The Choice - A Small Town Love Triangle (6 page)

Read The Choice - A Small Town Love Triangle Online

Authors: Piper Phoenix

Tags: #New adult romance

BOOK: The Choice - A Small Town Love Triangle
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The movie felt like it was lasting forever, probably because she didn’t have a clue what was going on. Traci didn’t have anywhere she needed to be, but she felt anxious for it to end. She wanted to see what would happen next. Would he kiss her? Kissing Sawyer was definitely not off the table in her mind. She was well aware of the fact that he was Cash’s brother, but Sawyer didn’t know Traci knew anything about that. As far as she was concerned her one-night stand with Cash was just that. One night. With Sawyer it was something different. He was a sweetheart, she liked who she was around him.

Sawyer had been so quiet she glanced up at him to see if he had fallen asleep but he was just watching the movie. He looked down at her and their eyes locked. She smiled at him but he didn’t smile back. Instead, what she saw in his eyes was that glimmer of absolute desire she’d seen in men before. It was something she knew. She didn’t know sweet or romantic, but the lust and desire, that she knew. Usually the look was in their eyes after they were already on top of her, but Sawyer wasn’t like that, he held back. He was cautious and careful. He was a true gentleman in that he wasn’t going to act on it unless he was sure it was what she wanted too.

She raised her lips to his, and he met them lightly. He brushed his lips lightly against her soft, sweet lips. He pulled back as if he had to stop himself before he would no longer be able to maintain control. Sawyer focused his eyes back on the TV, but Traci no longer could even pretend to be interested in the movie. She got on her knees and started kissing his neck and slipped her fingers into his smooth freshly washed hair. He smelled of soap and cologne, it was intoxicating.

Sawyer kept his eyes on the movie but each blink lasted longer and longer, he was certainly enjoying the attention while trying to remain in control. Traci climbed onto his lap and straddled him, still kissing his neck and feeling his muscles through his shirt.

“Traci,” he groaned as he easily scooted her backwards towards his knees. She reached for his buttons to undo his shirt but he stopped her.

“What’s wrong?” she asked feeling rejected but not moving from his lap. He looked so hot in the glow from the TV screen. She figured she must have misread the situation, and she felt foolish.

“Look, I like you. I like you a lot and I really don’t want to screw this up. I want you to be my girlfriend, maybe not today but someday. I’d like to spend more time with you, get to know you, I already know you’re beautiful but I want to know the person you are on the inside too,” he said looking towards his front door as a flash of headlights pulled in and then disappeared. I wondered if he was expecting someone.

“I want to get to know you too,” Traci said, “but I like this part too.” She reached for his buttons again as she bit her lip.

“Trust me, I like this too, but I don’t want you to get the wrong impression. I’m not that type of guy who can just have a new girl every night and still be able to look themselves in the mirror. If you don’t want to see where this goes, like take a real try at it, then I can’t in good conscience do this. I refuse to be
guy.” He ran his hands through his hair nervously. Sawyer had laid all his cards out on the table and looked worried that her response might not be what he wanted to hear.

“Sawyer I know you aren’t
kind of guy, that’s what I like most about you! I’ve never known anyone like you. I think I’d like to give it a shot and see where this all goes, but not if we can’t do things like this,” she said pressing her lips to his. This time he kissed her back fully.






Traci started to unbutton his shirt desperate to touch his bare skin. Sawyer grabbed her ass and pulled her against him as their tongues danced happily against one another. Once his shirt was unbuttoned she peeled it opened and ran her hands all over his bare chest. She could feel that familiar tingle start between her legs. Traci pressed her tits against Sawyer trying to hint to him to take her shirt off, but if he got it he wasn’t giving in.

She started to grind herself down on his already hard cock which only charged her more. He easily lifted her and laid her down on the couch. He kissed her neck and down towards her tits but only kissing the exposed skin her shirt didn’t cover. Traci was dying for him to take charge and do more to her, caress her bare tits, lick her nipples, even put his hand down her pants… anything! Now that she knew what real fucking was like, she wanted to experience that with Sawyer. Somewhere inside her, her brain was still working, and she knew Sawyer wouldn’t take it that far. Not so soon. She didn’t even try to push the limits.

He slid his hand up her stomach and over her breast lightly brushing his thumb against her nipple. Traci moaned and arched into him. He used his knee to slide her legs apart and pressed his cock against her pussy. It felt amazing even with her clothes still on. She wanted to see what Sawyer was hiding in those jeans but she knew that was a lost cause.

“Traci?” he said still grinding into her, his hand caressing her everywhere.

“Yes, Sawyer?” She hoped he was going to ask her to his bedroom.

“The movie is over.”

“Oh, guess we won’t know how it ends.”

“Nope,” he said with an absolutely perfect grind that hit Traci in all the right ways.

She moaned and pinched her own nipple. Sawyer put his hand on top of hers, “You’re going to hate me, but I think we have to call it a night.”

“Huh?” she said crossing her arms in front of her and pulling away from him. She felt hurt, rejected and embarrassed, even though she knew she didn’t need to feel those things.

“Shit,” he said sitting up, “Fuck!” Sawyer slammed his hand against the arm of the couch in frustration.

She looked at him confused. Her body had turned off just like that as if there was a switch somewhere inside her that had flipped.

“I want nothing more than to do this and more with you, but I just don’t work that way. Shit, Traci. I’m good at screwing things up aren’t I?”

She shook her head. He wasn’t screwing things up. Traci felt as though it was her making things go too fast for him. She just wasn’t used to anything being slow, she’d never really even dated anyone before, and this was a whole new world to her. Her life before Sawyer and before Cash had just been making out and dry fucking guys for fun. Nothing ever lasted and nothing was important to her. She worried she was going to mess it up before it even had a chance to be anything.

“Truth is I have to get up early. Please don’t take this the wrong way, I’d let you stay, but I wouldn’t be able to stop myself again. I hope you understand,” he said looking defeated.

“OK, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”

“—You did nothing Traci. I’m the one that’s sorry. I really do have to get up early, heck, I should have been to bed hours ago.”

“I should have picked a shorter movie.”

Sawyer laughed, “Yeah maybe, but its fine, I had a good time. Far better than tomorrow will go.”

“What’s happening tomorrow?”

“Shit. I have to help my brother. We don’t work well together but he asked for some help, and I have trouble saying no, even to him.”

“Your brother?” she asked her heart beating so hard she was afraid Sawyer could see it.

“Yeah, I have a brother. You have any brothers or sisters?” he asked seemingly trying to change the subject. He wasn’t going to talk about Cash or the fact that Cash from the bar was his brother. It was bettered that way Traci decided, and she definitely wasn’t going to press it.

“No, it’s just me,” Traci said and rearranged her clothes. She grabbed her purse, “Well I’ll get going then so you can get some rest. If I would have known, I wouldn’t have stayed so long.”

“That’s right, you didn’t know. No worries. I’ll walk you out,” he said and reached out for her hand. Traci happily took it and he led her outside to her car where he opened the door for her.

“Well good night,” she said turning to him.

“When can I see you again?”

“Call me, I’m almost always free.”

“Good night Traci,” he said still practicing her name. He leaned down and kissed her. It was quite possibly the sweetest kiss she’d ever received. He continued to hold her hand until she was sitting in her car when he reluctantly let go of her finger by finger. He smiled and waved as she started the car, looped around and drove away.

She glanced back in her rear view and thought she saw someone walking towards him. Cash. Was it him? Had he recognized her car? Or maybe she just imagined it.



* * *



Traci felt like she could puke as she drove down the bumpy road away from Sawyer’s house. She didn’t know how she felt about Cash being back. And on top of it she had all these feelings she didn’t recognize towards Sawyer but deep inside she craved more Cash. She couldn’t deny it.

She was also pissed off at Cash. Of course she shouldn’t be because she knew what it was all about when she walked into that trailer with him. Secretly she had hoped she’d be the one he’d want to see again. She’d be different from all the others. If they had exchanged numbers, he could have called her to tell her when he’d be in town again but they hadn’t. He never wanted more than that night.

If she could just see him one more time, she could more easily accept and process the situation, she’d get over it and everything would be fine. But how could she see him? She had no way to contact him and she wasn’t about to just drive up to the trailer, Sawyer would recognize her car. Pissing off Sawyer was the last thing she wanted to do.

Maybe she’d just have to forget about it. Forget Cash even existed. Give this thing with Sawyer a real go, but really it had only been two dates that barely counted as dates.. There hadn’t been any real commitment other than to see where things went. Traci made no promises to be exclusive. Deep down she knew that didn’t include fucking his brother, but she had no plans to be with Cash again. She only wanted to see him, to talk to him, that’s all she needed to fully accept the situation for what it was. After all she already mostly accepted it, there was just a tiny bit of hope and mounds and mounds of unrelenting carnal lust.



* * *



Traci’s mom had asked her to go to the grocery store to pick up a few items she needed for dinner and she had nothing better to do so she accepted. After all, it was the least she could do since they were putting a roof over her head while she was between jobs. She pushed the rattling cart through the store, wondering how it was she always got the noisiest cart. Everyone glanced at her as she passed.

She turned down the baking isle to look for the flour. As she reached down to pick up one of the largest bags, she felt someone press something into her ass. She jumped and spun around almost knocking a bag of sugar off of the shelf.

Her heart skipped three beats as Cash reached out his arm and held the bag of sugar in place pinning her between his arm and her shopping cart. “Hey there sweetheart,” he said peeking at her from under his cowboy hat.

“Hi,” she squeaked out one she started breathing again.

“Boy, I sure was hoping I’d run into you again. In town for a few days,” he said as he looked up and down the aisle to make sure they were alone. Cash leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, but he didn’t pull away, instead he made a trail down her neck, “Please tell me you’re free.”

Someone coughed and Cash lingered for a second but pulled back flashing Traci his most sexy grin. An elderly woman rolled her cart by them winking at Traci as if telling her she’d done a good job snagging the cowboy. If only the woman knew how temporary Cash was.

“Busy,” she lied, but she wasn’t exactly sure why.

“I didn’t even say when.” He frowned, “I’ll take you out, I’ll make you dinner, a long walk on the beach, whatever you want sweetheart.”


“—Don’t make me get down on my knees and beg you.” There was that sexy grin again, and there was no way she could resist it.

“When?” Traci said wanting to slap herself.
I shouldn’t be doing this. What am I doing?
she thought while the butterflies in her stomach turned into angry woodpeckers. She’d wanted to see Cash again to get over him, not to make a date with him. She made a note to grab some antacids before she left the store.

“Are you free tonight? Got a thing tomorrow,” Cash said not mentioning what the thing was.

“What time?”

“I’ll pick you up at 7?”

“Can we meet somewhere instead?” she asked not wanting him to know where she lived. He might be clever enough to pick up on the fact that she lived at home. Especially if her mom was outside gardening or something.

“Sure, have something in mind sweetheart?”

“The beach?”

“I’ll be there,” he said and kissed her hand. He walked away, his boots clicking against the tile floor. She watched him walk away unable to stop herself from remembering what his body looked like naked.









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