Gray pulled back, his green eyes glazed. “God, chief, I’ve been wanting you all day. Watching you in those tight jeans…your hair swaying over that fine ass…those glasses—” Gray moaned, sounding horny as hell, and dove back into the kiss. Soon his mouth moved down Shane’s neck, nipping and licking, stopping to suck every now and again.

Shane hadn’t even realized Gray had unfastened his jeans till one of his lover’s big hands had shoved his jeans and underwear down. The next thing he knew, Gray’s other hand was wrapped around his throbbing cock. Shane bucked up into that tight fist, doing some moaning of his own. “What do you want? Anything you want, love…”

“I want to suck you. To feel you in my mouth.” Gray dropped to his knees in front of him.

Shane groaned, his hips bucking toward Gray. Those bright green eyes caught his as Gray guided Shane’s prick into his mouth.
Oh, Jesus!
Shane’s cock jerked at the sight. His fingers flexed, itching to grab that handsome dark head, but he restrained himself and flattened his palms against the door as Gray began to bob up and down, taking his cock in and in and in. Damn, he was good at this. No gagging, no teasing, he just went for it—and the man could go so far down.

Gray moaned around his prick, then grabbed Shane’s hands, guiding them to his face and coming up for air. “Touch me. Fuck my mouth,” Gray whispered against Shane’s hip before capturing his prick in his hot wet mouth again. He released Shane’s hands and clasped Shane’s dick with one hand while the other pushed his jeans further down and cupped his balls.

Shane’s fingers tightened in Gray’s hair. He watched as Gray engulfed him, his lover making all sorts of needy sounds as he swallowed Shane whole. Incredibly, the man was obviously enjoying himself almost as much as Shane was. The fading sunlight coming through the window glinted off Gray’s dark hair, making the red stand out. His lover was beautifully masculine and all grown up. Oh, God, yes, this was

Shane gripped Gray’s head and steadily fucked his mouth, his hips pushing his cock all the way to the back of Gray’s throat. Gray didn’t seem to mind much; in fact, he appeared to love it. His lusty moans and grunts got louder. One hand tugged on his own balls, the other released Shane’s to squeeze the base of his prick. Gray’s back stiffened slightly and his groans became low and drawn out, but he didn’t stop sucking Shane.

Holy Christ!
Gray had actually gotten off by blowing him. “Ah, fuck!” Shane’s own climax raced up his spine and spilled out of him. He arched his back against the door, holding Gray’s head tight, and shot his come down the back of that strong throat. And, damn, if Gray didn’t gulp it all down.

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