The Complete Herbal Guide: A Natural Approach to Healing the Body - Heal Your Body Naturally and Maintain Optimal Health Using Alternative Medicine, Herbals, Vitamins, Fruits and Vegetables (51 page)

BOOK: The Complete Herbal Guide: A Natural Approach to Healing the Body - Heal Your Body Naturally and Maintain Optimal Health Using Alternative Medicine, Herbals, Vitamins, Fruits and Vegetables
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Juniper Berry is considered a purifier of the blood and overall system cleanser, and by removing acid and toxic wastes from the body, the herb helps to reduce overall susceptibility to disease.
  As an excellent antiseptic, it helps to control general infection and disease.

In preliminary lab studies, Juniper has demonstrated antiviral activity against virus A-2 and Herpes simplex virus I and II.

Take one (1) capsule, two (2) times each day for four (4) weeks. Discontinue use for at least two (2) weeks before beginning another four (4) week regimen.

Pregnant women should not use Juniper Berry, because it stimulates the uterus and may cause abortion.  The USFDA does not recommend this herb as safe and prolonged use (more than a month) is not recommended, as it may cause kidney damage.  If kidney disease is suspected, Juniper berries may over-stimulate the kidneys and adrenals and should be avoided.  Those with kidney disease or acute kidney infection should avoid this herb.  Juniper should not be used in cases of heavy menstrual flow, and the herb may interfere with the absorption of iron and other minerals. Some people may have allergic responses to Junipers.

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Goldenseal Root

is immensely popular as an
immune booster and antibiotic
 that is taken at the onset of a cold to help prevent further symptoms.  Often called Echinacea’s partner, Goldenseal, is said to help stimulate the body's resistance to infection and is another "must have" herb for your home.

Plant Description:

Goldenseal is a hardy, herbaceous, North American woodland perennial that grows under two feet in height with a thick, yellow root and a single, erect stem producing leaves and a flower.  From the flower, a single, red, inedible fruit emerges, but it is the roots, dug from three-year-old plants, that are used in herbal medicine. 



Its botanical name,
, is derived from two Greek words signifying "water" and "to accomplish," probably attributed because of its effect on the body's mucous membranes.  Few wildflowers were as important to the American Indians as the versatile Goldenseal.

The roots supplied the Cherokee and Iroquois with a brilliant yellow dye for their weapons and clothing, a paint for their faces and medicinal remedies for indigestion, inflamed eyes, mouth ulcers, cancer, tuberculosis and edema.
  It may not have been effective for all those ailments, but its efficacy as an antiseptic and in stopping bleeding was well noted.  Pioneers quickly adopted Goldenseal, and it became a mainstay of American folk medicine, frequently sold as an ingredient in patent medicines in traveling medicine shows. The root is an ingredient in many herbal remedies, as it not only possesses medicinal virtues of its own, but it also appears to enhance the potency of other herbs.  Goldenseal has also found its way into modern medicine as a treatment for inflamed eyes, and some drug manufacturers include an alkaloid extracted from the root in their eye drops. 


Once common in eastern North America, Goldenseal has almost become extinct in many places by commercial harvesting, and the plant was cited on the CITES list for protection and conservation, making it a rare and expensive commodity. Some of Goldenseal's constituents include alkaloids (hydrastine, berberine, canadine and hydrastanine), tannins, beta-carotene, fatty acids, resin, albumin, essential oil, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium selenium, zinc, B-vitamins and vitamins A, C and E.

Medical Uses:

Goldenseal root has a reputation for being a natural antibiotic. Used at the first sign of a cold, flu or sore throat, it may stop further symptoms from developing.  The berberine content in Goldenseal possesses strong antibiotic and antiseptic activity against a wide variety of bacteria and fungi, combating vaginal inflammations, sore throat, and bladder and intestinal infections.

As an antibacterial, Goldenseal is thought to further fight skin infections and skin ulcers (when used topically and internally) and is also an antiseptic mouthwash (fighting sore throat).
  In treating periodontal disease, Goldenseal destroys the bacteria that cause the disease and relieves inflamed gums.

Goldenseal is an immensely popular herb that has long been used as an immune enhancer and a body cleanser that promotes healthy glandular functions.
  In laboratory studies, the berberine in Goldenseal was thought to increase blood flow to the spleen and stimulate the activity of macrophages, blood cells that are an important part of the immune system.  The berberine may also increase the secretion of bile.  In regulating healthy glands, the herb is said to be of overall benefit to the liver, pancreas, spleen, thyroid and lymphatic system.

Because Goldenseal is thought to increase the flow of digestive enzymes and is considered an effective herb for improving overall digestion and easing disorders of the digestive tract, including heartburn (particularly when it is associated with emotional tension), inflamed peptic ulcers, constipation and indigestion.
  Several early Native American tribes also used Goldenseal extensively for treating digestive problems.

Goldenseal, sometimes called "King of the Mucous Membranes" is thought to have a soothing effect
  on inflamed mucous membranes and, as such, has been thought to help the respiratory system (by easing congestion), chronic inflammation of the colon, rectum and hemorrhoids.

In laboratory experiments the alkaloids, hydrastine and berberine, in Goldenseal are said to lower blood pressure.

Goldenseal is sometimes used in the treatment of 'female problems" and helps to regulate the menses. It has been used to arrest bleeding from the uterus and profuse menstruation, and it is also believed to cause uterine contractions.

The berberine content in Goldenseal is thought to be effective in treating diarrhea due to toxic pathogens such as cholera.

Historically, Goldenseal was eyewash with mildly antibiotic and astringent qualities helping to reduce inflammation of the eye, but this application is not recommended because of the herb's natural grittiness.

Berberine (found in Barberry, Goldenseal, Oregon Grape and the roots and bark of a number of plants) is now the focus of attention for use in diabetic care.
  In a report from Medical News Today (Diabetes News/August, 2006), a collaboration of Chinese, Korean and Australian scientists at Sydney's Garvan Institute revealed that berberine could be a valuable new treatment for this disease, giving scientific backing for its glucose lowering effects that were documented in Chinese literature and used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). 

Garvan scientist, Dr. Jiming Ye claimed that in lab tests, the berberine activates an enzyme in the muscle and liver that is involved in improving sensitivity of the tissue to insulin, which, in turn, helps lower blood sugar levels.
  Moreover, the berberine might help to reduce body weight. Professor James, the head of Garvan's Diabetes and Obesity Research Program added that despite berberines widespread use in Traditional Chinese Medicine, it would have to be evaluated following the defined clinical trials process.

Take two (2) capsules, two (2) times each day with water at mealtimes.

Pregnant or nursing women should not use Goldenseal or any other herb containing berberine. Goldenseal may limit the efficacy of anticoagulants (aspirin, blood thinners, Coumadin, etc.), and may also interfere with tetracycline antibiotics. Excessive use (many times the recommended dosage) may cause lethargy, skin, eye or kidney irritation, and nosebleed, lowered blood pressure and lowered heart rate. Because Goldenseal may lower blood sugars, people with diabetes should use it only under the supervision of a physician.  Those who suffer hyperthyroid conditions, high blood pressure or epilepsy should avoid this product.  Goldenseal should not be taken for prolonged periods.


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is a wonderful and trusted cardiac tonic that is used to lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, and significantly enhance blood circulation to the heart and brain. It is used to strengthen the heart and relieve angina, myocarditis (inflamed heart) and arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat).

Plant Description:

Hawthorne (also spelled Hawthorn) is a thorny, deciduous hardwood tree or shrub that may grow to a height of twenty-five feet and bears small white flowers that produce red berries. The tree is found in roadsides, fields and woods, thriving in most soils, including alkaline, in sun or partial shade, but the fruit is more prolific when growing in an open, sunny position.

According to Christian tradition, the crown of thorns placed on the head of Jesus was made of Hawthorne; and its May blossoms have long been associated with May festivals, i.e., selecting a "May Queen" and "King and Queen of the May." Although Hawthorne was used medicinally in ancient Greece, it fell into obscurity until the nineteenth century, when the secrets of an Irish doctor's effective Hawthorne-enriched heart tonic were revealed, making it extremely popular for that use and for which it is still acclaimed today. It is an important medicinal herb used in Europe, the United States, and the Orient, where it is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as a heart tonic and a treatment for digestive disorders. Some of the constituents included in Hawthorne are beta-carotene, catechin, pectin, flavonoids, rutin, essential fatty acids, amino acids, many valuable minerals (calcium, choline, chromium, iron, manganese, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon and magnesium), B-vitamins and high vitamin C content.

Medical Uses:

Hawthorne is an excellent cardio-tonic that supports good heart health and protects it in a variety of ways. It is thought to be especially effective in the beginning stages of heart disease, as well as speeding up the recovery time after a heart attack.  It is also believed to strengthen a weak heart muscle associated with age, relieve pressure and tightness of the chest, ease angina and myocarditis (inflammation of the heart), as well as mild cardiac arrhythmia. The bioflavonoids found in Hawthorne interact with key enzymes in the heart to increase the pumping force of the heart muscle and eliminate arrhythmia.

Good heart health is further supported by Hawthorne's rich flavonoids, which are thought to dilate and open up the blood vessels (as a vasodilator), allowing oxygen-rich blood to get to the heart and reduce the risk of a heart attack.

Because of its vasodilating properties, Hawthorne stimulates blood circulation to the brain, as well as the heart, and herbalists have long used it to treat age-related forms of memory problems. Scientific research has identified two ways in which the herb may work. It appears to lower cholesterol, and since there is less platelet aggregation from cholesterol (blood clotting) in the arteries, this action allows the blood to flow more freely and reach the brain's tissues. The herb's high vitamin C content helps to strengthen tiny capillaries in the brain, opening them and resulting in more nutrients and oxygen reaching the brain.

Improved capillary health is also known to relieve conditions such as blood shot eyes, glaucoma, swollen ankles and varicose veins.

Hawthorne reduces cholesterol and regulates blood pressure (both high and low), but when taken for at least eight weeks, is thought to be effective in lowering pressure, since its action develops slowly. It also appears to increase the liver's conversion of LDLs (bad cholesterol) into HDLs (good cholesterol) that do not clog arteries, which helps to stop plaque formation.  This is also beneficial in the treatment of arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, heart attack and strokes. Hawthorne may be of great help for arthritis and osteoporosis.

The anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins in the herb help to stabilize collagen in cartilage, reducing joint damage, and it is thought to prevent the formation of thromboxane-A2, a hormone involved in inflammatory processes. Hawthorne is said to stabilize the collagen in the bone itself, thereby helping to counter osteoporosis.

ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) may be helped by the use of Hawthorne.  By increasing blood circulation to the brain and stopping inflammatory responses caused by allergies, the herb is believed to have a sedative effect on the central nervous system. The sedative effect has also been used to treat insomnia and nervous tension.

Some preliminary research has claimed that Hawthorne may be effective against certain serious diseases. Its rutin content is a bioflavonoid that appears to accelerate the death of leukemia cells and Burkitt's lymphoma and may also deactivate plasmin, a chemical that allows cancerous growths to spread throughout the body.

Take two (2) capsules, one (1) to two (2) times each day with water at mealtimes.

If diagnosed with angina, cardiac arrhythmias, or congestive heart failure, use Hawthorne only under the supervision of a physician. Large amounts of Hawthorne may result in sedation or dramatic drop in blood pressure. Children and pregnant or nursing women should use Hawthorne only in consultation with a health care provider.


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