The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town (81 page)

Read The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town Online

Authors: Riley Moreno

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Medieval, #Holidays, #Multicultural, #Romantic Comedy, #Sports, #Western, #Historical Romance, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Westerns

BOOK: The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town
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              “Is maith liom grá sé ró.” Finn’s husky voice was hushed at her ear, but she could hear the raw edge of desire running through his words, even if she didn’t understand them. “Tá tú an neachtar milis.”

              Beatrice gasped as she felt Sebastian’s tongue, licking voraciously as she tensed, and then had to fight her body to stay still, instinctively wanting to move against him. He sucked at her, sending wave after wave of sparks running like electricity through her body.

              She looked down, awed at the sight of such a powerful man on his knees in front of her, so breathtakingly handsome it was almost hard to look at him in the warm, hazy golden light cast by the fire. Beatrice felt transported to a different time, a different place. A place she belonged.

              Her body tensed as the tingling radiating from her center grew even more intense, feeling like she on the edge of some great cliff and dying to jump off.

              “Tá tú álainn sin, bandia,” Finn’s hands on either side tightened, his strong fingers digging slightly in her skin as he pressed his mouth against her neck. “Ba mhaith liom tú i ngach slí.” The word’s sounded pulled from him.

              “Finn,” Sebastian eased back just enough for Beatrice to feel the breath of his words against her over sensitized skin. “Stop distracting her.”

              “Ha, distracting her. More like distracting you. You don’t like it when I speak Gaelic because you don’t know what I’m saying.” He left a trail of wet kisses up her neck as he straightened to shoot a teasing look at Sebastian. “And that bothers you.”

              Beatrice couldn’t hold back the sweet chuckle at their comfortable banter, even though her body was still on fire after being brought to edge of release and then denied.

              “Who knows what you’re really saying?” Sebastian’s hands idly swept up and down of her hips, making them sway. “I mean, it could be anything.” Finn just shook his head ruefully, his black hair waving.  Bea shifted again, trying to bring their attention back to her need drenched body. 

              Sebastian noticed her movements, his gaze suddenly intense on her body as he slowly rose to his feet, and she was reminded again of just how much bigger than her she was. She wasn’t petite, but he dwarfed her.

              He crowded close to her, Finn stopper her retreat at her back, his own big hands tickling at teasing at her ribcage, making her shiver as the sparks began erupting over her skin once more.

              Beatrice gasped as she felt Sebastian’s hot fingers so suddenly on the spot she most desperately needed, and then they were inside her, moving rhythmically, patiently. Every time his fingers thrust, meeting that point inside of her that made lightning shoot through her body, the palm of his hand pressed against the little bundle of nerves of her clit.

              Her breathing grew ragged, and the moans that she didn’t realize were coming out of her mouth made Finn’s entire body tighten in anticipation. His shining green eyes stared at the pout of her lower lip as she bit it with her teeth, unable to look away as her body went rigid as her release crashed over her in waves.

              As her muscles relaxed, her shaking legs went boneless and Finn and Sebastian both led her over to the big bed dominating the corner of the big tent. After a moment she felt the mattress shift as Finn’s weight settled on the bed next to her. She hadn’t even noticed he had stripped on his way to join her, her eyes widening on his still hard and impressive erection bobbing next to her head as she turned to get a better look.

              Her earlier lethargy forgotten, she crawled on top of him, a mischievous look filling her dark brown eyes.

              Finn groaned as she sucked him into the hot cavern of her mouth. Moving up and down his length, savoring the sweet musky taste of him. She felt more than heard Sebastian draw closer, avidly watching the spot where she and Finn joined.

              He drew off his shirt and threw it haphazardly to land somewhere on the floor, and his boots, jeans, and socks soon followed. He came nearer, the warmth of his big body at her back like a comforting furnace as she felt the length him brush the side of her thigh. She wanted to feel him inside her so bad, but she tensed as a sudden thought hit her, and she pulled back, letting Finn’s hardness slide out of her mouth as she looked up at him, not exactly sure how phrase her question.

              “Do I have to…should I worry about…” Finn instantly understood, and hurried to reassure her.

              “We are both clean. And you don’t have to worry about pregnancy, it’s…well, it’s kind of complicated, but let’s just say you really don’t have to worry.” Bea tilted her head,  the ends of her hair tickling her back as it shifted.

              “Is it because of, well…the dragon thing?” Finn froze, his expression shuttering, as she heard Sebastian choke on a cough behind her.

              “I’m sorry, what was that?” His voice was distant in a way the Bea had never heard, and made her instantly sorry for bringing it up.

              “I, well, you know.” She sighed, nervously tucking her hair behind one ear. “Your other side. Your dragon side? The great, big, beautiful dragon that you turn into sometimes?” She felt so flustered it was hard to continue, and she didn’t notice Finn’s feature’s start to soften at her words.

              “And the bear too. I saw it, him? You?” Sebastian started, and Beatrice threw a cautious look over her shoulder. “You were big too, and brown and your fur looked really soft.” He choked out a laugh, then looked as if it had caught him by surprise. Finn grabbed her hand, drawing her attention back towards him.

              “You saw us? Saw us change?” His voice sounded so serious, his questions falling quietly in the otherwise silent room. Bea took a deep breath, then nodded her head.

              “Yeah, uh, it was about a year ago. I saw you both, and well, I’m still not really sure. You were
, and then…you weren’t” She trailed off, feeling completely unsure as Finn just stared at her with those glowing emerald eyes. Slowly,  his gaze cleared, and the flick of his mouth had her pulse returning slightly to normal.

              He turned her hands over in his, looking at them, his grin seeming to grow despite himself.

              “So, you thought I was beautiful?” A laugh of relief burst from her at Finn’s question, his natural roguish charm making her feel again at ease with them. He pulled her up until they were both lying on the bed, Beatrice pillowed on his chest, Sebastian leaning down on her other side, head on hand as he looked down at her. His expression was unreadable in the dim light.

              “I think you better start from the beginning.”


Chapter 6


              “So you’ve known the truth about us for over a year?” Beatrice nodded her head at Finn’s question, the third time he’d asked it. She had just told them the whole story of how she saw them in the woods that night. It had been hard, but the closeness she now felt for them was worth any amount of awkward moments. The look on Finn’s face told her he felt the same.

              “Love, come here.” Finn played back in the middle of the bed, hand outstretch to pull Beatrice closer to his body, ready for her again. Her center pulsed as she watched his long fingers stroke his thick cock, watching her, waiting for her. She took his hand, her heart melting even further as he brought it to his lips, laying a soft, sweetly chaste kiss on the back of her knuckles, before growling playfully, and pulling her off balance to land sprawled across his chest.

              A husky laugh escaped, quickly cut of as he kissed her, passionately, intensely, his tongue stroking hers aggressively and he moaned into her mouth when she bit his lower lip. He slowly pulled his mouth away as he guided her to straddle his hips, the tip of his erection slid against her welcoming wetness, making Finn clench his jaw against the pleasure.

              This woman had him completely undone, the mere thought of shoving himself inside her tight sheath almost enough to make him come then and there. Finn glanced up, past the delicate slope of her shoulder and caught sight of Sebastian.

              “You are amazing.” Finn whispered to Bea, this time grabbing her hips to guide her as she sank slowly onto his length. The catch of her breath fell sweetly on his ears as she enveloped all of him in the tight, scorchingly hot grip of her pussy. He couldn’t hold back the groan that erupted at the feeling of her.

              “Hold still.” Finn rasped at her ear, pulling her forward onto his chest as he was still deep inside her. She felt the bed dip as Sebastian crawled towards them. Beatrice looked back at him, catching her breath at the look on his face. He had taken it worse than Finn when he had learned she knew his secret, but now his expression was one of joy, peace, and affection, and overriding all that was fierce desire.

              She knew it had been an incredibly long time for both men since they had been with someone who knew the truth about them, accepted them. There was a weight that had lifted off of both of them when they had realized she wouldn’t use the knowledge to hurt them. As if she would do anything to hurt these incredible men she realized she had come to care about so much.

              Sebastian’s hands on each hip brought her back to the moment. One hand slid down slowly, stopping as it found the small, puckered hole he was looking for.

              “Have you ever…?” He let the question trail off, but she knew what he was asking.

              “I’ve…practiced. Never with a guy, but with toys.” She couldn’t help the blush that spread under her skin at the confession about the toys, not feeling uncomfortable at the words, but remembering the fantasies that Finn and Sebastian both had starred in while using them.

              Finn groaned, and she could feel his thick erection pulsing inside her at her words. Sebastian wasted no time either as the cool gel he applied liberally momentarily shocked her before the motion of his hand distracted her.  His long finger worked inside of her and the feeling almost sent Beatrice over the edge as a new series of sparks shot over her skin. Instinctively, she rocked her hips, grinding into Finn and making him moan again.

              “Hurry, Sebastian. Our girl is getting impatient.” Her heart bloomed at being called t
heir girl,
and shot a look backwards.

              “Please, Sebastian. I need you too. I want…I need both of you.” A deep growl followed her words.

              “You have to be ready. I don’t want to hurt you.”

              “Please…” She begged again, her body on fire with the feeling of his fingers stretching her, readying her in counterpoint to Finn, now holding her hips immobile.

              Finally, Beatrice could feel the tip of him, and she arched her back, pushing her hips and feeling him slide all the way in. The feeling of being so full ignited every nerve ending as Finn released her hips, and she couldn’t hold back the husky cries as they both loved her.

              They moved together with a perfect rhythm that had Beatrice screaming out her orgasm, every muscle of her body tightening that triggered Sebastian to follow. Finn thrust deep, wrenching every spasm of pleasure from her before he too found his release.

              They collapsed in a tangle of sweaty limbs and satisfied sighs, before arranging themselves so Beatrice could lay with her head on Finn’s shoulder, Sebastian curled around her back, his arm thrown over his waist.

              After her heart returned to normal, some of her old doubts returned, and she recalled their past lovers, and how short term they always were. She started to sit up, deciding it would be best for her to make her escape before they decided to kick her out.

              “Where do you think you’re going.” Sebastian’s gruff whisper had her looking around guiltily.

              “Um, home? I guess.” She sighed. “I know you guys don’t really do a long term thing, or even really a more than one night thing.” Finn held her hand, tugging her back until she was laying on his chest again, his fingers playing idly in her hair.

              “You know you’re different, right?” Finn chuckled softly. “You made us break all our rules.”

              “What Finn is trying to say is that we want you to stay.” Sebastian looked at her with melting eyes, still ringed with copper. “Please?”  Beatrice nodded against Finn’s sculpted chest, her doubts a thing of the past as she drank in the possessive way they held her as they lay there, watching the fire die down to embers as Finn and Sebastian drifted off to sleep.

              Beatrice lay between them, absorbing the sound of Finn’s soft, even breathing and Sebastian’s rough snorts as he threw his leg over hers, somehow pulling her even closer towards the warmth of his body. She thought about the bubble bath and old romance novel that had been waiting for her in her empty apartment and couldn’t help the glee that swept through her.

              She was living a real life romance, she looked at both of her boys. The overwhelming wave of love that had been building for the last three years, and now finally brought to the surface swept through her as she glanced from one to the other. Beatrice smiled to herself.
I think I’ll keep them

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