Authors: C.A. Williams
Thank you to everyone who purchased The Crush, I hope you enjoyed it and I truly appreciate it. Don’t forget to leave a review, they are an authors best friend!
And now here is a brief excerpt in the continuation of the Journey Series, Limitless, which will be released in early 2013 continuing on with the story of Leah Rossi.
Chapter 1
"Al can you throw me that bag over there, please?" I swiped a piece of hair that had fallen out of my ponytail that was now drenched in sweat after packing for half the day. I would be glad when it was finally done and over with.
"Here Leah. You need help with anything else? I need to head over to Kilroys if you’re good."
I rolled my eyes at her knowing exactly why she was heading to Kilroys. Her and Teddy had been dating or whatever you want to call what they were doing together for a little while now. They were both seeing other people still so I’m not really sure what exactly was going on there and I really didn't want to.
"Yeah go ahead I think I have just about everything packed up, now I just need to move onto Calebs stuff, I’m sure that will be a ton of fun."
Ally laughed and rolled her eyes at that. I still had to do a double take whenever I saw her. I wasn't used to her smoky makeup compared to the bright colors she used to wear when I had to have sunglasses on just to look at her. I swear she was schizophrenic when it came to her look. Her neon colors and flowing clothes had been replaced by more of a rocker chic look with old band shirts and skinny jeans or frayed denim skirts but Ally could pull off anything.
"Well I am most definitely getting out of here now. Good luck with that!" She skipped out of the room and I heard the front door slam behind her. I walked down the hall to Calebs room which seemed suspiciously too quiet, that was never a good sign with a four year old.
"What’s going on in here?" I swung the door open and folded my arms over my chest to survey the damage. Caleb was jumping up and down on his special suitcase that he had picked out all by himself and I could see it was overflowing with just about everything from his room; clothes, toys, books, and his poor giant giraffe that was being squished to death.
"I'm all packed up and ready to go Mommy. Is it time to leave yet?" I shook my head at him which instantly led him to give that cute puppy dog face of his that I loved so much.
"We aren't leaving till tomorrow morning, remember?" And tomorrow couldn't come soon enough, I was so ready to leave. I heard the door bell ring from down the hall and ran to get it, figuring Ally had forgotten something.
"Don't pack anything else Caleb," I shouted over my shoulder. "Mommy will be right back to help you." I opened up the door but it wasn't Ally standing there, it was some middle aged guy standing in a suit and tie that I had never seen before. Probably someone trying to sell me something or convince me to come to their church, it happened often in this neighborhood, almost daily, and I would not miss it.
I placed a hand on my hip and leaned against the door frame, waiting for the usual spiel that I knew was coming."Can I help you?"
His dark brown eyes looked up and down before stopping and staring at my face, like he was studying me. He ran a hand through his graying hair and then shifted on his feet like he was nervous about something before he spoke. Maybe this was his first time out alone, well he wasn't getting this girl to buy anything.
"Hello, I'm Roy Barnum. I'm looking for Leah Rossi, would that be you?"
"Well that depends. What are you trying to sell?"
He scrunched up his nose at me and gave a small shake of his head before stuffing his hands into his pockets and pulling out a piece of crumpled up paper.
"I'm not trying to sell anything. I um....I knew your mother, Marie and she sent me this letter awhile back. It took me a little bit of time to track you down but she had said in her letter that she had left one for you too."
A light bulb went off in my head and I remembered exactly what letter he was talking about. The guy that my mom had ditched Caleb and I for, Tank Harvey, had given me a letter that my mom had written before she killed herself. I had tucked it away and figured I would read it someday but I had been a little busy.
"Well judging by your silence and that you didn't recognize my name, I'm guessing you never read it."
"You sir, are a mind reader. Care to share the important details that my mother left behind for me?"
"Well," he drawled out, shuffling his feet around a bit more and kicking around a few stray rocks. "This will probably be a little bit of a shock, just to warn you. Your mother wrote me a letter in which she said that she had left one for you too. I met her awhile back at some little bar she was working at, I don't even remember the name of it. I was just passing through on business and one thing led to another."
I rolled my eyes at him, ok buddy tell me something I don't know, I know my mother had serviced her customers very well. I had to listen to it almost every night growing up with her. But this guy didn't look like her usual customer, they tended to drive a motorcycle, have bad hygiene, and drink. A lot.
"Marie seemed to believe that the little boy you are raising, which let me just say is a great accomplishment for a young woman like yourself, is mine. Now obviously we'll need to do a paternity test to confirm her suspicions but......"
Make sure to check back to my facebook page for updates on when Limitless will be released. Thank you!