The Columbia History of British Poetry (459 page)

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Authors: Carl Woodring,James Shapiro

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BOOK: The Columbia History of British Poetry
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Page 723
to," 390;
"Triumph of Life, The," 371, 383;
"Witch of Atlas, The," 383
Shepheardes Calender, The
, 142, 187, 192, 203, 216, 218
"She Said as Well to Me," 563-564
Shirley, James (1596-1666), 176-177
Narcissus or the Self Lover
, 176-177
Shropshire Lad, A
, 519-520
"Sibrandus Schnafnaburgensis," 434
Sibylline Leaves
, 344, 349
"Sick King in Bokhara, The," 445-446
Sidney, Mary Herbert, Countess of Pembroke (1561-1621), 190, 199-200

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