The Chesapeake Diaries Series (213 page)

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“Half a duck,” she repeated.

“Right.” He looked up at the ceiling, which clearly needed painting. “Maybe the ceiling in here and one other room might be the other half.”

“Or I could sell you the duck and you could have a little downtime. Don’t you do this all day long?”

“I have a crew,” he said simply. “Besides, the more I do now, the less I’ll have to do later.”

He looked up from the scraper, which had loosened a clump of black glue, and he smiled. “I still intend on being the highest bidder for the house when you’re ready to sell it.”

“You know, when it comes to buying a house, the last thing the buyer should do is let the seller know how much he wants the property.”

Cam shrugged. “That cat was already out of the bag. I told you that the first time I met you. I figure at this point it’s only a matter of when and how much.”

Ellie knelt on the floor and peeled back a long strip of linoleum that she broke into smaller pieces.

“I’m not sure why you won’t sell it to me right now, but I guess you have your reasons.” He moved the scraper along the floor, then leaned over to pick up another glob of glue. He tossed it into the bucket. “It just seems to me it would save you a lot of time and wear and tear on your nails.”

Ellie’s eyebrows arched. “I’m not afraid to get my nails chipped.”

“Well, that was clearly the wrong thing to say,” he muttered. “What I meant was, it’s a lot of work, renovating a house this size, one that hasn’t been touched in …” He stood and tilted his head to one side. “I’m guessing since even before Lynley inherited it from Lilly. She got sick right about then, and about all she had time to do was buy some new appliances.”

“How would you know that?” She stopped what she was doing and turned to stare at him.

“I remember when they were delivered.” He shrugged. “They were top-of-the-line when they were new, but not so much anymore. I imagine they still function well enough, though. You probably wouldn’t want to replace them.”

“I never thought about replacing them. I couldn’t afford to do that.”

“You could sell that sweet little automobile out there in the driveway.”

“You know that’s not mine”—she laughed—“but I bet it would bring a pretty penny.”

“Maybe Carly wouldn’t notice.”

“Yeah, good idea. When she comes back and asks, ‘Where’s my Porsche?,’ I’ll say, ‘What Porsche?’ ”

“Yeah, that’ll work.” He leaned the scraper against the wall and helped her with a wide piece of flooring that was lifting but not releasing. They struggled with it for a moment before it broke free. “So tell me what you learned from Lilly Cavanaugh’s journals that you didn’t know.”

“Well, I learned that Lilly’s mother suffered from depression.” Ellie straightened up and tried to work the kinks out of her back. “I guess it’s that artistic temperament you hear people talk about.”

“Those paintings that Carly took …” Cam sat back on his heels. “Those were all painted by Lilly’s mother. You knew that, right?”

Ellie nodded. “Carolina Ellis. How do you know about her?”

“St. Dennis born and bred,” Cam reminded her. “Had Carly heard of her?”

“She had. She said that Carolina was just being recognized
as an important woman artist of the early twentieth century.”

“So I guess she was surprised to find the paintings here.”

“Was she ever. I have to admit, I was surprised, too. I didn’t know that …” She was about to say,
That my great-great-grandmother was an accomplished artist
. “That there was that connection to the house when I bought it.”

“I guess the lawyers knew, though, right?”

“What?” She frowned.

“Wouldn’t you think that the lawyers for Lynley Sebastian would have known who Lynley’s grandmother was, and that there were valuable paintings in the house?”

Caught off guard by the question, Ellie took a few seconds to recover. When she did, she said, “Maybe Lynley didn’t tell them. Maybe at the time she arranged for them to handle her estate, Carolina’s work hadn’t been ‘discovered’ yet, so it wasn’t considered particularly valuable. Maybe it wasn’t an issue.” She took a breath. “Don’t you think the paintings would have been removed by the lawyers if they’d known they were valuable and in a house that was relatively unsecured?”

“Good point.” Cam nodded and returned his attention to the floor, but Ellie wasn’t sure that there wasn’t just a hint of a smile on his lips. “So what other tidbits of information did you find in Lilly’s journals?”

“Lilly talked a lot about a friend named Rose who married a man named Curtis Enright.” She started breaking up the piece of flooring. “I’m thinking maybe someone related to Jesse?”

“His grandparents. Rose died years ago but old Mr. Enright is still living. He practiced law forever here in town, and just turned the practice over to Jesse last year. He has that mansion over on the other side of town. It takes up the whole last block of Old St. Mary’s Church Road. It isn’t the oldest house in town, but I think it might be the biggest.” Cam handed Ellie another piece of broken flooring. “I think I need to dump those buckets in the back of the truck. You’ve filled them both.”

Cam grabbed a bucket with each hand and headed for the front door, Ellie watching his smooth stride eat up the hallway.

He was back in minutes with the empty buckets. He set them on the floor and said, “Help me move the table and chairs into the hallway so we can do the other half of the room.”

“Cam, it’s almost seven o’clock.” She pointed to the wall clock.

“Your point?” He paused, a chair in each hand.

“Aren’t you getting hungry?”

“I’m always hungry.” He looked as if he was still waiting for her to make her point.

“We could stop. I could go back to this tomorrow.”

“You really want to come downstairs and look at this first thing in the morning?” He pointed to the floor, half of which had exposed wood and the other linoleum that appeared to have been chewed on. “I wouldn’t.”

“It’ll be okay.”

“It won’t take that long,” he assured her as he carried the chairs into the hall.

“If you say so.” Ellie picked up the other two chairs and followed him, squeezing past him in the doorway when he returned for the table.

“I feel really badly about keeping you here all this time,” she said when she’d resumed pulling up the flooring.

“My choice, so don’t.” He scraped at a few leftover clumps of glue on the newly uncovered wood floor. “I can’t wait to see this all refinished. It’s going to be real pretty.”

“I guess there’s someone around who can do the refinishing.” Looks like she’d be making another call to Jesse this week. She was going to need some money from that account her mother left to fund renovations on the house. Refinished floors would definitely qualify.

“Dave Freeman does floors,” Cam told her. “But I doubt he works for decoys.” He tossed a wad of glue into the bucket. “I can sand and refinish the floor but I suggest you do that before you start painting. Sanding makes a mess of dust.”

“Swell,” she grunted.

“As does scraping off the old paper. Which you have to do before you can paint anyway,” he reminded her.

“I forgot about the scraping part.” Ellie frowned and eyed the old wallpaper.

“You were hoping to forget that part. The prep work is always the worst part of painting.” He reached over and put one hand on her biceps. “Scraping paper is going to wake up muscles you never knew you had.”

“I’m in good shape.”

“Yeah, well, we’ll see just what kind of shape you’re in once you’ve spent a few hours scraping at those walls.”

She made a face and cracked a large piece of linoleum over her knee.

It took another hour, but the last bucket of linoleum was finally dumped into the back of the pickup. When Cam came back into the house, Ellie expected him to ask for his jacket.

“It’s after eight,” he said. “I imagine you’re as hungry as I am. How ’bout splitting a pizza with me?”

She started to decline, but heard herself say, “I love pizza. But I couldn’t possibly go anywhere looking like this.” Bits of dried linoleum clung to her knees and the front of her sweatshirt. She looked him over. “Why don’t you look as grubby as I do?”

“You’re a novice. I’m a professional.” Cam leaned against the counter. “I can run out and pick something up.”

Before she could respond, he’d taken out his phone. “Pepperoni okay?”

“It’s great, but …”

He had already speed-dialed a number and was starting to place an order.

“Done. Fifteen minutes.”

“Cam, I don’t know how to thank you for everything. You’re doing so much here.…”

“Protecting my investment.” He corrected himself. “My potential investment.”

“I hope you feel it’s worth it.”

“There’s no doubt in my mind that it will be.” His voice trailed down the hall. “I’ll be back in a few.”

And that quickly, he was out the front door.

Well, he was certainly a guy who knew what he wanted, and he clearly wanted this house.

Ellie got out the vacuum and cleaned up as much of the dust and dirt from the floor as she could. She fed Dune, then wet a paper towel and rubbed it lightly on her face. When she saw how much dust she’d been wearing, she was appalled. It was a miracle Cam didn’t take the opportunity to leave and not come back. She’d just tossed the paper towel into the trash when she heard him at the front door.

“Can we eat in here?” He nodded in the direction of the living room. “There’s a lot of dust in the kitchen.”


He placed the pizza box and a bag on the coffee table.

“I got a couple of bottles of water,” he told her as he emptied the bag. “I wasn’t sure what you liked to drink.”

“Water is fine.” She disappeared into the kitchen for plates, flatware, and napkins.

“I hope that knife is for the brownies and not the pizza,” he said when she handed him a plate with the flatware on top. “Around here we eat pizza with our hands.”

“I’ll remember that.” She peeked into the bag. “You got brownies?”

“The mother of the guy who owns the pizza place in town makes wicked desserts.” Cam sat on the edge of the sofa cushion and opened the pizza box. “I wasn’t sure what to get.”

The smell of the sauce and cheese all but made Ellie swoon. She hadn’t realized just how hungry she was.

Cam turned the box in her direction so she could select first. She put a slice on her plate and sat next to him.

“You can never go wrong with brownies,” she assured him.

She took a bite of pizza and rolled her eyes. “Oh, my God, this is good.”

“Yeah, Dominic makes the best pizza around. Most of St. Dennis is seriously addicted.” He opened one of the water bottles and handed it to Ellie. “Wade and Clay are talking about making a beer flavor specifically to complement Dominic’s pizza.”

“You’re making that up.”

“Nope. They were talking about it at poker the other night.” He opened the second bottle of water and took a long drink, staring at the bookcase on the opposite wall. “Mr. C. had a great collection of mysteries from the 1930s and forties. I can still see him sitting in that chair over there near the window, his glasses perched at the end of his nose, the book practically in his face. He really needed to have his glasses changed but he wouldn’t admit that his eyesight was failing.”

“How long ago was that?”

“Twenty-five years or so.”

“You must have been, what, eight? Nine back then?”

“Something like that.”

“How did you know the Cavanaughs so well?”

“We were neighbors.”

“I didn’t realize that. Which house did you live in?”

“The one that isn’t there anymore.” He looked as if he was about to say more, but thought better of it.

Before she could ask, he changed the subject. “Do you have plans for Thanksgiving?”

“Thanksgiving?” The pizza in her hand stopped halfway to her mouth. When was Thanksgiving?

“Strictly American holiday. Fourth Thursday in November every year. People get together with family and friends and eat more than they should. It’s a tradition we observe here in St. Dennis. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of it.”

She laughed. “It’s this week already?”

Cam nodded.

“If you tell me that you cook, too, I’ll be totally intimidated,” she said.

“I do cook, but not this holiday. A lot of us have dinner at the inn on Thanksgiving every year. Why don’t you join us?”

“I’d love to. Thanks for the invitation.”

“Good. I’ll let Grace know there will be one more. It’s a good holiday. A lot of us around here have much to be thankful for.” He eyed the last piece of pizza.

“It’s all yours,” she told him. While he ate, she said, “You know, if you want to borrow any of Mr. Cavanaugh’s books, you’re welcome to.”

“I’ve read most of them, but I wouldn’t mind reading a few of them again.”

“Take whatever you want.”

“Thanks.” He tossed her a brownie, and she shook her head. “I couldn’t eat another bite.”

“Save it for breakfast.” He stood and started folding up the empty box.

“Don’t bother with that,” she told him. “I’ll take care of it. Why don’t you grab a book or two before you leave?”

“Thanks. I think I will.”

He scanned the shelves while she cleaned up the debris from their impromptu dinner.

“Mickey Spillane,” Cam announced. “
I, The Jury
. His first Mike Hammer novel. Published in 1947.” He turned to Ellie with a smile. “Only one of the best detective novels ever written.”

“Take it. Please, take whichever books you want. With my thanks for all your help.”

“I thought we agreed I’d be paid in decoys.”

“This isn’t payment.” She watched his face as his eyes scanned the titles. In that moment, he looked like a happy little boy on his birthday, one who’d just been told he’d be getting that new bike he wanted. She wouldn’t have suspected that the books would mean so much to him. “This is a thank-you, one friend to another.”

“In that case …” He reached into the cabinet and took two books from the shelf. “Thank you. These two were Mr. C.’s favorites. Miss Lilly scolded him like you wouldn’t believe when she found out he’d let me read them.”

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