The Dancing Wu Li Masters (46 page)

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Galaxy clusters, 199

Galilean relativity principle, 138–39, 152, 153

Galilei, Galileo, 6, 12, 24, 26, 31, 119, 138, 140–41, 152, 153, 344

Gamma rays, 124

electrons and, 124

Gas volume, pressure and, 36–37

Gauge theories, unified, 285

Gell-Mann, Murray, 272

General theory of relativity, 25, 94, 134, 179–209, 290, 311, 344

Geometry, 190–91, 200

analytic, 337

Euclidean, 180
, 191–96, 311

laws of, 180

Germer, Lester, xx, 107

Ghost waves, 71

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 214

Graham, Neill, 91

Gravitational fields, 185–86, 200

Gravitational mass, 186, 187

Gravitational redshift, 204–205

Graviton, 260–61, 269

Gravity, 182–209, 219
, 260

acceleration and, 185–86

light and, 203–205

Newton’s law of, 24–26, 138, 182, 186, 201, 203–204

subatomic particles and, 260

Great Machine idea, 24, 26, 28, 31, 32, 145, 333

Greatest lower bound, 308

Green light, 56, 59, 62

Guillemin, Victor, 55–56

Gurus, 247


Hafele, J. C., 157

Hagedorn theory, 246

Hamilton, W. R., 121

Happiness, 284

Hawking, S. W., 205

Heart Sutra, The
, 268

Heisenberg, Werner, xx, xxxv, 22, 29, 72, 86, 108–109, 121–24, 126, 133–34, 214, 220, 224, 225, 287, 291, 317, 338

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, 29, 37, 123–26, 233, 248, 256, 261–62, 269, 274, 338

Helium, 174–75

Herbert, Nick, 267

High-energy particle physics.
Particle physics

High-energy photons, 59–60

High-energy virtual photons, 248

High-frequency light, 62–63

Hinduism, 91, 241, 342, 345–46

Horizon, event, 206–207

Hua Yen Sutra, 266

Huang, Al Chung-liang, 5, 6, 7–8, 9–10, 348

Hughes, David, 109

Human reactions, chemical reactions and, 50–51

Hydrogen, 12–16, 38–39, 114–17, 120, 174–75, 206, 207

Hydrogen (fusion) bombs, 175

Hydrogen spectrum, 13–16, 39, 57

Hypotenuse, the, 169–71


Idealism, 88

Identity process, 304

Imaginary rest mass, 319

Increasing entropy, 246

Index of refraction, 142
, 152

Inertial co-ordinate systems, 138–41, 182–84, 186, 194, 198

Inertial frame of reference.
Inertial coordinate systems

Inertial mass, 186–87

Inorganic matter

organic matter and, 51–52

Inquisition, the, 24

Interactions, 105–106, 251, 252, 268–69

Interference, 68–69, 113, 134

Interferometers, 146, 154–55

Invariance, 167, 200
, 271

Iron, 50

Isotopic spin, 234


James, William, 41

Josephson, Brian, 267
, 278

Joyce, James, 272

Jung, Carl, 33, 69
, 328


K mesons, 218–19, 240

Kaon decays, 330

Kaots, 259, 273, 278

Keating, R. E., 159

Kelvin, Lord, 344

Kinetic energy, 104, 162, 219, 227, 270

Knowledge, wisdom and, 337

, 229, 232

Kramers, H. A., xx, 72, 118

Krishna, Lord, 101, 344


La Place, Pierre-Simon, 205

Lambda, particles, 218–19, 240, 270, 273, 278

Laser fusion, 285

Lattices, 305–10

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL), xxxi, 42, 228
, 236, 326, 335, 343

Lenard, Philippe, 58–59


proper, 155–56

relative, 155–56

Lepton member, 234

Leptons, 227–28, 233–34, 235, 271

Light, 33

double-slit experiment, 66–87, 92, 105, 110, 314

energy and, 186

gravity and, 203–205

green, 56, 59, 62

high-frequency, 62–63

interactions, 105–106

measuring speed of, 154–55

the Michelson-Morley experiment, 144–50, 151–52, 153, 154, 164, 344

particle phenomenon, 105–106, 133–34

polarization of, 293–98, 302–10, 323–26

quantum mechanics and, 298

quantum theory and, 324

quantum nature of, 58–60

red, 56–57, 59, 62

velocity of, 62, 135, 136, 142–48, 151–52, 153–55, 318–19

principle of the constancy of, 151–55, 164–65

violet, 54, 56–57, 59

visible, 61

wave phenomenon, 60, 105–106, 133–34, 318–19

wave theory of, 65–68

wave-like, 105

Light quanta, theory of, 133–34

Lobachevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich, 180

Local causes, principle of, 320, 325, 329, 331–36

Locality fails, 329


classical, 291–93, 298–99, 302, 306–307, 311

subatomic particles and, 291–93

quantum, 285, 291–93, 298, 301, 302, 306–307, 310

Logical calculus, 288

Logos, mythos and, 290–92

Longchenpa, 312

Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon, xix, 148–49, 154–55, 165

Lorentz transformations, 148–49, 155, 160, 164

Low-energy photons, 59–60

LSD, 225, 247

Luther, Martin, 24


Macroscopic level, 34, 57

Macroscopic objects, 79

Magnetic monopoles, 230

Mahayana Buddhism, 266, 267–68

Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics, 92–96, 333–34, 336


space, 236

space-time, 236–39

Mass, 200, 226–29

electron, 226–27

energy and, 35, 136, 173–78, 186, 200, 219–20, 227

gravitational, 186–187

imaginary rest, 319

inertial, 186–87

relativistic, 226

rest, 162, 226–27

velocity and, 161–62

zero rest, 228

Mass-energy, conservation laws of, 175, 176, 248, 249, 255, 261–62, 269, 270

Mass/energy dualism, 219

Massless particles, 228–29

Materialism, 88

Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, The
(von Neumann), 286, 287

Mathematical Theory of Relativity, The
(Eddington), 192


physics and, 4, 17

subatomic particles and, 289–90

Matrices, 122, 273–78

Matrix mechanics, 122


fields and, 223

inorganic, 51–52

organic, 51–52

Matter waves, 107, 110, 115, 118, 122

Maximal entropy, 246

Maxwell, James Clerk, 136
, 150

Maxwell’s field equations, 150

Maxwell’s theory, 133


problem of, 87, 91, 93

theory of, 87, 338

Mechanical energy, 176


classical, 150–51, 152

defined, 20

laws of, 138–41, 153, 182, 196

matrix, 122

Meditation, 173, 343

Membrane, one-way, 205–206

Mercury, 201–202

perihelion of, 201–202, 205

Mesons, 228, 234, 235, 254, 261, 273

K, 218–19, 240

pi, 218, 235, 240

Metaphysics, physics and, 91

Michelson, Albert, xix, 144–47, 152

Michelson-Morley experiment, 144–49, 151–52, 153, 154, 164, 344

Microscopic level, 34

Middle Ages, 26, 30

Milky Way galaxy, 208

Miller, Henry, 133

Minkowski, Hermann, xix, 173

Minkowski’s flat space-time, 171

Molecules, 36–37

Momentum, 28, 30, 224, 270

angular, 231–34

zero, 270

Momentum-energy space descriptions, 239

Monopoles, magnetic, 230


the earth and, 27

motion and, 137

Moon probes, 27

Morley, Edward, xix, 144–47, 152

Motion, 26, 136–42

absolute, 138, 142, 183

earth and, 137–39, 145–48

moon and, 137

Newton’s laws of, 22–23, 25, 26–28, 70

subatomic particles, 125

non-absolute, 138, 141–47, 151–53, 184, 209

sun and, 137, 138

time dilation and, 155

Muons, 158, 254

anti-, 330

Murchie, Guy, 172

Murphy, Michael, 4

Music of the Spheres
(Murchie), 172

Mystic knowing, 267

Mythos, logs and, 290–92


Natural philosophy, 30

Nature, discontinuous structure of, 52–53

Negative acceleration, 186–87

Negentropy, 246

Neon, 323

Neue Bahnen der physikalischen Erkennmis
” (Planck), 55

Neutrinos, 330

Neutron Optics
(Hughes), 109

Neutrons, 13, 21, 175, 225, 256–59, 263–64, 270, 273, 277

Newton, Sir Isaac, xxv, 6, 11, 12, 20–21, 22–30, 55, 73, 145, 161, 199, 217, 279, 331, 337, 344

absolute time, and, 166

the church and, 23–24, 30

time and space, 166–68

Newtonian physics, 20–31, 52–55, 73, 110, 122, 161, 166, 168, 177, 205
, 214, 224

general theory of relativity and, 203–204

quantum mechanics and, 20–22, 28–31, 34, 37, 44–45, 110, 177, 337–38, 344

space program and, 27

special theory of relativity and, 166, 177

statistics and, 36–37

Newton’s laws of gravity, 24–26, 138, 182, 186, 201, 203–204

Newton’s laws of motion, 22–23, 25, 26–28, 70

subatomic particles and, 125

Nobel Prize, 14, 33, 58, 107, 345

Nodes, 111–13

Non-being, Being and, 341

Non-inertial co-ordinate systems, 196

Nonlocal universe, 335

Non-motion, absolute, 141–47, 151–53, 184, 209

Nuclear particles, 34–35

Nucleons, 253–54, 256, 259

Null process, 304, 305, 306


baryon, 234

family, conservation laws of, 270

lepton, 234

quantum, 114, 217
, 234


Objectivity, quantum mechanics and, 32–33

Observables, 77–78

One-way membrane, 205–206

Ontology, 288

Oppenheimer, 205

Optics, 53

(Newton), 11

Organic energy, physics and, 49

Organic matter, inorganic matter and, 51–52


atomic, 53–54, 55

quantized, 55

Oxygen, 50


Paradigms, 285

Parallel axiom, 180

Particle accelerators, 215, 217–18, 219, 226

Particle phenomenon, light and, 105–106, 133–34

Particle physics, 18, 34–35, 122, 158, 174, 176–77, 188
, 213–78, 347–48

basic questions of, 220, 231

Buddhism and, 262–63, 264–66

dynamics of, 313

hardware of, 217

purpose of, 217

quantum field theory and, 220

relativity and, 219

subatomic particles, 219–20, 224–25

tools of, 217

Particle theory, elementary, 21


D, 228

defined, 51–52

eta, 259

lambda, 218–19, 240, 270, 273, 278

massless, 228–29

nuclear, 34–35

standing waves and, 118

Tau, 228

W, 261

See also
Subatomic particles; types of particles

Pauli, Wolfgang, xx, 33, 114

Pauli exclusion principle, 114, 251–52

Penrose, Roger, 205

Perturbation theory, 248


psychic, 331

quantum, 313–14

Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
(Newton), 24–25, 27

Philosophy, natural, 30

Photoelectric effect, 58–60, 63, 105

Photography, time-lapse, 50

Photomultiplier tubes, 324–25

Photon detectors, 82–83.
See also
Photomultiplier tubes

Photons, 22
, 39, 58–60, 63, 68–71, 74–87, 92, 143–44, 206
, 218
, 227, 233–35, 238, 239–40, 242, 243
, 243–44, 247–51, 261–63, 271, 286–87, 298, 314, 323–24

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