The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town (46 page)

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Authors: Riley Moreno

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Medieval, #Holidays, #Multicultural, #Romantic Comedy, #Sports, #Western, #Historical Romance, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Westerns

BOOK: The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town
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"That's a lot to do!" Sarai said.

Jorgen replied hastily, "Well do it!"

The taste of real battle made him blood-thirsty and needy to see the mission all the way to its close.

The squad ran forward, following Jorgen's orders. Each one of them turned back into a man to climb onto the beam with their bows. They held on to their bow-like tools and slid over the floor. It was filled with diplomats rather than fighters.

"What are they planning?" Jeremiah asked.

Shippo answered, "To trade these documents today."

Sarai chuckled lowly, "Today? We came in time, then."

The shuffled to the other side of the room and entered into the room that housed the documents through a shaft in the wall. They each helped one another land and began going through the files at the edge of the room.

Jorgen said in a muffled voice, "Take anything that is science experiment related,"

"I'm filling my bag," said Jeremiah.

Shippo was visibly stuffing the files into his bag without discretion. The squad filled up their bags and zipped, then locked them shut.

"Each of you has a detonator on their bag and this," Jorgen handed each of them a watch that they put on. "This has the detonator key. Press a button and, boom!"

Jeremiah put his on and started back out the shaft they had come. The others followed suit and backtracked. At the last room they were going over, they ran into trouble. Some Magnums on the ground spotted them and soon, the fighters were banding together at the place where the squad would exit. They were pigeon-holed and they got off the beam fighting. They were more than magnums. They were all bigger, taller, and more agile.

Jeremiah took out his katana saber from its sheath and watched its blue, yellowish glow change as it shifted positions in the air. He fought through a  half dozen fighters in the first swift swing. The next wave stepped over their bodies and all seemed to overhead attack him. He kneeled, then bolted forward with his sword in a swing in all directions above himself. They all fell to the ground. He continued to fight with his katana saber like that, felling every opponent that came before him.

They fought them well, trying desperately to get back to the hangar where Everette would be leaving. If they didn't get there on time they would be looking at being stranded on Magnus' bioship.

With that in mind they fought them valiantly, cutting down all that stood in their way. With weapons and as were animals, they broke down the crowd of fighters until the entire squad could flee without anyone following them. Minor altercations happened enough in the hallways that the squad was safe from Magnus hearing about it.


Meanwhile, Everette was in diplomatic negotiations with Magnus.

"Magnus," she began saying, "how would you feel knowing that you had a child that had one of those experiments done on him or her?"

"I'm imagining it, I like this."

"Would you want to know that they were being exposed to one of the worst experiments in humanity and extra-humanitarian practices?"

Magnus rubbed his chin over his dining table. The entire thing was polished blue metal with intricate, laser cut drawings of fortification and sex scenes. She looked down to see this and stirred. Magnus looked to the door and made a gesture with his hands. His bodyguards left the room and he turned to her. He had a hand on hers and was watching her look at the etchings and drawings.

"It is said you see what you want to see in the drawings," he told her.

She stuttered, "Magnus, I- I don't know what to say."

He moved his head close to hers, "Don't say anything."

She could taste his breathe, a musky scent that made her lust even more intense. She sensed something was wrong with that and looked to the table. It read out the words, "Don't!" where she had seen the etchings. The etchings before had been of orgies, of men on their knees at the base of women's navels. She looked back at Magnus, wanting to see the same thing. He moved her chair so it was no longer facing his table but him and he bent over her. He spread her legs and she opened them, obligingly. He moved the draperies of her robes and saw that her underwear was moist between her legs.

"You're already wet," he said, touching her clit with his thumb. He wiggled it around and she looked up and away, overjoyed with the feeling. He moved her underwear aside and licked her thigh. She watched as his brilliant purple lizard tongue created a wet, viscous trail wherever it went.

She grabbed his head with her hands and pushed his head against her vagina. He pushed his tongue in between her brown lips, pushing aside the folds of her outer vagina and pushed his slender, pronged tongue deep into her. He reached to her G spot and began wriggling his tongue around it, stimulating Everette until her thighs were shaking. He held her in his hands and put his hand behind his chin, placing his thumb against her other hole. Her massaged the tight opening and then moved his face to her butt, sliding his pronged tongue around her tight pink hole. Compared to the rest of her it looked like a delicate flower. He wanted to inseminate her so badly.

He told her, "You know I can smell lust."

She looked at his body, then said, "You're a non-human?"

"Magnus isn't meant to be the lizard race's King. He's meant to be humanity's King," he said as he pushed his thumb back into her butt hole and lifted his dick out of his pants. He slapped it against her thighs and she looked down to see the trembling cock of a lizard race. It was twice the size of Jeremiah and was purple everywhere but the tip, which was as red as a rosebud. She trembled, but not with disgust.

The table was made from a steal that only a hundred people could make. Magnus had one crafted for himself for the equivalent price of twenty bioships. It was capable of showing whoever looked at it exactly what their favorite sin was. Magnus then used that power to make political deals. This time he did it to have sex with Everette.

"I can smell other things," he told her.

"Oh?" she asked.

He licked the air with his tongue, "So many things. Like," he waited, then said, "Ovulation. I can smell that you're ready to be pregnant."

"How did you know?" she asked.

"I can smell it," he said.

He pushed his dick into her as she sat atop his table and spread her legs. Her eyes were dreamy, like she was looking far away and she moved gently when he adjusted her and as he pumped into her.

Her hands, though, moved up and down his body, holding onto the pockets of his abs, arms, and back. He was well-muscled everywhere and throbbing with passion for her. His entire body pulsed and, as he realized she was being seduced into having sex with him, he decided to transform into his full lizard form.

She watched as his purple dick as it came in and out of her and marveled at the way it felt to have a dick inside of her that was twice the size of a human's. Sometimes the red head would peek out and then slide back into her, dripping the viscous clear liquid of her cum as she did. She dripped with it, getting off and orgasming while cumming constantly. She did it for minutes, what seemed like hours. It felt like wet hot passion from the depths of her yearning were being explored and gratified. She humped into him and let him push back into her.

She changed positions and let him push her onto the floor where she lay before him. He moved his black robes aside once more and tried to push his pulsing purple dick into her. The opening to her vagina was too small, though, and he had to jam it in with more and more force. She screamed out and yelled, gasping for air for minutes on end while he stuffed his over-engorged dick deeper into her canal.

The red cum that came out of her frothed and pooled under her, all over her purple robes, was from him. It erupted out of him and he yelled, "You'll be pregnant with me, Everette."

"Pregnant with you?"

He licked the outside, then inner part of her ear, then jammed his dick into her more sharply, saying, "I've impregnated you. I can smell it."

"You can what?"

"Smell it, Everette. I can smell it. Magnus is with heir, now."

Everette struggled backwards, tripping over her own robes. She bunched them up in her hands then tripped again. She said, "No, no. It can't be."

He walked over to a long table with many boxes on it and opened one, then took out a powder. The powder was from the roots of a swamp flower that grew surprisingly close to Everette's home with Jeremiah. She recognized the root and began screaming.

"Don't worry about the noise, boys." Magnus said to the Magnums that entered. They bowed out until Magnus said, "Wait. Jefon. Come here."

Jefon walked forwards and the other boy bowed out. Magnus had him come close and whispered to him. Then Jefon took an unopened box over to the table.

Jefon mixed the root powder with a decanter of liquid from the box. The two fizzled and Jefon walked over to Magnus and Everette, holding it under Everette's nose. The fizzle abruptly ended after a few moments in which Everette had been holding her breathe. It entered her sinuses anyway and began the quick process of rewiring her brain patterns to block out the memory of what Magnus had just done to her.

He turned with her, "And that, Everette, is why we can't strike a deal between your children and my research." He lead her out of the dining hall, "Good day." Jefon had gone with her and Magus walked the length of the dining hall, then held the chair that Everette had been sitting on. He held his dick in his hands and bent over, sniffing the air near the chair with his finger. He sat down and unslung his penis from his underwear and began jacking off already to the memory of having sex with Everette.


Everette was escorted to the hangar where her star cruiser was. All four squad members were on the back of it, holding on to the only part of the star cruiser that they had customized. It looked like a normal cargo addition when in reality it was a holding pen for the guys while they needed oxygen in space. Everette had the pilot take the star cruiser away and sat in wait for the moment that they returned to the bioship and she could see Jeremiah.

When they did reach the bioship and docked, then unboarded, Jeremiah picked Everette up in a hug and squeezed her tightly.

"I missed you, for some reason," she said.

"For some reason?" he said quizzically.

"You know what I mean," she said. "It's just that I have a weird feeling about something. About you. I missed you, I guess."

The team talked together in the kitchen.

Jorgen slammed his fist on the table, "Great job out there! We really worked as a team. Even Everette-- you were able to distract him well enough that we never even saw him. How did you do it?"

Everette said, "I don't even know."

Shippo laughed giddily, we did a great job."

"I just got word that there will be a switch of hands with all of the documents tonight."

Jeremiah asked, "Who's taking them?"

"The government needs them."

"Well, will the government use them?"

"Who knows?"

"We shouldn't hand over something that we can just as easily destroy."

"This is out of your hands," Jorgen yelled. "This is out of my hands, it's not even supposed to be in Eve's hands."

She looked shocked, "Leave me alone!"

Jorgen continued yelling, "How dare you question our mission, Jeremiah, when it's so close to a close?"

Jeremiah was furious, "There's a reason we were asked to destroy these files. Because nobody should look at them, ever."

Jorgon replied, "No, there's a reason you did it and that's orders. That's the reason you did it. Orders. Not morals, orders. If you want to continue to fight me on this, I'll stay with them until the change of guard on them. Then it's really out of your hands."

Jeremiah wanted to fight the situation and said, "Who decided how things are going to be if it all goes to shit?"

"Let me make a call," Jorgon said, then started punching in numbers to the kitchen's keypad. He dialed a friend's number, who directed him to the person that had issued the mission, who knew of the directing advisor to them. Jorgen called them and asked, "Where are the documents going?"

The voice responded, "Annihilation."

Confirm?" Jorgen asked.

"We'll be burning them."

"That's all I wanted to hear, sir."

"Sir," the voice said and hung up.

Jorgen looked to Jeremiah as he hung up, then said, "Satisfied?"

"Yes, I wanted to know that they'll never be read.

Shippo and Sarai moved out of the kitchen while Everette sat down next to the files, where they had been.

Jorgen looked to Jeremiah with satisfaction in his eyes and said, "It was so good working with you again, today. Jeremiah, really. Continue being reinstated full term."

Jeremiah shook his head and grabbed his neck, "I couldn't do that to the kids, most of all Everette.

Everette smiled from his corner. "I honestly would miss him too much. We're fine not fighting a winning war. We know everyone else can, now. We're very tired of fighting, too."

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