The Choice (10 page)

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Authors: Kate Benson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #War, #Romance, #Military, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: The Choice
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“What?” Lauren says in confusion, only making me madder.

“You have got to be the dumbest person I have ever met in my entire life,” I start. She tries to speak, but I don’t want to hear another word from her mouth ever again.
“Do you have some kind of dumbass radar that controls your fucking brain? Seriously! Why in the hell would you think coming over here would be a good idea?”

“I was trying to apologize for…”

“Oh! This I have to hear!” I chuckle sarcastically. “What were you going to apologize for first, Lauren? For when you tried to fuck my boyfriend or when you tried to break us up? Oh wait, or was it for when you almost got him
because you’re too fucking stupid to take a hint? Which apology were you going for tonight?”

“I uh…”

“Shut up! Shut your fucking mouth, Lauren or so help me I am going to kick your
skanky ass all over this bar!” Flinching at my words, she stands there with her mouth open in shock before she has the nerve to smirk at me. People are staring, but I don’t care. All I see is red as I scream across the table at her, struggling to get past Chase. “Try me, Bitch! I already spent one night in jail over your ass, I am not afraid to go back!”

Seeing Chase holding me back from attacking her, she gets brave, stupid really. Taking a step towards us, Lauren places one hand on his shoulder and leans over, inches from my face.

“Actually, I came over to apologize to Chase for leaving my panties in his truck,” she smirks, winking in my direction. “I’d like them back, they were my favorite.”

You skeevy, no good, cock sucking whore!” I ground out from across the booth, ignoring the shocked gasps from Ana and Heather, lunging passed Chase with a strength I didn’t know I possessed. “Let me out of this fucking booth, Chase!”

For the first time since I’d met her, Lauren d
oes the smart thing and backs away. Not far enough though. I’m only inches away from her when Chase pushes me back down into the seat, gripping me by the shoulders.

“Drake! Get her the fuck out of here!”
he shouts across the booth, facing me as Drake urges Lauren away.

“Your ass is mine, Bitch!” I scream after her.

“Baby, Baby, Baby!” he says, tilting my face to his. “Breathe.”

“I can’t,” I say through clenched teeth.
I am
. “I hate her, Chase. I fucking

Trying one last time to get out of the booth, he roughly plops me back down into the seat as Lila makes her way over to us.

“Sophie, stop it!” he says, his voice firmer now.

“Honey, I heard what happen and I know you want her blood. Hell, I would, too,” she starts in my direction with compassionate eyes. “But I can’t have it in my bar.

“Are you throwing her out, Lila?” Ana and Chase both ask incredulously.

“Not if she can calm down, I won’t,” Lila says in her direction. “I love you kids, you know that’s not what I want. You gotta chill, Sophie.”

“Come on, Baby,” Chase says to me. “Let’s get you some air.”

“Don’t go out the front door,” Heather says, reminding us where Lauren is. “The women’s bathroom is empty, though.”

“Thanks,” Chase offers, pulling me up from the booth and leading me toward the restroom.

Still furious, I make my way over to the sink and hang my head low, forcing myself to breathe. As Chase pushes the door shut, I can feel the frustrated tears coming and it only makes me madder. Ripping a towel from the dispenser to my right, I begin gently wiping beneath my eyes as he walks up behind me.

“She’s never going to stop this shit, Chase,” I say, rage still bubbling below the surface.

“I’m so sorry, Sophie,” he says quietly as he places his large hands on my waist, squeezing affectionately. “I wish there was a way for me to keep her from ever bothering you again, Baby.”

“I don’t care about that, Chase! I just want her to stay the hell away from
!” I meet his eyes in the mirror. “I swear! It’s like I can’t let my guard down for one second or she’s pouncing all over you! It makes me crazy that she wants you so bad!”

“She can’t have me,” he whispers into my neck before pressing his lips gently to my skin.
“No matter what she says or does, I’ll always be yours, Sophie. You know that, don’t you?”

“Yes,” I say quietly as I nod my head and hold his gaze in the mirror. Running his hands over my ass, he squeezes before continuing lower.
I know he’s trying to distract me, but I don’t care. It’s working.

“Say it, Sophie.”

“You’re mine,” I whisper.

“Yes, Baby. I’m yours, no one else’s,” he promises reassuringly. “Nothing and no one is ever going to take me from you.”

“Okay,” I say in a shaky voice.

“Look at me, Sophie,” he whispers and I turn my head to face him. “Say it again.”

“You’re mine,” I say against his lips.

Yes, only yours,” he breathes before pressing his lips to mine.

Resting his hand high on my thigh between my legs, he squeezes gently before running the tip of his thum
b across the edge of my panties. Sending sparks through my body, I can’t hold back the shiver it causes and he groans into my mouth. “Are you mine, Sophie?”

“Yes,” I admit and he
grabs hold of my chin, kissing me harder as he pushes his tongue into my mouth.

“Show me,” he whi
spers huskily and props my knee up on the edge of the bathroom counter in front of me, spreading me wide. Moving the silk of my green thong to the side, he sinks two fingers inside me at once and we both let out of gasp. Slowly pushing them deeper inside of me, he runs his thumb gently over my clit and watches me as my eyes begin to grow heavy. “Look at me, Sophie,” he commands softly as I start instinctively grinding against his hand. “I want to watch you fuck my fingers, Baby.” I moan at his words and he begins plunging his fingers deeper inside me. He runs his tongue up the base of my neck, holding my gaze in the mirror in front of us.  

“Oh, my God Chase!” I

“Feel good


“Do you want more?”

“Yes, please!”
I beg him.

Raising my skirt up higher on my hips, Chase
tears the green fabric away from me, tossing it onto the sink before pushing a third finger inside me. He moves his gaze lower in the mirror, watching me ride his hand.

Lift your shirt, Baby,” he whispers huskily and I immediately comply. “God, you’re so fucking sexy, Princess.”

Pushing my
heavy breasts together, I hear the sharp intake of breath behind me and watch his lust filled eyes come back to mine.

I’m about to fuck you in this bathroom, Sophie,” he groans, trying to maintain control of himself while sending shivers up my spine.

“Yes,” I whimper. “Please ta
ke me, Chase!”

Adjusting his jeans behind me with his free hand, his fingers leave me and in the next moment, his
swollen cock is thrusting into me roughly.

re fucking soaked for me, Sweetheart,” he groans, running his lips up my neck. “Do you feel how hard you make me, Baby?”


“It belongs to you, Sophie. I’m yours,” he continues to reassure me.

“Oh, my God
,” I whimper, tears of both pleasure and pain running down my face.

“Tell me you’re mine, Sophie.”

“I’m yours, Chase.”

“Who owns your
pussy, Baby?” he growls into my hair.

,” I gasp. Placing one hand possessively on my neck, he begins slamming into me from behind, causing loud yelps of pleasure to escape my lungs. As I lean my head back on his shoulder, he squeezes my hip hard before running his thumb between my ass cheeks, settling against my tight bud. Shushing me, he places his hand over my mouth to lower the volume of my deafening moans of pleasure.

“This is mine, too. Isn’t it, Sweetheart
?” he growls into my ear, sending shivers through me as he slowly applies pressure, just barely entering me there with the tip of his finger.

“Yes!” I scream out
against his hand, no longer concerned with who hears us. A shockwave moves through me as I come again, harder this time.

I can smell my
earlier orgasm on his hand. I hold his gaze in the mirror as I wrap my lips around his finger and lick it clean. An animalistic growl leaves his chest as he calls my name out loudly.

, Sophie!” He’s ramming into me so hard now that I’m forced to put my hand on the mirror in front of me, steadying myself against his delicious assault. Biting the finger that still rests in my mouth, I watch his gaze darken once more as he pushes his finger deeper inside my ass. “It’s so hot when you’re filthy, Baby.”

More!” I plead loudly as he pounds harder into me.

Shh,” he says low into my ear before biting my shoulder roughly. “Quiet, Baby. Everyone is going to hear you.”

“I don’
t care!” I groan, feeling another tremor rack through me. “Fuck me harder,” I cry out, holding his gaze in the mirror I’m still gripping. Immediately, he begins driving into me with the force I crave, pulling his name from my lips.

“You’re about to make me come, Baby!”

The combine effects of his forcefulness and his need for me have me spiraling again. I can’t stop the low moan that passes through me. “Yes, Chase! I need it inside me!” I beg and with my words, I watch the last of his sanity leave him.

Fuck!” he groans. In one movement, he moves his hands from my lips and my ass only to grip my hair roughly and thrust his tongue into my mouth as he smacks me hard across the cheek of my ass. As his hand makes contact, I feel the sting all the way to my sex and driving into me with renewed force, we both find our explosive release.

Panting hard, Chase holds me
in place for a moment, never breaking our eye contact. His lips brush against mine as he tenderly skims my stomach with his fingertips. Such a contrast from the roughness he just took me with. Running his hand down my body, he gently strokes the swollen lips of my sex that are still wrapped around him, pressing his lips to mine.

“I love you, Dirty Girl,” he whispers, causin
g me to blush.

“Hmm,” I sigh. “I love you, too, Baby.”

Biting gently on my lower lip, we both wince slightly as Chase pulls himself from where he rests inside me. He helps steady me as I lower my leg from the counter in front of us. When I sway a little, he helps me put my clothes back in place as I continue to catch my breath. One look at my hair and I give up, causing Chase to laugh.

Pulling me close for a
deep kiss, we’re interrupted by a loud knock on the bathroom door.

“Hey guys?
” Drake’s voice sounds through on the other side. “You wanna wrap it up? You got a line out here.”

“Oh, my God Chase!” I whisper loudly as I throw my hand over my mouth in embarrassment. “Do you think they all heard us?”

“Yeah, we did,” Drake laughs through the other side of the door causing my cheeks to flare. “Come on you two, time for the walk of shame.”

Laughter still vibrating through his chest Chase kisses me on the forehead, pulling the door open to a line full of patrons. Their expressions vary from amused to
annoyed to Drake’s prideful beam. Before any of them can speak though, Chase tucks me under his arm and addresses them all with the widest, shit eating grin I’ve ever seen.

“It’s cool everyone!” he explains
loudly with a snicker. “We live together.”

Chapter Eleven

“Good morning, my little sexual deviant
,” I whisper into her hair as I pull her closer by the waist across our bed. Remembering last night, I can’t stop the mischievous grin that crosses my face. “You’re turning into quite the corruptor.”

she snorts sleepily, rubbing her eyes awake. “
the corruptor in this relationship!”

I say as an amused expression crosses my face. “You may not believe this, but I never did anything like that before I met you.”

Rolling over to face me, she eyes me speculatively, her golden strands falling haphazardly across her face.

“Hmm,” she seems to be considering this. “You’re right, I
believe you.”

“I’m serious,” I laugh. “The craziest place I ever had sex before you was in the back of a car.”

“Shut up!” she accuses with a laugh. “I can’t believe you woke me up just to tell me a lie!”

Flipping her over to face me, I pull her mouth to mine. “That’s not why I woke you up,” I whisper huskily.

Wrapping her arms around my neck, she smiles up at me.

“Why’d you wake me up then?”

“Drake called last night after you went into your rum induced coma,” I start with a chuckle. “He said he was too tired to drive back to Corpus so they crashed here. They’ll probably be leaving in a couple hours, but I thought you’d like to see Ana before they go.”

Thinking little of what I’ve
said, I’m surprised when I glance down to see Sophie’s eyes tearing with emotion.

“What’s wrong, Princess

“That’s so sweet,” she says softly. “Thank you, Lover.”

“You’re welcome,” I say, returning her kiss. “I know this whole moving thing has been a little hard on you, but I’m so happy you’re here, Baby. I’ll do whatever I can to make it easier.”

Nuzzling into my chest,
Sophie tucks her face into my neck and bites gently before placing a kiss to my skin. When she pulls away, her green eyes settle on mine for a moment before she speaks.

“I’m so in love with you, Chase.”

Wiping the tears from below her eyes, I hold her there before kissing her gently.

“I love you, too, Sophie. So much, Baby.”

Letting out a sigh, she rests her head on my chest and closes her eyes. Rubbing little circles over her back, we lay wrapped in each other. Whispering the lyrics to ‘Adore You’ by Miley Cyrus, she hugs me tighter in her arms. Unlike normal, she sings the song from beginning to end, leaving my throat thick with emotion.

er fingertips travel gently over my chest and stomach, tracing the ink lines of my tattoos and ridges of my muscles. Occasionally, singing a line that touches her heart more deeply, she presses her lips to my skin and I feel a chill run through me. When she finishes, she sits up slightly and kisses me sweetly on my jaw before returning her head to my chest.

As she often does, she leaves me speechless.

Pulling her lips to mine, I let my body say what my voice can’t manage.


“Chase Mitchell! You rat bastard!” Sophie says as she twists my nipple, nearly causing me to swerve into oncoming traffic.

Ow! Fuck, Baby! Shit!” I yelp down at her, rubbing my assaulted nipple. “What the hell?”

We’re halfway to Corpus on the way to visit Drake and Ana and my girl is glaring up from beside me in my truck.

“I knew you were hiding something from me!” she yells, reaching for my other nipple and smacking my arm when she realizes they’re both covered defensively. “Why didn’t you tell me Emily was going to ask me to be in her freaking wedding?”

“She asked me not to and when the hell did you get so violent? Shit woman!”

Throwing her head back on the seat behind her, she lets out an exhausted sigh and glances over at me, irritated.

“Just tell her no if you don’t want to do it, Baby,” I say, earning me a death glare.

“I can’t tell her no, Chase!”

“You can if y
ou don’t want to do it, Sweetheart.”

“Ugh! You’re such a man! You have no idea what the hell you’re even talking about! I’m calling Ana,” she shakes her head
and reaches for her phone.

“Wait, Sophie,” I start. “First of all, just because I have a dick doesn’t mean I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about. Second of all, we’ll be there in like fifteen minutes
so why don’t you calm down and tell me why you’re freaking out.”

Do you have any idea what a wedding is to a woman?” she finally asks after a moment.

“It’s a wedding. It’s the day you vow your eternal love to your soul mate,” I tell her, waving my hand.

“Aww, that’s so sweet, Baby,” she says and I smirk, pleased with myself. “It’s also so completely wrong.”

“How is it wrong?”

“Okay, fine. You’re partially right. It is all those things,” she concedes. “But a girl starts planning her wedding when she’s like ten, Chase.”

“Sophie…” I shoot her a look of disbelief, ready to tell her she’s crazy when she cuts me off. 

“Yes, Chase. When she is
! Emily has been picking out china patterns and flower arrangements for this day for over half of her life. And if she’s one of the lucky ones, she only gets to do this one time,” she says as she thrusts her finger dramatically in front of her. “So, if someone likes you enough to want to look at pictures of you on the day they started planning when they were
ten years old
for the rest of their lives, you have to say yes! You have to or you’re the asshole who ruined their special freaking day! Do I look like an asshole to you, Chase? Do I?”

“No,” I laugh. “You look a little crazy, but you don’t look like an asshole.”

“Thank you!”

“I still don’t know why you’re y
elling at me, though.”

“I’m yelling at you b
ecause your job when a woman asks you to be in her wedding is to not look like ass in all the pictures and help with shit. Now, I’m down to three weeks to look perfect for an out of state wedding that you knew about a week ago! God, I was already stressed out about meeting your family. Now I have to go on a diet and my period is about to start.”

explains the crazy,” I blurt out, not thinking.

“Are you serious?” she shout
s, twisting my nipple again.

“Shit! Stop
fuckin’ doing that to me, Baby!” I cringe, laughing. “I don’t know why you’re freaking out anyway. You look perfect, you’ve met my family already and I already paid for everything so you don’t have to do anything but show up and get dressed.”

“That’s sweet,” she says, blushing at my compliment. “I only met your parents and your sister, though. Isn’t your entire family going? Wait… what do you mean you already paid for everything?”

“Yes, they are, but you’ve met the immediate ones. And I sent my credit card stuff to my mom for my tux and your dress so you don’t have to worry about doing that.”

“They’ve already ordered my dress?”

“Yeah, I gave them your size and they ordered it last week,” I tell her.

“How did you know what size to tell them?” she asks confused.

“I looked in your skirt while you were in the shower, Sophie. What are you so worried about… ”

“The skirt I wore to the bar last week?” she cuts me off.

“Yeah,” I tell her.

“Oh my God, Chase! That’s not the same size!” she yells in panic, her temporary calm leaving immediately. “Bridesmaids dresses run small and that thing barely covers my ass!”

“Hmm… I know,” I say, smirking at the memory of her bent over the bathroom counter in that skirt last weekend.

“Why are you so
happy! Stop it! This is serious!” I glance down at her and notice she’s starting to hyperventilate.

, this is
that serious! Calm down!”

“I can’t calm down! I’m going to have to lose like ten pounds in two weeks!

Looking over her already petite frame, I shake my head in disbelief.

“You’re not going on a diet, Sophie,” I tell her as I pull into Drake’s driveway. “You don’t need to lose weight.”

“Oh shut up, you
gorgeous liar!” she says dramatically as she climbs out of the truck and stomps toward the door.

Ana meets us there
and swings the door open, throwing her arms around Sophie.

“You’re here!” she says happily. Pulling away, she looks down to see Sophie’s worried expression. “What’s wrong?”

“Emily asked me to be in her wedding,” she starts. “Which is great, but Chase has known about it for a week and just told me on the way here! Then, he told me he gave her the size out of the skirt I wore last weekend for my dress and it’s already been ordered!”

Confident she’ll realize Sophie is overreacting, I’m not expecting Ana’s reaction.

“Oh no! What are you going to do, Soph? You’re going to have to lose like ten pounds and you’re about to start your period!”

“I know!” she says, throwing her hands in the air in exasperation before shaking her head at me.

“Oh, my God, Baby! You’re totally overreacting!”

“Easy for you to say!” she counters. “You’re always hot, you bastard!”

Shaking her head again, she walks inside with Ana who’s wrapping her arm around her shoulder consolingly.

It’s okay, Honey. I was going to go on a diet, too. We’ll do it together,” she offers, making Sophie smile.

“You don’t need to go on a diet!” Drake and I both call after them, both of us ignored.

Shaking his head with an amused grin, Drake shuts the door behind me.

“How could you, Dude?” he laughs.

“I know, right? Shit!” I shake my head.

” he laughs. “How was your drive?”

“I need a freaking beer!” I tell him as I move passed with our bag.

After Sophie and I get our things settled in our room, we join Drake and Ana on the back porch. Since traffic was worse than usual, we’d arrived later than we’d planned and decide to stay in for the night.

“Hey man,” Drake looks over at me with a grin. “Remember that night we went to that club out in Dallas and lost the car?”

Laughing so hard I nearly spit my beer out I look at Sophie who is sitting on my lap with an amused grin.

“Holy shit, I forgot about that!” I laugh. “That
was awesome! Remember Tommy crying because he thought his mom was gonna find out about the car and kick his ass!”

“Yeah, I saw a car like that and wa
s thinking about that today,” Drake laughs and turns to Ana. “We were just wandering around Dallas for like two hours looking for this car until we finally sobered up enough to it.”

So where was the car?” she asks.

“It was across the street,” we both answer her, still laughing.

“That’s funny,” she laughs. “One night when we were still in high school, Lucy and I got fake ID’s from some guy she knew. We went to this bar the next town over and they let us in so we’re drinking for a couple hours, having fun. Then I look over and see Jack and Matty in the corner playing pool with Matt’s neighbor. Apparently, they were freaking regulars at this bar!”

“Ha! What did you do?” Sophie laughs.

“What could I do? It’s not like I could go yell at them! I was doing the same thing! We ended up just pretending we didn’t see each other until finally they admitted they saw us a couple years later! Lucy and I just left,” she says with another laugh.

“So tell us one of your fun, crazy stories, Baby,” I tell Sophie with a smile
, but she just shrugs. “Come on! Don’t be shy! You have to tell us one!”

“No,” she says, looking down at me. “It’s not out of shyness. I never really did anything crazy,” she admits. I look up to where she’s sitting in my lap and give her a doubtful look
, but she just giggles. “I’m serious! I didn’t do anything crazy when I was growing up. My mom was super strict. When my aunt took me in, I didn’t know anyone. I met Jack and we just hung out with Ana and Matty,” she shrugs again. “Y’all already know about us getting arrested on prom night,” she laughs. “That’s about the craziest thing I ever did.”

The group falls quiet for a moment and I can tell she’s feeling out of place. I hug her closer to my
chest and kiss her on the neck.

“That’s okay, Baby,” I say with a wink. “I love that you’re a good girl.”

She smiles and the conversation moves on
, but I can tell she’s thinking hard about something. About twenty minutes later, she’s resting her head on my chest when she abruptly sits up.

“Get up,” she says, standing and looking down at me. “Come on, get your shoes on.”

“Why, Baby? What’s wrong?”

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