The Crescendo (3 page)

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Authors: Fiona Palmer

BOOK: The Crescendo
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‘You right?' Tilly asked as he helped him get up.

‘Yep, am now.' Ryan didn't bother with a shirt, too hard to get on with one arm out of action. Instead he headed to the kitchen where the smell of coffee called to him.

‘Is Jaz …' he said, glancing around his house.

‘No, I sent her home. Said I'll let her know when you woke up.'

Ryan nodded. It was probably a good thing. Now he could talk to Tilly with ease.

They took their full bowls to the table, Tilly carried Ryan's strong coffee for him and they got comfortable. Well, he tried. Ryan found that all the muscles affected by the bullet hole stretched across his chest to places he never thought possible. Everything ached but the painkillers would help. Until then, he scoffed down his meal.

‘So,' said Tilly, clearing his throat after he cleared his bowl. Ryan had finished his second lot already and was enjoying his coffee.

‘So I guess you want to know how it's going with the Shesha Serpents?'

‘Yup. Got in good with the daughter?'

Ryan nodded. ‘Yes, seems all good and solid for the moment. But I need something to happen to get the attention of her dad. Jamison is who I need to get into bed with.' Sleeping with Annaliese was just a part of his cover, his mission, it helped that she was a looker, but it was still just a job. Jaz flashed into his mind. Her hair swept across his body, her nakedness pressed against his. Quickly he picked up his coffee and took a gulp, only to choke on it. Served him right for letting his thoughts wander where they shouldn't.

What had they been talking about? The mission, right.

Ryan's mission was to try and infiltrate the Shesha Serpents, who were an organised gang that Jaz had actually helped link to Jamison. They were working on a hunch that Jamison was behind the gang, plus a prostitution ring, drug running and other sordid things happening in their city.

‘So as far as we know, Salvatore isn't involved with the SS?' asked Tilly.

‘No, can't find anything to link them both as yet. Maybe they work separately, maybe they don't even talk. They are possibly competition to each other. Salvatore only seems to be in the drug trade, my focus has all gone towards Jamison and the SS. Especially after they manipulated Taylor's dad.'

‘Getting to someone that high up in the police force isn't uncommon,' added Tilly.

‘Yeah, but usually they just offer a bribe. They resorted to blackmail and even harmed Taylor to get his dad onside. Just shows that they won't let anything stop them getting what they want. That makes them dangerous.'

Tilly scratched the dark stubble along his chin. ‘That makes Jamison a very dangerous man. What are you planning?'

‘I might need your help. I need to force a situation that makes me look good in her dad's eyes.'

‘I'm sure we can do that,' Tilly said with a conniving smile. ‘I've also gathered some more information. I've been following each of the bodyguards you marked, seems they all like to hang out at a bar on Charles street, not far from Jamison's place. Some of them even live together at a nearby flat, all ready for when Jamison needs them.'

‘I've noticed when he's at home he has his house protection, and when he goes out he has another couple. He seems to stick with this, but on occasion I have noticed a few changes.'

‘Gotta factor in sick days,' said Tilly with a laugh.

But it wasn't really a joke, as it was very much the truth.

‘Tell me more about this bar they hang at?'

Ryan listened and took on everything Tilly said, because his life could very well depend on it. Luckily the pills were starting to work and without the pain it was easier to concentrate.

‘So what's up with you and Jaz?' said Tilly ten minutes later and right out of left field.

Ryan shook his head, trying to keep up with Tilly's train of thought. ‘Say what?'

‘The lovely sweet Jaz,' Tilly said with a lick of his lips, and waggled his eyebrows.

Ryan frowned. He was instantly annoyed.

Tilly smiled and pointed at him. ‘Yeah, that.'

He'd been snookered. Tilly was too good at reading people, that's why he was still alive in this game after so long. Ryan shrugged. The alternative was to lie, but he wouldn't get away with that. Not with Tilly.

‘I honestly don't know what it is, or how to explain it,' said Ryan eventually.

‘Well, I have no words of advice, mate. My missus left me cos she thought I was too secretive and having affairs. Kinda hit the nail on the head, didn't she? Anyway, that's different to this. Jaz knows what we do, she's one of us now. It could also work or it could be a major fuck-up and the agency could rip you a new one.'

And Ryan knew what he meant by that. They were both at high risk of early death. Plus the distraction of the attraction alone could be enough to get them killed. This is why the agency had these strict rules of no relationships. Sure, there was a bit of interagency ‘blow off steam' sex, but that was never talked about. It was all okay if it was just that, sex. Nothing love related. Not that Ryan thought this was love. But what they did in that hippy Wicked van hadn't been just sex either. He'd been wanting it as much as he tried to push Jaz away, and even now he was thinking about it again. Wanting more. Not more sex, just more of Jaz. Warning sirens were going off, and so was his phone.

‘Hey, sis,' he said, after eventually finding it in the bathroom. He shot Tilly an eye-roll.

Tilly picked up their pasta plates and gave him some space.

‘Don't “hey sis” me, big brother. Didn't you get my messages? The wedding is in two weeks! Please tell me you will make it and that you're bringing Jaz? I need you there.'

‘Calm down, Steph. I'll be there I promise.' He hoped like hell he could keep this promise. If he ended up with a chance to go deep undercover he could very well miss his own sister's wedding. ‘Do you need me to do anything?' He regretted asking when he realised he would be useless for a while in his state.

‘Just turn up, Ryan, that's all I want. Just please be there.'

‘I will. You sound a little stressed. Is everything going okay?'

‘Oh, just the usual wedding crap. My dress still hasn't come back from the seamstress and there is a gastro bug going around. I don't wanna be sick on my wedding day, Ry.'

‘Sounds to me like you need a day at the beach,' he said trying not to chuckle. It was nice to hear everyday problems; for the moment he could picture a simpler life that being with his family brought. Except he'd chosen this life of danger, secrets and alienation for the greater good. He just hoped his family hung in there with him through all his absences.

‘Wanna join me for a coffee one day?' she asked. ‘You always make me feel better.'

‘Sure, I'll give you a call when I'm free in a few days. How's that?' It was the best he could offer. He had to give enough time for his shoulder to improve and for a gap in his mission detail.

‘Sounds great. Alright, thanks bro. I'll talk to you then.'

‘Love you, Steph.'

The phone went quiet. Maybe Steph was unsure of what she'd heard.

‘Yeah, I love you too, Ryan.'

He could hear her smile through her words. Good. One lady made happy today. Now he just had to figure out what to do with Jaz. They had things to discuss, and he didn't mean their lovemaking.

For a moment he wondered if he should tell Tilly about Jaz's medallion that now was in the hands of Salvatore, but the more he thought about it the more he decided to keep it quiet. He needed to find out more first before any guesses were made. This was not something to chat lightly about.

‘So how are you going to explain the shoulder to Annaliese?' Tilly sat back down at the table.

‘I don't know. I have to try and keep my clothes on around her or say I had a cancer cut out.'

‘A big bastard at that.' Tilly glanced at the large white bandage. It was stained with blood and would need changing soon. ‘It's probably the best explanation.'

Neither of them could think of anything else that would fit. Everything had to be plausible. Since starting this mission, Pax had given Ryan a whole new identity.

He had a flat in another suburb, which he spent time at in case anyone came looking. His name was Reece Lancaster, and Pax had created an online profile for him, one case of assault at a bar and jobs that all linked back to James, who could cover for him. And he had a fake sister, so he had cover texting-out coded messages if needed. Should anyone chase this sister up they would find Sandy, who was also an MTG agent. It could get complicated and you needed your brain switched on at all times. But Ryan had plenty of practice and he found the best way to cope was to pretend he was an actor and really get into the role of the character he was playing, almost to the point he had to believe this was who he was. Especially if he managed to get in with Jamieson, then he'd need to go hardcore. Cut off all ties to any of his real life. One time he was undercover for nearly a year. His cover story for his family had nearly worn thin, but lucky Tilly and Pax would send them the odd postcard from his ‘travelling adventures'.

‘So do you want me to tell Jaz you're up and about? Or you wanna wait until we've cleaned you up a bit?'

Ryan wanted to see Jaz, but didn't think he should. He didn't want to encourage her, but it was just so damn hard. What he needed was to talk to James. ‘Yeah, you can, but tell her not to come around. We need to wait for the dust to clear. Tell her to go on as normal for now and I'll be in touch when I can.'

Tilly raised his eyebrows but nodded.

‘And I wanna see James. Have you heard if he's back in WA this week?'

‘Yeah, should be in sometime soon. He has a meeting with the WA government about funding, so I hear. You wanna brief him?'


That, and ask him a few questions. With a bit of luck, James could shed some light on this whole Salvatore shemozzle.

Chapter 4

Jaz sat on the steps covered in white sand, her knees pulled up so she could lean on them, and stared out at the ocean. The cars passed behind her on the road, mixing with the sound of the crashing waves, but she didn't really hear either. Her eyes were glued on the horizon where the water seemed almost black, but what she was searching for couldn't be found out there.

This spot did bring her some peace, it felt familiar and comforting. She'd come here with Marcus a few times. He'd been her pretend boyfriend, a way to get inside his family home and seek out information on his dad. But in the process, Jaz had grown to care for Marcus a lot. She missed his company. But not even Marcus could give her the answers she'd been searching for, yet avoiding at the same time.

It had been nearly a week since Jaz and Ryan had escaped with their lives. And in that week she'd not seen nor heard from Ryan since she'd left him in Tilly's hands. Sure, Tilly had told her he was fine and back at work but it didn't ease the hurt. Was he avoiding her over what happened in the Wicked van? Was it more than that? Was Jaz just being oversensitive because she'd admitted to herself that she was in love with him? Did she overanalyse this much before they had sex? Was Ryan back-pedalling? Regretting being with Jaz?

Shit, she had so many questions, they were driving her insane.

Anna and Tay had noticed her mood and tried hard to be there for her, but Jaz felt like she was closed off in a tiny box. Not even sitting by the wide empty beach and endless ocean did she feel any freer. She couldn't seem to escape the confines of her own mind. It didn't help that they had mock exams coming up and she really needed to study.

‘I thought I'd find you here,' said Anna as she sat down beside her, and held out a coffee cup.

Jaz blinked before turning to her friend. She was out of her school uniform and in jeans, thongs and a t-shirt that had ‘E=mc2'. Her hair was in a long plait over her shoulder.

The smell of the coffee wafted towards her nose and Jaz took the cup with a smile. ‘Thanks, this is just what I need.' It tasted as good as it smelt.

They sat there in silence for a while longer, which is usually very out of character for Anna. Or maybe she was waiting for the coffee to work its magic. Jaz was halfway through when her friend finally spoke.

‘Do you want to start from the beginning?'

What would be the beginning, Jaz thought?

She exhaled slowly. ‘We were camped in the sand dunes, set up like backpackers and I'd just gone to the beach to scout, but I got spotted by one of the men patrolling the beach waiting for the drums to wash up. So I ran back to Ryan and improvised.'

Anna's eyebrows shot up. ‘Improvised?'

Jaz couldn't help the smile that grew as she remembered the shock on Ryan's face as she pulled off her shirt and began to kiss him. ‘I figured if we were too busy getting “busy”', Jaz quoted the air, ‘then the drug dealer wouldn't see us as a threat. He'd just put us down as some backpackers getting it off by the ocean. It was all I could come up with in that moment.'

‘Good thinking. I wouldn't want to disturb someone going at it.' Anna cleared her throat. ‘So … how far did you go?'

Jaz tried to keep the goofy grin from her lips but it was hard. Anna's eyes got wider with each second of silence.

‘No way,' she drawled out slowly.

‘Yes, way. We kissed for a while but the guy was still watching us, Ryan could see the light from his cigarette. So I figured we'd have to keep playing along. I undressed and pretty soon we both forgot about that guy. He left at some point but neither of us knew when.'

‘Oh my God. What was it like? Tell me, tell me!' Anna was gripping her arm in eagerness.

‘Let's just say it was amazing, even though we were on a stake-out and quite possibly could have been killed by that man and buried in the sand dunes.'

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