The Cover Model (13 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne Meadows

Tags: #contemporary comedy sensual romance

BOOK: The Cover Model
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Shyness evaporated as Fancy took the initiative, rushing headlong into the kiss, pouring passion and built-up desire into every touch, position, and surge of need. Mitch jacked up the intimacy, meeting her intensity and pushing her to greater heights until they broke apart, the need for oxygen separating them for the moment.


He grinned wickedly at her one word riposte. "Yeah, wow."

How many women had he kissed in his lifetime? Too many to count. Yet Fancy's unperfected show of affection rocked him in a way he couldn't ever recall feeling. His cock hardened in an instant, painfully constricted in his tight jeans, demanding release and satisfaction. All from a simple kiss. From Fancy. The woman who lived in a lab, lectured him on the laws pertaining to sex, and carried an uptight air and innocence that piqued his interest and prodded him to delve deeper. No other woman would do. Hell, if one of Charlie's Angels walked by, he still couldn't take his eyes off the little blonde standing in his arms, staring up at him with a look of curiosity, want, and happiness. His heart buoyed and clamored to hang onto her no matter what.


The realization hit him like a hard right hook to the jaw. Where the concept came from, he didn't know, nor would he question the feeling. All he knew right then was he had one more night with Fancy to make everything up and convince her to stay the course, wherever this rabbit trail might lead.

Leaning in, he kissed her again, pouring unspoken emotions into the brief act of affection.

Chapter 21

"Are you sure I don't need a costume or anything?" Fancy rested her hand on Mitch's forearm.

"Nope. Tonight is the final night. Which means we go casual. Whatever you want to wear."

She glanced down at her pink T-shirt, old jeans, and tennis shoes. Mitch wore a similar outfit, denim pants, tennis shoes, and a button-down oxford shirt. While their clothing choices might fairly match, he appeared much more dressed up and delicious than she could ever be.

Fancy sighed. A sentiment of closure threatened to cloud over her magical night.

"What is it?"

"Nothing." She refused to throw a damper on their final evening together.

Mitch paused at the entrance to the big party room and frowned down at her. Stepping to the side, he dragged her with him. "Fancy…" His deep blue eyes bored into hers.

Lowering her chin, she began. "It's just…"

He cupped her chin and lifted until she met his gaze. "Just what?"

"We both leave tomorrow, and I'll never see you again." She blinked and swallowed. "I know this is awkward, but I think I might have fallen for you and don't want this to be the end."
There. I said it.
Watching his face, Fancy held her breath, eagerly awaiting his reaction.

Surprise flashed across his features before his beautiful eyes sparked. Still holding her chin, he leaned down to rub his nose against hers. "Fancy. Fancy. You never cease to amaze me."

Uncertainty flared.

A slow grin appeared on his face. "Don't you know this is just the beginning?"

She blinked, unsure she'd heard him correctly. "The beginning?"

He nodded. "Oh, yeah. No way am I letting the best thing that's ever happened to me go."

"But, I can't compete with those models…"

He shushed her with a chaste kiss, pulling her into his embrace. "Baby, it's no comparison. You win hands down."

She soaked up his words, somewhat shell-shocked by his admission. Never in her life had she considered herself pretty or desirable to the other sex. Now, the sexiest man alive wanted to date her. She barely resisted the urge to pinch herself.

"Have you had your vision checked recently?"

He chuckled, hugged her tightly, then released her enough to peer down into her face. "You're the apple of my eye, Fancy. Now, would you do me the honor of becoming my Cinderella for the evening?"

She grinned at the phrasing, similar to what she'd told herself during the week. "Will you be my Prince Charming?"

"Only for you, love." He brushed his lips over hers, gentle and sweet, like a cool summer mist. "Don't worry. I'll kiss you awake in the morning."

His promise buoyed her heart, put a wide smile on her face, and dissolved all her worries. For tonight, she'd be a princess. Who needed an expensive ball gown, glass slippers, and a tiara? She had the man of her dreams at her side with a whole night of fun ahead and a sinfully wicked promise of the morning to come.

Fancy stood on tiptoe, wrapped her arms around Mitch's neck, and kissed him with all the passion, feeling, and sheer joy she felt. He responded immediately, opening his mouth and spearing his tongue inside, swirling for a deep taste. She gasped and mirrored his actions, reveling in the unique woodsy taste of him.

The sound of laughter broke them apart. Turning, Fancy found several women staring at them with knowing expressions on their faces.

"Come on, Cinderella. Your ball waits." Fancy looked up at Mitch, read the adoration in his eyes, and grinned happily.

For the first time ever, she truly felt like a princess. All because of Mitch. The man she'd fallen in love with.

* * * *

Two hours later, she couldn't wipe the smile off her face if she tried. Mitch focused all his attention on her, made her laugh, teased her, and praised her. Though others spoke with him now and again, he never left her out in the cold.

"Follow my lead." He took her hand in his and settled the other on her waist. Softly, he counted and moved his feet in intricate steps.

Fancy made two whole movements before landing on his toes. "I'm not sure I'm made to waltz."

He grinned down at her, kissed her nose, then shook his head. "I think it's your dance instructor."

He'd been trying to teach her ballroom dance steps half the night. So far, she had stumbled through each one, completing none, while stepping on his toes more times than she could count. A good sport, Mitch simply chuckled, moved on to another, and took every opportunity to wrap her in his arms. That fact alone kept her more than willing to give dancing another try.

"Nah. I'm pretty sure it's the student with two left feet."

The music changed to a slow dance.

Mitch spun her around, pulled her flush, and kissed her forehead. "Now this is more our speed."

Fancy agreed readily. His firm body under her hands, her breasts rubbing against his diaphragm, the wickedly intriguing bulge in his pants she felt as he rocked against her. Wow. Her stomach flip-flopped in the most delicious way. For the first time in her life, she wanted to burrow through the layers of clothing, expose a man's nude body, and explore each and every crevice to her heart's content. To finally see and touch Mitch's erection, know that she caused such a primitive reaction, and discover the mysteries of intimacy.

She'd been a wallflower her entire life, now she stuck a fork in the road and decided to hang a hard left. Work would always be there, but a chance to learn at the hands of a man she loved might not be. She wanted him. Plain and simple. Her body tingled with the revelation.

"May I have your attention, please?" The hostess spoke into the microphone as the music ended, garnering everyone's attention. "It's time to announce the winner of the large door prize. This particular gift basket includes some naughty tidbits donated by several of the vendors, a gift certificate for anything sold in the lobby area, pens, miscellaneous items donated by a few of your favorite authors. Of course, we can't forget the big gift. An all expense paid trip to next year's convention."

The crowd clapped and murmured in excitement.

The hostess opened a piece of paper, stared for a long moment, then lifted the mic back up to her lips. "And our winner is…"

A pregnant silence filled the air.

"Fancy Phillips."

Fancy blinked.

Mitch cheered, picked her up, and spun her around like a rag doll. "You won!"

She couldn't believe her name had been called. Stunned, she smiled up at her date.

"Fancy Phillips. Are you here?" the announcer called out again.

"She's right here," Mitch hollered across the room. "Go collect your prize." He nudged Fancy in the back.

With growing confidence, Fancy made her way through the crowd to the front stage. There she climbed the steps and approached that night's hostess.

"Congratulations, dear."

"Thank you." Fancy accepted the basket, humbled and honored. "This is so wonderful. I know people always say they never win anything, but I can vouch this time it's true. I've never won anything in my life, which makes this special in so many ways."

Turning, she looked out over the crowd, spied Mitch with a silly grin on his face, and suddenly couldn't wait for next year's convention. To spend the entire week with the hottest cover model around, a man who set her heart to thumping and long dormant hormones to firing.

Whatever lucky star landed her at this hotel in the middle of a romance convention, she'd thank thoroughly. She came here to give her research presentation, to learn from other presenters, to work toward furthering the world of science. Instead, she found another side of herself, discovered adult fairy tales just might come true, and had an absolute blast. Crazy stalker women and hateful haughty models aside, she couldn't ever recall enjoying herself more.

And the night hadn't ended yet.

Would having sex with Mitch, even for just a single night, be such a bad thing?

The tantalizing question prodded her for an answer.

Chapter 22

Mitch reached up, caught a hold of Fancy, and lifted her from the stage back to the floor. She used the opportunity to press her lips against his on the way down. His dick tightened immediately in reaction to the chaste act. Hell, just being around her shunted blood directly to his groin. He couldn't explain why she affected him so, only that somewhere along the line she'd wiggled under his skin and put down stakes. Though not the woman he'd have normally chosen, he wouldn't utter a single complaint.

Fancy radiated beauty, both inside and out, brains, and a goal to better the world. To him, those assets combined made for a perfect companion. As much as he fought the attraction along the way, he finally read between the lines and accepted fate's gift with open arms.

She turned back to accept the gift basket from the hostess. "Thanks again."

"You're very welcome."

Fancy spun in his arms, a bright smile still covering her face. She met his gaze with an expression of awe, joy, and a twinkle of sexual need.

Mitch's breath caught. She wanted him. More than that, if he didn't miss his guess. His confidence sailed as relief eased the tension from his shoulders. Thankfully, she seemed to have forgiven him for the Darla situation or at least moved past. Now, judging by her rapt stare, she sought something in addition. He'd gladly give her just about anything right then, including the best damned night of their lives. If she'd only trust him enough, need him enough, and take a flying leap of faith in one another.

They stood just like that for a long moment before she blinked and lowered her gaze. "I probably should take this to my room."

He nodded, swallowing the small lump that formed in his throat. "Okay. I'll go with you."

By the time she deposited the door prize on the small table in her room, Mitch had followed her inside and closed the door behind him. She turned toward him, sucked in a breath, and stared up at him like a hungry woman. Licking her lips, she clasped her hands together and remained mute.

Nervousness. Need. Sexual interest. Mitch easily read the signs. "You want me." He made the statement, certain of his instincts.

She nodded. "I do."

Hesitancy speared him. He'd wager his bottom dollar Fancy remained innocent or pretty darn close. They'd known each other not quite a week, and those days had been filled with all sorts of turbulent happenings. The last thing he wanted to do was rush her into such an important decision, then have her regret the whole event later.

"Sweetheart, are you sure?"

"I've thought about this, Mitch." She lowered her gaze. "I know I'm… not your usual date. We also leave tomorrow and may never see one another again." Lifting her chin, she met his gaze. "I've discovered so much about myself these past few days, including the fact that I really have fallen for you." She paused a moment. "Don't worry, I won't hold you to any promises or hound you in the future. I just want to spend the night in your arms, to learn what lovemaking can be, from the man who knocked me off my feet."

"Oh, Fancy." Reaching out, he cupped her cheek. "You're the only woman I want to be with, and I have a feeling once won't be near enough." Leaning in, he kissed her forehead. "Be sure about this. For once I have you I'm not going to let you go."

A small smile crossed her lips. "I'd like nothing more."

He read the truth in her eyes. No man had bothered to look deeper, to tap into her hidden trove of passion. Their loss was his gain, for he knew with a bit of tender tutelage and care, Fancy would blossom to match her name. His honor and privilege to be the man.

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