The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town (52 page)

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Authors: Riley Moreno

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Medieval, #Holidays, #Multicultural, #Romantic Comedy, #Sports, #Western, #Historical Romance, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Westerns

BOOK: The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town
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Chapter three

Time travelling, Spaceship

“Getty, you won’t believe this unbelievable dream I just had, from androids to time travelling, I blame you for making me watch Alien mov-

Diana then mumbled waking up expecting to be in her bedroom, but froze upon clearly seeing where she was.

First was where she was sleeping, she could feel the comfy bed but when she looked at it there was nothing, it was like she was floating in air or sleeping on an invisible bed.

The room she was in looked like a chamber room of some sort with pure white walls.

Her first thought was that maybe she had finally gone crazy and ended up at an Asylum for crazy people as that would explain her seeing an invisible bed.

“Miss Wilson, since you are now awake, can you please join me here in the main room. Just follow the green arrows now flashing on the floor.’’

Great, she was now even hearing invisible voices, Diana thought but she recognized the robotic voice to be that of that android man whom she last saw before blacking out.

As she saw the green arrows now flashing on the floor, she decided to follow them and go find out what the hell was happening here.

As she got out of the room following the arrows, the door slid open for her.

She then started walking in this long white passageway as the Arrows led her and did not dare sneak a peek into the other side doors afraid of what she would see.

As she neared and opened the main door, the arrows disappeared. She entered the room and it looked like some main control room with all these control panels.

“Miss Wilson thank goodness. I was waiting for you to awake before starting the spaceship and commencing to our final destination, Planet Leo Minor.’’ Android 101 as she now knew him by then said startling her a bit as he came out of nowhere.

“What the hell do you mean by spaceship and us going to some Planet named Leo Minor?’’ Diana said to him with wide eyes.

It was then she looked out through the glass window and was shocked by the view.

It looked like she was totally and actually in space as she saw the giant blue ball, her planet, Earth. But it looked strange.

‘’To answer your questions, Yes right now we are in a space ship and secondly we are travelling to the Planet called Leo Minor as that is where your husband to be, lives.’’ Android 101 then said in answer to her questions.

“Husband to be! But I don’t even know him!’’ Diana then said in panic to the Android. Heck right now she was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that she might just have time travelled, was now in some kind of spaceship and going to some planet she so did not know about. Add an Alien Husband to the mix, that just became too much.

A big part of her still hoped that this was just a long weird dream and she would wake up soon.

‘’Your Husband to be is of the Leonic Race, an advanced Alien Life form and is the King who rules there. His is known as Xavier the Leonic King but something happened to his Planet, Leo Minor. A genetic mutation happened to the females as suddenly they all started giving birth only to male children. This continued for centuries with no solution being found and the left over females grew old and died.  So right now the planet has no Leonic Females left in existence.’’

Diana just looked at the Android with wide eyes at the news of her husband to be being some King which was shocking. Heck she had never thought of her self becoming some Princess or Queen especially an Alien one. And then there was the fact of her going to be the only freakin female there!

‘’My creator King Xavier while in search of a way to help the survival of his species, he came across some lone planets explorer who had just came after exploring many planets with one of them being earth. And he sold him DNA from Earth.

As an intelligent Scientist, Prince Xavier usually collected DNA from many species trying to find one which would be compatible with his race to solve the female problem,’’ Before the Android could finish,

‘’And let me guess, we were a match and that’s why your King has send you to abduct some helpless human female like me to have female babies.’’ Diana then said in a sarcastic tone to the Android.

‘’Yes that is correct.’’ Android 101 then said in answer.

“But why the hell would he have me taken from the past to come and be his bride when he could have just gone and taken the human females living on earth from his time. Plus how many years have I time travelled?’’ Diana then said in question.

‘’Planet earth no longer has life on it as humans caused a nuclear explosion which killed all life, so that’s why it was necessary to travel in the past. You should be grateful as you are now saved from that destruction which was going to happen a month later in your time. And you have time travelled into the future, 100 years later from your present. ‘’ Android 101 answered not minding the thousand questions that Diana was throwing at him.

‘’Out of a billion females, why did it have to be me? Cant you return me home and take someone else.’’ Diana then said pleadingly not knowing how to take in all this weird things like how she was now freakin 100 years into the future.

Dying as she was supposed to in that nuclear destruction was sure better than all this weirdness.

As for earth`s destruction it did not surprise her considering how the world leaders in her time where always creating these mass destruction machines. She knew a time had to come when they would be used to destroy earth.

‘’You answered the call by answering the questionnaire which I transmitted into an Alien Space Game.  And King Xavier has chosen you so I have to successfully complete the mission by delivering him to you.’’ Android 101 then said with his face as emotionless as always.

She now so wished she had not answered that stupid Alien Questionnaire! It was Getty`s fault since she started it and she should have been the one here as Getty would have enjoyed being here with all these Alien mumble jumbo, more than her.

And as for this Alien husband to be of hers, Leonic King Xavier, who had ruined her life, she was going to make him pay until he fixed everything and returned her to where she belonged.

‘’But what about my friends and family members, are they really going to be left wondering why I am missing?’’ Diana then said trying to reason with the Android.

‘’Miss Wilson, you will just be missing for a month as they are all still going to die from that nuclear explosion.’’ The Android then said in reply causing Diana to almost break down from the news which she had been trying to block, while thinking of her best friends Ashely and Getty.

‘’Cant you go back in time and stop the nuclear explosion from happening?’’ Diana then said with tears now streaming down her face in total grief.

“My apologies but that is not possible as causing such a huge time travel change of saving a world would result in fatal consequences to both the past and the present. The fate of Earth would still not have changed as it would still end up lifeless one way or the other.’’ Android 101 then replied her.

‘’Ok.’’ Diana then replied in a small voice still grieving.

‘’And now Miss Wilson, please take a seat, put on your seatbelt and take one of those deep slumber pills as this is going to be a long and bumpy ride as I try to avoid hitting steroids. I’m afraid your human body won’t be able to take it if you are conscious.’’ The Android 101 then said to her moving to the control panels and touching buttons on the screen.

Feeling Defeated, Diana did as she was told because how the hell was she going to be able to escape when she was in outer space and her planet, Earth had destroyed itself.

Plus she also did not know where the time machine was or how to use it to send herself back home. Even if she succeeded she would be going back to nothing as she would die in a month. But at least death would have been better than feeling this grief.

Diana then found herself falling asleep from the slumbering pill. She did not fight it as rest was exactly what she needed to spare her from this grief of her past loved ones.

Chapter Four

Planet Leo Minor

‘’Miss Wilson, please wake up as we have arrived at our destination planet Leo Minor. And I have just given you the wake up serum injection. ’’ Diana hesitantly opened her eyes and at first everything seemed haze but as her gaze became clear, she found herself looking at Android 101 who was eagerly waiting for her to wake up.

‘’How long have i been asleep?’’ Diana then said in question as she felt like she had slept like the dead.

‘’From my estimation, I believe you have been asleep for five months.’’ Android 101 then replied while Diana felt her jaw drop in shock.

How the heck had she slept that long.

She could not believe that she had just lost five months of her life sleeping.

‘’But how?’’ She then said to the Android in shock.

‘’Because we had to travel from one galaxy to another since Planet Leo is not from the same galaxy as earth.’’ Android 101 then relied in his robotic tone.

Realizing that they had now arrived at Planet Leo Minor which was to be her so called new home, she curiously stood up about to look out through the window but Android 101 stopped her.

‘’Miss Wilson, I’m sorry but right now your hosts are already here waiting to welcome you outside the Space ship. You can take a good look of your surroundings once your outside.’’ Android 101 then said to her and he looked to be in a hurry.

‘’Where are you hurrying off to, since you are trying kick me off the ship that quickly.’’ Diana then said to the android stalling as she was totally nervous not knowing what to expect out there.

‘’After delivering you, I have to go to the main research station to deliver the other part of the time travel machine which connects to the one I left on earth. This means I can now time travel here and no longer have to travel to earth. After that I then have to prepare my next time travel mission, finding a bride for the other Prince, Prince Leonel. Initiating TTBO, another time travel bride order system.’’ Android 101 then said in answer to her question.

Diana selfishly felt elated to hear this news of another fellow human female joining her as she so did not want to be alone. She so hoped Android 101 would complete that mission quickly.

So she let the Android lead the way to the exit of the spaceship.

As the exit door opened, Diana gasped at what she saw while stepping out.

This Planet, Leo Minor was totally not what she had expected as it was breathtaking and spectacular to look at. From the rainbow like sky which had clouds in different colors, to the bluish soil and the architecture houses which looked to be built in Gold.

There was also two suns one was blue and the other pink. And the weather was just perfect not too hot or too cold, the temperature was in perfect balance.

Diana felt like she was looking at some paradise utopia. The technology was also advanced with flying cars all over the sky and robot like machines doing the manual labor.

Someone then did a small cough to bring her attention to them snapping her out of her awing wonder.

Mama Mia, Diana then thought looking at her so called hosts who had come to welcome her.

She felt like hitting her head to check if she was still dreaming as she had never seen such gorgeous looking, handsome males in her life!

Even while having weird Alien features of their beautiful golden bronze-colored skin and golden tails, they were still very much attractive.

Unlike most human males, these Leonic Alien males where all exceptionally tall, well built men. They also had these lean bodies rippling with muscles which she could see clearly as they wore crystal white toga like clothes, like the ones worn by the Romans from the roman century.

But what astounded her the most was there was not a single female or child insight. Maybe Android 101 had been telling the truth after all about them being extinct.

Realizing how rare she was as a female she now understood the way all those hot Leonic males were staring at her like she was some rare exotic germ.

All that Diana could do was to blush at having all this attention as each and every Leonice male about ten of them who had come to collect her all kissed her hand in a loving and gentle manner.

This was so not the type of welcoming she had been expecting, she had thought that she would be welcomed by some ugly big headed aliens who would then throw her in some dungeon not the handsome Alien Adonis men who looked at her in Awe.

As for Android 101, being as rude as he was, he had gone back to his spaceship after leaving her out there and left.

But then again what could she expect from some Android a robot-like being who had no emotions.

‘’Hello to the future Leonic Queen, me and my brother we have been eagerly awaiting your arrival.’’ The Leonic male who looked to be in charge then said while raising her hand to his lips in a greeting gesture.

‘’Are you the one I’m am supposed to marry?’’ Diana then said with wide eyes wondering if she was looking at the Alien male who would soon be her husband. Not that she would mind as he was also handsome but there was something familiar about him which reminded her of someone.

‘’Oh no, I am Prince Lionel, your husband to be and my older brother, King Xavier could not come.’’ The handsome Leonic Prince then said in answer.

‘’Why could he not come to welcome me?’’ Diana then answered feeling annoyed as because of him she had been forced to time travel a 100 years into the future, lost 5 months of her life in some spaceship and he could not be bothered to come and welcome her?

‘’I’m truly sorry for not explaining properly. My brother while awaiting your coming, did research regarding how weddings and marriage were done from your planet. And so he learned of one where the groom was not allowed to see his bride before the wedding as it was said to be bad luck. You don’t know how much he wanted to come see you but he told me to sent his greetings for him.’’

As Prince Lionel finished telling her that, Diana felt flattered that the Leonic King Xavier, her husband to be could be so kindhearted in wanting her to feel at home.

But it also sucked as she would have liked to have first known her husband, talked to him in person to know whom she was being forced to marry.

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