The Dark Earl

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Authors: Virginia Henley

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: The Dark Earl
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Praise for
New York Times
Bestselling Author
“Henley’s gift for bringing remarkable women to life in colorful, turbulent times is what turns her romances into keepers. Henley heats up the pages with her love scenes, and her skill at portraying actual historical personages with humanity while maintaining historical accuracy wins our minds. Henley knows what historical romance is all about and always gives the readers what they want.”

Romantic Times
The Irish Duke
“Few if any writer can interweave historical information to enhance a story line as deftly as Virginia Henley can and does with the enjoyable
The Irish Duke
. . . exhilarating.”
—The Best Reviews
The Decadent Duke
“A standout . . . the perfect blend of historical backdrop and romance.”

Romantic Times
(top pick)
“Dangerous games, Machiavellian manipulations, and political maneuverings . . . lusty and lavish.”

“As twists of fate contrive to keep the two apart—intrigue, backstabbing, the bubonic plague—readers will hanker for them to live happily ever after.”

Publishers Weekly
“All the sensuality and glitter of a more traditional romance but enriched by the plot’s complexity and the heroine’s genuine growth.”

Publishers Weekly
“A gently suspenseful tale ... filled with satisfying historical detail and actual characters from this intriguing period.”

“Extraordinary characters, rich historical details, and a romance ... [set] the pages on fire.”

Romantic Times
(top pick)
The Irish Duke
The Decadent Duke
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First Printing, September 2011
Copyright © Virginia Henley, 2011 All rights reserved
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Henley, Virginia.
The dark earl/Virginia Henley.
p. cm.
ISBN : 978-1-101-54749-6

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