Read The Casual Rule Online

Authors: A.C. Netzel

The Casual Rule (16 page)

BOOK: The Casual Rule
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I’m almost at the station when I look down and spot a penny on the ground. Normally, I’d walk past it. But visions of Ben’s coin room pop into my mind and I pick it up. I have no idea if it’s a common coin or some rare find. If I give it to him, would he think it’s clingy? Oh please, he’s got the Queen of Clingy attaching herself to his side and he doesn’t notice it. I doubt he’ll read much into a penny find. I’ll start a coin jar and let him go through it, when I get the nerve to fess up.

Once I’m back in the Village, I decide to indulge myself in a weekend treat. I stop off at Clara’s Cupcake Shoppe. This has to be the most dangerous place in all of New York City. The size of my thighs increases just by walking through the door. It’s soooo worth it. Vivian is always reminding me to take advantage of the fact that my metabolism still works, before, as she likes to put it, “You have a kid and he sucks all the thin out of you.”

The line is long, but I don’t care. One decadent cupcake with too much sugary sweet frosting piled high with colorful sprinkles is food for the soul. As I’m looking up at the menu board above the display cases, there’s a sudden chill in the air. I get a spine tingling feeling someone is staring at me. I hate that feeling. Slowly, I turn around.

Shit. Cam-eel. Why does she have to live in my neighborhood? I groan to myself.

“Judy, isn’t it?” she asks. I know she knows my name. This is part of her girl hating game.

“It’s Julia.”
You Bitch.
“Camille, right?’

“Yes.” She smiles. Her teeth are so white, too white. I bet they glow in the dark. Someone really needs to lay off the teeth bleach.

I nod. Well, this is awkward. A polite conversation with one of Ben’s former sex partners feels strange and uncomfortable. I know I should be all cool and adult about it, but the truth is I hate it. I don’t know if I’m made for this sort of civilized exchange. I want to act like an adult, but the irrational jealous bitch inside of me wants to scratch her eyes out. I hate that she knows him intimately and they still hang out. But I’m not a girlfriend; I’m his good-time girl, so I have no real say in the matter.

“So Ben tells me you and he are seeing each other,” she purrs.

I know they’re “friends” but it bothers the hell out of me that he talks to her about me. I talk to Allie about Ben, so maybe I’m applying some kind of double standard here. No, I haven’t had sex with Allie. There’s the difference.

“Yes, we’re friends,” I answer warily.

“I’m sure he’s mentioned that we go way back. Our families have been friends for as long as I can remember,” she tells me.

Great…she’s a trust fund baby with family ties. There will be no getting rid of her.

I nod politely.

“Ben seems to be quite taken with you. But a little friendly advice; you know, girl to girl.” She winks. “Don’t get yourself too attached. He’s not the stick around type of guy. Don’t get me wrong, Ben is a great guy, and I’m sure I don’t have to tell you, a great lay. But sooner or later, he’ll move on to the next flavor of the month. If I couldn’t land him with our history, no one can.”

Why is she telling me this? Is she looking out for me, girl to girl, like she said or is she bringing out the claws? I’m going to trust my gut and go with the claws. She continues…

“Someday he’ll be ready to settle down and…” She purposely ends her thought, twirling her hair around her finger. I get it now. She’s biding her time until Ben gets back with her. She’s waiting for a permanent status with Ben. That’s why she latches on so tight. She wants him. And I’m in her way.

“Thanks for the warning. But there’s no need to worry about me. Between us… you know, girl to girl… I’m just using him for his body. I’m sure I don’t have to remind you how incredible it is.”

If you’re going to push me, honey… I’m going to push you right back.

She gasps, but quickly recovers. “Well then, you should be just fine.” The corner of her mouth curls into a condescending smile.

I’m finally first in line. Thank. You. God. “It looks like it’s my turn to order. Nice talking with you,” I lie. I turn to the counter, ready for an emotional eating frenzy. This Cam-eel person gets me so damned twisted.

“Hey Julia. What can I get for you?” Hannah from behind the counter asks.
Is it bad that all the bakers in the neighborhood know me by my first name?

“Hi Hannah,” I snarl.

“Hey, is everything okay?”

Why am I taking this out on Hannah? She’s a nice girl.

“The usual?”

“Sorry Hannah. I was thinking about something at work. Can I have a half dozen of the chocolate cupcakes with the buttercream frosting and sprinkles? Pick the cupcakes with the most frosting. Please.”

She boxes up the cupcakes and hands it to me. “Six? Having company tonight?”

Yeah… Me, myself and I… times two.

“Err… yes.”
I’m chock full of lies today.
I pay for the cupcakes and turn to Cam-eel.

“Well, have a good night.”
Don’t choke on your cupcake.

“You too, Judy,” she says as she’s reading a text off her phone, barely looking up to acknowledge me.

She’s worse than a bitch….she’s a
Stupid Bitch
. I leave the Cupcake Shoppe, with steam pouring out of my ears, staring down at the ground, walking at a hurried pace, and mumbling to myself. “Eight million people live in this city. That’s eight million to one I’d bump into her. And just my luck I do. Stupid Bitch.”

As I’m marching down the street in an angry blind rage, I bump into an elderly woman walking in the opposite direction. Her eyes widen; she frowns and stares at me.

“Oh God, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t calling you a stupid bit….I’m sorry. I was talking to myself,” I explain.

Her expression softens. She pats my shoulder sympathetically. “Relax sweetie. I think you may need those cupcakes tonight. Maybe two.”

“I think I do.” I nod and continue walking to my building.

How dare that Cam-eel school me on Ben. It’s none of her damn business what goes on between us or how long it lasts. Her so-called
friendly advice
is as insincere as her motives. She wants him. No doubt about it. Friend… My ass. She’s hanging around until he settles down. And she plans on being the one he settles down with.
Desperate Stupid Bitch

The walk and elevator ride up to my apartment hasn’t calmed me at all. In fact, it may have fueled my anger. I’m so irritated. I don’t know what to do with myself.  I eye the box of cupcakes. I could inhale all six and crush the box way down in the garbage pail. No one will ever know. I take the first cupcake, peeling the paper down, and take my first bite. Oh, this is good, sinfully good. I take another bite and another.

Okay, I’m finally calming down. Reason is working its way back into my brain. If I eat six cupcakes, my ass will be the size of a small planet. Cam-eel would probably like that. Her words at Clara’s Shoppe pop into my thoughts. She was purposely messing with my head. And it worked.


A sly smile curls up from my lips. I have something she wants. I snatch my cell phone and text Ben.

*Hey, are you busy tonight?*

I get an immediate text back.

*Leaving rehab facility now.*

I quickly text him back.

*Hang Out? My Place?*

Please don’t say no. Please don’t say no.

*Be there in 15 minutes. Need anything?*

There’s only one thing I need…

*Your body.*

I know he’ll smile when he reads that.

can bring that. See you soon.*

Screw you Cam-eel. I’m going to fuck the hell out of your imaginary husband-to-be,
you delusional Stupid Bitch.

I have fifteen minutes to hide the filth. I run into the kitchen and grab a trash bag. I dash across the apartment, grabbing my gossip rags, piles of mail, and anything I can get my hands on in the bag and shove it in the closet. Then I run into the kitchen and take all the dirty dishes and pots out of the sink and throw them in the oven. There’s no time to wash them. I take a can of orange scented furniture polish and spray it in the air. The place may not be clean, but it sure as hell will smell clean.

Next, I run into my bedroom. I have to look hot. I strip off my work clothes and ransack the pile of clean clothes on my floor, or as Allie calls it, my floordrobe. I find my red push-up bra and matching thong and quickly change into them. I dash over to my dresser and spritz on a little perfume. Then throw on my short red silk robe, tie the sash loosely, and slide on a pair of five inch heels.

I collect the pile of clothes off the floor and shove them under my bed. Pretty productive fifteen minutes. Now I wait.

I hate when the clock moves backwards. I know it’s not really, but it feels that way.  Finally, the intercom sounds and I buzz Ben into the building.

It’s another two long minutes,
curse you slow elevator
, until he knocks on the door. I open the door and look at him standing there…gorgeous… and mine. For tonight anyway. I grab his hand, pulling him into the apartment, closing the door behind us.

“Whoa,” he exclaims.

I untie my sash and drop my robe to the ground.

“God, Julia.” His gaze travels up and down my body. This push-up bra is doing wonders, my breasts look spectacular. Even
can’t keep my eyes off of them. I push him against the wall and kiss him, hard. His hands run greedily up and down my backside, resting on my ass.

“A thong. I like,” he murmurs.

I grip his hand tightly and pull him toward my room.

“No wasting time, huh?” he teases.

I ignore him and drag him into my bedroom. Once inside, I slam the door shut with my foot and furiously unbutton his shirt, sliding it off until it’s crumbled on the floor. I kiss him hard, rubbing my hand over his crotch. I can feel he’s already hard. I sink to my knees and unbutton his pants, pushing them and his boxer briefs to his ankles. I peek up at Ben.

“I’m about to blow your mind,” I purr, as I lick his tip.

“That’s not my mind you’re about to blow.” He closes his eyes and tilts his head back.

“I like when you’re hard,” I murmur.

“You must like me a lot right now.”

I rub the cleavage spilling over my bra on his length. Up and down, side to side. He gets harder with each soft stroke.

“You have great tits Julia,” he groans.

An ape could wear this bra and have great tits. But I’ll take the compliment.

“You like this, Ben?” I unsnap my bra and sensually rub my breasts over him.

“Hmm,” he moans.

“How about this?” I wrap my fingers around his length and stroke it over and over, my tongue teasing just the tip.

“Mmm.” He closes his eyes as his teeth bite down on his bottom lip.

I love that I can arouse him like this. I know I own him right now. I feel so powerful. I take his length in my mouth and deep throat as much as I can without gagging and ruining the moment. I want to look sexy. Dry heaving on his dick isn’t sexy. The deeper I take him, the more he groans. The fact that I can get him this turned on arouses the hell out of me. He fists my hair and moans louder. I’m getting wetter with each moan. I may come without him touching me.

He tenses and holds my head still. “No. No. Not yet.” He looks down at me, his eyes burning.

I stop sucking and take his foot, one at a time, pulling off his shoes, socks, and jeans. I push him down on my bed.

“Leave on the heels and the thong,” he orders.

 I crawl on top of him and kiss him hard, over and over, our warm tongues entwined, dancing, stroking. His hands feverishly skim over my body, everywhere. He needs to touch me and I love it. He reaches over to my nightstand drawer to grab a condom and pulls out BOB.


“What’s this?” He holds BOB up in the air. Of course, we both know he knows exactly what he’s holding.

“My other lover. Your competition,” I deadpan. “Ben, this is BOB.”

He laughs. “Bob?”

“Yes. He lives in the drawer.”

“I see. Maybe he’d like a threesome with us?”

“Another time. Tonight, I just want you. Now put BOB back in his cave and get a condom.”

He grabs a packet and closes the drawer. “Turn around Julia, on your knees,” he murmurs.

No complaint from me, doggie style is almost always a guaranteed orgasm. I flip over onto my knees, my hands holding my weight in front of me. He leans into me; the weight of his body feels incredible. He runs his hands down my naked back, caressing the round curve of my ass. His hand moves around my hips sliding it in between my thighs. He slides his finger under the silky triangular front of my thong and lightly brushes his fingers over my swollen folds, teasing me with his gentle touch.

“Julia, you’re so wet. I like that,” he whispers, trailing soft kisses down my back. All he has to do is utter my name from his perfect lips and I’m instantaneously wet. He opens my folds and caresses my clit with his thumb as he sinks his finger inside of me, pressing my g-spot with another finger. Holy shit. Holy, holy shit. My hips sway and circle. His erection rubs up against my backside. So many sensations at once. “You like that, don’t you?” he whispers.

 Fuck yeah, I love it. I nod with short, sharp gasps, as I begin to tremble. I close my eyes tight; readying for what I know will be incredible. Wave after sensual wave overtakes me. My muscles clench in spasms.

“Oh, Oh God,” I cry out as I explode with soul shattering intensity.

Ben quickly rips the condom packet open and rolls it over his erection. His legs spread mine open wider. He pushes my thong to the side, rubbing his erection against my wet folds but doesn’t enter me.

“You called me here to fuck you?” he growls.

“Yes…fuck me,” I pant. I’m so lost in the waves of my orgasm; he can do whatever the hell he wants to me.

“You want this, Julia?” With one powerful thrust, he slams hard inside me, forcing the breath from my lungs.

BOOK: The Casual Rule
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