The Chalice (Luna Vampire Series) (14 page)

BOOK: The Chalice (Luna Vampire Series)
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Once I'd shut the door behind me, I kicked off my shoes and discarded my dress onto the floor.  After which, I
walked over to the armoire that was conveniently positioned near my bed, pulled open an empty drawer, and deposited my stupid crown with a loud clang. 

Promising myself I'd never wear the wretched chunk of metal again, I hurriedly rummaged through the rest of the cabinet.  And, several moments of searching later, I eventually laid my hands on a comfy set of cotton pajamas.  They were pink with blue bunnies and, despite the fact that they reminded me of the jammies I'd worn as a kid, I put them on anyway.  They were a much better option than the red lace teddy hanging next to them. 
Seriously, though, who picked out the clothing around this place?  Blue bunnies?

Regardless, within minutes, I'd turned off the lights and snuggled myself deeply into the fluffy comforter atop my super soft bed.
  And, let me tell you, it was heaven, truly heaven!  Especially if I thought back to the last place I'd slept, well, maybe it'd be better described as blacking out or falling unconscious.  But whatever.  Either way, the bed totally rocked! 

And so, I laid there for awhile inadvertently permitting a never-ending tirade of worries to traipse across my psyche.  I couldn't help it; I wondered about my future. 
How often would I need to suck blood?  Was eating real food a necessity?  Would I live forever?

And, above everything, could I return to my normal life once I escaped?  I mean, strippers worked at night so I still had a job.  Well, if I didn't miss work for too many more days, that is.  Nonetheless, would the vampires leave me alone?  Or track me down and bring me back to dear old daddy?

Mood plummeting, my mind continued to run circles. 
Why'd this shit happen to me?  I always played by the rules.  I never broke the law and constantly tried to do right by others.  Aside from being a stripper, what did I ever do that was even borderline wrong?  Why'd karma keep biting me in the ass?

I needed rest in the worst way.  I'd have to quit brooding over crap I was powerless to change.  Who knows when my last good night's sleep occurred.  Or day's sleep.  Hell.  Will I ever see a sunrise again?  Or a sunset?  And speaking of, I've gotta remember to ask Adrian to explain the whole sunlight situation the next time I see him.  Aarrgh!  Stop thinking!

"You called for me, darling?" Adrian chortled, immediately making my heart skip a beat the instant he magically appeared beside my bed.

"No, I didn't
call for you
and, if you can't tell, I'm trying to sleep." 
God!  Would I ever get some shut-eye?  For real, first my stress and now Adrian.
Peace and quiet anyone? 
Groaning, I covered my face with a pillow and sighed loudly.

"You wanted to ask me whether or not the sunlight could harm you."

"Jesus," I muttered under my breath.  "I thought you weren't gonna eavesdrop on me anymore?"

"I'm aware this isn't an emergency.  Alas, it was impossible to ignore an opportunity to visit a woman as
as you," he bantered jovially.  "That said, since I'm here, would you like your answer?"

"Whatever," I grumbled, moving the pillow just enough to give me a view of the room.  "Share the bad news and then you can go."

He chuckled, blonde curls bouncing around happily.  "It's not as bad as one might think.  Born vampires can usually endure sunlight with very limited ill effects.  However, if a made vampire gets exposed to the sun, they'll receive third-degree burns which often lead to death.  Those who don't die are severely scarred and weakened for years. 
Seeing that you're a hybrid, it remains to be seen whether or not you'll be capable of enduring exposure."

"That sucks.  I wish I knew for certain..."

"There's no pressing need," he chimed in, blue eyes twinkling.  "You'll be staying here, underground, for an extended period of time."

Yeah right.
  A part of me wanted to set him straight about his misconceptions, but I kept my cool and changed the subject instead.  "So, um, there's something that's been bugging me," I began, repositioning myself in bed by squishing a couple pillows under my back.  "How do you do that?  You know, appear out of nowhere, disappear into thin air?"

"Well, aren't you snug as a bug," he teased, effortlessly deflecting my question with a dig at my jammies.  "The bunnies suit you in a cute, five-year-old sort of way."

"Listen, buddy, if you're only gonna stand there and screw with me, you might as well leave.  It was either this or some kinky ass lingerie."  I balled my hands into fists.  "Of course, I'm sure you'd prefer the slutty..."

"Actually, I desire you entirely as you are," he interrupted, sincerity flooding his words.  "To answer you, my power is space."  And, with a dramatic flourish, he lifted the sleeve of his purple suit coat, apparently not having changed after the party, to reveal three small circles arranged in the shape of a triangle on the inside of his left forearm.

"A birthmark?" I asked, running the tips of my fingers over my own crescent moon.

"Yes, space is the mark of my line and moon is the mark of yours," he explained before giving me a quick wink.  "My power enables me to take form wherever I wish.  It also affords me a few other advantages.  That said, undetected movement is often the most useful."

I nodded my head at the information.  "So, you can basically, poof, and materialize wherever you want to?"

"In a way, although, I never really disappear or reappear.  I prefer to describe it as creating a diversion.  You see, space surrounds every atom in every molecule.  And these holes are what fundamentally permit me to restructure the world."

"Does that mean I'm gonna be able to go all invisible?" 
If I could, it'd definitely help me escape.

"Doubtful.  If you develop them, your powers will be of the moon.  That said, those born later than the first fifty or so generations, suffer from some intermingling of abilities, genetic watering down as a result of too much interbreeding.  Thus, the reason Tsedaka commands fire which is a sun-born gift as well as speed of movement which is a moon-born gift."

"So, I'll be proficient at running fast and lighting candles from a distance?" 
I tried not to show it, but I was a little disheartened by the unspectacular nature of my future talents.

"Yes, we usually inherit the skills of our ancestors.  Nonetheless, hybridization may also lead to no powers at all.  At any rate, it's currently unimportant on account of the several months it takes for gifts to emerge."  He crossed his arms in front of his chest, fidgeting uneasily.  And, as expected, his body language raised my suspicions.
Why did discussing my powers make him uncomfortable?  Hmm...

"Okay," I finally replied, deciding to switch topics in order to keep him talking.
  Even the smallest detail might aid in my departure.
  "So, um, the ceremony got me wondering.  Do the birthmarks have anything to do with the stupid colors the crowd wore?"

"No, not exactly," he chuckled, shrugging his shoulders casually.  "Tsedaka instituted the color system in the 1950s when the vampire population exploded.  And, considering our numbers have grown to over ten thousand in the United States, it's become invaluable in the sense that it assists us with identifying each other.  Beyond that, it also alleviates misunderstandings."

"And you have to wear purple all the time?" I inquired, rubbing at my heavy eyelids.

"No, only while I'm on your father's land which is sector one or what the humans referred to as Kansas.  Essentially, we're obligated to wear our colors in lieu of obtaining permission for admittance to his territory.  This makes everyday affairs more manageable because there are often over a thousand of us here from various parts of the country.  It would be exhausting for Tsedaka to authorize each visitor on a case-by-case basis."

"Ah, vampire gangs," I giggled, finding the whole scenario strangely funny.  "Colors and matching tats!"

"I can see the similarity, yet you've got it a bit wrong.  While each sector shares a color, we don't all have matching birthmarks.  Granted, the lineage of the aristocracy must continue uninterrupted, hence you and your father both being of the moon.  That said, those living within each sector often originate from a plethora of different backgrounds.  Personally, I pride myself in having a rather eclectic house."

"How do you," I hesitated, a sudden yawn overtaking me as my increasing disinterest rose to the surface.  "Sorry, all of this is very, um,
.  So, uh, anyway, how do you guys keep hidden?  I mean, with that number of vamps, why haven't people discovered your existence?"

"Obviously, we're very careful," he jested, smiling wryly.  "Now, I must say, you seem extremely tired; it might help if I stay until you're asleep."

And, right as I was about to object, Adrian poofed to my side.  He reclined there, barely inches away, with his suit coat folded neatly at the foot of the bed and a plain pair of black socks adorning his feet.
  The weasel must've left his shoes on the floor somewhere. 

Freaky bastard, he'd better not assume gettin' into my pants would be that easy. 
"What in the hell are you doing?  I didn't invite you to join me."

"Oh, don't be difficult," he chortled, looking like the cat that swallowed the canary.  "We've been much more intimate and noticeably less clothed on several prior occasions."

Instantly, my cheeks flushed as I remembered the feel of his skin against mine.  "I kinda thought you were the one in the dreams, but..."

"Our encounters keep replaying in my mind," he cut in, an expression of honesty softening his features.  "You should know, I've never had a similar experience with another human or vampire.  And we met in our sleep unaided, completely without my intervention."

"That's precisely what you'd say if you were trying to manipulate me," I scoffed, secretly wishing I could believe him.  Regardless, the waves of pleasure that'd sucked me into oblivion during our last encounter were prominent in my memories. 
Especially the part concerning my struggle to come back to reality.

"Truthfully, Luna, I didn't force myself upon you.  I do admit, however, that in our most recent dream I attempted to restrict your waking.  My intent wasn't malicious; I simply hoped to alleviate a portion of your misery.  And, ever since then, all I've wanted to do is hold you."  He shifted his body closer to mine.  "I've missed you, darling."

"I'm not sure..."

"Please let yourself go.  Trust me, if only for tonight," he urged, his voice as smooth as silk.  "We're both fully clothed and I'm laying on top of the comforter.  I promise, I seek nothing other than your company."  He gently placed his arm around my shoulders.  "What harm is there in cuddling with me for awhile?  Just until you fall asleep?  I can feel that you desire it too."

I did
desire it
which was extremely disconcerting.  Logically, I shouldn't feel like being up close and personal with any of the losers in this underground hellhole. 
And that's when I knew he had to be using his powers on me.
  "No more mind tricks, remember?" I grumped bitterly.  "Quit making me feel drawn to you."

"I swear, I'm not doing anything of the sort; your emotions are your own.  Although, if you'd permit me, I'd enter your subconscious and ease you into sleep."

"Nope, no vamp hocus-pocus," I warned, desperately yearning for his touch.  Seriously, my entire life I'd longed for a man who'd hold me, for the sake of snuggling alone. 
Not as a preamble to sex.
  And here was a guy offering to do just that.  I knew I shouldn't accept his offer.  Nevertheless, I also realized that if I declined the proposition, I'd always wonder. 

"Come," he murmured, his kind eyes inviting me closer.  "Let's enjoy each other."

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