The Dark Earl (3 page)

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Authors: Virginia Henley

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: The Dark Earl
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Paraffin? Christ Almighty, he’s arranging to burn the place down.
Thomas’s gut knotted.
Curse the swine! He has Ranton insured for a half million.
He quietly retraced his steps back to the pasture, resaddled his horse, and headed toward Ranton. He covered the miles swiftly and by the time dusk turned into full darkness, he had reached the estate. He entered the stables, where a dozen Thoroughbreds were housed in box stalls. He slipped a bridle onto the first horse and led it outside.
The head groom questioned his actions. “What are ye about, m’lord?”
“All the animals are to be moved to the meadow.” He knew he could not tell the stable hands the ugly truth. “Father’s orders. Be quick about it.”
Thomas ran to the kennels, where the buckhound hunting dogs were housed. He opened the gate wide, picked up a dog whip, and lashed it a few times to make sure the animals cleared off. After he was sure they were safe, he made his way toward the house. Ranton had originally been an abbey; its tower dated from the fifteenth century. He found the head gamekeeper eating supper in the kitchen with the housekeeper.
“Mrs. Barlow, I want you to assemble the servants,” he said urgently.
“Bless yer heart, m’lord, there’s only me here. All the staff was transported to Shugborough to help with the auction sale.”
He sank down onto a kitchen chair with relief. “I want you two to clear out when you’ve finished eating.”
“Whatever for?”
“For reasons I can’t explain. Just make sure you don’t sleep here tonight.”
The two people at the table exchanged a knowing glance.
“And by the way, if anyone asks, you haven’t seen me. I haven’t been here today.”
Before Thomas had ridden five miles back toward Shugborough, he could see flames lighting up the sky. He reined in his mount and stared at the orange glow with horror.
The depraved swine did it. He actually paid someone to have it burned down. God rot his stinking soul!
The hall was in darkness when he arrived home, as if it were peacefully sleeping. He encountered no one as he made his way to his bedchamber. When he opened the door, he found the room empty, and he realized that even his bedroom suite had been sold.
Thomas Anson stretched out on the floor and folded his arms behind his head. Hatred and loathing consumed him. Dread formed a lump in his throat that almost choked him. It was fear his father would order the torch be put to this house too. But gradually, his love for Shugborough Hall surrounded him and overcame all else.
If it takes me a lifetime, I will restore everything that has been taken from you today,
he promised the house faithfully.
Once you are mine, I will restore you to absolute perfection!
Chapter One
Hampden House, London
June 1854
bugger and balls
! Sometimes I wish we were back in Ireland.” Lady Harriet Hamilton removed the second hat she had tried on and flung it across the room. “Living in London is far too repressive. I have no freedom to do anything.”
Her sister Lady Beatrix laughed. “It hasn’t curtailed your swearing.”
Harry joined in her laughter. “Nor my wagering, or flirting, or roaming about the city unescorted.” She looked in the mirror and wrinkled her nose. “It’s these bloody fashions set by the queen. They are hideous!”
“You’re nineteen, going on twenty, so you can’t possibly go bareheaded.”
“Well, I abso-bloody-lutely refuse to wear a bonnet. They make me look like Old Mother Hubbard.” She was totally unaware that her long dark hair and pale green eyes gave her a rare and striking beauty.
The Duchess of Abercorn swept into her daughters’ bedchamber. “Aren’t you ready yet? I usually insist on being fashionably late, but today that’s out of the question. Victoria and Albert are officiating at this grand opening of the second Crystal Palace, and we cannot insult the queen by being tardy.” The Duke of Abercorn was Prince Albert’s
groom of the stole
, and for the last eight years had also been his friend and confidant. “This official opening, which marks the beginning of the Season, has already been delayed a month because the male statues were considered too shocking for the queen’s sensibilities.” She gave a sardonic laugh. “Since Victoria has had eight children, I’m sure she’s more than familiar with
male parts
“It is utter desecration to ruin beautiful statues by chopping off their genitals and replacing them with fig leaves,” Harry said with disgust.
“Oh, the fig leaves were subsequently considered too offensive, so now they’ve draped all the statues with cloth.”
Harriet and Beatrix rolled their eyes.
“Do you think Prince Teddy will be there?” Jane, who was seventeen, asked with apprehension.
“Of course he’ll be there. He’s the heir to the throne and his doting parents think the sun shines out his arse,” her mother replied. “What’s he done now?”
“When we were at Windsor last week, he touched my breast,” Jane declared.
“But he’s only thirteen,” Harry said.
“What the devil does age have to do with it?” her mother asked. “He’s a male, and already randy by the looks of him. Don’t be alone with him, darling, or he’ll have your drawers off.”
“Royalty has its privileges,” Harry quipped.
“Too bad he isn’t a bit older,” Beatrix said with a wink. “If you play your cards right, you could end up a princess.”
Jane blushed. “You are a devil, Trixy!”
“All three of you are devils. What’s the holdup here?” their mother demanded.
“Harry refuses to wear a bonnet,” Trixy complained.
“Well, I should think so,” the duchess declared, plucking the decoration from one of the discarded hats. “Pin this bunch of cherries into your hair. Always remember, we don’t
fashion; we
She touched the crimson ostrich feathers on her own hat to prove her point.
When the fashionably gowned quartet emerged onto Green Street, they found sixteen-year-old James waiting by the phaeton. He opened the carriage door for the ladies. “I’m sitting on the box with Riley. Your crinolines leave no room for me.”
“Just don’t let your new top hat blow away,” his mother warned.
James shut the door. “I wish you had let me take the train. It lets you off at the main gate to the palace grounds.”
“The railway was built to accommodate the masses. There will be such a crush of hoi polloi today, you wouldn’t be able to breathe,” the duchess declared with a shudder.
“I’ll ride the train with you later in the week, James,” Harry offered. “I rather like the hoi polloi.”
James climbed up beside their driver. He turned, winked at Harry, grinned at his mother, removed his hat, and held it in his lap for safekeeping.
“You have a tender heart, Harry. I put it down to the time your father was the lord lieutenant of County Donegal and the ruinous rains came. One end of Ireland to the other became a vast wasteland of putrefying vegetation. I took you with me on my mercy visits to the poor, and you’ve championed the downtrodden ever since.”
“I’m following in Uncle Johnny’s footsteps.” Lord John Russell, the Duchess of Abercorn’s half brother, had served a six-year term as England’s prime minister until two years ago.
“Our family has decidedly bad timing. Johnny had been in the House of Commons thirty-three years before he became prime minister. Ireland hadn’t had a chance to recover from the tragic potato famine when he took office.”
“But he was still able to do lots of good things,” Harry reminded her mother. “Not only did he abolish the Corn Laws, but he was able to limit the working hours for women.”
“Oh, let’s not talk politics, Harry. The Season officially opens today and it’s supposed to be a celebration,” Trixy declared.
“Every other year, the Season opens in May. That’s another delay we can blame on Her Gracious Majesty,” Harry said with disgust.
“Speaking of celebrations, I don’t understand why I can’t make my debut with Harry and Trixy. Think of the expense it will save if we all have our Season together.”
“Since when did you start caring about expenses, Jane?” her mother asked dryly. “A coming-out ball tells society that the young ladies making their debut are ready for marriage. Since Harriet and Beatrix are only a year apart, they are having their Season together.”
“But I’m seventeen. I don’t want to be left out,” Jane pleaded.
“You’re hardly out of the schoolroom. It would be scandalous of me to throw you onto the marriage market. Just be happy that I will allow you to attend their ball.”
Harry poked Trixy in the ribs with her elbow. “D’you hear that? We are to be thrown on the marriage market. Sold to the highest bidder, I warrant.”
“Sounds like an exciting adventure to me,” Trixy teased. “A guinea says I get more proposals than you.”
“Marriage proposals, or the other kind?” Harry asked.
“Don’t jest. You’ll get plenty of both,” their mother warned.
“You shock my sensibilities. Society’s morals have changed since the decadent Regency era, when you came of age, Mother. Gentlemen today treat ladies as if they were saints. They want their females to be pure and innocent, and will do everything in their power to protect them from being tainted by the wicked world.” Harry gave a mock sigh. “Queen Victoria has taken all the fun out of everything.”
“Rubbish! Gentlemen may pay lip service to the
pure and innocent
, but in reality nothing could be further from the truth. Beneath the facade of respectability, lust and licentiousness lurk. The male of the species will take advantage of any opportunity.”
Harry winked at her sisters. “Is that what Father did?”
Lady Lu smiled her secret smile. “None of you would have been born if he hadn’t. The last thing I wanted was a child.”
Harry’s eyes widened in surprise. “How did he persuade you?”
“He promised that if I gave in to his passionate advances, he would give me a girl.” Her wry gaze swept over her daughters. “If I’d known he would give me
daughters in a row, I might have resisted.”
The Hamilton sisters laughed. Their mother had always said outrageous things and she encouraged them to follow in her footsteps.
When they arrived at Crystal Palace Park, there was already a crush of carriages. Riley drove the phaeton as close to the front entrance as he could manage, and the Hamilton family alighted and made their way inside to await Her Royal Highness Queen Victoria and Albert, her prince consort.
They made their way past the series of ornamental fountains and ascended the dais built especially for the ribbon-cutting ceremony. Within minutes, the royal family came into view with its retinue of attendants.
Harry’s glance was drawn to her father, who walked directly behind Albert. Not only was Abercorn taller, but he was far handsomer in her opinion, since the prince consort’s hair had receded alarmingly. She watched her parents exchange an intimate glance.
They are still in love with each other. That’s the kind of marriage I want.
As Queen Victoria delivered her speech, extolling the Crystal Palace as a showplace for the industrial, military, and economic superiority of Great Britain, Harry’s mind wandered back to the summers at Barons Court, their Irish estate. Vivid memories of her father rowing her mother across the fairy-tale lakes or taking her up before him on one of his Arabians filled her head.
He’s still wooing her after twenty years of marriage.
Harry sighed.
How utterly romantic!
Her thoughts were brought back to the present when she saw young Prince Teddy edging close to her sister Jane. Harry murmured to her brother, “Teddy can’t keep his hands off Jane. When you get him alone, thump him on the nose.”
He whispered back, “I may be reckless, but I’m not raving mad. Teddy will be
one day. It pays to have friends in high places.” He glanced at fourteen-year-old Princess Vicky. “It must run in the family. The Princess Royal can’t keep her hands off my private parts.”
“Well, I’ll be damned!” Harry exclaimed in utter shock.
“We declare the second Great Exhibition open to the public.” Victoria cut the ribbon and the throng cheered, “God save Our Gracious Majesty!”
The fountain water jets suddenly rose up over a hundred feet in the air. The spectacle caused the crowd to step back, and only the privileged spectators on the front row were anointed by the spray.
Harry lost no time making her getaway. But as she left the dais, she paused before Prince Teddy and smiled sweetly. “I dreamed about you last night, Your Highness. You touched Jane’s breast, and I shoved you on your arse!”

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