| Works:
| Amoretti , 180, 188, 191-192, 218, 229;
| Colin Clouts Come Home Againe , 218-219;
| Complaints , 219;
| Epithalamion , 191, 218-219;
| Faerie Queen, The , 191-192, 203, 207-219, 221, 229;
| Fowre Hymnes , 218-219, 229;
| Prothalamion , 218-219;
| Shepheardes Calender, The , 142, 187, 192, 203, 216, 218
| Spenserian stanza, 103;
| in Britain's Ida , 173;
| in Childe Harold's Pilgrimage , 401;
| in Faerie Queen, The , 216