The Chalice (Luna Vampire Series) (13 page)

BOOK: The Chalice (Luna Vampire Series)
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And, moments later, I was gliding along with
dear old daddy
in a beautiful waltz.  The crowd had cleared the floor as we walked out, supplying the two of us with ample space to be eyeballed. 
And that they did. 
Our spectators, whether they were staring in awe or smirking in distaste, examined us with maddening dedication.

Wordless and uncomfortable, the horrendous ordeal dragged on for what seemed like ages until Tsedaka finally broke the tension by initiating a conversation.  "I'm overjoyed at the opportunity to be able to get to know you, daughter.  I've been awaiting this day for hundreds of years."

His gravelly voice caused icy shivers of intuitive backlash to prickle my skin.  There was just something about the guy that made me wanna run away screaming. 
Luckily, my poker face hid the fear. 
"Sorry to break it to you, old man, but we're never gonna be all chummy.  You changed me into a
freaking vampire
.  Did you
believe it'd be a

"In time, I hope you'll understand that vampirism is your birthright.  You never would've fit in with human society.  Didn't you notice how you were always a loner in your formative years?"

"No, not really.  I had numerous friends in college.  Now, high school was a different story.  Although, it's totally explainable on account of my classmates being small-town hicks; we shared absolutely nothing in common."

"You've convinced yourself that's the reason, child.  Still, you were always smarter and more athletic than your peers.  Additionally, you never came down with the chickenpox or even a common cold.  You must realize that these traits, among others, would've only grown more pronounced as you aged, further alienating you."

"That's such bullshit," I grumbled, right as one song ended and another began.  "I was the clumsiest kid in my class.  And, anyway, I did perfectly fine before you came along.  No sucking blood, no telepathy weirdness, and I was
to do what the hell
I wanted

Curling his lips into a frown, Tsedaka discharged an abrasive sigh.  "Frankly, my daughter, it's a volatile time for the vampire community.  And, regardless of your position on the matter, I needed an heir.  The chain of succession will help my people feel secure in their future." 

"Look, I could care less about the
vampire community
.  I know I'm one of you, but it doesn't mean I'm gonna stick around.  What about Isabella, your niece?  Can't she be your heir?"

"No," he insisted, tightening his grip on my hand to the point of causing me pain.  "Isabella is my blood relative, however, she's not of my house.  She lacks the mark of the moon."

"Great, more confusing vampire crap," I groaned, struggling to extricate myself from his hold.  "I have no idea what you just said."

He shook his head, frustration filling his brown eyes.  "You're so naïve, child.  Of course, I tried to get her voted into the line of succession.  Alas, the heads of the sectors ruled against my request years ago."

"You're the king, can't you simply order it or whatever?"

"No, I've organized my kingdom as a democracy, requiring all major changes to be voted on by the dukes and duchesses.  I do reserve veto power, although, I rarely use it."

Huh.  So that's how Adrian got the opportunity to vote against my kidnapping.  Interesting. 
Clearing my throat, I refocused on the bastard forcing me to dance.
"Listen, old
man, you can drone on 'till the cows come home but none of its gonna make a bit of difference.  I mean, I've fulfilled your purpose, right? 
I'm the princess
," I scoffed, scrunching my forehead bitterly.  "For real, when can I go back to my real life?"

"Returning to your previous endeavors, namely the stripping, is inappropriate for someone of your station.  Furthermore, you have two blood slaves to support.  You'll also need several additional guards if you're to remain safe out there on your own.  Naturally, a household of that size won't fit into your tiny shack of a house.  For the time being, it's best if you reside here at high court."

My temper boiled to that of a scorching volcano.  "You've got no right telling me how to live my life!  If I wanna be a stripper, I'm gonna be a damn stripper.  And my house, well, it'll have to work.  They can share a bedroom or sleep on the living room floor, if need be."
  And, seriously, dragging along my robotic sidekicks?  Nope, not in this lifetime.

"The hard truth is that I have every right to control you.  I'm your father, I'm your maker, and I'm your king.  You'd best learn to respect that."

Jesus! I hated him.
  As the second song ended, I took the cue and quit dancing.  "Speaking of my
," I asserted, hoping for a speedy exit.  "I should take 'em to my room; they look tired."

He squinted in their direction.  "They do seem quite fatigued.  Therefore, I suppose your request is acceptable.  I'll come for you in a few days so that we may have a longer visit.  Until then, think on what I've said and meet me next time with a more open mind."  He paused, nodding toward his guards.  "William will escort you to your chambers."

And so, without giving him another moment to reconsider, I hurried over to Lucien and Amelia.  They were sitting in the corner near the main hallway, exactly where I'd
left them earlier.  And,
surprise, surprise
, their eyes sparkled with excitement at my approach.  Underneath their apparent happiness, they were truly exhausted as confirmed by their pale skin and slumped posture.  My
must've taken its toll.
  Still, I could hardly believe it.  A vampire.  A real, honest-to-god vampire. 

Emotions tense, I avoided eye contact as I motioned for them to follow me.  Shortly thereafter, we entered the tunnels and were joined by William.  Then, silently, we began
what felt like a death march
back to my plush prison.  Our footsteps echoed around us, creating an eerie vibe, while the knowledge that my future had been
irrevocably stolen
pressed upon me.  I desperately wanted to crawl inside my own skin and disappear, but that would've been a luxury saved for the deserving. 
Not somebody who'd just turned into bloodsucker.  A lowlife leech.  Why me?  What did I ever do to the world?










After being secured inside my living area, I flopped down on the couch and was rapidly joined by my
new servants
who situated themselves across from me on the love seat.  Uncomfortably, I gazed between the two, attempting to
mask my endless shame at possibly having turned them into my robots. 

"I know we're bonded and that
means you'll be loyal to me," I finally said, breaking the silence.  "Still, other than my kidnappers' word which I don't trust at all, I've got no real reason to believe in
the bond
or whatever.  So, I've figured out a way for you to prove yourselves."

"Anything, princess," Lucien assured, his brown eyes staring at me intently while Amelia nodded in wholehearted agreement.

"Alright, well, I need you guys to get the pass code," I announced, casually pointing toward the keypad.
Why not, right?  If they were successful, I'd be able to have a small amount of confidence in them.  Plus, I'd be one step closer to freedom.

A hint of panic slid over Lucien's face.  "We'll definitely try, princess.  Nevertheless, I'm unsure how we'll accomplish the task considering the vamps' telepathic abilities.  We've been trained to block their intrusion, but it may prove too difficult a challenge.  And, once the guards catch on, they'll most certainly impede our progress."

Interesting, so there's a way to hide a person's thoughts. 
Clearly, I'd have to learn about that juicy tidbit in the future.  Although, for now, back to the matter at hand.  "Look, at least give it a shot," I reasoned, refusing to let them evade my scheme.  "Because, honestly, not getting the code will only land you a guaranteed spot on my bad side."

"Please, you must recognize that William locked us in here along with you," Amelia whined softly.  "The guards obviously don't trust us.  So, how will we convince them to let us leave the room to sneak a peek at the code?"

"That's simple, you're my servants.  Merely inform them that I've ordered you to fetch stuff for me, you know, to
help me settle in.  I don't care what; it can be more food, better pillows, stacks of towels, really anything your pretty little head can think of," I explained, pausing to flash her a confident smile.  "Just make it happen."

"And if they
give us permission?" she gulped, concern stiffening her posture.

Jeesh, couldn't they do a bit of creative problem solving on their own?  Sigh.
"It's easy; inundate them with requests.  Eventually, the guards will get tired of running the errands themselves and they'll allow you to go out on your own."

Sensing my frustration, Lucien promptly replied with an irritating, "As you wish, princess."  And, of course, Amelia followed suit seconds later. 

"Stop that!" I demanded, unable to keep my exasperation bottled up for a moment longer.  "No more princessing, or groveling, or bowing!  I can't stand it!  My name's Luna, okay?"

In response, they simply stared at me vacantly as though their pea-sized brains were scrambling to process my request. 
How annoying.
  I'd almost started cussing at 'em when Amelia finally whispered, "Princess, we're trained to give you the respect your station deserves.  It'd be terribly grievous to do otherwise."

"Listen, are you gonna do as I ask or not?" I grumped, speaking calmly in spite of my urge to yell. 
For real, how were they programmed to this extent?  Drugs?  Torture?  Asshole vampires, even more motivation to hate the lunatics. 
And then, without further deliberation, I made a decision that would permanently intertwine the three of our fates forever.  If my sidekicks snagged the numbers, I'd take 'em with me. 
They needed rescued from this mess as much as I did.

"Oh, princess," she gushed, literally frothing at the mouth to obey my commands.  "We'd love the opportunity to demonstrate our devotion."

"Well, each time you address me as
," I sneered, scrutinizing her display with disgust.  "You're blatantly going against my orders.  Treat me as your friend, not your master."

"Yes, Luna," Amelia mumbled, Lucien quickly doing the same.

"Good, I'm glad we've come to an understanding.  Now, I assume you're both tired, I know I am.  So, your bedrooms are through there."  I motioned in the direction of the small door.  "Feel free to use their sparse furnishings as a reason to retrieve any items you might need from outside our
lovely prison
.  My room is beyond the larger door, I'll see you in the..." 
Morning, afternoon, night?

Suddenly, it hit me that I had no clue; there wasn't a clock anywhere.  And, unfortunately, I'd have to resolve the issue prior to finalizing my escape plans. 
Avoiding sunlight would be a necessity, right?  Damn.  I loved the sun. 
Mentally shaking myself, I cleared my throat and pushed on.  "So, um, yeah, I'll see you guys whenever
wake up
.  Also, while you're out collecting stuff, try to obtain an alarm clock and the correct time."

"Yes, my lady," Lucien agreed with a suffocating reverence that caused acid to churn in my stomach.

God!  Would they ever get it?
  I guess he didn't call me princess, an improvement, but my lady? 
It made me feel old as shit.
  Sadly, I lacked the energy to keep arguing about it.  Therefore, I quietly nodded and retreated to the welcomed isolation of my bedroom.

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