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Authors: J. Robert Kennedy

Tags: #Fiction, #Action & Adventure

The Circle of Eight (37 page)

BOOK: The Circle of Eight
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Caught in the middle is archaeology professor James
Acton, relentlessly hunted by the elite Delta Force, under orders to stop
at nothing to possess what he has found, and the Triarii, equally determined
to prevent the discovery from falling into the wrong hands.

With his students and friends dying around him,
Acton flees to find the one person who might be able to help him, but little
does he know he may actually be racing directly into the hands of an organization
he knows nothing about...


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The Protocol
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Brass Monkey
A James Acton Thriller
Book #2


A nuclear missile, lost during the Cold War, is now in
play—the most public spy swap in history, with a gorgeous agent the center of
international attention,- triggers the end-game of a corrupt Soviet Colonel’s
twenty five year plan. Pursued across the globe by the Russian authorities,
including a brutal Spetsnaz unit, those involved will stop at nothing to deliver
their weapon, and ensure their pay day, regardless of the terrifying consequences.

When Laura Palmer confronts a UNICEF group for trespassing on her Egyptian archaeological
dig site, she unwittingly stumbles upon the ultimate weapons deal, and becomes
entangled in an international conspiracy that sends her lover, archeology Professor
James Acton, racing to Egypt with the most unlikely of allies, not only to rescue
her, but to prevent the start of a holy war that could result in Islam and Christianity
wiping each other out.

From the bestselling author of Depraved Difference and The Protocol comes Brass
Monkey, a thriller international in scope, certain to offend some, and stimulate
debate in others. Brass Monkey pulls no punches in confronting the conflict
between two of the world’s most powerful, and divergent, religions, and the
terrifying possibilities the future may hold if left unchecked.


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Broken Dove
A James Acton Thriller
Book #3


With the Triarii in control of the Roman Catholic Church, an organization founded by
Saint Peter himself takes action, murdering one of the Pope's operatives.
Detective Chaney, called in by the new Pope to investigate, disappears, and, to the horror of the Papal staff sent to
inform His Holiness, they find him missing too, the only clue a secret chest, presented to each new pope on the eve of their election, since the beginning of the Church.

Interpol Agent Reading, determined to find his friend, calls Professors James Acton and Laura Palmer to Rome
to examine the chest and its forbidden contents, but before they can arrive, they are intercepted
by an organization older than the Church, demanding the professors retrieve
an item stolen in ancient Judea in exchange for the lives of their friends.

All of your favorite characters from The Protocol return to solve the most infamous kidnapping in history,
against the backdrop of a two thousand year old battle pitting ancient foes with diametrically opposed agendas.

From the internationally bestselling author of
Depraved Difference
The Protocol
Broken Dove
the third entry in the smash hit
James Acton Thrillers
series, where J. Robert Kennedy reveals a
secret concealed by the Church for almost 1200 years, and a fascinating interpretation of what the real reason behind the denials might be.


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Broken Dove
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The Templar's Relic
A James Acton Thriller
Book #4


The Church Helped Destroy the Templars.
Will a twist of fate let them get their revenge 700 years later?

The Vault must be sealed, but a construction accident leads to a miraculous
discovery—an ancient tomb containing four Templar Knights, long forgotten, on
the grounds of the Vatican. Not knowing who they can trust, the Vatican requests
Professors James Acton and Laura Palmer examine the find, but what they discover,
a precious Islamic relic, lost during the Crusades, triggers a set of events
that shake the entire world, pitting the two greatest religions against each

Join Professors James Acton and Laura Palmer, INTERPOL Agent Hugh Reading,
Scotland Yard DI Martin Chaney, and the Delta Force Bravo Team as they race
against time to defuse a worldwide crisis that could quickly devolve into all-out

At risk is nothing less than the Vatican itself, and the rock upon which it
was built.

From J. Robert Kennedy, the author of six international bestsellers including
Depraved Difference and The Protocol, comes The Templar’s Relic, the fourth
entry in the smash hit James Acton Thrillers series, where once again Kennedy
takes history and twists it to his own ends, resulting in a heart pounding thrill
ride filled with action, suspense, humor and heartbreak.


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The Templar's Relic
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Flags of Sin
A James Acton Thriller
Book #5


Archaeology Professor James Acton simply wants to
get away from everything, and relax. A trip to China seems just the answer,
and he and his fiancée, Professor Laura Palmer, are soon on a flight to Beijing.

But while boarding, they bump into an old friend, Delta Force Command Sergeant
Major Burt Dawson, who surreptitiously delivers a message that they must meet
the next day, for Dawson knows something they don’t.

China is about to erupt into chaos.

Foreign tourists and diplomats are being targeted by unknown forces, and if
they don’t get out of China in time, they could be caught up in events no one
had seen coming.

J. Robert Kennedy, the author of eight international best sellers, including the
smash hit James Acton Thrillers, takes history once again and turns it on its head,
sending his reluctant heroes James Acton and Laura Palmer into harm’s way, to not
only save themselves, but to try and save a country from a century old
conspiracy it knew nothing about.


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Flags of Sin
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The Arab Fall
A James Acton Thriller
Book #6




The Arab Spring has happened and Egypt has yet to calm down, but with the dig
site on the edge of the Nubian Desert, a thousand miles from the excitement,
Professor Laura Palmer and her fiancé Professor James Acton return
with a group of students, and two friends: Interpol Special Agent Hugh
Reading, and Scotland Yard Detective Inspector Martin Chaney. It's
work for the professors and their students, and a vacation for the two law
enforcement officers, but as Reading quickly discovers, he and the desert
don't mix, and Chaney is preoccupied with a message he has been asked
to deliver to the professor by his masters in the Triarii.

But an accidental find by Chaney may lead to the greatest archaeological discovery
since the tomb of King Tutankhamen, perhaps even greater. And when news of
it spreads, it reaches the ears of a group hell-bent on the destruction of
all idols and icons, their mere existence considered blasphemous to Islam.

As chaos hits the major cities of the world in a coordinated attack, unbeknownst
to the professors, students and friends, they are about to be faced with one
of the most difficult decisions of their lives.

Stay and protect the greatest archaeological find of our times, or save themselves
and their students from harm, leaving the find to be destroyed by fanatics
determined to wipe it from the history books.

From J. Robert Kennedy, the author of ten international bestsellers including
Rogue Operator and The Protocol, comes The Arab Fall, the sixth entry in the
smash hit James Acton Thrillers series, where Kennedy once again takes events
from history and today's headlines, and twists them into a heart pounding
adventure filled with humor and heartbreak, as one of their own is left severely
wounded, fighting for their life.


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The Arab Fall
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The Circle of Eight
A James Acton Thriller
Book #7




The Bravo Team is targeted by a madman after one of their own intervenes in a rape.
Little do they know this internationally well-respected banker is also a senior member of an organization long
thought extinct, whose stated goals for a reshaped world are not only terrifying, but with today’s globalization, totally achievable.

As the Bravo Team fights for its very survival, they are suspended, left adrift without their support network.
To save themselves and their families, markers are called in, former members volunteer their services, favors are
asked for past services, and the expertise of two professors, James Acton and his fiancée Laura Palmer, is requested.

It is a race around the globe to save what remains of the Bravo Team, abandoned by their government, alone in
their mission, with only their friends to rely upon, as an organization over six centuries old works in the background to destroy them and all who help them, as it moves forward with plans that could see the world population decimated in an attempt to recreate Eden.

The Circle of Eight is the seventh installment in the internationally best selling James Acton Thrillers series.
In The Circle of Eight J. Robert Kennedy, author of over a dozen international best sellers, is at his best,
weaving a tale spanning centuries and delivering a taut thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat from page one until the breathtaking conclusion.


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The Circle of Eight
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Rogue Operator
A Special Agent Dylan Kane Thriller
Book #1


Three top secret research scientists are presumed dead in a boating
accident, but the kidnapping of their families the same day raises questions the FBI and local
police can’t answer, leaving them waiting for a ransom demand that will never come.

Central Intelligence Agency Analyst Chris Leroux stumbles upon the story, and finds a phone
conversation that was never supposed to happen. When he reports it to his boss, the
National Clandestine Services Chief, he is uncharacteristically reprimanded for conducting
an unauthorized investigation and told to leave it to the FBI.

But he can’t let it go.

For he knows something the FBI doesn’t.

One of the scientists is alive.

Chris makes a call to his childhood friend, CIA Special Agent Dylan Kane, leading to a race
across the globe to stop a conspiracy reaching the highest levels of political and corporate
America, that if not stopped, could lead to war with an enemy armed with a weapon far worse than
anything in the American arsenal, with the potential to not only destroy the world, but consume it.

J. Robert Kennedy, the author of nine international best sellers, including the smash hit
James Acton Thrillers, introduces Rogue Operator, the first installment of his newest series,
The Special Agent Dylan Kane Thrillers, promising to bring all of the action and intrigue of the
James Acton Thrillers with a hero who lives below the radar, waiting for his country to call when it most desperately needs him.


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Rogue Operator
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Containment Failure
A Special Agent Dylan Kane Thriller
Book #2


The Black Death killed almost half of Europe's
population. This time billions are at risk.

New Orleans has been quarantined, an unknown virus sweeping the city, killing
one hundred percent of those infected. The Centers for Disease Control, desperate
to find a cure, is approached by BioDyne Pharma who reveal a former employee
has turned a cutting edge medical treatment capable of targeting specific genetic
sequences into a weapon, and released it.

CIA Special Agent Dylan Kane has been given one guideline from his boss: consider
yourself unleashed, leaving Kane and New Orleans Police Detective Isabelle
Laprise battling to stay alive as an insidious disease and terrified mobs spread
through the city while they desperately seek those behind the greatest crime
ever perpetrated.

The stakes have never been higher as Kane battles to save not only his friends
and the country he loves, but all of mankind.

In Containment Failure, eleven times internationally bestselling author J.
Robert Kennedy delivers a terrifying tale of what could happen when science
goes mad, with enough sorrow, heartbreak, laughs and passion to keep readers
on the edge of their seats until the chilling conclusion.

BOOK: The Circle of Eight
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