The Chosen (44 page)

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Authors: K. J. Nessly

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy

BOOK: The Chosen
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Chapter 27



The third and final ball outshone all the rest. All day long the servants put forth a tremendous effort to make this ball a night to remember. Freshly washed and polished, the mosaic dance floor glittered as if made up of precious gems instead of crystal and colored glass.

The King’s Royal Guard, the only other service which employed gifted individuals fully trained in the ways of the Guardians, had used their gifts to transform the ballroom into an enchanted forest. Small planters had been brought in and placed at intervals along the walls. From the planters, the guards gifted with plant control had caused woody trunks to entwine their way up the ballroom walls. When they reached the ceiling, the trunks had splintered into numerous branches which stretched across the expanse of the room to form a canopy of limbs. Light gifted guards had filled glass orbs fitted with wire loops with their light and, with the help of wind and telekinesis gifted guards, had floated the glass lights up into the branches and suspended them above the dance floor.

Behind the far wall opposite the entrance specialized pipes and collecting trenches were crafted to resemble a thick growth of vines extending from rocky pools at the base of the wall, and with a little persuasion from water gifted guards, a steady stream of water poured down the wall creating a delicate sheet waterfall. Behind the water, small glowing pebbles had been inserted into the wall, adding to the illusion. The gardens outside had also been decorated. The paths had been lined with glowing rocks and any water, whether standing or flowing, had glow rocks illuminating the depths below the surface.

As the nobility prepared for the night, the kitchens spent all day busily preparing the delicious feast that would be enjoyed at the twenty-fourth radian that night. The musicians practiced until they could perform the music selections flawlessly and those servants attending the ball as helpers, frequently freshened their uniforms.

Nobody wanted this night to be a failure, nothing was to go wrong— it was to be perfect.


“Kathryn I think you should wear this dress!” Natalie exclaimed pulling a gown out of the closet.

Kathryn turned to look at Natalie’s selection. “I don’t know, Natalie, it seems a bit formal,” she frowned at the older girl’s choice—a two piece ensemble consisting of a shimmering white under-dress with wide off the shoulder straps and an off the shoulder sheer overdress that formed sheer sleeves. It was designed in the same style as the blue gown she had worn the first night but definitely had a more formal…more regal appearance, despite its simplicity.

“I think it’s beautiful,” Jenna commented from the dressing table where Rachel was doing her hair. “And besides, balls are supposed to be formal. You should wear it.”  Kathryn frowned remembering her conversation with Jasmine earlier that day.

“Where did you get that beautiful blue gown you wore to the first ball?” The princess asked as she sipped her tea. Kathryn and Jasmine had left after the conclusion of the sparring tournament and were taking a midday meal on Jasmine’s balcony.

Kathryn, in the process of reaching for a sandwich, paused. “I thought you had it made for me,” she replied slowly, carefully watching Jasmine’s reaction.

The older woman shook her head. “I asked Madame and she said that she would never have thought to create a gown like that.”

“I have no idea where the gown came from then.”

“Whoever it is, I’d like to have them designing my gowns,” Jasmine commented as she sipped her tea.

Kathryn however was unsettled by the news—swearing not to wear a single dress whose origin’s she didn’t know.

As she considered the dress before her, Kathryn couldn’t remember seeing that dress earlier. “Where did you get the dress, Natalie?”

Natalie, in the process of holding up the dress to the light, looked at Kathryn like she’d lost her mind. “From your closet, silly. Where else would I find it?”

Kathryn shook her head. “It’s just that I’ve never seen that dress before.”

“Probably because I had to dig through all the rest of your dresses before I found this one,” Natalie said as she held the dress out to Kathryn. “Come on, put it on. I bet David would appreciate it.”

Kathryn stared at her confused. “What in the kingdom does that mean?”

Natalie wrinkled her face in disbelief. “What else is it supposed to mean? He’s a man, you’re a woman. Men like to see pretty women dressed in pretty things.”

“Is that why the women at court wear so many necklaces and rings they look like one feather could tip them over?” Cass giggled. Lindsey and Elizabeth joined her.

“I’d give anything to wear a dress that simple,” Rachel sighed wistfully. “Do us all a favor and wear it Kat. At least one of us can be comfortable.”

“Hear, hear,” Amy agreed. “This corset is going to be the death of me. Why does it have to be laced so tightly?”

“To enhance your figure,” Natalie informed her primly.

“My figure is just fine without it,” Amy retorted firmly. “Why the dressmakers have to sew court dresses two sizes smaller than everyday wear I will never understand.”

“Well, how else are you going to catch a husband?” Leia teased.

“I’m not looking to catch a husband. I catch outlaws.”

“You sound like Kathryn,” Natalie muttered. “There isn’t a romantic idea between the two of you. Now put on that dress!” she ordered, seeing that Kathryn hadn’t moved to change.

“It’s hard to be romantic when the only men you meet are breaking the laws of the kingdom,” Elizabeth commented wryly as Kathryn reluctantly complied with Natalie’s edict.

Rachel, who had finished styling Jenna’s hair, called Kathryn over. “How do you like your hair done?” she asked as she brushed Kathryn’s long locks.

Kathryn scowled at her in the mirror. “No one listens to me when I give my opinion, so why do you ask?”

Natalie breezed over, looking at her jewelry selections. “Nobody listens to you because you don’t have an inkling as to what’s in style,” she explained as she picked out a pair of earrings and put them on. “I’m next,” she told Rachel.

“You mean the
that you all are griping about wearing?” Kathryn muttered as Natalie moved away with the swish of her skirts.

Rachel gave her a wide grin in the mirror before reaching out to finger Kathryn’s hair. “How come you never wear this down?” she asked softly.

I let it down at home. Just not when anyone’s around,
Kathryn mused. “It still gets in my way.”

Rachel smiled and picked up a white jeweled barrette. Deftly she pulled the hair ornament through Kathryn’s hair until one side had been pulled away from her face. Snapping the barrette in place, Rachel made a few minor adjustments then smiled. “There, that looks nice.” Cass stepped over, stood behind Kathryn and placed her hands gently on her shoulders. While looking at their reflection she beamed, “Oh, Kathryn you look absolutely stunning! The look suits you.”

Kathryn shifted uncomfortably in the chair causing some hair to uncoil and fall in front of her left eye.  “What do I do when the other side gets in my way?” Kathryn wanted to know as she puffed air out the side of her mouth attempting to move the offending lock.

Rachel laughed and shook her head. “Would you like me to pull both sides back?”


Smiling, Rachel redid the style so that the sides of Kathryn’s hair was twisted back and anchored with the barrette.

Amy hurried over. “What kind of makeup should I use?” She asked Natalie.

Natalie considered Amy’s deep green gown. “I think gold eye shadow would complement the trim on your dress nicely. You could use dark green eyeliner to match your dress.”

Kathryn vacated the chair she was sitting in so that Natalie could have her hair done and Amy could use the mirror. She moved over to the bed where all the jewelry had been laid out.

“Kathryn do you remember when we pierced your ears?” Amy asked as she applied blush.

Kathryn frowned at her. “I remember you saying it wouldn’t hurt only to find out that it did.”

“Just be glad you didn’t get an infection,” Amy laughed at her in the mirror.

Cass came up to stand beside Kathryn. “Here,” she handed Kathryn a pair of teardrop earrings, “these would go better with your dress than with mine.”

“I can’t take your earrings,” Kathryn protested.

“Yes you can,” Cass insisted. “Besides, Lindsey already said I could borrow a pair of hers, gold hoops go better with my dress than those.” She motioned to her deep green dress with gold embroidery and Kathryn had to agree.

Eventually all the girls were ready to go. Laughing they made their way to the ballroom where their escorts had agreed to meet them.



“Matt, stop fidgeting,” David laughed. “They’ll get here when they get here.” He gave his green and gold tunic one last once-over to make sure everything was in place. His mother had insisted that he wear the new clothing she had commissioned for him. Personally, he felt like it was a little overdone, that it looked too royal, but after his sisters had joined their mother’s side he’d surrendered.

“How long does it take to get ready?” His friend complained as he tugged on the collar. David suppressed a smile. How Matt had managed to prevent his hair from clashing with his maroon tunic he couldn’t comprehend, but he was impressed. Daniel stood nearby in a white tunic with green embroidery looking dignified. He looked more like a prince than David did at his best. It was a little discouraging. 

Tyler huffed. “They’re girls, Matt, forever.” He was dressed in a red tunic with unique white embroidery. Most nobles David was familiar with preferred gold or black embroidery on a red tunic.

Luke, standing next to him and looking extraordinarily handsome in a deep blue and silver tunic, rolled his eyes as he detected some movement down the long corridor. “However,” Luke added returning his gaze as the girls came into sight. “Forever is worth the wait.”  Quickly he hurried over and took Cass by the arm, “Shall we?”

Cass giggled. “If you like, milord.”

David watched the two enter the ballroom with a grin. Luke was a lady charmer and he knew it. One by one the rest of the escorts claimed the arm of their ladies.

David held out his arm to Kathryn. “Shall we, milady?”

“You sound like Luke,” she muttered as she took his arm.

David’s grin grew, “I didn’t realize that that was a bad thing,” he said as they made their way down the wide steps.

“I’m just glad that this is the last night,” Kathryn said as they took their positions for another dreaded waltz. This time, the waltz required that they literally dance cheek to cheek. It would provide them the opportunity to talk privately, but the close proximity to another person was already making Kathryn uncomfortable.

“Tired of the rich and pompous already?” David asked in mock disbelief.

She tossed him a quick glare. “I was tired of them before I got here.”

The musicians began playing and the couples began to dance.

“I do agree that they seem to prefer to let their reputations from their younger days speak for themselves rather than prove it later in life.”

She grimaced. “Lord Grenville has the worst form I have seen in years.”

David laughed. “Only you would consider commenting on his form.”

“I noticed you did rather well during the fight with Prince Derek—

“Thank you—

“—considering you threw the archery competition.”

He glanced down at her. “You noticed that?”

“I think I was the only one. I’ve seen you shoot at home and while you might not be a master archer, you aren’t that bad.”

“You noticed all that from the royal box?” He asked in amazement. “I’m impressed.”

“Not really when you consider that archery is my preferred method of fighting.”

“I heard that you are good with your knives.”

Kathryn shifted to look up at him. “Who told you that?”

“Matt mentioned it.”


“Are you any good?” David asked curiously, interested to hear her opinion of her own skills.

“What did Matt say?”

“That he hasn’t beaten you yet.”

For the first time he could remember, Kathryn laughed, it was a soft laugh, but it was definitely a laugh. “Neither have Daniel or Tyler.”

“You’ve beaten Matt, Daniel, and Tyler?” David asked impressed.

She nodded against his cheek.

“What about Luke?”

She shrugged. “His style is similar to yours. You really should consider adding in some faster strokes. If I’d been your opponent during the sparring tournament I could have ended the session before you’d parried three of my moves.”

He was fighting a grin now. She said it so matter-of-factly he doubted she even realized that she was giving him advice on how to stay alive. “Perhaps I should take lessons from you.”

She shrugged again. “You aren’t too bad. If you were desperate enough you might be able to beat me, although you’d have to come up with some new moves since I just watched them all during the tournament.”

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