The Complete Adventures of Curious George (6 page)

BOOK: The Complete Adventures of Curious George
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"Sure, I can use you!" the elevator man said to George. "I will give you what you need for the job. You can start right away. But remember—you are here for washing windows. Never mind what people inside the house are doing. Don't be curious or you'll get into trouble."

George promised to be good, but little monkeys sometimes forget...

George was ready to start. My, how many windows there were! But George got ahead quickly, since he worked with all four hands. He jumped from window to window just as he had once jumped from tree to tree in the African jungle.

For a while George stuck to his work and did not pay any attention to the people inside. Of course he was curious, but he remembered his promise.

In one room a little boy was crying because he did not want to eat his spinach. George did not even look but went right on with his work.

In another room a man was taking a nap and snoring. George was sorry it was not his friend, the man with the yellow hat. He listened to the funny noise for a while, then went on working.

But what was going on in here? George stopped working and pressed his nose against the window. Two painters were working inside. George was fascinated. Painting looked like a lot more fun than washing windows!

The painters were getting ready to go out for lunch. The minute they left George climbed inside.

What wonderful paints and brushes they had! George could not resist...

An hour later the painters came back. They opened the door—and stood there with their mouths wide open. The whole room had changed into a jungle with palm trees all over the walls and a giraffe and two leopards and a zebra. And a little monkey was busy painting himself on one of the trees!

Then the painters knew what had happened!

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