The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town (48 page)

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Authors: Riley Moreno

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Medieval, #Holidays, #Multicultural, #Romantic Comedy, #Sports, #Western, #Historical Romance, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Westerns

BOOK: The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town
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Chapter 3

Sebastian Kol’s dark skin was covered with sweat from a hard day at work.  His job, he was one of the knights at the Whitebridge Renaissance Fair, and he loved it.  It was hard work, but nothing his firmed body couldn’t handle.  If he could survive the Marines, he could easily do this job.  Now that had been a tough life, the Marine Corp was not for the weak of heart, and Sebastian wasn’t weak in any way!

He had spent a total of 20 years in the Corp, and it had been good to him.  But shortly after leaving he had found his world turned upside down.  He had gone back home to find that his people had changed, they weren’t the same, or maybe he was the one who had moved forward in life.

It hadn’t been long and he had to leave, he could no longer be a part of the community he had grown up in, until he had left for the Corp.  It made him sad to think about it really.  They had all been so proud of him the day he had left, all had said how much they would miss him, and   that when he was done with his service to be sure to come back. 

But when the day had come he hadn’t been welcomed.  His family had turned their backs on him.  They didn’t understand perhaps that he liked living as a human form more than his bear form.  Or maybe it had been something else.  He could have been at fault a bit, sure in those 20 years he could have visited, but he had always been busy, seeing the world, visiting exotic locations, why would he go back to the place he had lived his first 18 years?

They hadn’t seen it that way, had accused him of being a traitor, a man, not a bear.  His true form had been something he hadn’t ever really been proud of honestly.  He didn’t see anything wrong with it either, but he didn’t understand the thinking of choosing one side or the other.  He could shape shift, why would he limit himself to just one form? 

His family hadn’t known that he may have been a human while he was in the Corp, but many of those vacations he would switch to his bear form and simply spend days upon end in the forest of some new location.  It had been wonderful; he had met some of the best people and shape shifters in the world during those years.

It had been during one of those vacations that he had first met Finn MacMillan too.  He and Finn had hit it off pretty quickly, but after that vacation had lost touch.  Until 15 years later when Sebastian was enjoying one of his favorite woods again and he had run into Finn.

Finn had invited him to join the
Whitebridge Renaissance Fair, telling him how much he would enjoy it.  Sebastian had figured why not, Finn was a great guy, and if he had enjoyed it, Sebastian was sure he would.

He quickly learned the fair was the perfect place for him; it made him feel almost as good as he had while serving in the Corp.  Now three years later Sebastian was glad that he had done it.  The work was hard, and he was tired after the day, but not too tired that he couldn’t take a run in the forest if he wanted.

The fact that Finn was a dragon had never bugged Sebastian; in fact he thought it made them have more of a connection than anything.  Finn was just a couple years older than him, but wise beyond his years.  He knew all about Finn’s past and had been heartbroken by his friend’s story. 

But alas, had that not happened Sebastian was not sure where he would be right now.  Before he had run into Finn again he had felt completely lost.  Losing the family he had thought would be so happy to have him back had been hard, but harder still had been putting his uniform up. 

He could have signed on for some more time, but in all honesty after the scene he had with his family, he hadn’t found the commitment in his heart.  Sebastian had wanted to enjoy a bit more freedom, not only get a vacation every once in a while.  He wanted to be able to hop on a plain and find a stretch of forest so big that it would take him days to investigate.

Though he hadn’t actually taken any trips in the past three years, he had found the fair took care of his needs of exploration quite nicely.  Playing a night during the days, and switching to his bear form at night was perfect.  Well not every night of course, there were the females who seemed to flock both him and Finn.

They were pretty girls, he loved them all.  But Sebastian was far from the type who would ever settle down.  No he liked the adventure of something different all the time.  Perhaps that is why when he was in the Marine’s he had gone to so many cities, so many bases.  Sebastian had tried to spend as little time at each location as he could just to see another new one quicker.

That was another reason that he had not taken any vacation in three years was quite amazing.  But there was something about this community of the Whitebridge Renaissance Fair.  Several of the people were ones who would work each and every year.  He had gotten to know them; they were all like a little family now.

Sebastian would admit though that he was closest with Finn, after all Finn was like the older brother he had never had.  He could see himself working with the fair for years to come and then maybe one day buying a log cabin in the woods and just enjoying nature.

He was busy getting ready for another day at the fair, trimming up his beard, he still liked to keep everything neat, and his hair was short, just like it had been in the Corp.  The only difference was now he could have a beard, but he had to keep it neat, it just made him look so much more sophisticated for the ladies!

He went outside after he cleaned up to notice Beatrice King walking away from where Finn was working.  He watched her walk away, she had some serious junk in her trunk, and he had to admit he enjoyed looking at it.  Finn had warned him though to never mess with the other workers, and he had listened.  That didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy the show as it left, or even when she came around and talked to him.

Sebastian had to admit that Beatrice was one of the few people who had a slight hold on him.  He wasn’t sure what it was, or why it was there, but it was.  She made him think thoughts that he wouldn’t think of with many other females, maybe it was her butt.

He had to admit he was like most men, he appreciated a fine trim body, but that wasn’t Beatrice.  She was a big woman, but she sure looked wonderful in her dresses.  Sebastian had to smile at the thought of what all that skin would look like under her dress.  But he shook his head, knowing he had to get into character for the day, thinking about sex was not the way to do it.

Instead he walked over to Finn to help him with the work.  “Hey Finn, nice morning today, think we’ll be packed.” 

              “Aye, we will have a ton of customers coming in today.”  Finn commented.

              “I see Beatrice did her daily walk?  How’d the dress look from the front?”  Sebastian asked.

              “Showed the perfect amount of cleavage, she’ll be racking in the tips today that’s for sure; you know those guys love that!”  Finn laughed.

Sebastian laughed as well, that was no doubt, and Beatrice was a great attraction in the park.  She worked as one of the waitresses in the main pub of the fair.  Men loved to stare at her ample assets, whether the front or back of her, Beatrice had it to offer!

              “Well at least we have our admirers too!”  Sebastian commented.

              “This is true, and they love to show their appreciation in all kinds of ways!”  Finn looked up.

Sebastian had to agree there was always at least one female who would hit on him each day.  There was never a night that if he wanted it he couldn’t have someone in his bed with him.  He hoped today would be a good day; he could use some serious private attention.  Thinking of Beatrice had gotten him worked up!

Chapter 4


Beatrice went back to the pub, it was almost opening time.  She made sure everything was ready for the day and talked with Tommy the bartender.  He was a nice guy, and he’d been with the fair for around 5 years now.  He was a steady guy, one who lived near enough, so he was never late.

              “Hey Tommy, it’s a beautiful one out today, I think we’ll be packed today!” 

Tommy smiled, he loved the busy days.  “I think we will break a record for the season.  Remember they also ran the special of wedding day!” 

Beatrice had forgotten it was the wedding day for the fair.  It was a special offer for young couples who wanted to have their wedding at the fair.  This normally had several people coming, but what really made the numbers go up was the guests who came to the wedding.  It wasn’t cheap, so when couples did this they made sure to include as many of their friends as they could.  Usually the numbers were up by around 300 people or more.

              “Oh looks like a great day will be starting in any second!”  Beatrice smiled broadly.

She checked her dress in the mirror one more time, to see how much of her breasts could be seen.  “Perfect.”  She commented.  She didn’t want to show too much, because some of the women would get offended, but just enough to make sure the guys would leave tips that would quickly weigh down her pockets.

Tommy laughed behind her, he knew how it went.  He wasn’t blind to her big breasts.  In fact it was one of the reasons he loved working the pub so much.  Because not only did Beatrice get nice tips, Tommy would also benefit from her breasts by getting more tips!  For some reason he swore the men thought he commanded her to dress like this,  because they were always coming up to him and handing him extra money and thanking him for the waitress!

He wasn’t dumb, he liked the extra money that came in, and he thought Beatrice was a sweetheart.  She would do just about anything for a good friend, and Tommy felt they were good friends.  “You look great sweetie, I’m sure the guys will be putting extra money in both of our pockets all day long!” 

They both laughed and smiled; just as they heard the cannon go off to signal the opening of the park for the day!

              “Get ready, there’s a huge crowd already.”  Sara, one of the other vendors came running by and told Beatrice and Tommy.  She was the watch out, she would usually let them know if it was packed, or a so-so day.  When she said huge, you could guarantee it was a big bunch of people!

Though they wouldn’t necessarily get customers right away, sometimes she could pull them in.  So she got into her position near the front of the pub and prepared to give her best show.

As people walked by she would talk to them, if they were in costume she would comment on how nice they looked, and sometimes they would feel obligated to come into the pub.  After all it was never a bad time for a drink!  That was the line she loved to use on them, it worked a lot too.

Before she knew it they were almost full and she was running back and forth between the tables, delivering orders to men and women alike. 

It was going to be a great day for money, she was sure of that, and this crowd seemed to be really jovial.  As people walked out, more would come in, it seemed like the festive mood had been sprinkled over the fair that day.  Soon Tommy had to change out the kegs and replace them with new ones, and they had only been opened for an hour.

Beatrice shook her head figuring it would be a day that she might come to wish hadn’t happened.  These were the days it would be hard for either her or Tommy to break to eat.  This could sometimes cause problems, because a lot of the men who came in would buy her a shot and want her to drink with them.  Beatrice knew from experience if you drank with them they would often leave larger tips.  Not only that but sometimes she would get a phone number here and there.  Not that she called many of them, only a select few would get a call from her, and when she was feeling extremely adventurous for the night!

Chapter 5


The crowd was all over the place, it was packed, and it seemed like it would be like this the whole day.  Eight hours of this was hard for a lot of the workers.  That was why management often sent around some volunteers who would get orders from the workers of what they wanted to eat.  On days like this the park would pay for their food too, it was something they felt was worthwhile.

After all the main workers in the park gave their all so that management would get a nice profit.  It was one of the many perks that kept the best workers in their employ.  Today it was the newest volunteers who got the job of running around the park to take orders. 

              “Jack, take Susan with you and get orders so people can eat.”  Mr. Timmons the manager said.

Jack, a stick of a man who had just started at the park looked around for his co-worker Susan.  Finding her he went off and grabbed her.  “We need to take orders from everyone.  Which   side of the park do you want?”  He asked her.  It was much quicker if they did it this way, saved them time in the long run.

She thought for a second, and answered.  “I’ll take the upper portion.”  She had chosen this part because it meant she would get to take the orders of the two hottest guys in the park, the knights.  Susan had been looking at them the last two weekends.  She really wanted to hook up with them if she could, because she had one more week and she would be gone, school would start and she would have no time to volunteer.

              “Fine, let’s get this done quick.”  Jack headed off to his side of the park.

Susan walked along and took the orders of the people along the way.  Management had told them you take ten orders, go place the order than take it back.  That way the people you talked to already don’t have to wait too long to eat.  She didn’t really care; she just was looking forward to getting to the knights, Sebastian and Finn.

The amount of employees worked out perfectly, by the time she just had the knights left, and it would simply be the two gorgeous guys, as she had told her friends and the two boys who did stable work.  Before she headed towards the stables she checked her appearance in a mirror.

Her long brown hair hung perfectly along her shoulders.  She had purchased one of the cheaper maid’s dresses the week before, and was wearing it.  She had to admit it fit her smallish frame perfectly.  With the cut of the dress it even seemed to help enhance her bit on the small side breasts.  She puffed them up a bit more to make it look even better and walked off to get their order.

              “Hey, they sent me around to take orders.”  She said as she walked into the stable. 

The two stable boys mouths hung open, they thought she was hot.  They placed their orders and told her she would have to wait about five minutes to take Finn’s and Sebastian’s order.  “They are in the middle of the joust, but they are almost done.”  The one boy told her.

              “Alright, I’ll wait.  You don’t mind do you?  Or do you want me to get your orders first?”  She asked them.

              “No you can wait.”  The one smiled at her.  He began to walk over to her as if he was going to ask her for a date, but just at that point the horses came into the stable with Finn and Sebastian on top of them.  “I have to go.”  He headed off and took the horses.

Susan walked up to the two men.  “Hey we are taking orders, what do you two want to eat today?”  She said with a hint in her voice.

Finn and Sebastian caught it quickly, that and the fact that the girl had all but undressed in front of them the week before to show her interest 

              “Well for now I’ll take the pot roast, but later maybe I’ll get some dessert.”  Finn said.

Susan turned red, but she could feel herself get excited.  She turned to Sebastian, who said.  “I’ll take the same thing.”

She all but ran out to get their orders, hoping the time for their dessert would come quickly.  When she brought back their food she found out.  Sebastian told her to meet them at the stables at closing time and they would discuss dessert.

Susan walked away happy as ever, and with the thoughts of what she would tell her friends about this night!

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