The Complete Memories Series (40 page)

Read The Complete Memories Series Online

Authors: Emma Hart

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: The Complete Memories Series
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Carl didn’t buy her flowers? Well, fuck me, I’m not a flowery type of guy either, I’m a love ‘em and leave ‘em kinda guy, but I’d buy Jen the damn moon if she really wanted it.

Do you have something to keep them in until later? We’ll go and get you a vase.”

The sink, I guess. And you don’t need to buy a vase too,” she protests. “I can do that.”

No, I’m buying it.” I cross the kitchen, and hold her waist from behind. She leans back into me and turns her head. I nudge the side of her face with my nose.

You don’t have to.”

I know,” I say softly. “But I want to.”

I reach round her and start the tap, my other arm still holding her. She puts the bouquet into the water
, and I silently thank Mum for her expert knowledge on early opening florists in our area.

Jen smiles and fingers the flowers again.
“I can’t believe that
Samuel Edwards, bought little old me flowers.”

I know, my reputation is forever tarnished,” I tease.

She spins in my arms, her blue eyes looking up at me.
“Why did you buy them? Don’t shit me around, Sam. Honest truth.”

Because it’s you. I don’t need another explanation.”

Her eyes narrow slightly and she studies me. She stands on her tiptoes
, and her lips graze mine. I tighten my grip on her hips and kiss her back, deepening it. Her arms wind round my neck tightly, her body presses against mine, and I remember I didn’t come here to seduce her. I came here to romance her.

It takes all my restraint not to drag her off to the bedroom, especially when she puts her hands in my hair and winds it round her fingers.

“I forgot to tell you,” I murmur against her swollen lips. “I have all of today off. Dad’s feeling nice.”

Mm, that’s a shame.” She drops back down her heels. “Because I have to work all day. I have an essay due in first day back on Monday.”

That’s fine. I’ll stay.” I kiss her once more and let her go, moving towards her sofa.


Yep. You’re more likely to have pizza in your freezer,” I flash a grin as I lie back, stretching out. Her eyes travel over my body before they snap back to mine.

Then you’re out of luck, stud muffin.” She sashays to her bedroom. “Because I have no pizza.”

The door shuts behind her
, and I flick the TV on. “That’s fine,” I shout, “I’ll just order Dominos.”

Her door opens
, and she pokes her head round. “Can you make sure there’s double pepperoni?”

Not at eight in the morning, gorgeous.”

Huh. There’s bacon in my fridge. Get cooking, then,” she orders, and I jump up, running across the room. I put my foot out stopping her from closing the door, and pull off my top.

I’d much prefer this view,” I hand her the top and she takes it, smirking.

Oh, you will.” Her eyes twinkle playfully, and she gives me a shove. The door shuts and I grin. There’s something sinfully sexy about her wearing my top and not much else.

The door opens again
, and she bounces out. She launches herself across the room at me and I barely catch her. She presses her lips to mine, and I cup her bare ass, my fingers sliding downwards as she pulls herself up. The tips brush something warm...

Fucking hell, Jen,” I let her go and step back, shaking my head.

What?” She grins and her eyes flick down. I throb, hardening against my jeans.

I... you...”

She licks her lips, tilting her head to the side and turns, her ass cheeks peeking out the bottom of my top.

“If I didn’t know any better, Samuel, I’d say you were trying not to jump my bones this very second.”

Jennifer, you are naked under my top,” I growl. “So yes, I’m trying not to drag you into that bedroom and keep you there all day.”

Why don’t you?” She turns from the fridge with a raised eyebrow.

Because you’re worth more than that,” I reply. She softens, her lips curling up. She reaches into the tumble dryer and pulls out a pair of shorts. She puts them on and stands.

You’re really going for this romance thing, aren’t you?” she asks quietly.

Jen.” I cross the room. “I’d do anything it takes to get you to trust in me.”

Okay,” she whispers and kisses me lightly.

’s the lightest kiss I’ve ever had, but it doesn’t help the rock in my pants or the fact she’s still naked under the top and shorts.

Damn Alec and his fucking romance.






His eyes have been on me for the last two hours as I
’ve sat at my laptop and typed up my final version of the essay.

’s tried to pretend he hasn’t watched me, but I’ve seen those sneaky brown eyes lapping me up like I’m an ice lolly in the middle of the Sahara desert.

I glance over at him as I round up my essay. He
’s stretched out on the sofa in his ‘I put my arms behind my head because it makes my top ride up’ position. His hair is spiked to the side, messy, and oh so sexy.

Hey, I
’m not freakin’ blind.

You’re crap at the sneaky eyeing me up thing, by the way.” Bing grins, his eyes wrinkling in the corners.

I tap save.
“Who said I was trying to be sneaky?”

Oh, so you’re finally admitting you like to eye me up?”

I never said I liked doing it.” I sniff.

We both know you do.”

I cock an eyebrow at him and shut the laptop down, closing the lid.
“I don’t know who you’re trying to fool, Samuel. Maybe yourself?”

I get up and move to the kitchen, reaching into a top cupboard for a glass. Floorboards creak behind me
, and his hands settle on my waist, warm and comforting. I turn my head towards him, and oh! Mistake. Mistake.

His lips press against my neck gently, my
skin thrumming against his lips at my pulse point. It quickens, my blood roaring through my body at light speed. He smiles against my skin because he knows. He knows what he can do to me, and goddamn his sexy little ass for that!

His lips ghost up my neck, my jaw, his nose smoothing along my skin. I stand perfectly still, still clutching the glass.

“Isn’t this seduction, not romance?” I squeak out eventually.

His lips graze my ear.
“I like to think it’s seductively romantic.”

Oh, smooth. Very smooth from Mr
. Smart Ass over here.

Nice save,” I admit. “But it’s still not flowers and chocolate, is it?”

Do you want chocolate?” He looks at me.

Um, no.”

Then don’t keep bringing it up. Chocolate is a tricky thing with women, so I’ve been told.”

How is it?” I frown.

You’re cute when you do that.” His thumb smooths out the lines between my eyes. “And if I buy you chocolate, you’ll do the whole ‘you’re gonna make me fat’ thing, and if I don’t buy it you’ll go all ‘are you saying I’m fat?!’ and then no-one wins.”

I tilt my head to the side.
“Huh. I think you’re smarter than I’ve ever given you credit for, Samuel.”

Of course I am, Jennifer. Look who I’m trying to win over. Only the stupidest guy wouldn’t go for you.” He winks, and I laugh.

Ooo-kay, Mr. Romance Fail. You’ve been taking cheese lessons off Alec.”

No, it just sounded a hell of a lot better in my head.” He shrugs. “You win some, you lose some, I guess.”

I roll my eyes.
“Totally off subject, but have you ordered my pizza yet? I’m hungry.”

You had lunch three hours ago.”

Art makes me hungry,” I protest.

Then considering the art degree, you must eat a lot.” Bing’s hands follow the curve of my body. “How do you stay so fit?”

I’ll tell you my secret.” I pull his head down. “Sex.”

Sex?” He swallows.

You sound surprised.” I giggle, and move to fill my glass with water. Finally. Crap on a stick, this guy is distracting.

I don’t know why.” He smirks and steps towards me again. His eyes find mine and they’re slightly heated. “Seven times in three days, wasn’t it?”

Five, and not for my lack of trying to escape,” I tease over my glass.

Trying to escape?” His eyebrows quirk upwards.

Mhmm.” I set my glass down, and walk sideways. He turns to follow me, his eyes stalking me. The gleam in them gets my heart beating faster and adrenaline humming through my body. I’m surprised.

him to catch me.

You can’t escape me,” he challenges.

You can’t catch me.” I walk backwards slowly, backing into the sofa. I skirt round it to the other side, and he eyes me over it.

Wanna bet?”

Honey, I can run around this sofa all day.”

Honey, I can run around after you all day.”

Point for the stalker-boy.

He moves quickly, and I squeal, running away from him around the sofa. My heart is pounding frantically and I’m trying to hold in the giggles.

Samuel Bing Edwards is chasing a girl.

The thought seriously amuses me.

His lips curl in a playful half smile, and I half grin back at him. Damn. He moves again, and I run around the sofa in the direction of my room. I scoot inside and shut the door, leaning against it.

Cheater!” he growls through the door. I run away from it on silent tip toes as he bangs on it, and I lean against the far wall. He tries the handle and nearly falls into the room, his now dark brown eyes falling on mine. He’s as excited as I am by our playful chase. “Jennifer...”

Samuel....” I bat my lashes, and he stalks across the room silently, his long legs swallowing the room up in seconds. I can’t think of anything but him as he comes towards me, tall and dark.

’s the darkness in my life and I’m the light in his.

Go fucking figure.

He’s inches away from me, and I slide along the wall, out of his reach. His eyes narrow and I grin at him, jumping over my bed. He turns to face me, and jumps onto the bed. I stop moving as he steps down.

In a split second decision, I launch myself at him and we fall back to the bed, laughing together. His arms encircle my waist holding me to him. My hair falls down around his face, and he smiles up at me.

.” I smirk.

You caught me.” He rolls us over so he’s on top of me. “But now I’ve got you. What are you gonna do?”

I can feel him pushing against my thigh and my legs automatically tighten round his waist. He drops his forehead to mine, breathing heavily.

“Nothing,” I whisper. “I’m not gonna do anything.”




I lower my lips to hers, one of my hands cupping the side of her face. Her skin is like silk beneath mine, soft and inviting. Her tongue snakes out and traces along my top lip. She moves her hands to my back and fists my shirt as her legs tighten around my waist again.

Shit on a stick.

She nips my bottom lip, and I groan, kissing her harder. My lips leave hers and I trace kisses along her neck, across her shoulder and back again.

Bing,” she whispers in a breathless tone that goes straight to my dick.

What, gorgeous?” I swirl my tongue just under her ear.

Her breath catches.
“I want my pizza.”

I stop and look at her.
“You’re serious?”

Her blue eyes are on fire with sex behind them
, but still innocent at the same time. She nods. “I’m still hungry.”

Dammit, Jennifer. You’re gonna be the death of me.” I rub my thumb along her bottom lip, and she blinks at me.

Can you wait until I’ve had my pizza?”

Carry on,” I growl. “And I’ll be eating your damn pizza off of you.”

Not tonight, dear.” She pats my cheek. “Maybe another time.”

I can
’t help but smile at her. I love her playful side, the one she only seems to let out with me. I saw it with Carl but with me she feels... Freer. Like she can really let go.

Then no pizza,” I threaten.

She scowls at me.
“We’re so not friends.”

We weren’t anyway,” I smirk. “I think we missed that stage, don’t you?”

Her tongue runs across her top lip as she thinks about it. Jen. Tongue.

Stop it, Bing.

Yep.” She nods. “We definitely forgot that part. But unless I get food, we won’t be anything.”

Demon.” I kiss her once more, and she bites my lip, her teeth dragging across it gently.

You have no idea.”


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