The Choice (8 page)

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Authors: Kate Benson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #War, #Romance, #Military, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: The Choice
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Chapter Eight

“Are you sure you’re ready for that, Sophie? Drake said you’re welcome to stay here, Honey. You don’t have to rush…” I say quietly into the phone. I know I kind of sprang this whole mo
ving out thing on her, but I don’t want her to do anything she isn’t ready for.

“Yes, I’m sure,” she answers calmly, cutting me off from my nervous rambling.

“You’ll call me if you need me?”

“I promise, Ana,” she whispers into the line and I know her heart is clenching just as hard as mine is.

“Okay, I’ll see you soon and call you sooner,” I tell her. “I love you, Soph.”

“Okay. Love you, too.”

“Bye, Sis.”

“Bye,” she says quietly and hangs up.

I don’t have to see her to know she’s just as torn as I am right now. I know we’re both staring at our phones in disbelief.

Did that really just happen

“Hey,” Drake says from behind me, pulling me from my thoughts. I turn to face him and our arms instinctively wrap around each other like magnets. Kissing me on the top of my head, he whispers into my hair, “Are you okay?” 

“Sophie’s moving in with Chase,” I say quietly as I avoid his question. I don’t know the answer yet and I won’t lie to him.

“I heard,” he says softly. “How are you feeling?”

He pulls away briefly to take in my expression and I can’t imagine the confusion he must be finding there.

“I’m not sure,” I say honestly.

Analise, we don’t have to do this if you’re not ready either, you know. I was wrong before,” he says as he pushes the stray strands away from my face. “If you need more time, we’ll make it work.”

“No,” I say, already shaking my head in disagreement. “This is what I want. It’s just hard to imagine not seeing her every day, you know?”

“Baby, it’s only an hour away,” he says with a sweet smile. “I will drive you to her every day if that’s what you want.”

Feeling the start of a smile crossing my face, I meet the ice blue of his eyes and see his matching grin.

“Wouldn’t that be a little ridiculous and kind of defeat the purpose of me moving in?”

If it makes you smile at me like that every day, I really don’t care how ridiculous it is, my Love.”

“Holy shit!” I whisper as I stare up at him in awe. “What a line!”

“Did you like that one?” he chuckles and I nod.

“Total panty
melter, Babe,” I confess.

As he pulls me closer and presses his lips to mine, I feel whole. The road to get here was a rocky one, but standing here in his arms, I know I
’ve made the right choice.




By the end of the week, Ana and I had officially moved out of our apartment.

Our goodbye was a teary on
e. We’d celebrated our last night as roommates alone, drinking and laughing at the memories we’d shared in the past few years we’d spent living together. It was the perfect way to say goodbye to that part of our lives together and move on to the next chapter.

We both knew we’d never say g
oodbye to each other completely. The promise we’d made to Jack and to each other was one that would never be broken, regardless of time or distance. Ana would always be a major part of my life and I hers, but it was time.

Time to move on, time to move forward, time
to start living again.

As I place the last box onto the floor inside Chase’s house,
, I let out a sigh and look at the stacks of boxes that I’ve filled with my life.

I hear the door close behind me and Chase
’s steps are nearly silent. I feel him behind me, causing the never ending flurry of butterflies to return full force. He rests his hand on my waist and burrows his head into the crook of my neck, kissing me softly, sending chills up my spine.

“Welcome home, Baby,” he whispers into my ear and I melt as I feel the wide smile crossing over his lips. Tickling me with the scruff on his face, I let out a squeal that causes him to chuckle and turn me in his arms.

I wrap myself in him and pull him as close as I can, resting my head on his chest. He rubs gentle, soothing circles on the small of my back and I let out a content sigh.

“Love you, Funky Monkey,” I whisper against his chest as I bring my eyes up to see him already staring down at me.

“I love you, too, Baby,” he says softly, beaming. Reaching up on my toes, I press my lips to his and give him a chaste kiss before biting his chin and returning my head to his chest. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” I start. “I just can’t believe nearly 24 years is
sitting in your living room.”

“It’s yours now, too,” he squeezes my hip, sending sparks through me. After a moment of silence, he whispers. “Man, we’re really growing up, Princess.”

“Yep,” I chuckle.

“Six months ago, I was wooing your pants off in a bar and now look at us,” he says in a playful tone. “Crazy in love and
shackin’ up.”

Pulling away from him, I playfully smack him
with a wide grin, biting down on my lip. “You did not woo my pants off in a bar!”

“You keep biting your lip
, I’m gonna woo your pants off in this living room,” he says in a seductive chuckle, moving closer to me and gripping me by the waist of my jeans when I playfully pull away. The roughness of his touch sends waves of excitement straight to my core.

“Hmm… Woo away,” I say, pulling him down to the floor with me when I realize we’d blocked the path to the bedroom with my boxes.

An hour and countless orgasms later, we lay sprawled out and naked on the floor in front of the entryway. Panting recklessly, Chase looks over at me, sweat glistening across his gorgeous face and winks.

“Bet your last roommate never made you squirm
across the living room floor like that, did she, Baby?”

“You’re such a dork,” I shake my head and laugh at him.

“Yep,” he agrees with another chuckle as he kisses me on my forehead. “We travel in pairs. Welcome to the team, Baby.”



For the next few weeks, Sophie and I settled into our living situation perfectly. She’d taken a leave of absence from work to help take care of me while I healed up from the accident
, but soon, she’d planned to go back. The idea of not spending every second with her sucked, but I knew I’d be heading back to work soon, too. Staying in a routine was always something that she said she’d preferred. I want her to be happy, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me nervous to get back to real life. Sophie and I had always had a perfect relationship when we were alone, but bring in the rest of the world and shit almost always hit the fan.

Two days after Sophie moved in, we were unpacking
the last of the boxes and she came across the box Drake had gotten from my truck. There wasn’t much in there, mostly random stuff like sunglasses, cell phone chargers and a few items of clothing we’d left from our trips to Camden and the beach. When she grew quiet, I looked over to see her staring into the box, a mixture of hurt and fury brewing in her eyes.

“What’s wrong, Baby?” I’d asked and she raised her eyes to meet mine.

“Oh nothing,” she’d said through clenched teeth. “I was just trying to figure out who this belongs to.”

She picked up the pencil sitting beside her and used it to lift a bright, red thong from the box.

“Isn’t it…?”

“Chase Benjamin Mitchell, so help me God! I swear that if you ask me if this skanky ass looking thong is mine, I’m going to flip the fuck out on you!”

Taken aback by her words
and tone, I quickly shut up and thought. I hadn’t had another woman in my truck for months, except… Son of a bitch!

Images from the night of the accident flashed through my mind and I quickly remembered where they’d come from. Seeing the realization flash in my face, Sophie waited a beat while I tried to find a good excuse and a better hiding spot.

“Chase!” she yelled and I knew my time was up.

“They’re Lauren’s,” I started
slowly, but quickly sped up my words when I saw the livid expression crossing her face. “Baby, I swear I didn’t touch her!”

“Then why was her thong in your truck, Chase?”

“I was driving her home when I had the accident,” I started.

” she glared at me.

“It wasn’t like that, Sophie,” I promised and she stood to face me, listening intently as I told her what happened the night of the accident for the first time. When I finished, she was still pissed, but for a different reason.

“I’m going to kill her,” she said quietly. So quietly, in fact, that it chilled me to my bones. Facing me, she shook her head. “I really think I’m going to kill the bitch this time, Chase.”

“Baby,” I said, pulling her to my chest. “Nothing happened…”

“Nothing happened?” she pulled away from me. “Chase, she almost got you killed!”

“I’m okay, Sophie,” I said, pulling her back to my chest and letting out a sigh of relief when she finally wrapped her arms around my waist. “I’m okay.”

She kept silent long enough that I finally lifted her chin to my gaze.

“I’m sorry I yelled at you,” she said quietly.

“It’s alright,” I whispered, kissing her on the head.

“No, it’s not,” she interrupted me as she pulled away. “I trust you and I know you wouldn’t hurt me like that. I shouldn’t have yelled at you.”

“Do you, Sophie?” Question filled her eyes. “Do you really trust me?”

“With my life,” she said immediately. “I’m sorry I don’t always show it, but I trust you.”

“Okay,” I whispered and placed a kiss on her lips. “I can’t believe you middle named me,” I chuckled and watched her cheeks flush with crimson.

Kissing me quickly, she pulled away and headed for the front door.

“Where are you going?” I asked her, surprised at her sudden departure. Raising the scrap of red cloth with the pencil in her hand, she looked back at me.

“I’m getting that whore’
s shit out of my fucking house,” she winked and starting toward the trashcan against the curb, she pulled the door shut behind her.

That’s my girl

Chapter Nine

You’d think after
over a month off of work, I’d be clawing my way up the walls with boredom. However, when my alarm clock sounds off beside me, I groan with frustration.

“Good morning, Baby,” Chase whispers against my neck as he reaches over me to turn off my alarm and rests on top of me.

The doctor had cleared him to work earlier this week, but we’d decided to return to work together today.

“Good morning,” I yawn, rubbing the sleep from my eyes so I can get a better look at him.

His blonde hair is hanging over his bright blue eyes and the scruff I’d grown to love could almost be considered a beard. I’d never known it was something I was attracted to, but staring up at his large, muscle bound frame as it hovers over me now, I couldn’t want him more, scruff and all. Biting down on his chin, I let out a playful growl and watch his gaze fill with desire.

“You’re so sexy, Princess,” he groans as he swivels his hips and his groin grinds against my sex. I let out a small whimper of pleasure as
he runs his lips down my neck, shooting an electric current straight to my core. “Let’s call in sick to work.”

“It’s our
first day back,” I chuckle breathlessly as his lips make their way down to my bare breasts, pulling one of my nipple into his mouth and sucking.

“Tell them we
can’t get out of bed,” he says, moving to my other breast and biting down gently.

“Now that you mention it,
looking a little weak,” I pant as he slowly moves his mouth down my body, dipping his tongue into my navel, slowly torturing me.

See?” he says with a wicked grin as his eyes meet mine. “You’re looking a little flush, too, Baby.””

Before I can answer, he spreads my legs wide and pushes my bare lips apart with his fingers, teasing my clit with the tip of his tongue before sucking furiously. My hand grips the hair at the base of his neck,
causing him to groan into me, sending delicious vibrations through my body. He flattens his tongue against me, swiping it over my sex from bottom to top slowly before gripping my thighs into his hands roughly, holding me in place. Sucking and gently biting my lips into his mouth, he becomes lost in me. Occasionally pulling away only long enough to tell me how good I taste before plunging his tongue back inside me.

My orgasms come in spades and
before long, he leaves my body feeling used in the most delicious way. He’s devouring me in ways I’ve never experienced before him and when I think I’ve had too much, he takes me back to the brink and pushes me over again and again.

Once my brain is completely useless, he thrusts into me, filling me to the hilt in one swift movement, causing me to cry out. Pulling my hair from beneath me, he licks greedily up the side of my neck before gently biting down on my jaw.

“Kiss me,” I beg as he pushes harder into me and immediately, his tongue is inside my mouth. The taste of my orgasm in his mouth sends me back over the edge as he continues to grind his hips against my clit while his swollen cock stretches and fills me.

“Come for me, Sophie,” he whispers, holding my gaze as he feels me pulsing around him. “Go, Baby.”

My hand grips onto his ass and squeezes hard as I fall apart around him.

“Good girl,” he croons softly into my neck as he continues his pace and places light, feathery kisses over my sensitive skin while I come down
slowly. “Open your eyes.”

Returning my eyes to his, I am nearly overcome when I see the emotion in his blue orbs. Holding my gaze, Chase kisses me deeply as he continues his sensual assault on my body. The intensity of the moment brings tears to my eyes and as he pulls away, he slowly runs his tongue up the side of my face, licking my tears away gently before staring back down at me.

“I love you, Sophie,” he pants as he begins to throb inside me.

“I love you, too, Baby
,” I whisper as his pace quickens, pulling me back to the edge with him.

“You own me
,” he says against my lips. “Tell me your mine, Sweetheart.”

“I’m yours, Chase,” I
cry out, pulling him down to my mouth and gripping the spot on the back of his head that always drives him wild.

With a loud groan of pleasure, Chase fills me and I scream his name out as I ride out my orgasm. I continue to grind against him as he slows his movements, giving me a few final thrusts
before coming to a stop inside me.

“Oh my God, Babe!
” I pant breathlessly, running my hand through the disheveled mess that is my hair. Quickly glancing over at the alarm as Chase rests his head against my shoulder, I’m grateful for the extra hour we’ve given ourselves to get ready this morning. I run my fingertips up and down his spine as my mind reels with the intensity of our lovemaking. Chase is oddly quiet and I glance up at him to find him deep in thought before he meets my eyes. “Are you okay?”

He pushes up on his elbows without breaking our connection and stares down at me for another long minute, pushing the stray wisps of hair away from my face.

“Sophie,” he says my name in a soft, thick voice.


Marry me,” he answers quietly as he rests his forehead against mine. “Please?”

“Chase…” I whisper, placing my hand on his jaw. I can’t stop the tears that form in my eyes because I know I can’t give him the answer we both want him to have.

As badly as I want to spend my life with him, I’m just not ready.

“Sophie, please don’t tell me no again,” he pleads, shutting his eyes and causing my heart to shatter.

“Baby, look at me.” When he opens his eyes, I see the anguish there and it nearly ends me. “Chase, it’s never no.”

Letting out a long, exhausted sigh, he looks down my body and nods.  “It’s never yes, either, is it?”

“It will be one day,” I promise him and his eyes return to mine. “I just need more time.”      

“Okay,” he whispers after a moment and gives me a chaste kiss.

Holding his head in my hands, I return my hand to the side of his neck and stroke his jaw affectionately with my thumbs.

“Please don’t give up on me, Chase,” I plead quietly and he stares down at me. “I love you so much.”

“I won’t,” he says. “I love you, too.”

Giving me another chaste kiss, h
e lifts me slowly and wraps my legs around his waist. I bury my head into his neck and place kisses over his skin as we make our way into the bathroom for a quick shower. 

Once I’m dressed, I leave Chase with a kiss and head to work. He’s not due in Corpus for a couple hours and has promised to stop in for breakfast so I know I’ll see him soon. Still, after spending so much time together and the conversation we had this morning, I’m not feeling great.

Walking into the restaurant for the first time in over a month, I am surprised to see Heather, the server I’d trained a while back, already getting the line ready for the day. We hadn’t had a chance to get to know each other much before I’d taken my leave, but she seemed like a sweet girl and she definitely wasn’t running short on personality.

Placing my purse below the register, I get my apron tied securely around my waist and greet her with a smile.

“Hey, Sophie! Long time, no see!” she says with a grin to match mine.

“Hey, how are you?”

“I’m good,” she says, pushing the bleach blonde strands from her face. “How’s your boyfriend doing? Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, he’s much better now. Thank you for asking,” I answer.

We slip into a comfortable conversation as she catches me up on local gossip. She tells me about the new manager, Jamie, who she’s got the hots for, and we finish getting things ready for the day ahead. I quickly remember that she’s new to the area, recently moved here from Tennessee and we make plans to get together after work sometime for a girls night. It occurs to me that she’s my first new friend in years and I’m grateful that she’s so easy to talk to.

thirty minutes after we open the restaurant, I see Chase pulling into the lot in the new work truck he’d gotten from Drake over the weekend.

It’s been a slow start this morning so Heather and I have been talking about random topics. In the middle
of her animated description of the movie she’d seen the night before, her voice trails off.

“Fuck me
runnin’!” she says under her breath and I follow her gaze to the front door where Chase is about to enter. He’s looking utterly delicious in his work gear, as always, with his muscular, ink clad arms busting out everywhere. I’m about to tell her who he is, but she cuts me off. “Man! They weren’t kidding when they said everything was bigger in Texas! Look at him! He could melt the panties off a polar bear! Hot damn!”

Heather slaps t
he counter, still drooling, as I struggle to hide my amusement and Chase walks in. Normally, the thought of another woman gawking at him would send me into a possessive fury, but I can tell she has no idea he’s mine. I’d be lying, though, if I said I wasn’t looking forward to the next part of this conversation.

Looking around the empty restaurant
as he makes his way over to where we’re standing, Chase jokingly asks, “Got room for one more?”

Before I can answer, Heather mumbles under her breath, “I’d
room for your fine ass,” causing me to choke on my coffee.

“Did I miss something?” Chase asks with a smirk and
I shake my head.

“Looks like you got ever
ything just right, sweet cheeks,” Heather says below her breath and I laugh harder.

“Chase, this is the new server, Heather,” I say
with a grin as I watch her blush when he flashes her a smile. “Heather, this is my boyfriend, Chase.”

Realization sweeps across her features and I can’t stifle
my laughter any longer.

“Oh! My God Sophie! I’m so sorry! I had no idea!” she starts and I wave her off. Chase’s expression is one of confusion and I reach up to give him a kiss before showing him which booth to sit in.

“I’ll be over with your coffee in a second, Sweet Cheeks,” I call over to him, shooting Heather a wink.

Seven hours, twenty apologies and two exchanged numbers later, I
’ve made my first friend in Rockport.


The rest of our week is spent getting used to being back at work. I missed seeing Chase since we’d spent so much time alone while he was recovering, but I was grateful the outside world had let us transition without any drama so far.

Today is Satur
day and Ana’s last night at Lila’s. Chase, Drake and I would all be spending the evening at the bar, them no doubt singing karaoke. I’d been heading up in the afternoons once my shifts had ended to see her so I’d seen her every day since we’d moved out of the apartment. Since she’d given such short notice, she’d agreed to stay on as needed, but she wouldn’t have a schedule anymore.

After tonight, I have
no idea when I’ll be seeing her again.

Chase and I spend the morning lounging around the house in our underwear until noon before we make ourselves get up and run errands. Although the day is very domestic, it’s nothing like I’d worried it would be when he initially asked me to move in.

I’d been so concerned that we’d get caught up in the everyday monotony of paying bills and domestic life that we’d stop experiencing the passion I’d come to crave. I never considered that moving in together would be the same as every incredible weekend we’d shared, the only difference now is that our time together never had to end.

Once we got home, Chase took me in the shower before we got ready for our night out together. Before heading to the bar, we’
d decided to go out to dinner.

As I add the last details to my makeup, Chase walks into our bathroom and sits on the side of the massive tub and watches me silently. I glance down at him and return the smile he’s got on his face with a chuckle.

“What are you grinning about?” I ask.

“I’m just happy, Baby.”

“I’m happy, too,” I smile wider.

“Good,” he says as he stands, moving behind me and allowing his eyes to roam
over me. I’m wearing a destroyed, denim miniskirt, an off the shoulder black Ramones top and matching black booties I’d thrown on. My makeup is smoky and my hair is down and straight, nearly hitting my waist. “You look hot as shit, Babe.”

“Thank you,
” I chuckle, blushing as I turn to face him. He was wearing my favorite pair of jeans and a long sleeved, grey t-shirt that hugged the muscles of his arms and chest without looking like he’d planned it that way. Letting out a small sigh of appreciation at the sight of the perfect man in front of me, I rest my hands on his insane chest and shake my head in disbelief. “You look hot, too, Cupcake. I can’t believe I get to see you naked.”

“Anytime you want to, Baby,” he laughs and leans in to give me a slow kiss.
“Are you ready?”

“Yeah,” I tell him as I
gently rub the gloss from his lips and take his hand to follow him to his truck.

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