Read The Dark Vampire: Last True Vampire 3 Online

Authors: Kate Baxter

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Angels

The Dark Vampire: Last True Vampire 3 (43 page)

BOOK: The Dark Vampire: Last True Vampire 3
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She reached around to cup the back of his neck and her nails dug into his skin.
Gods, yes.
The bite of pain amped him up, got him even harder. He continued to stroke her, gentle swirls of his finger and light flicks that would bring Bria close to the edge, but not enough to allow her to topple over it. The sweet sounds of her whimpers graduated into passionate cries. Her thighs trembled around his hand. She was so damned slick that her wetness spread over his palm and dripped down her thighs.

“I need you inside of me,” Bria gasped. She took a handful of his short hair into her fist and tugged. “Please, Jenner.”

“Not yet, love.” He wanted nothing more than to pound into her tight heat, but Jenner enjoyed watching her through the reflection too damned much to stop. Her stomach muscles flexed and released beneath his forearm as Jenner increased the pressure on her clit. The quaver in her thighs intensified. He bent over her and sank his fangs into the delicate flesh at Bria’s throat.

He brought his gaze to the window as he drank from her. Bria cried out as the orgasm took her. An expression of pure bliss settled on her beautiful face and her muscles bunched and flexed with every powerful spasm. Her thighs tightened around Jenner’s hand and he stroked her slowly, light, gentle passes that brought her down from the high by small degrees. He continued to suckle at her throat, each deep pull bringing with it the heady nectar of her blood that coated his tongue like honey.

When he’d had his fill Jenner closed the punctures. He’d never seen anything so lovely as Bria’s reflection as she came for him. He enjoyed it so much that he considered outfitting the bedroom with floor-to-ceiling mirrors so that he could watch her from every angle imaginable.

His own need crested to the point that Jenner could no longer control it. He pressed Bria fully against the pane of glass. He jerked her hips back and she spread her legs wide for him, bracing herself by placing her palms flush to the window. With shaking fingers Jenner unfastened his pants. His cock sprang free and he shoved his jeans down around his ass. He took the heavy length of his erection in his hand and squeezed before stroking himself. Just once to relieve some of the built-up pressure. A growl gathered in Jenner’s chest. He guided the head of his cock to Bria’s pussy and ran the sensitive head through her slick folds. They both let out a sound that was equal parts pleasure and torture and Jenner slid home in a single deep thrust.

“Oh, gods!”

Bria’s impassioned cry nearly caused Jenner to go off. He breathed through the sensation, willing his body to hold off. He wasn’t about to come the second he entered her. His fingers gripped her hips, sinking into Bria’s yielding flesh. She pushed against him and rolled her hips. The angle put pressure on the head of his cock and Jenner pushed deeper to intensify it.

“Bria,” Jenner growled close to her ear as he bent over her. He pulled out to the tip and plunged back in, pressing Bria hard against the window. “You feel so fucking good.” He repeated the motion and she cried out. “So gods-damned tight.” She reached back with one hand and gripped his thigh as Jenner’s thrusts increased in pace and force. “So wet.”

“Harder,” Bria said on a gasp of breath. “Please, Jenner. I need you deeper.”

Her pleading words sent him into a frenzy. He fucked her with abandon; the sound of her palms slapping against the glass with every deep thrust only added to his pleasure as he took her with all of the force he could muster. He held nothing back from her, and still it didn’t seem like enough. He cupped one of her breasts in his palm and squeezed and teased the already swollen nipple. Bria’s pussy clenched around his cock, pinching the head just right. Unable to keep himself from tasting her while he fucked her, Jenner buried his fangs at the juncture of where her shoulder met her neck.

Bria came again with a strangled cry. Her pussy squeezed him tight and Jenner toppled over the edge. He pulled away from her throat with a roar as wave after wave of pleasure stole over him. His cock jerked as Bria milked him with every tight contraction and he continued to thrust deep inside of her until he had nothing more to give. Jenner scored his tongue and sealed the punctures he made at her neck before resting his forehead on Bria’s shoulder. Deep shuddering breaths rocked them both as they slowly came down from the high.

A light sheen of sweat glistened on Bria’s skin, giving her an almost luminescent quality in the early-morning light. The eastern sky brightened to a burnt orange and the daylight shutters came down over the windows as though closing the curtain on their sensual performance.

Jenner cradled Bria in his arms and collapsed into a nearby chair. He gathered her close and breathed her scent deep into his lungs. He’d never felt more content. So
. Bria was what he needed to make him feel complete. Sated, despite his constant want of her. She filled the endless void, anchored him against the restlessness that had possessed him after his transition. Bria hadn’t simply tethered his soul. She
his soul. His everything. His love.

“If that’s the welcome home I can expect, maybe I’ll take a day away more often.” Her lazy, contented voice brushed his senses like myriad feathers.

“I’ll never give you reason to go if you promise never to leave my side for even an hour.”

“Not even an hour?” Bria teased. “You’ll get sick of me if I cling to you like that.”

“Never.” Jenner pulled her tighter against his body and laid a kiss to her temple. “I want you by my side every second of every minute for the rest of my existence.”

“Okay,” Bria said with a dramatic sigh. “You asked for it.”

Bria turned in his embrace. She kissed him, a slow, sensual caress ending with a flick of her tongue that stirred his cock once again. Jenner raised a brow in question and Bria responded with a deep, throaty chuckle. “What? Did you think we were done so soon? I’m not even close to being ready to call it a day.”

Gods, she was extraordinary.


lay beneath the covers, snuggled against the heat of Jenner’s body. A contented smile curved her lips as she recalled the hours they’d spent pleasuring each another. Jenner had made love to her slowly with agonizing precision and lazy, shallow thrusts of his hips that drew out her pleasure and had Bria growling her frustration before he brought her to orgasm. He’d fucked her hard and deep, each violent thrust a claim on her body that sent her to dizzying heights of ecstasy that left her breathless and begging for more.

He’d taken the vein at her throat and at her thigh. He’d suckled from punctures in her breasts, her wrists, the back of her neck. And she’d taken her fill from him, giving in to her animal nature as she clamped her jaws down hard enough to tear Jenner’s flesh from the impact of her bite. Jenner wanted her wild and unfettered and he’d encouraged Bria to give herself over to that abandon. She’d never felt more comfortable in her own skin, as though she was finally who she was meant to be.

Events of the previous night flickered through Bria’s
mind and she tucked herself closer to her mate’s big body. There had been so much sorrow, so much fear, but also love unlike anything she thought she could ever feel for another. Bria had faced her trials and come through them a stronger female. A better female. And if given the opportunity to do it all over again she wouldn’t have changed a thing.

The sound of the blinds retracting from the windows echoed around the apartment and Jenner stirred beside her. His arms came around her and he rolled Bria until she lay fully on top of him. “Did you sleep well?” Voice still thick and husky with sleep, the sound sent a dark, delicious shiver over Bria’s skin.

“I did,” she murmured. “Did you?”

The hard, silky length of his erection pressed against the crease of her ass and he rolled his hips before letting out a low groan. “Mmmm. Yes.”

Another gentle thrust of his hips further ignited Bria’s lust and a rush of wetness spread between her thighs. Jenner’s eyes remained closed. Bria reached up and braced her palms against his wrists that rested on the pillow above his head. She levered herself up and slid down over his erection, taking him deep inside of her. Bria let out a contented purr and Jenner’s eyes opened to reveal pupils rimmed with brilliant silver.

His heated gaze raked over her before he reached up to cup her breasts. Bria arched into his touch as she moved her hips over him and let her head fall back on her shoulders. Jenner filled her, stretched her inner walls. With every roll of her hips he seemed to swell inside of her, creating delicious friction that turned her bones soft and set her blood on fire.

Bria took him as deep as she could and increased her pace. Jenner shifted, gripping her hip in one hand as he took the other and wrapped his long fingers around her
throat. He held her not tightly but with just enough pressure to convey his intent. He’d finally let the wall of his restraint crumble and it thrilled Bria to no end.

Rough. Wild. Intense. Focused. Jenner fucked like he lived: without shame or apology. Gods, how she loved it! Bria brought her legs up and braced her feet on the mattress in order to take him deeper still. She ground her hips into his as a frustrated growl built in her throat. She teetered on the edge and she was desperate to topple over it.

“Fuck me, Bria,” Jenner grated from between clenched teeth. “Take it all.”

She took everything he could give her. He was so deep, filled her so completely, that Bria didn’t know how much more of the blinding pleasure she could take. She threw her head back on her shoulders and rode him harder, faster, until the orgasm exploded through her. A supernova of sensation that caused her muscles to seize and her breath to catch.

Jenner’s orgasm stole over him not a second later. His back bowed off the mattress and his shout echoed in the quiet bedroom. A deep groove cut into his brow and his muscles flexed as he thrust his hips up wildly to meet hers. Bria stared, intoxicated by the sight of him. Jenner was the most magnificent male she’d ever known. She’d spend the rest of her life thankful for the gift she’d been given.

Bria was the luckiest female alive.

Jenner wanted nothing more than to be back at his apartment with Bria. Naked. Spending the night enjoying her body until sunrise and exhaustion put them both down. Duty called, however, and Mikhail needed him. Balance between his want of his mate and, you know, everyday life was still not quite within his grasp. Now that the evil that hunted Bria had been taken care of and he no longer feared for her safety, he hoped that they’d soon fall into a
rhythm that would put him more at ease. Until then, he was bound to remain on edge and stay a cranky son of a bitch whenever anything took him from his mate’s side.

Mikhail’s house was quiet when Jenner walked in. He found Claire in the kitchen with Vanessa. The girl sat on one of the high bar stools, schoolbooks and papers strewn about the bar. She worked on her homework while Claire flipped her finger across the screen of her iPad.

“Hey.” She looked up from what she was doing and greeted Jenner. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah. Bria doesn’t have anything to worry about anymore.”

“That’s good,” Claire said as though an evil necromancer hunting his mate was as tame as her having a run-in with a bill collector. “But what I meant was, is everything okay between the two of you?”

Jenner appreciated her concern. He knew that Claire was fond of Bria and it warmed his heart that she’d been so eagerly accepted by those Jenner now considered his family. “It is,” he said. He wasn’t a share-his-feelings sort of male. Claire was just going to have to take his word for it.

“I’m glad.” Her tone held genuine affection. “Everyone’s upstairs. You hungry? There’s some leftover fried chicken.”

“Nah.” Truth be told, the only thing Jenner hungered for right now was his mate’s blood. Part of that whole lack of balance he’d been trying to come to terms with. “I’m good. I’ll just head upstairs.”

“All right,” Claire said with mocking disappointment. “You don’t know what you’re missing, though. If you change your mind, there’s plenty.”

Jenner nodded and then backtracked to the foyer. He hit the stairs two at a time. He should have been here sooner, but it had been so hard to tear himself away from
his mate. Bria had offered to come along, and for a moment Jenner nearly dragged her along simply so he wouldn’t be bereft of her company. But he knew she was exhausted. The emotional and physical toll of the past couple of days had worn her down. So he told her to rest, to enjoy a little downtime, and he’d come home as soon as he could.

Soon wasn’t soon enough.

Ronan waited at the top of the second-story landing, one massive shoulder propped against the wall. He jerked his chin in greeting and Jenner returned the gesture. “What’d I miss?”

“Not much.” Ronan pushed himself away from the wall. “Saeed is in the room at the end of the hall. He brought two members of his coven to feed him once the transition is complete.”

Smart male
. Jenner had been ravenous after his turning. So much so that it felt as though Mikhail had a revolving door of blood donors ready to take care of him. “This is a turning point,” Jenner said.

“It is.” Ronan nodded. “And it’s about damned time.”

“Did you check on your sister?” Jenner didn’t want to admit that he was worried about Lucas. The male had feelings for Bria, after all. But after seeing Chelle for the first time since her transition and witnessing the wildness it had bred in her, Jenner couldn’t help but worry that the naïve male was in way over his head.

“Not yet. Saeed’s been a bit of a handful. Pretty combative and disoriented. Mikhail says he’s having a hard time meshing with the Collective.”

Jenner snorted. “Yeah, well, it’s a total mind fuck at first. No one should have that many memories stuffed inside their heads.”

“No shit.”

“I thought once Mikhail gave the okay on Saeed I’d head over to the guesthouse. Wanna come with?”

The sudden tang of Ronan’s scent betrayed his nerves. Jenner suspected that Ronan sensed more about his twin’s current state than he let on to the rest of them. In which case, he understood Ronan’s trepidation in paying a visit to Chelle. “Yeah, sure.”

BOOK: The Dark Vampire: Last True Vampire 3
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