The Case of the Stolen Film (22 page)

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Authors: Gareth P. Jones

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BOOK: The Case of the Stolen Film
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The white shutter was pulled over the window,
otherwise she might have noticed, if she had looked very carefully, the outline of the tip of a claw belonging to a four-metre-long (from nose to tail), red-backed, green-bellied, urban-based Mountain Dragon, clinging to the top of the plane, perfectly blended with its paintwork, enjoying the free ride back home.

By the Same author

The Dragon Detective Agency:

The Case of the Missing Cats

The Case of the Wayward Professor

The Case of the Vanished Sea Dragon

First published in Great Britain in 2008 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

This electronic edition published in September 2012

by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

Text copyright © Gareth P. Jones 2008

Illustrations copyright © Nick Price 2008

The moral rights of the author and illustrator have been asserted

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publisher. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication
may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages

A CIP catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library

eISBN: 978 1 4088 3685 9

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