The Cold Six Thousand (32 page)

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Authors: James Ellroy

BOOK: The Cold Six Thousand
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Wayne Senior sipped rum. “You disarmed him
knee-dropped him. I’m curious about your justification.”

“I still think like a policeman. When he broke that bottle, he signaled his intent to hurt me.”

Wayne Senior smiled. “You revealed yourself with that answer.”

“You’re saying I still need a rationale.”

“I’m saying you’ve revised your basis for action. You err on the aggressive side now, which you—”

“Which I rarely did as a cop.”

Wayne Senior twirled his stick. “I want to pay off your suit. Will you accept the favor?”

“You can’t make me hate them like you do. Will you accept that?”

Wayne Senior flicked a wall switch. Cold air hissed out.

“Am I that predictable a father?”

“In some ways.”

“Can you predict my next offer?”

“Sure. It’s a job offer. It relates to your quasi-legal union or one of the fourteen casinos you own in violation of Nevada Gaming Commission law.”

Cold air swirled. Bugs beat their wings. Bugs evacuated.

“It sounds like you’ve investigated me.”

“I burned my file when I left the PD.”

“Your file on your

“You used to run card cheats out of rival casinos. A guy named Boynton and a guy named Sol Durslag, who works for the Clark County Liquor Board. You’ve got some Nellis guy in your pocket. You’re selling pilfered food and liquor to half the hotels on the Strip.”

Wayne Senior stretched. “You anticipated my offer. I need someone to run shipments to the hotels.”

Wayne counted fireflies. They jumped. They lit up. They fell.

“It’s ‘yes’ to both offers. Don’t let it go to your head.”

The Rugburn Room:

A hipster hive. Six tables/one stage. A beatnik gestalt.

Milt Chargin employed a duo. They were Miles Davis acolytes. They played bongos and bass sax.

Milt drew a hip crowd. Femme dykes served beer. Sonny Liston showed and dredged some cheers up.

Sonny hugged Wayne. Sonny sat down. Sonny met Barb and Pete. Sonny hugged them. They hugged Sonny. Sonny sized Pete up.

They arm-wrestled. Hipsters bet. Pete won two out of three.

Milt went on. Milt did Lenny Bruce shtick. Lawrence Welk auditions a junkie. Pat Nixon bangs Lester, the priapic shvoog.

The crowd laughed. The crowd toked maryjane. Sonny popped dexies. Pete and Barb declined.

Wayne popped three. Wayne got a hard-on. Wayne scoped Barb sidelong. Wayne grooved on her hair.

Milt did fresh stuff. Milt did “Fucko, the Kids’ Show Clown.” Milt blew up condoms. Milt tied them off. Milt tossed them high.

The crowd went nuts.

They snared the condoms. They waved cigarettes. They popped them—ka-pow!

Milt did Fidel Castro. Fidel hits a fag bar. Jack Kennedy walks in. Fidel says, “Let’s party, muchacho.” Jack says, “I’ll meet you at the Bay of Pigs, but you’ve got to shtup Bobby, too.”

Pete howled. Barb howled. Wayne roared.

Milt did Sonny shtick.

Sonny kidnaps Cassius Clay. Sonny dumps him in Mississippi. The Klan holds him hostage. Martin Luther King goes down.

Marty wears whiteface. Marty digs being white. It’s a bold apostasy. Fuck this negroid shit.

Marty calls God up. God puts J.C. on. J.C.’s a swinger. He’s gigging with Judas and the Nail Drivin’ Five.

Marty says to J.C., “Listen, daddy-o, I’m having a crisis of faith here, I’m doing this revisionist number. I’m starting to think the white man’s got it dicked, he’s got all the bread and the white women and the hi-fi shit, and if you can’t beat ‘em, assimilate and stop all this civil-rights shuck-and-jive.”

J.C. sighs. Marty waits. Marty waits a looooong time. Marty waits to hear his life’s work affirmed.

J.C. pauses. J.C. laughs. J.C. spiels God’s word on high:


The crowd cracked up. The room evaporated. Sonny roar-roar-roared.

Milt did LBJ. Milt did James Dean. Jimmy, the mumble-mouthed masochist. Jimmy, the “Human Ashtray.”

Milt did Jack Ruby.

Jack’s in the slam. Jack’s pissed off and hungry. These
farkakte goyim
jailers don’t know from good nova lox. Jack needs some food gelt. Jack breaks out and flogs Israel bonds.

Wayne cracked up. The room incinerated. Pete and Barb roar-roar-roar-roared.

They shared looks. They howled. They roared more. Sonny didn’t get it. Sonny dug his shtick more.

Pete took Wayne aside. Pete said, “Let’s blow up some cabs.”

Rapid Cab was detached. Fourteen cabs/one hut/one lot/one block between.

Pete did the grunt work. Wayne did the chemistry. They worked at Monarch. They worked

Pete pumped gas. Pete filled fourteen bottles. Wayne mixed nitrates. Wayne mixed soap flakes. They soaked dunk cords. They soaked feeder cords. They dipped model-kit glue.

Wayne felt giddy. Barb and Dexedrine did it. Barb split from the Rugburn. Barb hugged them. Barb left her scent.

They drove to Rapid. They parked. They cut through the fence. They dollied their shit in.

Fourteen cabs—’61 Fords—snout-to-snout rows. Ground clearance and tank space.

They laid down. They placed the bombs. They looped the cords. They dumped the gas. They soaked a fourteen-car fuse.

Wayne lit the match. Pete dropped it. They ran.

The cabs exploded. Scrap metal flew. The noise hurt. Bursts overlapped.

Wayne ate smoke. Wayne ate fumes. Glass blew across the sky.


(Los Angeles, 7/17/64)

heft tools—paper/pencils/pen.

Littell worked. Littell cooked Hughes Tool books. He wrote an invoice. He carbon-copied it. He revised a pay sheet.

Jane was asleep. Jane logged early bedtimes. They devised a routine. They stuck to it. They coded their needs.

Jane needed early sleep. He needed seclusion. Jane sensed his need. Jane deferred to it.

Littell switched pens. Littell blotted ink. He hit snags sometimes. He needed Jane’s help. He toughed it out then. He kept Jane out. He embezzled solo.

Littell ran figures. Littell tallied accounts. Jane was edgy tonight. Their dinner was tense.

She said her job bored her. She said her co-workers vexed. He threw her a curveball—the Teamsters need help.

Jane declined. Jane declined too fast. Jane laughed too slow.

He described his trip south. He abridged the text. Jane segued and riffed on De Kalb.

Miss Gersh. Miss Lane. The boy with lupus. Miss Byers mentioned said boy. Jane omitted his name from

He asked questions. He
her. He played off
insider’s text. Jane brought up Gretchen Farr. Miss Byers brought her up. Gretchen was “Satan with bangs.”

Pilfered memories. Stolen reminiscence. Borrowed anecdotes.

Littell yawned. Littell worked. Littell toughed out an invoice glitch—solo.

He played the radio. He caught the news. Pundits concur—Bobby will run in New York.

Littell rubbed his eyes. Columns blurred. Numbers wiggled.

Wayne Senior sent a list—twelve Mormon thugs—all skim candidates. Littell copied Drac. Drac read the list. Drac told
Mormons to pick three “casino consultants.”

Littell called Drac. Littell lied:

The men will fly Hughes planes. The men will tour “various cities.” They’ll meet “made men.” They’ll “form bonds.” They’ll “work to procure your hotels.”

Drac loved it. Drac loved intrigue. Drac said, “
.” Drac approved the Hughes charters. Wayne Senior cleared the Nellis takeoffs.

Skim clearance—the Air Force and the Mob.

Drac waxed deluded. Drac told his Mormons to sidestep Littell. Ward’s
run the consultants.

Littell waxed bold. Littell ad-libbed. Littell revised his skim plan.

I’ll exploit Drac’s hubris. I’ll write fake reports. I’ll ghost-write the so-called “consultants.” I’ll jolly Drac—“
fucking the Mob—the Mob’s not fucking you.”

Moe D. waxed grateful. Moe revised the skim end. Moe said, “Take 5% off the top.”

Thanks, Moe. Thanks for the tithe cash. I don’t have to steal it now.

Made men feed the skim. Mormons fly it. Percentages fly. Cash multiplies. His cash. The Mormons’. Wayne Senior’s.

It’s a ground builder. It’s a pump primer. Let’s ford the moat. Let’s storm Drac’s hotels.

Littell cooked his books. Columns wiggled. Dollar signs blurred.


(Las Vegas, 7/18/64–9/8/64)

apid Cab—

The torch was impromptu. The torch was unsanctioned. He informed the Boys. He informed them post-torch. He stressed his pure motive.

WE need a cab base. WE need dirt. Let’s help Drac. Let’s accrue dirt. Let’s deploy it.

Carlos clapped. Sam G. clapped. Moe blew kiss bouquets.

Pete braced the Rapid dispatcher. Pete greased him. Pete bought his account book. Pete bought his soul. Pete hired him. Pete resigned his accounts. Pete got nine legislators. Pete got Nellis brass and fat cats galore.

Moe fixed the torch. Moe fixed it with LVPD. Arson cops took bribe cash. Arson cops framed a wino.

Moe fixed the Rapid end. Moe fixed it post-torch. Goons fucked up the owner. Goons relocated him to Dogdick, Delaware.

Pete renamed the biz. Dig it—Tiger Kab refortifies. Tiger Kab resurrects.

He sold the old Packards. He bought twenty Fords. He hired dope-addled “artist” Von Dutch.

Von Dutch ate peyote. Von Dutch painted cabs. Von Dutch laid wiiiild upholstery. He painted tiger stripes. He scrolled kustom script. He fashioned mock-tiger-tuft seats.

Pete bought four limos—high-end wheels—Lincoon Coontinentals. They had hi-fis and recliner seats. They were mobile fuck pads.

He consulted Milt Chargin. He steam-cleaned the hut. He dumped
some fruits. He hired some straight guys. He kicked two drag queens out.

He took Milt’s advice—keep Nat Wershow—Nat’s smart and butch. Keep Champ Beauchamp. Keep Harvey Brams. Keep Donkey Dom—Dom’s a fruit magnet—Dom draws fruit biz.

He called his Teamster contact. He signed the crew on. They got pensions. They got health plans. They paid Teamster dues.

Jimmy H. got points. Jimmy was thrilled. The fruits genuflected and swished. They got the clap. They got the syph. The Teamsters now paid for their cures.

Pete hired two jigs—Sonny Liston boys. They were good drivers. They were semi-punch-drunk. They were good Browntown brawn.

Biz was strong. The cash base was strong. No Monarch clients strayed.

Pete ran the hut. Pete worked three shifts. Work drove him. Work drained him. Work killed his bad thoughts.

He lived at the hut. He brought the cat in. The cat chased wall rats. He built a straight john. He kept the fruit john. The straights refused to shit with the fruits.

The straights hated the fruits. The fruits reciprocated. Pete addressed the issue. Pete stressed coexistence. Pete enforced the Law:

No bickering. No fistfights. No factional wars. No sex jive. No queer-straight flirtation.

Both factions kowtowed. Both factions obeyed.

He cut a deal with Johnny R. He got roost rights at the Dunes. He cut a deal with Sam G. He got roost rights at the Sands.

He told the crew: I WANT DIRT.

Quiz hookers. Quiz card dealers. Glom dirt. Glom dirt on celebrity tricks and gamble-o-holics. Accrue dirt. Report dirt to Milt C.

Milt was good. Milt mediated crew complaints. Milt deflected tsuris.

Milt made airport runs. Milt drove famous fruits. Milt drove state legislators. Milt drove them to fuck pads. Milt drove them to dope dens. Milt reported his dirt.

Milt dispersed tip cash. Milt greased bellhops/barkeeps/B-girls. Milt said I WANT DIRT.

Dirt meant leverage. Dirt meant status. Leverage meant juice. Juice for the Boys and Drac Hughes.

Tiger Kab: Dirt Central. The racket hub supreme.

The fruits pulled crimes. The straights pulled crimes. They achieved détente and pulled crimes together. Pete hired drivers off rap sheets. Pete hired drivers off reps. Pete hired bent guys x-clusive.

Pete consolidated. Pete worked two main gigs. Pete worked the pill and slot-machine endeavors.

He dumped the smut gig. He dumped the mule flix. He dumped the T.J. cops. He dumped the smut kids. He leaned on Eldon Peavy. He made him quit making smut.

He hired Farlan Moss. He sent him to T.J. Moss greased the spic cops. Moss shanghaied the kids. Moss sent them home
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Pete stole Peavy’s records. Pete logged smut transactions. Pete logged DIRT.

Peavy left town. Pete lost his cab protection. Pete called Sam G. Sam Tigerized and bought points. Sam bought in for 20%.

Sam bought protection—new and improved—Sheriff’s
LVPD. Co-op deals meant insurance. Insurance meant safety. Safety meant anesthesia.

He shut Betty out. It worked intermittent. He notched minutes and hours and sleep. He did make-work. He did real work. He stretched the time. He cultivated distraction.

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