The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town (86 page)

Read The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town Online

Authors: Riley Moreno

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Medieval, #Holidays, #Multicultural, #Romantic Comedy, #Sports, #Western, #Historical Romance, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Westerns

BOOK: The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town
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              Jana straightened her spine, throwing her head back as the wind caught at her long hair, pulling it out behind her.

              “Dalton Lefevre, you are forever banished from this, and any other pack. I will spread the word. No home will welcome you, no fire will warm you.” As Jana spoke the ancient words, a peace settled over her, as if her father were there with her, nodding his approval.

              “What?’ Dalton sputtered, “you can’t do that! You don’t have the authority.”

              “She does!”

              “I say it is so.”

              “She is the Alpha!”

              “She is our leader.”

              Tears sprang to her eyes again as the pack’s shouts washed over her, but this time there were of joy. She looked over at Cora and the elders, and the old wolf sent her a small, wrinkled smile, nodding her assent.

              All it took for one to become Alpha was the pack to accept her as so, and they had. They cheered her as several men broke away from the group, leading Dalton away, and he went with them like a child, not fighting, his shoulders slumped in defeat. She had won, she had finally won. And she was Alpha.

Jana glanced around the crowd as they swarmed her, hugging her, touching her shoulder, accepting her. Finally, she caught sight of what she was looking for. Adrian and Gabe, standing at the outskirts of the crowd, looking unsure for the first time that she had met them. Without a thought, she ran to them, throwing her arms around them.

“And who are they?” Cora’s voice had her releasing them and turning to face the eldest. Jana looked up at Adrian, his light grey eyes laughing down into hers, and Gabriel. So strong, so dark, but with a love so fierce shining in his gaze she felt a wave of warmth rush over her. Finally, she looked back at Cora, unable to keep the smile from curling her lips.

“They are my mates.”


              They carried her into their new home held tightly in their arms. Each kissing her soundly before finally setting her on her own feet. Jana laughed as she swayed unsteadily, but luckily Adrian was there to catch her.

              “I can’t believe it.”

              “Believe what, love?” Adrian asked as he scooped her up again. Jana let out a peal of lighthearted laughter that soon turned sultry as he kissed her, soft at first and then deeper. Biting her lower lip, licking at her mouth as if he couldn’t get enough of her.

              She pulled back just enough to whisper into his mouth. “We are mated. You are both part of my pack.” She paused, wonderingly, “and I’m Alpha.”

              Gabe smiled down into her laughed face, his own gaze hot on hers as he helped Adrian shed her long, white dress, the same dress she had worn earlier that day as the elders had joined them together, twining the strands of their lives into one.

              “You are forgetting one very important thing, my heart.”

              She sent Gabe a look of confusion as he continued to smile before whispering hotly in her ear.

              “The consummation.”

              Her entire body tingly brightly at his words and she realized for the for time that she was completely naked.

              They didn’t even make it to bedroom.

              Gabriel’s mouth was on hers, sweetly demanding, and she responded because she had to. Her body could deny them nothing, and by her heart, and her wolf’s heart howled in joy as Adrien stepped up behind her, crowding her even closer to Gabe’s hot fingers and questing mouth.

              In a second, they were on the floor, Jana on her knees in between the two men that had completely stolen her heart, had changed her forever. She helped them to shed their clothes as well, not satisfied until she had them both back again, only this time there was nothing but skin against skin.

              The exquisite sensations had her calling out as their hands moved over her in rhythm as old as time, teasing her, bringing her to the brink only to ease back, until she was panting, begging them.

              “Please. Please, Adrian.” She turned her head for one last soul-searing kiss before he tipped her forward, her hands landing on the floor and his hands on either hip. She looked up to see Gabe tilt his own hips forward, his heavy erection too tempting to resist as she sucked him into her mouth. He moaned, low and raspy, his hands tangling in her dark hair, pulling her even closer.

              An answering moan was pulled out of her chest as she felt Adrian behind her, the head of his hot shaft teasing at her wet entrance. Unable to beg with words, she moved her body, arching her back in invitation and was rewarded as he grasped her hips once more, sinking deep, deep inside her.

              They all paused for a moment, soaking in the sensations of being so connected. But Jana couldn’t stay still for long, the need to move against them hot and urgent.




              Jana gasped in pleasure as Adrian pounded into her from behind, every thrust sending her further onto Gabe’s thick cock as he kneeled in front of her. Soon he found a rhythm that had her crying out with every movement, the tension in her body ratcheting higher and higher until finally, it burst, ripping a scream from her throat as her orgasm hit. Adrian stiffened behind her, his climax powerful enough to send another wave shooting through her.

              Suddenly, Gabriel pulled away from her mouth, taking Adrian’s place as the other man collapsed on the floor beside them, his hands making lazy circles across her over sensitive skin. A long moan was drawn out of her as she felt Gabe behind her, grasping her hips, sinking all the way in, claiming her.

              He leaned over her back until his mouth was at her ear.

              “You are ours, now.”

              Jana sent a look at Adrian, who was smiling up at her, and then back, her gaze colliding with Gabe’s and she swore she could see sparks fly.

              “Always, my love, always.”



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By Riley Moreno



Chapter 1

The huge double doors that led into the throne room banged open, and Dejan stepped in even as the reverberations still danced on and off the sturdy walls. His son, Jon by his side, there was an aggressive twitch to his long, sharp whiskers as he strutted upon the tiled walkway towards his throne thirty meters away. There was a congregation of people on either side of the royal walkway, all grim. The silence was loud, and the heavy footfall of the giant, armored paw of the tiger king, Dejan echoed menacingly about the great hall.

Jon stopped just short of the steps that led up to the gold-edged throne, leaving Dejan to take the three steps to the throne which electromagnetically floated thirty centimeters over the cold, tiled floor. He bounded upon the throne in one loud swoop, almost causing it to touch the floor. He turned his gaze towards the crowd, and the subsequent, icy glare of his golden-green glass eyes held the crowd as all and sundry knelt.

“Davron!” Dejan roared, his eyes searching the crowd, “Where is Davron, my son?!”

The silence remained palpable.

Their tiger gave a fierce roar, causing several cringes in the crowd. Davron, the wild,, happy-go-lucky, and younger son of the feared tiger king Dejan, was not liked much by the more serious at court, his antics often bearing repercussions. The crowd, which had since gotten off its knees, had several people averting the golden-green gaze.

“He appears to have gone on a trip father,” Jon, the elder son, spoke tentatively, subservience written all over his face. The amused glint in his eye, however, was not missed by his astute father, “I last saw him heading into the
Saution Chamber

In a flash, a man, tall, dark-skinned, and sturdy as an oak sat where the tiger had just a few instants ago, “You find this funny?” the armor which had previously adorned the tiger, jangled freely upon his nimble frame as he jumped off the floating throne unto his feet, “I come in from ousting rebels, and one of my sons is not here to greet me, not even in this world to greet me, and you all find this funny?!” heads were going to roll, and all present knew that it would be a matter of minutes before the doomed candidates would be revealed, “The
Saution Chamber
is used for research, and exploration of other worlds, and not for pleasure trips. Who let him in? There is protocol to follow, and I put officials in charge.” He bellowed, “Where are they?”

An uneasy hush passed through the crowd, “At their posts my lord.” Jon answered again

“Bring their heads to my chamber within the next one hour! You know the penalty for disobedience, and incompetence.”

“Uh if I may dare to plead my lord,” Jon began deferentially, “it is the same fear of disobedience that compelled those in charge to step aside before Davron. Their heads would have been lobbed off even before your arrival. Your counsel is always just, but may I suggest a great warrior like you put your sword to rest for now rather than lowering it to the level of minor officials at court.”

Dejan did not like going back on his word, but he needed rest from all the recent bloodshed, and craved now, above all else, rest. Jon had just given him a way out; sometimes he felt the young man was too intelligent for comfort. Vain, as most kings are wont to be, he had to have the last word.

“WHERE IS THAT BOY!” he roared before taking his seat; the sigh of relief almost audible in the great, silent hall.



Molly Keegan could see him staring at her from twenty paces away. The nightclub had the loud, damp, rank, and lurid atmosphere of urban night life, and grey wisps of cigarette smoke further clouded her vision in the already dark, kaleidoscopic atmosphere of the club.

Rock music pounded her ears, and assaulted her liquor soaked brain, and the people milling about seemed more like shadows than real entities. He, however, seemed real enough, leaning on a far wall with a bottle in hand, a confident smile upon his face, as unmoving as the eyes that had settled upon her. She sat at the bar, on a stool, and tried her best to ignore him.

Molly was not sure of herself enough to get her phone out to look at the time, but the internal clock in her head placed the time at a little after two in the morning,
give or take a century
her tipsy brain joked. This was definitely not her scene, and not for the first time that evening, she thought of chickening out and making a dash for her home, which to her might as well have been a million miles away for all it mattered. She had no means of transport, and could very well not call for her driver to pick her up. That would nullify the bet.

“Stupid bet” she murmured under her breath as she took a swig from the bottle she had on the bar in front of her.

“What bet?”

Molly started at the voice behind her, but regained her composure in the same breath.

“Why don’t you mind your own business?” Molloy snapped as she turned, irritated more at herself than at any other thing, for losing her cool so easily. She was not even sure how he had heard her over the din in the club. She had barely opened her lips, “I’m sorry, I did not mean to scream.”

“It’s the only way to talk in here,” the stranger who had been staring at her answered, “You don’t seem from around here. Excuse me for saying.”

Molly laughed at his remark, “Does anybody seem at home in here? People come from all over.”

“Yeah but they all seem to be having fun, whereas you…” he started then faltered, “You’re you.”

Molly laughed some more, she took a swig from her bottle, emptying it. She called for her tab. To hell with the bet, she was going home.

“You’re leaving?”

“Ain’t that a bitch?” she teased him as she got off her stool.

“A what?” he enquired, seemingly mystified by the expression, “Let me take you and your bitch home.” He offered, quickly stepping in line as she headed for the door.

Molly turned to look at him in the darkness. He was dark-skinned and barely visible in the dancing lights of the nightclub. Up close he looked just as mysterious, and confident as he was from twenty paces away. She guessed he was probably good looking, judging from his general outlook and shape of head “I don’t think so Romeo, you are gonna have to look for some other score tonight”

She was away before he could answer, and her steps were lively as she made her way outside, and hoping she would be able to get transportation as fast as possible. There was a look of danger and cruelty about him which could not be belied by his civil manners and kind offers.

Her shoes clapped rhythmically on the damp pavement outside as she made way for the nearest intersection. She shivered slightly at the cold, her breath coming out in misty puffs that she swerved past as she moved forward in haste, passing under successive light and dark portions of the pavement as she passed lampposts and alleyways.

“C’mon, out with it, now!” A voice spat harshly from just behind her ear, sending foul-smelling wisps of mist around her head. Her heart jumped to her throat, as she felt the point of a knife against the pit of her back. Her breath, staggering forth in misty gasps, felt as cold across her throat as the chills that raced down her spine. She was being mugged. Of all the darn luck!

The knife seemed to go in another inch, “Phones, money, all of it! Now, I haven’t got all day.”

Molly screamed, offering her purse at the same time, “Here take it! Just don’t hurt me please.”

“Shut up bitch!” the as of now unseen assailant hissed, striking her across the head from behind so that she fell helplessly to the floor, twisting her ankle slightly. She stifled the accompanying scream.

“Again with that word,” a familiar voice intoned from a nearby alley, startling the would-be mugger, and the would-be mugged, “I still cannot see any dog.”

“Hey stay away, ok? Are you trying to move in on my catch?” the mugger barked harshly.

Molly was grateful to see the stranger from the club, ignoring the knife that was swinging his way. There was something oddly solid about his build up and stance that made him look even more dangerous that the other stranger who wielded a weapon.

“And you, why would you want to give him anything?” he asked, the amusement in his voice not lost on Molly.

“Oh I don’t know what came over me; it was probably the impressive gleam of his knife in the moonlight.” Molly shot back petulantly, still on the damp floor and wincing from the pain in her ankle.

“Hey, just to remind you: I did offer you a ride.”

“Hey, hey, hey I am in charge here. I got the knife.” The mugger had almost melded into the background during the brief exchange, but now he was about to re-establish his presence over the meet. “Now you, off you go. You do not want any trouble I am sure.”

Molly thought the knife looked even more menacing, coated with the dangerous edge of the assailant’s voice. The other stranger ignored him however and picked up the falling bag, and made to move for Molly.

That was when the mugger, whom Molly was all but certain was a long way towards drunk, jumped at the other stranger. Molly screamed, trying to get as far away as possible. The assault lasted all of two seconds. The stranger from the club, moved to the left, catching the mugger’s attacking arm with his right hand, and pulled it low across his body. He rammed his elbow twice into the mugger’s face, sending him to the floor in a drunken heap.

Molly’s scream died a natural death, overwhelmed by the drama before her. She reached for the outstretched arm of the stranger, the strength of his grip feeling oddly appropriate given what she had just witnessed.

“Is he dead?” she asked as she cleaned herself up with some tissue from her bag.

“I am not sure, but should that matter to you? Come, I’ll take you home.”

“Uh, yes!” she replied, stepping into stride with him, “I don’t even know why I am following you, from all indications you are probably more dangerous than him.”

“I am Davron by the way.”
“What sort of name is that? Davron. Call me Molly. Molly Keegan”

“’Pleasure to meet you, Molly Keegan.”

Partly because he seemed even wilder than she had felt all evening and also because his good looks exceeded her expectations, she slept with him that night. Far from the raunchy affair expected, she felt surprisingly safe in his arms. Afterwards, he had offered to take her home to her doorstep, but she had declined, citing personal reasons, which she was grateful, he did not press to know. She wanted to spend a few days at his place instead, but he said he had come from far. This was just as well because she was pretty sure she could name all the families in that city who had people who could afford Ferraris; they were all friends with her family, but she did not tell him that. They just drove around, from city to city, making love, and causing trouble along the way. Four days later they reluctantly parked in front of the huge gate that led up to the huge Romanesque building she called home. He seemed unfazed by it all, and for that she was immensely grateful. The last thing she wanted was for his behavior towards her to change because of the realization that her father was one of the richest men in the country. If he knew, he pretended not to, or maybe he was used to such luxury she thought as she kissed him goodbye. They made no promises, but she hoped she would see him again soon.

“What bet were you talking about a few days ago?” he asked as she shuffled out of the Ferrari

“Oh I made a bet with my best friend that I could go on a night out on my own, without a chaperone, and make it back alive. Turns out I was wrong.” She said laughing, a naughty gleam in her eyes, “But I am glad I did though.”

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