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Authors: Z. Elizabeth

The Deal (10 page)

BOOK: The Deal
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She swallows and blinks a few times while my gaze burns into her. Ever so slowly I run one hand down her body and drag her jumper back up. She instantly lifts her arms as I pull it from her and throw it across the room. My eyes fall to her breasts, which look fucking delicious in her red bra and they are just begging to be sucked on, but I drag my eyes away when I feel Nic's hands underneath my top, my stomach muscles tightening at her lingering touch and to save time, I rip my top off me and it joins Nic's on the floor. Our eyes meet once again and the specs of green are much brighter, glassier and fuck, I need to see them like that when I make her come, need her on the brink, need her to scream my name and I need to let her know who she belongs to. I spin her around so she faces the wall, and a small gasp escapes her seductive lips. I lean close to her ear, tugging it hard between my teeth before licking the sting, my hands exploring the confines of her bra and I’m getting too fucking excited just hearing her pant over my touch and mouth.

It's time to start making my little nympho feel like she’s in that fucking book.

“I'm sorry, Mrs Thomas, but I'm going to have to take you into custody, you've been a very bad girl.” I growl into her ear, my hands reaching for hers, placing them on the wall she is trapped against. She turns her head to the side, biting her bottom lip and looks up at me through her lashes. She knows what that does to me!

“I'm sorry, officer, I just couldn't help myself, I had to touch myself...I was just so turned on, Sir. Please don't let me go to jail, I’ll do anything,” she whispers and that voice does things to my dick. I've never been into roleplay, but for this girl? I would do whatever she wanted me to. I rest my hands on top of hers, digging my erection into her butt cheeks and grind myself into her, causing ripples of pleasure for both myself and Nic. I bite down on her neck, electing a moan and ask her: “Anything?”

She nods her head as she wiggles her arse on my cock and I reach breaking point. I need to get this rolling, I need to be touching her, be inside her and fucking her until she's screaming and shaking. I remove my hands from hers and unbutton her jeans, following when I slide them down her legs, and helping her step out of them until she is stood in her sexy, red bra and knickers, a fucking beautiful vision to my eyes. I lean forward, cupping the mounds of flesh in front of me before giving a cheek a hard slap. I groan when she
gasps and whispers “Again...”

It takes everything I have to keep it together and not release in my fucking trousers. I actually had no idea Nic was into the kink at all. Sure our sex life is pretty fucking amazing, but shit, trying new things, learning what she likes and doesn't like is such a turn-on and maybe just a little ego booster as I AM the one doing this to her...not some other prick with his hands over her. I stand up in a flash, pulling Nic back to my chest and walk us until I am sat on the edge of the bed, with Nic sat on my lap and her legs spread over each of mine, opening her up to me. There is a mirror embedded into our wardrobe and I swallow at the sight of Nic sat upon me, a damp patch on her lacy underwear. Her breasts are heaving and her eyes are half lidded watching us in the mirror. I feel my primal side appear and I rip the flimsy red material from her, lifting her slightly to retrieve the knickers then lift them to my nose and inhale her scent. I know my eyes are growing darker by the second, and I can't hold back now. My fingers deftly remove her bra, leaving her completely and utterly naked, sprawled on my lap.

She watches as my hand crawls its way down her body. I can feel her shaking in anticipation, her fingers digging into my thighs and when my hand glides through her wetness, lightly touching her bud, her body jerks and she mewls out, her back arching into my chest. I wrap my spare arm around her stomach, keeping her in place and I plant an open kiss on her shoulder, my finger continuing to move soft and slow over her clit in tiny circles. Nic's eyes close, her breathing deep and shallow and she keeps making these little noises in the back of her throat, as if she's holding back.

Fuck that shit, she has never held back before and she's not going to now. My fingers begin to move fast, Nic's eyes blaze open and I give her a lazy smirk before biting down on her shoulder. Her fingers dig into my legs hard, but it's worth every damn sting to see her fly apart by me. Her head rolls back onto my shoulder and she's panting so hard, shaking so hard that I can feel her getting closer and closer with each flick but I am a total bastard and as she's on the brink, I stop. I remove my fingers and bring them up to my mouth to suck on. I moan at her taste, taking every last bit. I could live off Nic's juices, shit, she is the sweetest thing I have ever tasted and there is no way in hell I can let her go.

Despite not letting her come, Nic is quivering, and although I really want her warm mouth around my cock, I need to be inside her more. Lifting her off me and throwing her on the bed, I push down my jeans and boxers, reeling in the freedom of my cock, which felt like it was going to snap off from the pressure of being so turned on and having Nic's perfect arse wiggling against it. She's watching me through half-lidded eyes but her green irises are more glassier than earlier and with her own smirk, she slowly opens her legs so I can see just how wet and swollen she is. I growl at her teasing. I need to fuck the living day lights out of her until she can't walk for a week, until all she can feel is me inside her for days after. Sod this book scenario, we're going make our own fucking sex book.

“Are you going to fuck me, Officer? Or am I going to have to fuck myself again?” Nic whispers, innocently fluttering her Goddamn eyelashes as a finger enters her pussy and she moans out at the sensation. My jaw ticks at the sight of her getting herself off and I jump on top of her, not bothering to answer her question, too worked up to formulate words. My hand rips hers away from what is mine and I slam into her, growling at how wet and fucking tight she feels wrapped around me. She gasps out in pleasure, her back arching off the bed and she wraps her legs around my back with her arms clutching the headboard. Her face is contorted into absolute pleasure and I lean down and kiss her, realising I haven't touched her lips with mine yet. I pour everything I have into the kiss, and I know that it confuses the hell out of her, how she really doesn't want to see this side of me but little by little I am trying to make her see how much I love her, without scaring her away.

When I pull away from the kiss, Nic opens her eyes and stares into mine. I'm hoping she can see into my soul, but I know she doesn't want to, so instead of being one step closer, I pull out and thrust myself back into her, deeper, harder than before and fuck, if she's not seeing stars, I'm not fucking her properly.

“I'm going to fuck you so hard, that every time you move, you'll think I'm still inside you. Every time you read your smut, you'll think it's me and you fucking. You'll never forget the feeling of me, Nic. Fucking never!” I growl, causing Nic to moan out loud and her eyes to roll to the back of her head. She moves in time with me, her breathing erratic, her hair fanned out on the pillow underneath her and she's never looked so stunning. Her cheeks are rosy, her lips plump, her cat-like eyes glassy and it's ME she's having amazing sex with, no other fucker is touching her and they never will. I thrust into her a few more times, pound her hard and fast, just like she is screaming and moaning at me to. As I grab onto her hands on the headboard, she tightens her legs around my waist and I use that leverage to push into her four more times until she's screaming her release, and I can feel her inner muscles squeezing around me, causing a guttural roar to erupt from me. With one more thrust I spill into her, awaiting the aftershocks to subside for both of us.

I collapse on top of her, my head resting on her chest and I let my grip on her hands go, my arms instantly wrapping around Nic's shoulders. I pull out of her and feel her pounding heart, a smile attaching itself to my face. I kiss in between her breasts and roll off to the side, taking her with me so we are face to face, her hands now wrapped around me. I lean forward and give her a brief kiss. Her eyes are still closed when I move back but a sated smile is gracing her sexed-out features. I always love the post-sex look, Nic looks sexy whatever but having that glow makes her more womanly and if I could keep her in bed forever, well, I’d be one lucky guy. . .and that is the plan.

“Was that what you wanted?” I hear her whisper through her deep breathing, our heartbeats slowing down gently. I study Nic's face and move a piece of hair behind her ear, trailing a finger down her jawline before resting my hand on her rosy cheek.

“Everything and more...Sorry for going off course, but I couldn’t keep it up, it was torture having you on my lap and not being allowed to fuck you yet.” I whisper back and a giggle escapes her kissable lips, so much so, I steal a kiss.

“It ends that way anyway...we just skipped some parts.” She opens her eyes and gives me a smile. Her eyes are still glazed but she gives me a small part of her, of her feelings towards me and I think, maybe, just maybe she feels the same way I do. “But now, Mr. Thomas, I really need to sleep. You have worn me out and right now, a nap sounds like heaven.”

And with that, she closes her eyes again, and snuggles closer where I hold her tight against me. I kiss her head and within a few minutes Nic is out for the count and I am the stalker 'husband' who lays and watches his 'wife' sleep. But seriously? There is nowhere I would rather be. Cocky Craig is slowly evaporating and a new Craig is being born – a Craig who is deeply in love with the 'enemy' and he wouldn't change that for anything.


Chapter Nine


I have no idea what time Craig came home last night, but then I was too absorbed in Andrew and Camryn followed by the full-on sobbing that happened after, and that tired me out as it always does when I become emotionally invested in my favourite couple's fictional life. I did try to stay awake... okay, I didn't. I wanted to be fast asleep when he eventually came home and not have to deal with the whys of my leaving and the where’s of his disappearance when I came back. The one thing I do regret is being a sneaky ninja this morning and not waking him up for work. Our alarm is set for half six am and the last alarm rings out at seven am. Craig is prone to snoozing the alarm clock and then not getting up past seven am which means I have to make sure he's awake. This morning though, when he turned the alarm off, the one thing I didn't do was make sure he was actually awake. It's our morning ritual. The alarm goes off, I wake up and then I wake him up. Apart from this morning. No, this morning I ran away. It was a bitch move on my part and I know just how angry he's going to be when he wakes up, notices I'm not there and is probably going to be late into work. 

As soon as I got to the office I felt like shit and texted Kelsie to give him a text to hopefully wake him up. Yes, I was still in a strop with him but I know he can't afford to be late – he's had enough bollockings as it is because of the two of us not realising the time plus it's his first 'grown-up' job after university and a bloody major one at that. It's fine with my job, I have flexitime, but Craig works as a Geography teacher in a school on the outskirts of Swansea, which is a half hour drive from our flat. Every time we go shopping in the town, his pupils always fawn over him. . . and by pupils I mean the girls.

They follow us around, giggling and heckling at him and he loves it. It's Craig! Any attention is good attention but what's more is that he actually does adore his pupils, he treats them like friends but they know not to cross him. Show him respect and he will show you respect too, and by saying that, I know I didn’t show him any last night, or this morning.

I groan as I put my head against my desk and don't move until I see a pair of smart, black brogues in my vision. I turn my head to the right and look up to see my new co-worker, Jamie, staring down at me with an eyebrow raised. I don't bother to move because despite working here for just over two months, he has seen me like this more than once.

“You okay, Chicken Tikka?” He asks, using the office nickname for me. I've been working here for just over a fifteen months now, having been lucky enough to secure a graduate job straight out of university and for our office Christmas meal we went out for an Indian.  Too much wine before the food came out was a bad idea and when it finally arrived in front of me, I tipped it all over my red dress. Despite the drunken tears, my ruined dress and the fact my food was all over me, it was a great night and now 'Chicken Tikka' has stuck with me. I haven't touched it since.

I grimace and nod my head unconvincingly. Jamie sits on my desk and I lift my head up, leaning back on my chair. “Craig and I had a fight last night and this morning I just upped and left for work and didn't bother to wake him up, and now he's going to be late for work,” I mutter, staring at the photo beside my laptop, one of Craig and I. I lift my eyes back to Jamie to see he's frowning. He always seems to frown around me and one day, he's going to have those lines on his forehead permanently. I wait for his Agony Uncle advice to kick in, like it always does, but this time he keeps his mouth shut and crosses his arms over his chest.

Seriously, Jamie is gorgeous. With his caramel eyes, messy sexed-up hair, thick, black rimmed glasses and from what I can tell, a ripped body, he is the definition of geeky and chic rolled into one...our very own Clark Kent and if I was single and not head over hells in love and obsessed with Craig, I would have taken him up on his offer of a date the first week he started, but one flash of my ring shot him down. I give myself a sad smile and rub Craig's grandmother's ring.

BOOK: The Deal
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