The Chosen Ones (35 page)

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Authors: Lori Brighton

Tags: #Young Adult

BOOK: The Chosen Ones
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I released a harsh laugh. “You
think he’s an asset because he claims he can help you?” I shook my head,
frustrated and bemused. “He’s lying and will kill you the moment he can.”

Will sighed and raked his hands
through his hair. “It’s a chance we have to take.”

I had to remind myself that this
wasn’t my group to lead, that Will had been their fearless captain for years.
They listened to him, they trusted him. But I still worried. “And if he turns
on you?”

“We’ll have him under constant

It was pure stupidity. But it
wasn’t the first time Will had done something I didn’t agree with and I assumed
it wouldn’t be the last. But then it wouldn’t matter much longer. I scanned the
group, chosen ones and dhampir mingling together, working in cooperation thanks
to Thane. It was the only way we could win this war…with their help and the
serum. We’d lost a lot of men and women a week ago, but we could have lost so many
more. In the end, I supposed we had won. Although where war was concerned, I
wasn’t sure if anyone could truly call themselves a winner.

“I’m doing what’s best for the
group,” Will said.

Irate, my hands curled. “What’s
best for—”

“Hey.” Kelly moved close and
slid her arm around my waist, her presence always comforting. She smiled at me,
but I could see the worry in her gaze. She’d arrived two days ago with a new
group of chosen ones. Our camp had surged to at least seventy. A small army. “It’s
done, it’s over. We won.”

I knew she was trying to keep us
from arguing. She was right…I tired of the fighting too. Still, the smile that
lit my lips was forced. “Yeah. Great.”

But it wasn’t over. It wouldn’t
be over until the beautiful ones were dead. The wound throbbing at my side was
a painful reminder.

“Will,” someone called out.

He hesitated, his gaze on me, but
always a leader, he went off to help. Will would forever be called away by
someone who needed him. He would never have a life of his own. But he thrived
on it, so who was I to judge him?

“We’ll start on the compounds,”
Kelly said. “Help the other chosen ones escape, even force them to leave if we
must.” She laughed, shaking her head over their naiveté. “They’ll be like
newborns, unsure of their surroundings and—”

“I’m leaving Kelly.”

Startled, she drew back. “No.
Where would you go? You belong here, with us.”

But I didn’t. I never had. “I
have to go, you know that, right? I have to find Raven and see if he knows the
recipe for the serum. If I don’t, then those chosen ones you rescue will be no
better off outside the compounds.”

She turned slowly and walked to a
stone wall that had once, long, long ago, separated someone’s property from
another. Her head bent, her face pale, I’d obviously surprised her. I moved to
her side and leaned against the wall. “You know I have to.”

She nodded, but didn’t speak.

“Kelly,” my voice caught. “When
you help my brothers and sister escape, take care of them, okay?”

When she finally met my gaze,
tears shimmered in her dark eyes. The early morning sun rose behind her, making
her glow. I would remember her this way forever: beautiful, kind, caring. “Will
I see you again?”

“Sure,” I whispered. “Of

But we knew the truth. I
couldn’t survive long out there on my own. I’d most likely never see her again.
But I couldn’t stay here and watch more people murdered either. If I could make
it to Raven…at least find him and plead my case, they might have a chance.

My attention went to Will. I
watched him give the orders, watched as he listened patiently to the others who
came to him with questions. Even the dhampir who stood warily to the side,
unsure how they fit into this group, respected Will and his orders. Will was
exactly where he was supposed to be. I’d miss him, but I knew he belonged here.
As did Kelly.

“I’m so sorry. I had no idea Tony
would…” A tear slid down her cheek, and then another. Her guilt ate at me. I
couldn’t leave letting her think this was all her fault.

“I know. We were all fooled,” I

“If I would have—”

“Kelly.” I grabbed her hand. “Even
Will believed in Tony. It wasn’t just you.”

She met my gaze. “But you didn’t
trust him, did you?”

I didn’t respond. No need to
make her feel worse.

“It’s why you’ll survive over
all of us.” She pulled her hand away and swiped at her damp cheeks. “You trust
your instincts. You’ll take care of yourself?” She threw her arms around my
neck and hugged me close before I could respond. I savored that embrace, the
comfort of her touch. People died too quickly, too suddenly in this world. How
long would she last?

I pulled back and smiled at her.
For two months I’d been with these people. I’d seen the season change from
spring to summer. Buds grow to flowers and then leaves. But would we still be
here for the next season? “See you soon.”

She nodded.

“Go on.” I glanced toward the
camp. “They need you.”

She moved hesitantly toward the injured
and ill. As she left my side, Will started toward me once more, his steps slow
and unhurried. Our gazes met and held. For a long moment we just stood there,
staring at each other.

“You’re leaving, aren’t you?”

I could see the vulnerability in
his eyes and it surprised me that he cared. But things had changed the moment
Will took Susan’s side. Perhaps our relationship had never really been what I’d
thought. Maybe, just maybe, I’d put him on a pedestal when he was merely a
guy…a normal guy. Not a god like I’d read about in one of my books.

“Don’t go,” he whispered.

Even as I knew I couldn’t stay,
my heart leapt with hope. It would be so easy to remain here, and allow things
to fall back into routine. But if I stayed I would once again be labeled,
placed into a position, told what to do. I needed to think for myself, find my
own way through this strange world. “I’m going to find Raven.”

“I see.” And he did understand. He
knew it wasn’t just about the serum, but about me making a life for myself. We
had two separate paths to travel.

“Good bye, Will. I’ll see you

He nodded, gripped my shoulders
and pulled me close, pressing his lips to my forehead. Then, without a word he
turned and started back toward the group. I took one last look at Will. He’d already
gathered the others together and was shouting out orders once more. A born
leader. The predictability of it all made me smile.

“Your blood smells clean,” Bacchus
called out. “No infection. Very good for you.”

My body went cold. Slowly, I
shifted my attention to the vampire. The steel manacles around his wrist would
supposedly hold. But at times, when I found him watching me, I wondered if his
capture was all an act. Perhaps he wanted to be caught for some nefarious

“Thane is good at finding the
ripe ones,” Bacchus added.
A slow smile
spread across his lips. He didn’t seem to be in the least bit frightened or
worried about his future. “But I’m better.”

“Good for you.” I scooped up my
pack and threw it over my shoulder, determined to get as far away from him as

”Jane, dear. I know.”

I paused, my back to him.
Keep walking, keep walking.
I couldn’t. “What?”

“I know you didn’t take the vaccine.
Your blood smells as clean as it did two months ago.”

The vaccine I’d hidden in my bag
felt heavy, thrumming and alive. How did he know? No, he couldn’t. I shoved
aside my fear, I would not let him manipulate me. “I don’t know what you’re
talking about.”

I started up the hill toward
Thane, but all the while I could feel Bacchus’ gaze on me, burning a hole into
my back. The vampire was merely trying to scare me; I wouldn’t let him. Still,
the urge to leave the camp and get as far away from him as possible overwhelmed

Halfway up the hill Thane’s intense
gaze met mine and I forgot all about Bacchus. He leaned against a tree, his
pack at his feet. On the outskirts, always on the outskirts of camp. “Hey.”

He didn’t respond, just watched
me with those unreadable eyes. We’d barely talked in the week since the battle.
He showed up every evening to check my wound for infection and then would
saunter off, sitting in the dark shadows of camp. Once in a while he’d speak
with the other dhampir, but no one else. For the first time in a long while I
was excited and nervous about what the future might bring.

“You were working for them all

He shrugged. “They thought I

I took in a deep trembling
breath, trying to retain control of my emotions. Thane had the ability to annoy
me like no other. But it would do no good to be angry at him. “Did you lead
them to Jimmy? Is he dead because of you?”

“No.” He was calm as he
responded, always in control. “I could never do that.”

Perhaps I was an idiot, but I
believed him. “I need you.”

He quirked a brow.

I flushed, looking away. “I
mean…I’m leaving.”

“I heard.”

He’d heard. Had he been
listening to my conversation with Will and Kelly? I brushed aside the thought.
“You owe me, I saved your life.”

“Yes, but you actually had owed
me one, if you remember.”

I fought my sigh. He would think
of that. “So, we’re even.”

He didn’t respond, his lips
didn’t lift, but I swore I could see the amusement in his eyes. If he came with
me, it wouldn’t be because either of us owed each other anything. It would be
because he wanted to.

“Do you like me?” I blurted out.

He shrugged. “You’re okay.”

I sighed, frustrated. “I’m
serious, Thane. Do you want to…kiss me and other stuff?”

The amusement in his blue eyes
was rather obvious now. “Other stuff?”

The heat of embarrassment rushed
to my cheeks, but I was determined to get the truth from him once and for all. “Answer
the question.”

He took in a deep breath, looked
toward the woods as if to gather his thoughts, and then refocused on me. “Yes.”

My heart fluttered, even as my
mind told me not to trust his answer. “You’ve lied to me.”

He pushed away from the tree. “Actually,
I never lied, I only allowed you to believe what you wanted.”

“No, don’t play word games.” I
shoved my finger into his chest. “You purposefully kept information from me. No
more. You understand? If we’re going to do this, it’s as partners. Partners who
share everything. No secrets. No omissions.”


I swallowed hard. Good god, not
everything. “Well, the important stuff.” Flustered, I tucked a loose lock of
hair behind my ear. “I’m leaving now, and…I want you to come with me.”

“What about Will?”

“Will has his own life here.” I
glanced back at the group. They were packing up camp, preparing to head out,
always on the move. At least this time I would choose my direction of travel.
Will might not think Raven had the ingredients for the serum, but I did.

“This is what he lives for. But
I can’t stay.” If anyone would understand, it would be Thane. After all, he’d
never belonged either. “Will you come with me?”

“So he won’t go and instead you
ask me?”

I frowned. Was Thane actually
jealous? Impossible. “No. I didn’t ask him.” Was he dragging this out on
purpose? “Listen, if you don’t want to go, then fine. I’ll go on my own. I
don’t need—”

Before I could finish Thane
reached out, grabbed me around the waist and jerked me forward. His lips found
mind in a possessive, uncompromising kiss. I might not have known what tomorrow
would bring, but in that brief moment everything felt right with the world once
more. When he pulled back, I was breathless and dizzy, but mostly I was
relieved. Thane might not be one to speak from the heart, but he’d said what
he’d needed to with that kiss.

“Where are we going?” he asked.

“To find Raven.”

“I see.” He released his hold on
me, picked up his pack and shrugged it onto his shoulders. “Then let’s go.”

He didn’t question me, but trusted
my decision.

I looked back only once to
memorize the details of the people I had come to care about. Kelly and Will
were watching us. Will looked upset, Kelly merely sad. I knew they’d seen the
kiss and were confused by our relationship. But to me the feelings I had for
Thane were anything but confusing. In fact, they were the only thing in my life
that felt real and normal and right. Will turned away and started back to the
group, his people. Kelly waved her consent. I smiled back at her.

“Ready?” When Thane held out his
hand, I slid my fingers around his.

Grandfather had said I would
need someone strong to help me on this journey. I knew without a doubt that man
was Thane. I’d known the moment I’d met him, even if it had taken me awhile to
realize it. Even longer to admit it.

As I followed Thane up the hill,
away from the comforts of the familiar and into the unknown once more, I
thought about what Bacchus had said.

Somehow he had known I hadn’t
taken the serum.

Maybe he believed I hadn’t taken
the antidote for love…for Thane. Perhaps a part of that was true. But that
romantic me had died when I’d left the compound.

I hadn’t taken the vaccine.

But the reasoning behind my
decision hadn’t been merely to save Thane if he needed the blood. Will wasn’t
the only one concerned about the welfare of others. I hadn’t taken the serum
for the greater good. If we wanted to survive, if I wanted to find Raven, I
would need Thane, and Thane would need blood.

If I wanted to keep my brothers
and sister alive, if I wanted to save the others, I might have to sacrifice myself.

For now, I was okay with that.



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