The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions (1831 page)

BOOK: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions
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mbara (see
) is Mount
ya (‘The conqueror of enemies’). It is one of five holy mountains, standing near Palitana in Gujarat. To organize a pilgrimage is an act of great merit for Jain laymen—the equivalent, according to some, of undertaking initiation as a monk. The organizer is called
, ‘the lord of the community’ (cf.
Pilgrim Fathers
English Christian Dissenters who set sail in 1620 to cross the Atlantic (in the
) and who established Plymouth Colony. They numbered 102, though a baby was born at sea. The name was based on Hebrews 11. 13.
Pillars of Islam:
(derived from
, ‘pepper’). A method of Jewish
study. Traditionally pilpul meant the logical distinctions by which contradictions in the texts could be explained. Pilpul was distinguished from
(the cursory straightforward meaning of the words) and it served the functions of resolving contradictions, making the text relevant to changing circumstances, and providing a constant changing intellectual challenge.

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