The Broken Parts Of Us (18 page)

BOOK: The Broken Parts Of Us
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His small pants and gasps tighten my throat; I’m not a man of emotion, but fuck if he didn’t bring emotion out of me. “Jasp,” I murmur.

His body shifts from mine. I turn to see him now on his side, facing away from me with his arm covering his face, his body shaking with a sob.

“It’s okay,” I assure him over and over, bringing my body against his, cradling him against me. I gently lower his arm, his piercing blues look like crystals shining from the tears that coat them. I stroke the damp from his cheeks with the pad of my thumb. “It’s okay, Jasp.”

Leaning down, I brush my lips with his. His brow furrows and I feel the tension leave his body. My cock stiffens against him, still seeping from the release he had given me moments before. I watch acceptance flash in his eyes and then his hand reaches up to grasp my face, bringing his lips back to mine in a hungry kiss, his tongue massaging mine.

My hands roam his body, committing every dip and muscle into my memory. He is beautiful, God, like perfection, toned and sculpted. Tanned and smooth, tall perfection.

I drop my lips to the curve of his neck, biting my way along his shoulder. His ass grinds against me while my hands find his rock hard cock standing proud up his stomach. I stroke him gently, taking my time to worship him. He thrusts with my strokes, building momentum, building the fire that blazes inside us both. “More, Jasp. Fuck my hand. Give me your release.”

His breathing picks up with his forward thrusts. I push against him, grinding my cock into the crease of his ass cheeks. “Oh fuck, I’m gonna come,” he moans and I have to hold back my own release screaming at me to coat his skin with my scent, my essence.

I feel his body tense; his cock pulsates in my hand, then floods my fist with his seed. I capture it in my hand and pump until the last drops leave him. The air is thick with our body heat, the light mist of sweat clinging to our bodies, making us glide effortlessly against each other.

I use his come to coat my fingers, and then coat my cock, still slick from my own come. I rub his ass cheeks with my palm before slipping my finger against his tight ring, pushing past the muscle. His body tenses then relaxes as I pump in and out, still grinding my body with his.

My lips seek his, mashing together in an unhurried intimate dance of lips and tongues. I push a second finger inside him, stroking in delicate movements to stretch and ready him.

I pull my fingers free and line my cock up against him. “You ready, Jasp?”

 He pushes his ass against me, giving me the signal he wants this. I slowly push in, our mixed come giving me the help I need to slip in past the tight muscle. He’s so fucking tight, squeezing my shaft in his heat and I have to pause and take a few deep breaths. I control my breathing and the urge to come and relax against his back. My arm comes around his chest, my lips against his ear and I thrust forward, relishing in his moan of pleasure.

“Jasp, you feel incredible.”

I pull back, then thrust harder. He’s everything I imagined and more. I love him and I have him here in my arms, my cock buried inside him, and in this moment, he is mine.

We move in sync, his body against mine, and our movements pick up speed and need as our bodies build to climax. I power forward, rocking into him and grip his chest tight. I bite down on his shoulder in bliss of our climax.

 It shatters me, roaring from me in a tidal wave of built up longing for him. Nothing can ever take this moment from me and as I pump my release inside him, I feel nirvana for the first time in my life. Mya’s death, my Mom’s abandonment, River’s trauma, being shot. Nothing mattered; nothing could undermine how amazing this moment feels. He has given me freedom, peace for the first time since Mya, and I fall more in love with him, more than ever before.


* * * * *


I wake from the heat against my body. It’s new for me to wake with someone against me in my bed. Jasper’s scent is emanating from him, occupying my senses and thoughts; I know he’ll be sore today, so my thickening cock against him makes me groan in frustration. I trace kisses along his shoulder, arousing him from slumber.

He grinds into me making me catch my breath in a gasp. “Shower, Jasp,” I groan and thrust against him once before making my way to the shower.

My body has an entrancing ache all over, making me re-live the night before’s incredible development.

I turn the water on and step into the spray. The water massages my sensitive skin, the steam soothing the ache in my muscles. I feel the breeze of the door opening before his presence suffocates all my senses and I welcome the strength of it.

I turn to face him, the water leaving a silk like glow to his skin; his eyes are fixated on my growing erection standing to welcome him. His hand reaches and closes around it, the heat and feel of his palm sealed around my shaft makes my head roll back on my shoulders.

His movement is hesitant at first; his breathing is increasing with his fist strokes and I force myself to look at him; the steam billowing around his perfect form, his crystal blues dreamily regarding my cock as his fist fucks me.

I look down to watch his thumb slowly swipe the beading come at the tip. He rubs the pad of his thumb in a circular movement over the head as his palm stokes my shaft in firm powerful thrust. I move my hips to meet his movements, the intensity growing and tightening my balls; his hand reaches out to cup them, gently squeezing.

I feel the tingle race up my spine; his abs tighten as the string of hot come coats Jasper’s navel, the sight of my seed on his skin making me come harder, spiralling out, marking him as mine. In this moment he is all mine.





t’s just something I need to get out my system, we both said that the first night after the shower, but all week was the same routine. Crawl out of Derek’s bed, fuck in the shower, go to work, avoid all eye contact and any other contact with Sammy, go check on Hannah, leave as quickly as I came. Go home and fuck Derek.

He’s an addiction I never knew I would be hooked on, but I am. I’m hooked and flying high on the feelings pulsating through me. I feel alive; every molecule comes to life when he’s touching me. I feel wanted in a completely different way to anything I’ve ever experienced before him and it’s scary as fuck and soothing all at the same time.

Sammy knows something is off with me. We’ve never had a rift between us before. I’m just absolutely terrified that he’ll see the facts in my eyes and the thought of him judging me and changing how he feels about me is something I’m not willing to risk.

Sammy isn’t homophobic and I’m not gay, but the fact it’s Derek, and then there’s Kyra and Hannah. None of them need to know. I’ll still be marrying Hannah and then my baby will come along, and everything will change again.

I slump into the mattress as my thoughts sour my mood, draining me. I fucking hate the mess I got myself into. The alert tone on my laptop notifies me my dad is Skyping me. I click accept and see the frosted white tips of my dad’s once brown mop of hair. His eyes scan the screen; he has lines around his eyes that show the toll life has had on him, but that doesn’t detract from the fact he is a handsome man.

“Hey, son.” He waves.

“Hey, Pop.” I shift the screen so I’m visible to him on his.

“You’re looking well.”

“Thanks, Pop, you too. So what’s new with you?”

I see something cross his features, but it’s gone before I can identify it. “I was thinking of coming for a visit in a couple of weeks.” 

I’m twenty-eight, but I’m still a son and I miss him. “That would be great, Dad. I actually have somethings to talk to you about.”

He silently observes me before grinning. “That you do, son. Looking forward to seeing you. I’ll email you with confirmed dates.”

“Okay, sounds good.”

“Great. Well, take care, and Jasp… That’s a good look on you.”

“What is?”

“Content, happy.”

I adjust the screen, so he can’t see the blush and guilt taking over my face. I’m turning into a bloody woman.
Me, blushing.
But he’s right; I’ve never felt more content or happy than when I’m with Derek.

“Bye Jasp, I love you, son.”

“Love you too, Dad. Bye.”

I disconnect the call. Derek is working a new case, so he asked me to take Kyra apartment hunting. It’ll be the first time seeing her since I freaked out a week ago. Derek is still acting overprotective of her wellbeing despite the fact that the creep who was preying on young women, including her, has now been caught.

I’m pleased, but also have a slight twinge of jealousy; in which direction, I’m not sure. Spending time with Kyra is always a test for me. Like Derek, she has an enticement that draws me in. I always feel like I can be me when I’m with her. She doesn’t scrunch her nose up when I swear, or roll her eyes at my jokes. She just gets me and laughs along beside me. She is a rare find like River: kind, caring, loving, passionate, and beautiful. Beyond beautiful.

“Jasp, we’re here,” River calls up the stairs.

I pocket my wallet and keys, and make my way down to them. I didn’t know River was going to come in. I thought she was just dropping Kyra off. I feel the nerves bustling in my veins; I try to shake it off, but River, like Sammy, is observant and when it comes to me, reads me like a book.

She’s already quirking her brow at me as I come down to greet them. She looks behind me, then up the stairs. “You have someone up there?”

I notice Kyra’s smile fall from her pretty face, her eyes going big and round. “You’ve been around Sammy too long. You think really shitty of me, River.”

“You just look glowy and guilty, baby, which I know comes after dirty sex.” She winks. It’s my turn to scrunch my nose. River is hot, and as a male, I can appreciate that. I also had a very brief sexual encounter with her years ago when Sammy made me silence her moans with my tongue in her mouth, but that was a lifetime ago and she’s my family now, so the thought of Sammy violating her in all the filthy ways I knew he would, weren’t images I wanted.

Her mouth pops open. “You scrunched your nose at me!”

“I don’t want to think about you and Sammy doing dirty sex. You’re a mom.”

She puts her hands on her hips and glares at me. “You are unbelievable.”

I grin. “I know.” I waggle my eyebrows.

“And there he is.” Shaking her head, she turns from us. “Have fun,” she calls over her shoulder.

I turn to Kyra. Her red locks bundled on top of her head have a few strands falling into her face, and her pouty, suckable lips have a gloss over them like an invitation to taste them. Fuck it. Five minutes and I was already at half-mast.

“Thanks for doing this, Jasper. I told Derek I could go on my own, but you know how he gets,” she mumbles, handing over the property list.

“You know I don’t mind, Ky. Come on, let’s find you a place.”

Her light foot falls follow behind me.


* * * * *


The first place is a little small, but the area seems nice and the neighbour is friendly when slipping me her number as soon as Kyra’s back is turned.

“We offer amenities with the price. It’s semi furnished, and a deposit is required. Feel free to look around,” the middle aged estate agent tells us, her smile as false as her tits.

“Thanks.” Kyra tucks a fallen strand of hair behind her ear. “What do you think?”

I look round at the old as fuck couch and the amateur paint work. I could fuck her on that breakfast bar. I walk to the bedroom; the bed dominates, leaving a four foot border. It has a slated headboard; I could tie her to that and explore every inch of that untouched body.

Oh, God!
The thought of being the man to discover those hidden delights. The bathroom door is open, showing the medium sized shower cubicle. Images of Derek wet, glistening and hard as rock from this morning filter in
. Fuck!
Sammy and River are right, that is all I’m about.

“Jasp, what do you think?” Derek’s image fades as Kyra speaks.

“It’s small and Derek would kick my ass if I let you have something that’s smaller than what you’re already in.”

She looks around and shrugs. “It’s a better area.”

“Let’s look at the others, Ky.”

The next place is well-maintained. The kitchen is clean and a good size; the bedroom could fit me and Derek in here with her. I check the closet space.

A high pitched scream resonates off the walls.  I dart to her; she’s standing on the kitchen counter with her arms wrapped tightly around her chest and she’s doing the fucking two step with her feet.

She’s pale white. “What happened?” I ask, out of breath from the heart attack and mini sprint to get to her.

“A mouse. Oh God, a mouse.” 

I look to where she’s waving her hand and see the tiniest, little creature I’ve ever seen. It’s quite fearless for something so small. I bend down to grab it and jump after another screech from Kyra.  “Don’t touch it.” She over pronounces the word

“Everything okay in here?” the estate agent asks, coming in from outside after trying to give us privacy for viewing.

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