The Columbia History of British Poetry (458 page)

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Authors: Carl Woodring,James Shapiro

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BOOK: The Columbia History of British Poetry
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"Love, Hope, and Self-esteem," 383;
"Mask of Anarchy," 390-392;
"Mont Blanc," 383, 398;
"Ode to Liberty," 390;
"Ode to Naples," 390;
"Ode to the West Wind," 372, 383, 392-393, 546;
"Ozymandias," 393;
Prometheus Unbound
, 383, 387, 395-396;
Queen Mab
, 383, 389-390;
Revolt of Islam, The
, 383, 388-390;
"Sensitive-Plant, The," 383;
"To a Sky-Lark," 383;
Sonnet: To the Republic of Beneven-

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