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Authors: Diana Preston

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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has Sherlock Holmes identify Dr. Watson on their first meeting as a veteran of the Second Afghan War, and in the 1960s, much to Afghan surprise, the “Baker Street Irregulars” asked the bemused Afghans to place a monument to the fictional Dr. Watson on the Maiwand battlefield.

According to current on-the-spot reporters, some of the frontier villages that suffered most in the fighting with the British at that time are among those that have given the greatest support to Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters.

Many of the insurrection’s leaders were mullahs. Some, such as Mullah Sadullah in Swat—nicknamed by the British “the Mad Fakir”—were Muslims of the Wahhabi sect.

The long history of British meddling in Persia goes some way toward explaining why, instead of, as many others have done, seeing Britain as a kind of secondary force in the Middle East and Afghanistan, Iran’s propaganda quite often portrays Britain as a cunning and malevolent old lion manipulating a stronger but less sophisticated United States.



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—Correspondence Relating to Persia and Afghanistan

—Indian Papers Nos. 1, 2 (Treaties), 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


—Copy of Further Papers Relating to Military Operations in Afghanistan, 17 February 1843


—East India (Cabaul and Afghanistan), 8 June 1859


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