The Cowboy's Rules: 2 (Cowboys After Dark:) (5 page)

BOOK: The Cowboy's Rules: 2 (Cowboys After Dark:)
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Cassie had knocked on her door just after Marty had left. Hannah was still cleaning up; some dishes were in the soapy dishwater in the sink, others on the counter, and the table still needed to be cleared.

“It won’t take long for me to show you where the ring’s going. Please come, Hannah,” Cassie had begged. “I’m so excited.”

Hannah, too, was excited. Not only was she going to be involved with Cassie’s gorgeous horses, her horse Maverick was going to be stabled with them. That she and Cassie would have their own riding arena with jumps was thrilling, and it hadn’t taken much persuading to get Hannah to leave the kitchen to peruse the site of the new ring and barn.

Unfortunately the supposedly quick trip turned into a long couple of hours, and when Marty had dashed home to change his shirt after being inadvertently squirted with a hose at the wash rack, he had walked into a mess. He was still standing in the kitchen staring at the shambles when Hannah had merrily waltzed in the door.

“Hi, hon,” she beamed, then seeing his soaked shirt she began giggling. “What happened to you?”

Her jubilance was contagious, and in spite of his displeasure Marty couldn’t help but smile.

“Jeb was hosin’ that new little filly and she swung her head at just the wrong moment. She hit his arm, which was holdin’ the hose, and, well, it got me pretty good,” he chuckled. “Gave everyone their laugh for the day.”

“I’m sure,” she grinned.

“But it looks like it was just as well I came home,” he remarked raising his eyebrows, an expression she knew meant her naked backside was about to meet his hot hand.

Glancing around the kitchen she felt the color flush her face; it looked so much worse than it actually was, and certainly worse that what she’d thought she’d left.

“Ooops,” she said lightly, hoping it might bring back the happy mood that had suddenly evaporated. “Sorry, hon, I thought I was only going to be gone about ten minutes.”

“Uh-huh, and you’re just gettin’ back now? Where did you go that was so all-fired important that you were gone so long, and made you left this shambles behind?”

Hannah moved towards him, put her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

“Don’t be mad, it won’t happen again,” she purred. “Cassie stopped by and was really excited about showing me where her ring and barn are going. I couldn’t say no.”

Marty could feel his cock stirring. No woman had ever affected him the way Hannah did, and when she turned on the sweetness it was virtually impossible not to sweep her up and carry her off to bed.

“You turn off the syrup there, missy,” he said firmly, trying desperately to will his cock back to sleep.

“I don’t think Jumbo here agrees with you,” she whispered, dropping her hand against his swelling member.

Because of its size Hannah had named his penis, Jumbo, then Jumbo Jet when he was pounding it into her ever-grateful pussy.

“Maybe, but I warned you about lettin’ things go around here, and it’s happenin’ already,” he scolded, doing his best to ignore her succulent breasts rubbing against his chest.

“You did, and like I said it won’t happen again,” she muttered, undoing the buttons of his soaked shirt. “Let’s get this off you and-”

“You,” he said sharply, pushing her back, “are a very naughty girl! First you leave a mess, then you try to wiggle out of the trouble you’re in by gettin’ all…all…”

“All what, hon,” she purred, gazing up at him with wide eyes.

“Flirty, and you know it,” he frowned, swallowing the ache that had now fully engulfed him. “You go into the bedroom and take off all your clothes. I’m gonna spank you, and then you’re gonna show me some special lovin’ to make up for it.”

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered, and with her butterflies fluttering madly she scurried away.

Marty sighed, pulled off his wet shirt and wandered across to the refrigerator to grab a bottle of cold water.

I’ve gotta nip this puppy in the bud. That Cassie will turn Hannah’s head in a heartbeat. We’ve got a real happy life here, and I’m glad she’s got a way to get back into handlin’ horses, but it’s gotta be right, and leavin’ messes, that ain’t gonna fly.

Downing the entire container of water, he popped the lid of the small kitchen trash can to drop in the empty bottle; it was full.

Damn girl, that was supposed to be in the big garbage bin directly after lunch.

The bins were rolled down the long driveway and out on to the road for collection once a week in the early afternoon, left overnight and brought back the following day. The bin was gone, there’d be nowhere to put the trash until the following day, and while it was a small thing, it was an annoyance.

Shaking his head he moved into the bedroom, and finding her naked, kneeling and waiting, his cock stood immediately to attention.

“I don’t have much time,” he said sternly, “so I’m gonna give you some real good wallops, and you know my wallops, and you know how hot your butt will be when I’m done.”

“Yes, Sir,” she nodded, feeling the goosebumps explode across her skin.

Walking to the bed he sat down, and Hannah automatically rose to her feet and leaned over his large thighs. Placing his leg behind her knees and his arm on her back, he lifted his broad hand, dropping it down with an explosive smack. Moving it across to her opposite side he repeated the swat.

Hannah clenched her teeth; his hand was hard. He knew how to moderate the force behind his spanks and he was sparing her nothing.

“Ooooh, Marty,” she gasped as the third and fourth swat hit.

“I warned you!” SLAP “Cassie would’ve waited!” SLAP “You gotta get your priorities right!” SLAP “I’m nippin’ this in the bud!” SLAP

“Yes, Sir,” she howled as his hand continued to blister her backside.

“Your bottom’s getting real warm now, isn’t it, Hannah?”

“Yes, Sir,” she whimpered, then yelped as his hand swatted yet again.

“Gettin’ real pink too. When I’m done it’ll be glowin’ like an ember, and just as hot. You should know to take my warnin’s serious,” he declared, his hand landing its stunningly hard slaps one after the other.

“I d-do, I s-swear,” she stammered.

“Well, missy, seems like you forgot there for a minute, but now you’ve been reminded,” he exclaimed, and ended with a flourish of four, fast, fearsome whacks. “Yep,” he commented, staring at her scalded skin, “red and hot and stingin’ like it’s been stung by a swarm of bees I’ll bet.”

“Yes, Sir,” she gasped.

“You catch your breath a minute, then on your knees and suck me real good,” he muttered, and gripping her cheeks with both hands he began to squeeze and caress the punished flesh.

Dropping her head into the mattress Hannah cursed herself for having been so foolish.

You should have known this would happen. You can’t let Cassie dictate to you like that.

But I didn’t know he’d come back in the middle of the day, and besides, I was only supposed to be gone half-an-hour.

From now on you’d better make sure you take care of things first, or you won’t be able to go at all.

His fingers clutching a fistful of hair interrupted her thoughts, and as he pulled her gently off his thighs and on to the floor in front of him, she gazed up at him with big eyes.

“Thank you for spanking me, Sir. You’re right. I should’ve made Cassie wait. I won’t let her push me into something like that again, I get it, I really do.”

Marty smiled down at her; the sincere apology had lifted his heart, and unzipping his jeans he pulled out his hungry member.

“You’re a good girl, Hannah,” he purred, running the finger of his free hand across her face. “Now show me just how sorry you are. Suck me and suck real good, and we can put this behind us.”

Opening her mouth she slithered her lips over his long, thick shaft. His hand was still holding a large clump of her hair, and as she began to bob he controlled her head, not allowing her any latitude.

“That’s good, yep, like that, use your tongue, slurp girl, slurp and suck me dry,” he growled.

She knew he loved to talk dirty and offer directions, and she sank into the lewd activity, determined to make up for her neglect and show him she absolutely adored him. As the languid mouthing continued she could feel him wanting to make it last, and she surrendered to his need, happily lapping to offer him the pleasure he wanted.

He finally picked up the pace. A few drops of pre-come dripped from the bulbous head, signaling it would only be a moment or two before he spewed; she prepared herself. Marty was all man, with a very large penis that carried a very large load, and though he always did his best to control the flow there were times the explosion was just that, an explosion.

His fingers tightened around her hair, and she could hear the beginning gasps of his orgasm; feeling his cock swell she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Seconds later his loud groans accompanied the torrent of hot cream as it surged into her mouth. Swallowing quickly, then swallowing again, the copious fluid continued to flow into her throat, but despite the profuse ejaculation there was no run off at either side of her mouth, and as his spasms abated she gently licked and lapped him clean, finishing with a kiss on the flaccid head.

“Oh, girl,” he breathed, “you just made this ol’ cowboy a happy man.”

“Am I forgiven?” she bleated.

“Of course, you get on up here.”

Climbing on to the bed, his massive arms wrapped around her as he maneuvered them across the mattress to lay side-by-side.

“I gotta get back,” he sighed. “I gotta move the tractor up to the field so I can start the gradin’ first thing.”

“You work so hard,” she murmured.

“Yep, but it ain’t work if you love what you do,” he replied.

“Amen to that.

“I’ll bet your little pussy would like some attention,” he said softly, sliding his fingers between her legs. “Yep, you’re all wet and wantin’.”

“I am,” she purred, pressing her nakedness against him.

“You make me a real good dinner and Jumbo will pay it a visit later, a long, meaningful visit.”

“What would you like? Steak? Pasta? Whatever you want,” she squirmed.

“Hmmm, let me think,” he pondered, continuing to twirl his fingers against her hungry sex. “I want that real good beef stew, the one you make that has all the vegetables.”

“Done,” she promised, wriggling against his hand.

Slithering his finger inside her wanting entrance, he probed for a few minutes, listening to her moans of need, then gently withdrawing he climbed off the bed.

Sitting up she watched him lumber into the bathroom. She knew he’d jump into the shower for a quick rinse off, then head back to his horses and his boys. When he came home he’d wrap his huge body around her, and she’d feel safe and loved and deliriously happy.

Her butt hurt, but her heart was full, and she was determined that nothing, no job with Cassie, or a riding ring, or a new barn would get in the way.

As he sauntered out she watched don his jeans and a fresh shirt.



“I really love you, big guy.”

Turning to face her, he walked over and sat next to her on the bed.

“I love you too kitten, that’s why I spank you so hard.”

“I know,” she smiled. “It’s crazy, and most people wouldn’t get that, but I know.”


orse Haven Ranch was a quiet place, and having lived in the city Cassie appreciated the soothing sounds of nature. In the mornings she was woken by Chad’s purposeful hardness, or the slight movement of the bed as he slipped away not wanting to wake her. He’d shower, kiss her gently, murmur his morning greeting, and with Mickey at his side he’d creep from the bedroom and let her sleep.

The day before had exhausted her, so much so that she’d not felt him leave the bed, hear the shower, or even stir when he’d dropped his lips upon her forehead. She’d been in a deep sleep when she was startled awake by a loud sound she couldn’t identify. Slightly confused she sat up, and finding Chad had left she climbed from the bed and wandered to the French doors; what she saw explained the noise, and took her breath away.

Several large trucks were trundling slowly along the driveway, the procession being led by Chad’s Range Rover, and as the convoy headed up the road that would take them to the knoll above the lake Cassie broke into a huge smile. It was happening; the construction on the house was underway, and her barn and ring would soon be done.

Yawning happily she showered and changed, downed a quick breakfast and headed out. She was eager to drive up to the construction site herself, and jumped into her car planning to pick up Hannah on the way.

Driving forward she reached the fork where the road split, one taking her to the knoll, the other to the barn, but when she spotted Jeb walking a horse to the round pen she decided to take a detour and apologize. Rolling slowly down towards him, she pulled to a stop and stepped from the car.

“Hey, Jeb,” she called.

The young cowboy paused and turned, then broke into a grin.

“Mornin’, lot goin’ on,” he remarked. “Haven’t seen so many trucks in one place in my life before.”

“No kidding,” she smiled back. “I just wanted to stop and say I’m sorry about my, uh, well, about yesterday.”

“Hey, me too,” he nodded.

“I’m not sure you have anything to apologize for,” she admitted. “I’ll be out of your hair soon. I really need my own arena with proper jumps, and it’s being done as we speak.”

“For the record, you’ve never been in hair,” he grinned,
and I think Chad is one lucky guy to have you.

“Do you want to take turns riding in the ring like we did yesterday? Will that work for you?”

“Sure,” he nodded.

“I’m going up to the site. Dying to see all the chaos,” she laughed. “I’ll be back in about half-an-hour I guess.”

“No problem. I’m gonna mount up and by the time you get back I should be just finishin’. Tommy’s workin’ in the round pen so it’ll be just the two of us in and out.”

“Great. Thanks, Jeb. I’ll be back soon.”

Feeling relieved that the tension between them was over, Cassie climbed back in her car and headed up to Hannah’s cabin. Looking in her rearview mirror she saw Jeb watching her drive away; she smiled, the young cowboy had a crush on her.

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