The Chronicles of Heaven's War: Burning Phoenix (3 page)

Read The Chronicles of Heaven's War: Burning Phoenix Online

Authors: Ava D. Dohn

Tags: #alternate universes, #angels and demons, #ancient aliens, #good against evil, #hidden history, #universe wide war, #war between the gods, #warriors and warrior women, #mankinds last hope, #unseen spirits

BOOK: The Chronicles of Heaven's War: Burning Phoenix
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Scowling, Mihai looked down at Zadar’s hand. “The
very people who profess me as their
the fools!
- would stone me and you and all the other
to whom
they express respect and devotion should they know how we share our
love. Mother made us able to enjoy romance with many lovers – one
size fits all, you might say – but, in Trisha’s world, it’s
ever-always one man for the woman, or it will be eternal damnation
for her.”

“Your girl painfully remembers the penalty for
breaking those stupid laws. She lives in our world now, but her
spirit still lingers in her old one, she wondering at times if
unbridled love is truly a reality here or but a dream. Trisha might
well be afraid that one day she will wake from that dream and find
out it was all a heart-breaking mistake. It is also a possibility
that the woman’s heart is not yet convinced this is its new
reality, and so is fighting the
by flooding
Trisha’s soul with feelings of guilt.”

Zadar agreed. “The things you say are not new to me,
but you do manage to weave your thoughts into a tapestry of
understanding that my mind and heart have not yet knitted together.
The evil past of her world has certainly ruined so much of her
carefree innocence. I have felt that evil lurking behind her
shrouded veil of secret thoughts, but I do believe there’s even
more to her disquieting moods.”

Mihai squeezed Zadar’s hand, waiting upon him to

“My dearest sister,” Zadar looked into Mihai’s eyes,
concerned, “this is not an ordinary Prisoner Exchange. No one says
it’s so, but there’s a disturbing undercurrent that flows deep
within the hearts of those who understand it to be, and so it is
with this woman troubling my heart. She’s been agitated over coming
events since the last council, her anxiety only growing in
intensity since our departure.”

“Mihai, I think the woman is on a mission of sorts,
she feeling the weight of the universe pressing down on her. She
does not speak of it, brushes if off when I have mentioned it, but
the woman comports herself as one does when mentally preparing for
an upcoming battle. My Love, tell me, what lies down this road we
are on? Whispers I’ve heard spoken in the dark hint that we
possibly walk into a world of hopelessness and damnation - that the
future of the universe hangs upon a thread, and we walk on a
knife’s edge of uncertainty - the reason, some believe, for
Mother’s presence.”

Mihai offered a toothy smile of reassurance that not
to be the case, hiding her private trepidation over the coming hour
of darkness. “I’m sure it will be little different than past
exchanges. You know, the Worm’s haggling over the value of the
goods delivered for swap, his accusations of how badly his people
were mistreated, his attempts at goading us into doing something so
that he can cry ‘insult or indiscretion’ thus depriving us of a few
more of our trade goods to gain his succor. Mother only comes along
because the
has requested she be there.”

While Zadar contemplated her lengthy answer, Mihai
silently pondered what she was told about Trisha. It had been
decided by the Council that the new field marshal was to act as
Herald, official voice of the Council, Mihai being the Chiliarchos,
or Commanding Chief, remaining silent, as was the custom, unless
taking private counsel with her herald. A hopeless feeling swept
her heart. Oh, how much she missed Gabrielle, the person who had
been chiliarchos until Mihai became field marshal, Gabrielle then
taking over title as Mihai’s herald.

What was TrishaQaShaibJal up to anyway? Mother had
appointed the woman field marshal against Mihai’s wishes, but
Mother was not to be denied when the mood was on her. Maybe Trisha
was a good military strategist and leader. Still… being good at war
did not necessarily make one competent at political intrigues, and
this Prisoner Exchange would be filled with them. And it was not
Mother who requested Trisha stand in for Mihai as herald at the
upcoming negotiations. The Council, by the majority vote of the
twenty-four decided that, by a small margin.

This Trisha was a sly fox, at least when Mother was
dabbling in her head. There would be no dabbling at the Prisoner
Exchange, could not. Mother promised she would not interfere with
- that was at least what Asotos called it. Trisha
would be on her own, all her inexperience revealed for the whole
world to see. Mihai could only imagine what disasters awaited them
once Asotos started toying with the woman.

Maybe this was one of Mother’s tests. She was quite
fond of them, especially when her children were unsuspecting. Why,
Mihai had been tested just the other day, regarding the kingship.
Possibly Mother was again testing her out concerning the new royal
position she now possessed. Could be… Whatever, she must prepare
just in case she was called upon to pull this Prisoner Exchange out
of the fire. Mother would be watching closely. She would be
expecting her new king to rescue the moment and save the day.

Mihai finally offered, “Why don’t I, on the morrow,
seek out this lady of yours and have a personal, private
conversation with her. Maybe she will confess to me what’s
troubling her heart so. I might even be able to draw her feelings
out so that we… you… will understand better what’s going on with
her. I’ll be happy to help.”

Zadar grinned, squeezing Mihai’s hand. “You are so
kind to me!” He sadly shook his head. “The men of her world, even
Paul, make light of my feelings, at times thinking they are
somewhat humorous. To them, my trials are commonplace, part of
growing into manhood. I am long since grown into manhood, and I
have already loved to the full some of the women of that world, and
been loved by them, satisfying their spirits in every way.
Commodore CythereaNoah’ha will attest to that fact, she and I
sharing love’s intimacies from before the demise of Atlanticia to
beyond the days of Moses’ rebellion.”

He stared down at his cold cup of brew. “No, they
just don’t understand, can’t relate.” Then he looked deeply into
Mihai’s eyes. “But you do, always have. Thank you. Thank you for
taking time with me tonight, and for your offer to talk with
Trisha. It’s deeply appreciated. If there’s something I can do for
you, sister, Love, let me know and I will see it done.”

At that moment there was a quiet commotion at the
door. A midshipman was recently reunited with her fellow duty
officer who had just come off watch. The two were in the doorway,
sensually assisting each other out of uniform, being so absorbed in
their romantic interlude they failed to notice Mihai and Zadar. As
the swooning midshipman rolled her head back while her lover
tenderly played his lips up and down her neck, she spied the two
sitting at the table.

“Dear…Dear...” The woman lovingly cooed, as she
gently pushed the man away. “We have company. It’s not polite to
ignore their presence, you know.”

The man stood back, his smile only growing when
seeing who was at the table. After saying his hellos, he took the
woman’s hand and entered the room. In a few minutes, with their
arms full of culinary delights, the couple departed, offering their
friendly goodbyes, the woman’s sensuous laughter echoing back
through the doorway until they exited the Colonnade by way of the
boson’s stairs.

The two sat there in silence for some time, Zadar
choosing to drink up the cold brew, not wanting to waste it. At
length, Mihai broke the silence. “Zadar, Love, is it true you will
do anything for me?”

Zadar grinned. “For you, my dear one, my death
itself would be a reward if that was what you desired from me.”

Mihai shuddered. “Please, Love, let us not think of
death this day. Still… my request may be quite dangerous and

“Anything! Anything at all for you!” He laughed.
“Name it. Just name it.”

The smile fled Mihai’s face, replaced with gloom and
dread. She spoke in little over a whisper. “My dreams are getting
bad, real bad. I am losing my control over them, they even sneaking
into my waking hours. I gave my dreams to Tabitha the first night
of our journey, it quieting my demon a bit. I believe it was
curious, knowing little about the newly arrived
from another world.”

“I have hidden my soul in Paul’s strength these
nights since, but the demon cares not, fears not the man… one day,
but not yet. For two nights I have not slept well. I ache from
fatigue and stress that attacks my constitution. I cannot afford to
be remiss of sharp thought and prowess at this coming exchange. I
need a man with great strength and the wiles to use it.”

She leaned close, her eager eyes hungrily searching
his. “I sent Paul away to Tabitha’s arms this night, feigning her
need for his attention, but truth be told, I did not know what to
do. You have arrived as my hero, for I know that you do have
mastery over the beast that plays inside my head. Will you journey
with me into damnation to fight my demon and its evil horde?”

A look of eager anticipation grew on Zadar’s face.
Like a warrior preparing for the contest he became, laughing. “You
ask so little. I’ve desired a good fight for some time. Let’s have
at it. You and me together? Who can stand against us?!”

Mihai sighed relief, her shoulders slumping as she
relaxed to think she might gain a little peaceful sleep. “Thank
you, my dearest love.” adding, “Be patient. You have a way with the
women. Trisha will one day come to understand the true value of the

“One day…” Zadar dreamily held Mihai’s hand. “But I
must also gain mastery over my own understanding and hers… and her
ways. Not tonight, though. I will be thinking only of you and our
mission together. Let’s be off to conquer the demon’s house.”

“First I must deliver this.” Mihai took up the
letter. “Come, my hero, let me deliver this to its owner, and then
you, I request, will deliver me up to your passionate dreams.”

Laughing, the two stood, Zadar starting to assist
Mihai out of her uniform, she rolling her head with delight as he
tenderly kissed her neck. Then it was quickly down the hall to the
baggage room and up another set of stairs to Mihai’s sequestered


* * *



Lowenah’s repeated rapping on the stateroom door
elicited no response. She was not in the mood to be ignored and her
patience was tiring out. “Ardon, dear, it’s Mother. Please allow me
your indulgence. The morning has long passed by the waking hour and
I have not seen my little darling this day or any since beginning
our adventure, though I’ve requested his company to breakfast with
me many times now. Please allow me entrance, dear one.”

No answer was returned.

Lowenah’s sufferance of Ardon’s self-imposed exile
was about run out. “You may secret your heart from me, child, but
you cannot hide from the one giving you life!” She swept her hand
across the face of the locked panel door. Instantly there was a
as tiny gears and tumblers sprang
into action, freeing the door’s restraints.

Slowly sliding the panel back, Lowenah peeked her
head into the little cabin. Ardon did not look up, but sat on the
narrow cot next to a tiny table, pretending to be absorbed in some
important paperwork. Silently stepping through the doorway and
quietly closing the panel, Lowenah stood there studying her son.
After some little time passed, with Ardon’s continual ignoring of
her presence, she stepped over and sat down beside him on the

Ardon still did not respond, he only feigning to
concentrate all the more on his papers. Lowenah tenderly placed a
hand on the man’s shoulder. Resting her head on him, she waxed
lonely, “Please, my lovely darling, speak to the one who loves you
so much. Did I not create the very moons of Chrusion just to
satisfy the wandering heart of my son? You know there is nothing I
would not do for you. Please, do not make me pine for your love and

There was little response from Ardon, other than his
shoulders slumped some, involuntarily welcoming Lowenah’s gentle
touch. She ever so tenderly began to massage Ardon’s tense muscles,
playing her silent hypnotic songs with musical fingers as her
breathing kept tempo with the soft strokes and caresses. Few could
resist Mother’s gentle persuasions. The fellow would have to come
around soon. Just be patient and wait upon the moment.

It was not long before Lowenah’s magic gradually
took effect. Eventually, Ardon set down his quill, sighing long and
sad as he turned his lonely eyes away from the papers. Staring
across the room, he asked, “Mother, do you recall the day when my
brother attempted my murder while I blocked his path to get at my
sister, Mihai?”

Lowenah cuddled close, rubbing her cheek on Ardon’s
arm, quietly answering, “Yes… yes, I do. You were such a brave man
that day, stood up to all those evil villains who had come to harm
my little girl.”

Ardon’s head sank, hiding his face from Lowenah. “I
was brave maybe, but very foolhardy. If it weren’t for Chisamore’s
sudden appearance, I doubt I would have survived. He saved me that

“Yes.” Lowenah closed her eyes, remembering. “Yes,
dear, it was just outside the palace wall. They wanted Mihai, you
know. It’s true that Chisamore and his company saved the day, but
if you had not been there to hold them up awhile… well… I don’t
know if he would have arrived in time to save my little girl.”

Ardon rested his hand on Lowenah’s knee, sadness
growing in his heart. “I miss him, you know, miss him so much.
Chisamore understood me. I think he was the only one who ever did.”
He wiped away a tear. “He and Mihai, do you remember how they used
to play at the councils, especially at the festivities after, and
how they always made sure I was included in the party-making,
seeking out my company for no other reason than to be with me?”

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