The Cowboy's Rules: 2 (Cowboys After Dark:) (8 page)

BOOK: The Cowboy's Rules: 2 (Cowboys After Dark:)
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He’d created many exciting scenarios over the previous months, and she had a feeling this was going to rank at the top. As he started towards her she felt her heart begin to thump, and a glorious sense of erotic anticipation.

“You look real fine,” he murmured as he neared. “Kneel up and unbutton that shirt for me, real slow. Show me how sexy you can be.”

Rising up from her sitting position, Cassie shook her head and craned back her neck, then dropping her fingers between her legs with one hand, she unbuttoned her shirt with the other. Her eyes were closed, but she heard the stall door slide shut, and when she fluttered them open he was leaning back against it, watching her. His eyes held a wicked glint, but she locked his gaze as she unfastened the last button, and let the shirt fall away.

“Real nice,” he said softly. “Turn around.”

The smell of pine and leather filled her senses as she shuffled around on her knees in the soft bedding, and she heard the telltale rustle of his clothes; seconds later her hair was lifted, and his moist lips caressed her neck.

“Close your eyes and open your mouth,” he whispered.

Anticipating his steel cock, she was startled when a bar of hard rubber was placed between the width her lips; it took a few seconds for her to realize it was a bit.

“Expectin’ somethin’ else,” he breathed, kissing her neck. “I can’t think of a better way to celebrate this barn than to break you into a little bit of filly play.”

He tugged on the reins, applying even pressure on both sides of her mouth, then tugged again, but harder, causing her lips to pull back and tighten uncomfortably. Still stunned by the unfamiliar gag, Cassie was in a mild state of shock, caught between being utterly turned on, and somewhat disturbed.

“You know what it means when I pull on the reins, don’t make me ask again,” he warned.

Oh, my, God, this is sooo bizarre, but, ooooh, it’s so hot in a weird twisted way.

A sharp smack in the center of her bottom snapped her from the thought, then the reins tugged again; abruptly grasping what he was asking for, she dropped her head.

“Better,” he remarked. “You stay like that. If you lift your chin you’ll get the bit and a slap.”

Her heart was battering; this was strange, it was bizarre, it was an unbelievable turn-on, but before she could think further she felt something slide over her head.

What now? What’s he doing?

Her question was answered as two wide shields fell against the sides of her face blocking her peripheral vision.

Shit, blinkers, he’s put blinkers on me instead of a blindfold.

The gushing heat flooded her sex, and as her ass wiggled in response she heard him softly chuckle.

“My little filly likes her trainin’,” he purred.

She could hear the smile in his voice, and sighing deeply she felt herself begin to surrender to the decadent play.

“That’s the sigh I’ve been waitin’ for,” he said gently, stroking her back. “Drop to your hands.”

Falling forward she arched her back in a lewd, unspoken invitation; the bit prevented speech, and suddenly overcome with an intense craving for his cock she’d had no other way to make her need known. When his fingers brushed across her slit she thrust back in an urgent plea for more.

“Ahhh, you love this,” he mumbled, “I knew you would.”

The gentle pressure on the corners of her mouth told her he still held the reins, and the position of her head was correct, but when he laid the leather straps across her back releasing the tension and letting them drape on either side of her, she took it as a signal that she could relax.

“I think this lovely bottom needs some warmin’ up,” he declared. “It’s gettin’ a bit nippy in here.”

She closed her eyes as the tongue of a crop began lightly tapping her backside, tickling her skin in a tantalizing dance.

Of course, a crop, what else would he-

Before she could finish the thought the tiny piece of leather bit her flesh, eliciting a muffled cry and a sharp tensing of her cheeks. The swat was followed by another, then another, and as the tongue frolicked merrily over her backside she jerked and squirmed with each fiery kiss.

When it finally paused she gasped her relief, let her body fall limp, and uttered muffled cries of pain, but the respite was short-lived. The teasing tickled its way down her thighs, between her legs, then teased across her pussy.

“You have rules to learn and remember,” he declared, “and since your entire focus seems to be between your legs I think that’s the place for my crop to underline each of them. Find a way to show me you heard what I said.”

Not knowing what she could do she wriggled her ass at him, and was met with a soft caress.

“What a lovely filly you are, and such a proud, beautiful rump,” he remarked, running his palm over her reddened skin. “Are you ready to hear your rules?”

She wriggled again, then waited.

“Rule number one, you keep all the feed in the sealed containers, and you have one of the boys empty the bags. No heavy lifting.”

The crop’s tongue slapped against her pussy, causing her to throw back her head and wail a muffled yowl.

“Did you understand?”

Mewling through the bit she wriggled her bottom.

“Rule number two, the barn aisle and tack room must be swept clean each time you leave here, no debris or shavings littering the floor.”

Again the crop swished up, stinging her labia, and again she howled her muffled protest.

“Did you understand?” he repeated.

With a loud whimper she squirmed furiously.

“Rule number three, all your tack must be kept clean your bridles hung properly, and your saddles covered. I know you’re not good about these things, but now you need to be. Hannah or no Hannah, the buck stops with you.”

The tongue landed twice in succession, underscoring the rule with stinging authority.

“Did you understand?”

Her hips wiggled fervently, and her gasping whimper told him her pussy was fire.

“Last rule, rule number four. Clean the automatic waterers in the stalls and water bucket in the paddocks daily.”

As the crop landed it’s final swishing slap against her hot tingling pussy, she howled, then groaned, then wriggled her backside before he asked his question.

“Good, now we have the four basic rules, and look at how red and drooling your pussy. Is there something it wants?”

Bleating her response she wriggled urgently, then dropping to her elbows she widened her knees as far as she was able.

Cassie was in dire straits; her bottom was hot and sore, her pussy was buzzing with a searing heat and yearning for his cock with a ravenous lust. The switching of her pussy had shocked her, then tormented her, then tantalized her, and receiving no response from her fervent, silent plea, she shuffled back towards him.

Smiling, Chad moved his fingers into her delicious wetness, coated his fingers, and as he pushed his cock home, listening to her muffled cries of joy, he pushed his wetted digit into her open, waiting back hole. She was so starving, so hot, so needy, he knew there would be no protest or concern, and her full acceptance of the intruding finger was just as he knew it would be.

“Next time,” he murmured, as he pumped slowly, moving his finger to keep time with the thrusting of his cock, “I just might put a tail here.”

Listening to her groans, and relishing the bucks of her hips as his words fired her further into her uninhibited lust, he grabbed the reins with his free hand and began to pull.

“Drop your head lower when I pull like this,” he said firmly, “and lift your butt higher.”

Lowering her torso and shuffling back to satisfy his instruction, she could feel his cock drumming the inside of her cunt. His perverted finger and his pummeling piston seemed to be attached, and as the giant orgasm floated above her she felt her body grow taut with expectation.

“Already? I don’t blame you,” he smiled, “but not yet.”

He slowed, listening to her groans of disappointment, then keeping the probing finger in place he rode her until she was nearing the edge, only to pause buried inside her, lightly spanking her as he delighted in the pulsing of her pussy wrapped around his turgid member.

She made a loud mewling sound as she tried to thrust against his cock, but he smacked her, hard.

“Stop!” he barked.

Her whimpering was a heartfelt plea, but feeling his cock desperate with its own need to burst, he slowly resumed stroking.

“You wanna come real bad, don’t you?” he growled. “I feel it too, oh, yeah, I really feel it. I’m gonna come in you so fuckin’ hard,” he declared, gunning his cock forward.

The lewd comment wrapped itself around her brain, his words rattling in her head, accelerating the explosive moment. As her body stiffened, and she bit down on the rubber between her teeth, she felt the heady lift. The peak was high, and just as she reached the pinnacle she heard his thunderous groan. It sent her headlong off the cliff, and as the spasms grew in their ferocity, an eruption of sparks mushroomed in her head sending ripples of buzzing pleasure through every inch of her body.

She could feel his pelvis slapping her bottom, his convulsions ongoing, but moments later his dick fell flaccid, and completely drained he slipped out and dropped next to her.

Though completely breathless he quickly unfastened the bit and removed her blinkers, then pulled her next to him; quietly they cuddled in the shavings, feeling the chilly night air cool their hot, sweating bodies.

“Chad, I don’t even know what to say,” she murmured.

“Nothin’ to say,” he muttered.

“Mmm, you’re right,” she sighed, “but can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” he replied, pulling her closer.

“Have you ever-”

“Nope,” he interrupted, knowing her question before she could finish. “Just kinda struck me when I was doin’ a little perusin’ of some catalogues. Thought it looked like fun. I was right.”

“Oooh, you were,” she mumbled, and closing her eyes she sank into the blissful peace of their afterglow.


t was the chilly night air that finally got them up, and though they had brought jackets they were both shivering as they made their way to the car. Happy but tired they drove back to the house, but the moment they stepped into the kitchen Mickey bolted up barking furiously.

“Jeez, Mickey, what’s up?” Cassie frowned, dropping down to try and calm him. “Chad, what’s wrong with him?”

As Chad crouched down next her, the dog continued to bark and twirl in circles, then raced through the kitchen into the dining room, where he paused and looked back, summoning them to follow.

“Has he ever done this before?” Cassie asked as they walked after him.

“Uh, not like this exactly,” Chad replied. “He has done the follow me thing, but he’s frantic right now. I don’t know what to think.”

Continuing to bark the dog ran forward to the front door, then stopped, staring up at it.

“I don’t see anything,” Cassie remarked looking around.

“I do,” Chad grimaced. “Look, there’s a chip in the wood near the lock. Someone has slid some kind of tool through the door jam. They must have been trying to get it open somehow.”

“You’re kidding! Okay, this is freaking me out,” she exclaimed. “It must have been awfully thin. How could they possibly have done that?”

“That’s why it chipped the wood. Even if he had been able to somehow move the lock, he wouldn’t have been able to open the door,” Chad remarked.

“Because?” she pressed.

“I made sure that was in place before we left,” he replied, pointing to a slide bolt at the top of the door.

“I’ve never seen you lock that,” she commented.

“I’ve been locking things up tight since the construction began. I don’t know who those day laborers are, and I just wanted to be extra careful. Good boy, Mickey,” he said, leaning over and making a fuss of the cattle dog. “Good boy.”

Delighted his Master had discovered what had happened at the door, Mickey barked happily, wagging his tail, then trotted down the hall, stopped, barked again, then headed into Chad’s office.

“Now what,” Chad exclaimed.

“I’m getting even more freaked out,” Cassie declared as they started walking towards the hallway.

“It’s okay, if they had gotten in Mickey would have had them for dinner,” he chuckled,
but I’m with you, I’m not likin’ this one bit.

Moving into his office they found Mickey with his paws up on the window sill, but when Chad studied the frame he couldn’t see any evidence of tampering.

“I’m going around the side of the house for a minute,” he declared. “You wait here.”

“I will not,” Cassie exclaimed. “I’m coming with you.”

He stared at her determined expression and shook his head.

“I know that look,” he grinned. “Okay, come on, Mick, you come too.”

Grabbing their coats and a powerful flashlight, Chad led the way through the kitchen door and around the side of the house. As they approached the office window he beamed the light on the ground.

“Damn,” he growled.

“Oh, crap,” Cassie sighed.

Fresh footprints were evident in the soft, damp soil; it was clear someone had been standing by the window, either peering in or attempting to get it open.

“It’s official,” she shivered. “I am totally and completely freaked out.”

“Let’s see where they lead,” he suggested. “Go on, Mick, track.”

Mickey dropped his head to the ground, his super sensitive nose picking up the scent, and trotting forward he led them around the perimeter of the house to the driveway in front of the porch.

“Whoever it was must have parked here. How did he know we weren’t home?” Chad wondered. “The lights were on inside.”

“I think we should go back in and turn on the outside porch light. Maybe we’ll see something.”

“Good idea,” Chad nodded.

Moments later they were back in the house at the front door, and sliding the bolt Chad opened it and flicked on the lamp that shone over the porch and driveway.

“I see something already,” he announced as he walked forward. “Look.”

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