The Deal with Love (One on One) (9 page)

Read The Deal with Love (One on One) Online

Authors: Jamie Wesley

Tags: #one-night stand, #fling, #office romance, #own voices, #Lovestruck, #POC, #contemporary romance, #coworkers, #sport, #NBA, #sports romance, #category, #Romance, #diverse, #basketball

BOOK: The Deal with Love (One on One)
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“Well, when you put it that way, yes.”

“I do cook. My father would be ashamed to call me his daughter if I didn’t, but my schedule has gotten crazy ridiculous since I became GM, so I’ve been relying more on the delivery service. Besides, it’s good!”

His eyebrow arched. “I’ll be the judge of that.”

Elise clapped her hands. “Then let’s get to judging. The key to tricking myself into thinking it’s homemade is to use real plates and silverware after I warm it up.” She zapped the chicken marsala and roasted potatoes in the microwave, plated the food, and presented it to him. “Ta da!”

Christian inspected the plate. “I’ll admit it doesn’t look like a frozen TV dinner special.”

“Faint praise, but I’ll take it. Give me the camera.”

Christian clutched the piece of equipment to his chest. “Why?”

“So the moment when you realize how good it is can be captured for all eternity.”

He slid her a look. “I don’t think it’ll come to that, but here.”

He handed the camera to her. She took it gingerly and held it up to her eye like she’d seen him do. The new view only enhanced his appeal. He looked as hot as ever, and his brilliant smile beckoned to her through the lens.

“Be prepared,” he said. “I’m going to give my honest opinion. I won’t spare your feelings.”

“Yeah, yeah. Stop stalling.”

He picked up a fork and knife and cut a piece of chicken. Through the video camera, she focused on his lips as he enclosed them around the fork. Lucky fork. He chewed slowly, his face considering. He took another bite and again chewed slowly. He didn’t speak. Jerk.

She couldn’t stand it. She made a hurry-up gesture with her free hand. “Well?”

“Well…it’s…” He took another bite. “Good.”

She pumped her fist. The camera jerked. Oops. She brought it back to his face. “Ha! I knew it. I win.”

He eyed her. “What exactly do you win? There was no bet.”

She snapped her fingers. “To my undying regret. But I’m a smart woman and can always be counted on to think quick on my feet, so it means that I win the right to hear my favorite phrase.” She squeezed his arm. A huge mistake. She wanted to linger, explore the muscles flexing under her hand. She hadn’t done nearly enough of that the night they’d spent together. And yeah, they weren’t going there again. She oh-so-casually moved her hand away. “Go ahead and say it.”

“Elise?” Christian said way too slowly and suggestively for her peace of mind. He’d said her name just that way as he’d slid inside her. And there she went, letting her dirty mind lead the way.

“Yes?” Her voice came out a little shaky.

“You were right.”

She pumped her fist. “Love it.”

He stepped around the counter to her side. “So if someone wants something from you, all they have to do is tell you you’re right?” The heat in his eyes let her know he wasn’t talking about anything innocent.

“Maybe.” She hated that she didn’t sound as casual as she would have liked. But he did that to her. Kept her off-balance. Kept her body primed for the same pleasure her mind told her to reject.

His voice deepened. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Chapter Nine

This conversation had strayed into dangerous territory. Elise held out the camera, like it could protect her from their red-hot chemistry. “What do you want me to do with this?”

Christian took it from her. “I don’t think I need to record you eating.”

She grinned. “Especially when you’re trying to eat at the same time.”


“Do you mind eating in the living room? I never eat in my dining room.”

“Sounds good to me. I want to test out this magical couch. Let me put away the camera, and then I’ll help you bring the food in.”

After Christian exited the kitchen, Elise went to her wine rack. He appeared at her shoulder a few seconds later. “Got anything good?”

“You in the mood for anything special?” she asked.

“Yeah, I am.” He reached around her, trapping her against the counter, and grabbed a bottle. “This looks good.” He read the wine label, then glanced up with a wicked grin. “I thought ‘fine’ only came in a bottle. Are you a brand new flavor?”

She groaned. “Really? How many more of those do you have?”

“Just seeing if you were paying attention.”

Oh, she was. To every single thing he said and did. “Move, please.” She hip-checked him and opened a drawer to retrieve a wine opener.

“Let me.”

“Okay.” Instead of getting wine glasses, she stood there, frozen, watching him open the bottle. He had to put a little extra force into it. It was so sexy.
was so sexy. The loud pop of the cork pulled her out of her lust-filled thoughts. She grabbed the glasses and held them while he poured.

He raised the glass to his mouth and took a sip. “The wine is good.”

“I know,” she said. “It should be, based on what I paid for it.”

“Are you a collector?”

“No, that requires time and knowledge, neither of which I have in abundance. When I find a wine I like, I buy at least a few bottles. More if I really like it.”

“No matter the cost?”

“No matter the cost.”

“My taste buds thank you.” Christian saluted her with his glass, offering up that devastating smile again.

Taking the coward’s way out, because frankly that’s what it was, she pushed her glass toward him. “Here. Take this.”

Dodging around him, she grabbed the plates of food and headed for the living room. They settled on her couch. She realized her mistake right away. Yes, the setting was more casual, but she would have welcomed the barrier of a table. Especially when Christian sat close enough to touch. There was only one thing to do. She cut a piece of chicken and stuffed it into her mouth. Her shoulders relaxed when he followed her lead.

“Still good?” she asked a few minutes later when her hormones had simmered down.

He looked up. “Yes. You continue to be right.”

She smiled. “I know.”

“So what do you do to relax if wine collecting doesn’t fit the bill?”

She drew her eyebrows together. “Relax?”

He chuckled. “Yeah, you know, the fun stuff you do when you’re not working.”

She set aside her plate. “Not working? People actually do that? Huh. Learn something new every day. Seriously though, nothing relaxes me more than playing the piano.”

He took a sip of wine. “For real? That’s cool. My mom put me in piano lessons at five, but I was hopeless.”

“You must have been so cute.”

Christian shook his head in mock hurt. “Only you would find my pain cute.”

She shrugged, struggling to hold in a laugh. “I am who I am.”

He looked around. “Do you have a piano? I didn’t see one.”

She hesitated before answering. “Yeah, I have a music room.”

He set aside his plate and studied her. “Why didn’t you show it to me?”

Elise averted her gaze. “Because. I don’t know. It’s my little sanctuary.”

“I get it.”

“Would you like to see it?” The question slipped out before she could think better of it.

His scrutiny intensified. “Only if you’re comfortable with it.”

Her first instinct was to take the lifeline he offered and rescind the invitation. But, no, that leaned way too close to gutless behavior for her taste. Showing him the room didn’t have to mean anything. Besides, they’d be in and out in three seconds. So yeah, she needed to chill. “I am. Are you done eating?”

He nodded. They deposited the dishes in the kitchen and continued on to the small room located at the far back of the house.

She sat at the piano, the leather seat of the bench depressing slightly under her weight. Immediately, a sense of calm descended over her. Even when her world was collapsing around her thanks to her mother’s illness, she’d always been able to find peace at the piano. Her mom had introduced her to the instrument. She always felt her mom’s presence when she played, encouraging her to be happy.

Her fingers plucked at the keys playing Beethoven’s “Fur Elise”. It wasn’t long, however, until she broke into a livelier tune.

His brow wrinkled. “What is that? It sounds familiar.”

She continued playing. “You can’t kid a kidder. I know you recognize the song. You can admit to being a fan. I’ll keep your secret.”

He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall next to the piano. “Who exactly am I a fan of?”

She finished the song with a flourish. “The Spice Girls. The song is ‘Wannabe.’”

He shook his head. “Can’t say I was a fan, but that song was unavoidable at a certain point in time.”

“I worshipped them when I was ten. Much to my dad’s dismay. He was all ‘play the classics.’ And if I was going to play something modern, couldn’t I stick to Motown hits from the sixties and seventies?” She laughed. “My mom encouraged me to play whatever I wanted. He eventually came around. Kind of. I hear him grumbling about how I should try some Stevie Wonder when I really get going, but it’s in good fun.”

“You and your dad are really close, aren’t you?”

“Yeah. I wouldn’t trade him in for anything. Well, maybe I’d trade a character trait or two, but never him. All we had was each other when my mom died from ovarian cancer when I was a kid. Lately, our relationship hasn’t been as easy as it used to be.” She shrugged, her thoughts turning inward. “But I’m going to live my life my way and do what makes me happy. I can’t worry about pleasing him anymore. He’ll come around eventually.”

When he remained silent, she glanced up at him. “Did your lessons take at all when you were a kid?”

He shuddered. “If you count the three music lessons my mom dragged me to when I was five before she wisely threw in the towel, then yeah.”

Laughing, she patted the space next to her. “Show me what you got, big shot.”

“Okay, but it’s your ears’ funeral.” Christian swung his long legs over the bench and sat next to her. She scooted over, but he was still too close. Still taking up too much space. Heat radiated from his big body, warming her.

He placed his fingers over the keys and clanged through the first notes of “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” Elise slammed a hand over her mouth. He stopped and glared. “You can stop snickering now.”

She tried to turn her laugh into a cough. “Is that what I’m doing? I would have classified it as more of a giggle.” His glare intensified. She laughed harder. “Sorry. Let me help you.” She placed her hands over his. The electric charge that ripped through her system almost made her snatch her hands away, but she caught herself in the nick of time. Because touching him was
a big deal. She cleared her throat. “You remembered the notes, kind of, at least. Now you need to feel them, not kill them.”

She guided his long fingers over the keys. When the song ended, she didn’t remove her hands. Neither did he. She stared at their hands, fingers now intertwined.

“Elise.” Christian’s voice rumbled next to her ear, sending a lick of fire down her skin.

“Hmm?” Not ready to acknowledge the electricity arcing between them, she kept her focus on their hands.

In lieu of a verbal reply, he pressed a soft kiss to her nape, his teeth lightly scraping her flesh. Acting instinctually, she tilted her neck to give him better access.

She’d played it so casual the entire night, determined to not think about where the night could lead, where she fantasized it would lead, but this wasn’t casual. Not even close. She slid her hands away and curled them in her lap to stop herself from reaching for him. “I think we have to stop.”

He nipped at her neck. “You


“No?” Hope, desire, and a hint of amusement made his voice all the sexier.

She had to resist. Right? Right. “No, I mean, no I don’t think. I
we should stop.”


Good question. Damn him. She’d answer him as soon as she remembered why she was so determined to resist him.

“Look at me.”

Unable to deny him any longer, unable to deny herself, she turned her gaze toward him.

The desire he made no effort to hide was her undoing. She lunged at him.

Oh, shit
was her last thought as her momentum carried them over the bench.

Christian fell on his back.

“Oof,” she said as she landed on top of his hard body. Was she okay? No pain was shooting through any parts of her body. Good. She wiggled. Her limbs were in working order. Christian hadn’t said anything. Pushing herself up on her hands, she rose a few inches and stared down at him. His eyes were closed. “Are you okay?” she whispered.

His eyes opened. “Yeah, I think so.”

She released a sigh of relief. Embarrassment started to take the place of her concern. He closed his eyes and started laughing. Oh God. She poked him in the chest. “What’s so funny?”

“We get real clumsy when we end up in this position.”

“Maybe it’s a sign.” She started to move off him.

His arms banded around her waist, holding her in place. “Where are you going?”

“Somewhere where I’m not draped all over you.” And can breathe and think clearly.

He clasped her neck and drew her mouth close to his. “What if I told you I was hurt? Would you kiss it and make it better?”

A delicious languor settled in her bones. She no longer remembered why she’d started to get up. “Depends on what’s hurt.”

“How about every place where you’re not touching me.”

“Hmm, sounds serious. I did think about becoming a doctor at one point in time. And I have watched my fair share of
Grey’s Anatomy
episodes. Let me see what I remember.”

Those gorgeous lips of his stretched wide. Yes, that’s where she’d start. She lowered herself and covered his mouth with hers. Teased him with small flicks of her tongue.

“Kiss me like you mean it,” he demanded.

Never one to resist a challenge, she went back for more and poured every ounce of yearning consuming her into the kiss. He was more than a willing participant, his mouth and tongue pure magic.

She eased back. Christian caught her gaze. The look in his eye—like he was searching deep into her soul—enthralled her. He knew the connection they had and wanted her to acknowledge it.

“Your mouth seems to be in good shape,” she said to lighten a mood that had gotten a bit too serious. “But I should check out your other body parts to make sure they’re fine.”

“Do your best.”

She scooted down his body a few inches to reach his neck. She pressed her mouth to his pulse point. His blood pumped hot and heavy against her lips. “Pulse seems to be okay, but I should really check your heart.”

Although her hands were shaking with desperation and anticipation, she managed to unbutton his shirt and push the two sides apart. What a vision. Sleek muscles covered in a light sprinkling of hair that only enhanced his pecs and abs and made her want to seek them out with her tongue.

Elise laid a kiss directly over his heart. His heartbeat thumped hard and fast against her lips. His skin was hot, like desire was burning him from the inside out. She swirled her tongue around his nipple, grinning when it beaded against her tongue. “Heart’s okay.” She slid her tongue down the line bisecting his abs. Here, his skin tasted salty. Delicious. “Torso is in working order.”

He dragged in deep breaths. “Elise.”

“Shh. Let me take care of you.” She attacked his belt and unzipped his pants. She pulled him out and stared. His erection stood long and firm. Hot against her hand. She followed a long, steady pull with a scrape of her nails along the length of him.

He hissed out a breath. “Elise.”

He was beautiful. She wanted to taste him. Her mouth watered at the thought. She scooted back down his long legs and lowered her head.

In an instant, she was on her back, staring at the ceiling, her hands pinned to her side. “What the…Why did you do that? I was about to have some fun.”

From above her, Christian grinned a dangerous smile. “Next time. Promise. I need to be inside you. Now.” The wild look in his eyes gave credence to his statement. Raw, unchecked desire. A man who’d reached his limit. “Stay.”

Like she could do anything else when he grabbed a condom from his wallet and slid it on. Yes, she wanted him inside her.

He pushed up her skirt and curled his fingers inside her panties. “Remember when I called you and you wouldn’t answer?”

She swallowed. “Yes.”

“Want to know why I called?”

“Yes.” More than she wanted to admit.

“Because I kept fantasizing about the next time I would be with you. I told myself I would go slow and not ruin your underwear.”

Her voice came out breathy. Aroused. “You did?”

“I did. But these are soaked.” His fingers slid inside her. “Almost as wet as you are.” She bit her lip to keep from whimpering.

His fingers did some maneuvering inside her that stole her breath. Then the pressure of his fingers disappeared. Christian’s eyes met hers. “I’m going to keep my promise. This time.”

He eased her panties off, then positioned himself and slid into her, filling her completely.

A rush of pleasure ripped through her so hard and fast, it left her only capable of letting out a low moan. His thrusts were long, hard, powerful. Exactly what she needed. She raised her pelvis and hooked one leg around his waist, urging him on. She wanted harder. Faster. He gave it to her. Driving her closer to the edge. She worked up enough energy to whisper “more.” He gave it to her. The pressure built inside her until it exploded in a blinding flash of light.

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