The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS (53 page)

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Authors: Robert Spencer

Tags: #Religion, #Islam, #History, #Political Science, #Terrorism, #Non-Fiction

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The Last Hour would not come until the Romans would land at al-A’maq or in Dabiq. An army consisting of the best (soldiers) of the people of the earth at that time will come from Medina (to counteract them). When they will arrange themselves in ranks, the Romans would say: Do not stand between us and those (Muslims) who took prisoners from amongst us. Let us fight with them; and the Muslims would say: Nay, by Allah, we would never get aside from you and from our brethren that you may fight them. They will then fight and a third (part) of the army would run away, whom Allah will never forgive. A third (part
of the army) which would be constituted of excellent martyrs in Allah’s eye, would be killed and the third who would never be put to trial would win and they would be conquerors of Constantinople.

Then, apparently the end will come, as Jesus the Muslim Prophet (not to be confused with Jesus the Savior of Christianity) will then return to the earth and defeat the enemies of Allah:

And as they would be busy in distributing the spoils of war (amongst themselves) after hanging their swords by the olive trees, the Satan would cry: The Dajjal [the Antichrist] has taken your place among your family. They would then come out, but it would be of no avail. And when they would come to Syria, he would come out while they would be still preparing themselves for battle drawing up the ranks. Certainly, the time of prayer shall come and then Jesus (peace be upon him) son of Mary would descend and would lead them in prayer. When the enemy of Allah would see him, it would (disappear) just as the salt dissolves itself in water and if he (Jesus) were not to confront them at all, even then it would dissolve completely, but Allah would kill them by his hand and he would show them their blood on his lance (the lance of Jesus Christ).

The Islamic State, taking all this as a literal foretelling of the future, says that the Europeans will “go on the offensive and arrive with 80 flags to Dabiq (near the Turkish/Syrian border), with more than 100,000 soldiers. This is when the great Malhama (Armageddon begins). It is such a big event that it is even mentioned in Christian Biblical scripture and refers to the time near Judgment Day.”

Whatever one believes of Christian or Muslim eschatology, that Judgment Day is coming—because the Islamic State is working toward it, and will continue to do so. And because the United States and the European Union, meanwhile, prefer to continue to reassure themselves that this is not a religious war, or even a proper war at all, and that the whole thing will blow over fairly soon, once jihadis have jobs and social standing. But the Islamic State is confident that it will come down to a military showdown.
Black Flags from Rome
says that the European Union and the United States will fight the Islamic State at Dabiq, while “those who cannot reach Syria go on the offensive elsewhere depending on where they are located.”

Around this time the “puppet rulers in Muslim lands”—that is, rulers of Muslim countries who do not rule by Islamic law and pledge their allegiance to the new caliphate—“may be defeated.” This could be, says
Black Flags from Rome,
by the year 2020—“equivalent to 100 years since the fall of the Ottoman Caliphate.” If this happens, it will give “Islamic armed groups alot of freedom to travel in Muslim lands, and on the Mediterranean sea, and also to use the airspace to target Europe with missiles they will have now captured from the Arab puppet regimes.”



“This cowardly Islamic State group . . . does not resemble our religion in any way.”

—King Abdullah II of Jordan

But despite their faith in this eschatology, there is work for the jihadis to do. The Islamic State envisions itself one day encompassing the entire world, but there are two primary infidel polities that it wants to conquer first and foremost. Besides Rome, there is Israel.

The Apple of Every Jihadi’s Eye

The Islamic State followed
Black Flags from Rome (Europe)
in April 2015 with another e-book,
Black Flags from Palestine (Magic, Deception & War).
envisions the fall of Rome to the Islamic State in 2020 being followed in 2022 by “the beginning of the end of Israel.”

Israel, we’re told, will soon “expand out to pick up the broken pieces of the war torn countries neighbouring it, so they can make their ‘Greater Israel’ which spans from the Nile (Egypt) to the Euphrates (Iraq).”
Aware that this claim will be skeptically received,
Black Flags from Palestine
adds, “Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) informed us: ‘War is deception.’ Mossad’s motto is: ‘by way of deception, you shall do war.’”

Black Flags from Palestine
traffics in a considerable amount of deception of its own, retailing centuries-old blood libels against the Jews as if they were fact, emphasizing the Jews’ use of “black magic” throughout their history, and even providing a summary of nineteenth-century czarist forgery
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
as if it were a factual account of Jews’ goals for the world.

After a concise and highly anti-Jewish history of the Jews, the Islamic State author gets to the heart of the present conflict:

Then World War 2 would begin, some Jews would be put in concentration camps by Germany, only for the survivors to be rewarded with Palestine (why not Germany?) as compensation. No questions were asked. The Palestinians objected to their houses being taken bulldozed, but the world looked away, and continues to look away . . .

Allah had taken away Palestine from the Muslims and given it to their enemy.

This too, he says, was prophesied by Muhammad:

It’s reported the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (saws) warned the believers that: “The (people) do not break the covenant with
Allah and His Messenger, but Allah will enable their enemies to overpower them and take some of what is in their hands.” (source: Ibn Majah)

The Muslims’ attempt to counter the establishment of Israel foundered because Egypt’s irreligious leader Gamal Abdul Nassir betrayed the Muslim Brotherhood and prevented it from restoring the caliphate:

It is within this era that the Muslim Brotherhood rose in Egypt under the guidance of Hassan al-Banna. His goals were to revive the global Caliphate by a careful plan of winning the Muslim population to an Islamic revivalist message through Islamic Da’wah (invitation and teaching), while a secret military arm of the Muslim Brotherhood would infiltrate the Egyptian army and do a coup to remove the king and take hold of power in Egypt. A man called Gamal Abdul Nassir was within this Muslim Brotherhood military wing, but he was not too religious, he craved power a lot.

As soon as the Muslim Brotherhood did the coup, the Egyptian King Farouk was toppled and the Muslim Brotherhood was about to take hold of the reins of power in Egypt. However, Gamal Abdul Nassir suddenly got his own men who rounded up the Muslim Brotherhood members—he knew their names because he had worked with them—and locked them up in prison and put them through Hell-like torture. The Islamic Caliphate-revival cause had been delayed and betrayed by 50 years due to the cursed Arab dictator Gamal Abdul Nassir. . . .

Without Islam, Arab nations were corrupt, and Arab soldiers were consequently poorly trained:

In the Arab-Israel [conflict], the Egyptian troops had not even received proper training prior to battle. The foot soldiers role in an Arab army before battle was to simply be a servant to the commander, to polish his shoes and to be subservient to his daily chores. The commander could not train him out of fear that he may learn too much armed skills and snatch power behind his back.

Could an army who doesn’t trust its own soldiers really win a battle? This is the state of the Arab world without Islam.

It was imperative for the Muslims to recover their full obedience to Islam, so that they could cleanse the holy land:

It is the land which Allah has blessed, the land which He has sent thousands of Messengers’ to, and a land which has had many devout worshippers (Arabic: Abdaal) throughout history. The name of this land doesn’t matter; Jerusalem was called Eelya by the Romans and Arabs in the past during the time of Prophet Muhammad (saws). What matters is the moral nature of the people ruling such a blessed place. If they are righteous believers, then they make the people living under them good and righteous in this holy land, but if they are not righteous and cause corruption in this holy land—then that makes them Allah (God)’s enemy. Allah will purify this land from corrupt people, even if they were
God’s chosen people.

The Palestine Liberation Organization was not suited to perform that work of purification, as it was “a Communist movement who didn’t really care about Islamic teachings. They considered religion backwards and did not take the guidance of Allah seriously.”
Yet this purification much needs to be done, as

Israel is like Florida in America. It is packed with sunshine, shopping malls, clubs and beaches. The people of modern Israel are like America in their materialism and many do not have much care for religion (only a minority are religious). It also has its fair share of criminal gangs who are a nuisance for the Israeli government. You would imagine the modern Israel is like GTA [the video game
Grand Theft Auto
] Vice city more than the chosen land for God’s chosen people.

. . . . Israel is the country most similar to America in the Middle Eastern world. It is filled with crimes; murder, drugs, corruption, and even adultery and homosexuality is widespread within this holy land. People within Israel live a life of hedonism and materialism, and the whole system from the top to bottom is run on bribery, blackmail and favours.

It is not surprising that this corrupt and criminal nation would have the United States intelligence apparatus wrapped around its finger: “Many people are aware of Edward Snowden’s leaks on the NSA (America’s ‘National Security Agency’), but what many people don’t know is that any intelligence which the NSA collects is directly forwarded to Israel.”

Israel doesn’t just rely on the U.S., however; it has dark, fearsome capacities:

Finding the location of the Mujahideen and preventing their weapons from working are just some of the low-level examples I have read of the dark arts (black magic) being used against the Jihad. I am not alone in this view, many Christians are even aware that the Intelligence Agencies have a strong connection with black magic and other beings (spirits, jinn etc) to help them expand their outreach in Intelligence activities, to help them in
their blackmail and torture methods, and even to help them control the people! Drugs and herbs are part of the black magic because they can alter peoples senses.

All these ‘Magic tools’ are used by Israel to portray itself to look like an invincible force which is undefeatable.

Yet it too has formidable enemies, including Hamas, “an organisation whose goal is to liberate Palestine entirely and to leave no trace of Israel on the map. It is not allowed for a Muslim to believe Israel is a legitimate state, because they have stolen land which belongs to the Muslims (any land which has been a Muslim land in the past belongs to the Muslims until the Day of Judgment).”

Hamas’s mistake, however, is “using the elections through democracy to gain a major vote and then rule over the Muslim people through a slow and gradual implementation of Islamic Laws. The Islamic State and Al Qa’idah disagree with this method totally and say that democracy is shirk (polytheism), because people cannot vote whether Allah (God)’s law should be highest or not, rather Allah’s Law should always be highest whether people vote for it or not. These differences in politics are what cause the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qa’idah + the Islamic State to differ and even fight sometimes.”

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