The Butterfly Conspiracy (7 page)

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Authors: James Nelson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery

BOOK: The Butterfly Conspiracy
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Rich, dark mahogany covered the walls of the hall.
As far as Stephen was concerned, all that was missing from the hallways were the cobwebs he remembered from the spooky mansion in the movie.

Jeanette swung
open the door to his room.
Stephen’s suite was large and consisted of a bedroom, a bathroom, and a small living room/study area.
Large windows faced manicured grounds which ran to the edge of a cliff.
A low stone wall ran along the cliff’s edge.

Jeanette and Stephen walked to the windows.
The waves of
Lake Superior
could be seen lapping the shore hundreds of feet below.

“This is spectacular!”
Stephen marveled. “I feel dizzy just looking at such a drop.”

“Set your bags down and I’ll show you the third floor,” Jeanette said.

On the way upstairs, Stephen asked, “How long have you worked for my uncle?”

“I’ve been working here at Cliffside Manor ever since I was 16, doing one job or another.
Two years ago, I got the personal assistant job, and I love it.
I get to meet many famous Hollywood types, directors, producers, and actors.”

Stephen asked, “I noticed another house sitting to the left and behind the mansion.
What’s that for? More guests?”
For a brief second a cloud crossed Jeanette’s face.

“No, that’s a cottage where your uncle’s friend, Britt Adolfson, the Swedish actress, lives.
She starred in many of his movies.”

“Oh, Britt.
Yes, Uncle Phillip mentioned her when he visited us a few years ago. Has she been in any movies recently?”

“I don’t think she’s very interested in acting these days.
Your Uncle keeps asking her to go with him on his trips back to
, but she hardly ever does.”

“It does seem very relaxing here.” Stephen mentioned.

Jeanette stopped at the top of the stairs.
“The main rooms on the third floor are the billiards room, the library, and the theater where we screen movies.
There are also two additional guest rooms, a gym and along the back is a terrace that overlooks

“You have a gym?” Stephen asked.

“Yes, but nobody ever uses it, except for our guard.
He wanted a place where he could work out with his weights and punching bag, so Mr. Kahle set up a room for him.”

“A guard?”

“Yes, we have a guard that lives on the property.”
Jeanette directed Stephen into the library.
“You have to see this room.
I love the floor to ceiling windows and the books, of course.

Stephen surveyed the room with its leather armchairs, Tiffany lamps, and the spectacular view of the lake.

Jeanette continued, “It’s nice to spend rainy days here getting lost in a book.”

“Yes, this would be the perfect place to hibernate.”

As they left the library, Jeanette closed the heavy oak doors and walked down to the end of the hallway.
“This is the theater room.
Your uncle has equipped this room with a large projection screen that drops from the ceiling, a seating area with twenty theater seats, a bar area, and a huge selection of movie reels.
He’s got all the movies he produced and directed, of course, but he’s also very proud of his collection of black and white movie reels.
I think they are his favorites.”

Stephen walked around the room thinking how great it would be to have your own movie theater.

“I hope you like scary movies, Stephen, because your uncle’s collection is one of the best.
I guess that’s where he gets his inspiration from.”

They left the theater and walked back down to the second level to Stephen’s room.

“That’s the tour, why don’t you take some time to relax, put your things away and meet your uncle downstairs in an hour or so for lunch.”

Stephen watched as Jeanette left his room.
He had a feeling this was going to be a very special summer.
Stephen sat on the bed and looked around his suite.
He had to hand it to Uncle Phillip.
The dark wood, the antiques, everything in the room could have been taken directly from a movie set.

Stephen walked to the far side of the room and opened two windows. A smell of fresh pine filled the air.
He could hear the rhythmic sound of Lake Superior’s pounding surf.
I’m going to love sleeping with that sound in the background, Stephen thought to himself.
He unpacked his bags and stored his belongings in the big closet and numerous drawers in the antique dresser.
He stretched out on the bed and quickly fell asleep.

Once again, he dreamed of Jill.
This time he was sitting on a large boulder next to a waterfall.
In his dream he was calling her name.
Jill approached him from a watery mist and put her hand softly on his shoulder.
He turned around and they were embracing.
He was thrilled that they were together again.

Stephen woke up and glanced around.
He was alone in the room.
His sudden joy evaporated like the dream.
Rubbing his eyes and yawning, Stephen got up and straightened the comforter on the bed.
He wondered if he would ever reach a point when Jill was either not on his mind or surfacing in his subconscious. Stephen glanced at the clock on the nightstand.
It was seven minutes past
He splashed some water on his face, combed his hair and headed downstairs.

As he entered the dining room, he saw his uncle was sitting next to a beautiful blonde.
Stephen presumed she was Britt Adolfson. They were deep in conversation.
As soon as Stephen entered the room, Uncle Phillip stood up and introduced him.

“Britt, this is my nephew, from
New York City
As I mentioned, he will be spending the summer here at Cliffside Manor before heading back east to attend art school in the fall.”

“Stephen, so nice to finally meet you.
Did you have a nice nap?”
Britt rose from the table and gave him a big hug.

Stephen was not prepared for this. Britt’s hair was in his face.
It smelled wonderful and felt soft.
During her embrace, she pressed her body snuggly into his.
Stephen stood still, his arms hanging straight down at his sides. Finally Britt let go and Uncle Phillip motioned for Stephen to take a seat at the table.

Still somewhat unnerved, Stephen replied, “Yes, I fell asleep right away.
My room is spectacular and I could hear the waves from the lake.”

Jeanette entered the room and sat at the table across from Uncle Phillip.
A short grey haired woman wearing an apron entered the dining room and placed bowls of homemade vegetable soup in front of everyone.

“Stephen, I’d like you to meet Cora Ingebritzen.”
Phillip introduced.
“She’s the best cook you could ever find.
I can thank her personally for adding two inches of girth to my stomach.”
Everyone laughed.

As they ate, Stephen couldn’t help staring at Britt.
He remembered seeing her in his Uncle’s movies years ago, but seeing her in person was another thing all together.
She looked a little older but her sensuality had only increased.
She had a beautiful face with a very fair complexion.
Her hair was platinum blond and curly.
She was voluptuous and the low cut peasant blouse she was wearing did nothing to hide her curves. When she spoke, she still had a slight Swedish accent.
This, combined with her feminine ways, proved to be a mesmerizing package to Stephen, and to most men who got the chance to meet her, he thought.
Jeanette glanced up at Stephen but quickly returned her gaze to her soup.

“Stephen, when you were at the main gate, did you see any members of my fan club?” Britt asked with a laugh.

Uncle Phillip responded, “Hardly a fan club, darling.
I wish you would take them a little more seriously.
I don’t think you completely understand the hunting culture of this area.
These people take their hunting rights very, very seriously.”

Britt’s thick lips pouted.

“Innocent, beautiful creatures were not put on this world to be slaughtered for someone’s amusement.
Don’t these savages realize we have grocery stores now for food?

Britt slammed her hand onto the table.

“This endless killing cycle is senseless and completely unnecessary.”

Uncle Phillip looked at Stephen.

“As you can see, Stephen, Britt is an animal advocate.
She has riled up the local hunting community with her outspoken commentary.
For some reason, she fails to understand that, for most, deer season is a rite of passage in

“No, Phillip, I understand, but….”
Britt interrupted.

“Let me finish,” Phillip continued. “Hunting is a proud tradition here.
The first day of deer hunting is a school holiday, for goodness sake.
You are fighting a losing battle.”

Phillip turned back to Stephen.
“Britt does not see how disliked she has become because of her opinions.
She has become so unpopular we now have daily protestors who reside just outside my gate, as you observed when we drove in.”

“So, that’s who those people are.”
Stephen said.

“Yes, Stephen.
And so far they have been very orderly and civil, but God knows, these people all own guns and I would not want them to trespass on my property.
I’ve had to hire security now, just to make sure they don’t get in.”

Britt was about to respond but hesitated as Cora reappeared and set out a huge plate of turkey sandwiches.
Cora placed a plate of steamed broccoli next to Britt and gave everyone their own bowl of salad.
She returned from the kitchen and placed a plate of chocolate éclairs on the table for dessert.

Stephen noticed, once they all started eating, the conversation around the table subtly changed to an amenable buzz.
It must have been the éclairs.

As everyone was finishing their desserts, Uncle Phillip stood up.

“Let’s move to the trophy room. I have a little surprise.”

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