The Deception (44 page)

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Authors: Marina Martindale

BOOK: The Deception
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Jonathan finally broke the silence. "Sorry, son, but that was the wrong answer."

Alex turned to his own father.

"Don't look at me," said Armando, "I'm on his side. Look, Alex, no child wants to be born out of wedlock, and we're most certainly not going to allow it to happen to our grandchild."

Alex looked at Carrie. "So, what about you?"


"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"It's not that I don't love you Alex..."

"But you're siding with them, aren't you?" She shrugged her shoulders and nodded her head. Alex threw his hands in the air in mock despair. "Okay, you all win. I guess this means I lost my case."

"Don't worry, Alex." Carrie patted him on the back. "It happens from time to time. You'll get over it."

"So, did the two of you have your hearts set on a big wedding with all the trimmings?" asked Jonathan.

"Not really," she replied. "I mean a big wedding's nice, if you have the time. We don't, and besides, they cost a lot of money."

"Don't worry about the cost, Carrie, I'm taking care of it."

"Thanks, Jonathan," said Alex, "I appreciate the thought, but we can handle it."

"You two might want to save your money for other things, like starting up a college fund. She's my daughter, so I'll take care of it. Since I wasn't there when she was younger, I need to do whatever I can to make things up to her now. I've already picked up the tab for her legal expenses, so--"

"That was you?" asked Carrie, amazed.

"Well off course it was me. Who'd you think it was?"

"Honestly, I had no idea, but of course, now it all makes sense." She walked up and kissed him. "Thank you, Daddy for being there. That was such a horrible nightmare."

"But as bad as it was, Cara Mia, it led me back to you, so now we're going to move forward, to much better days, okay?"

"Okay," she said as she gave him another hug and kiss.

"And since I'm the father of the bride, it's settled," said Jonathan. "So what we have to decide next is where and when, and the sooner, the better."

"I'm on bed rest for at least a week, Dad, and they won't be releasing you for a few more days. We both need some time to recuperate."

"I understand that, Cara Mia, but we need to get this done before you start showing."

"In that case we have some time. I'm only in my ninth week."

As they were talking, Billie Hughes stepped in. Carrie quickly introduced her to her father and the others. "They're arraigning Maggie Andrews this afternoon at two o'clock," she explained. "I need to go over some things with you and Jonathan. So if the rest of you don't mind?"

"No problem," said Julia. "While you're doing that, I'll step into Carrie's room to make some phone calls." She looked at Alex. "The Double-Diamond is a special place for the two of you? Right?"

"Yes, very special," said Alex.

"They do weddings, and they're also one of our clients. I'll give them a call to find out what dates they have open, and to see what they can do."

Julia stepped out, taking rest of the family, and Alex's parents, with her. Alex stayed behind with Carrie.

"Don't mind us," said Carrie to Billie, "we're just planning a little wedding."

I understand, and congratulations
." She stopped to admire the ring.

"What are the charges against Maggie so far?" asked Alex.

"Four counts of attempted first-degree murder."

"Good. So that means they're charging her for trying to kill the baby as well, and it sounds like Scott Andrews is still alive."

"He was, the last we checked. Apparently, it was touch and go for most of the night last night, but he rallied early this morning. Now they're saying he has a fifty-fifty chance. His
arrived shortly after midnight. She tells me that once he's stable enough to travel she plans to take him, and the kids, back to Kansas City."

"You know, those kids really are the other victims," said Alex. "They nearly lost their father and they'll most certainly lose their mother as well. Without a doubt, Maggie will spend the rest of her life in prison. What was she thinking?"

"That she'd never get caught," said Billie. "Ken O'Dell said she was one of the most defiant criminals he's ever dealt with."

They got down to business, getting one last interview with both Jonathan and Carrie.

"That should do it." Billie dropped her notepad into her purse. "I'm heading back to the office, then I'll be going to the arraignment."

"I'll see you there," said Alex.

"You're going?" asked Carrie.

"I wouldn't miss it. I plan on being there each and every step of the way until she's carted off to prison. I intend to see that justice is served."

"As do I," added Jonathan. "Julia will be there as well."

A nurse came to check on Jonathan. Carrie kissed her father goodbye and Alex walked her to back her room where they found Julia, Catherine and Penelope busy going over notes on Julia's tablet while Danny and Armando stood off to the side. Penelope walked up to Carrie.

"Danny and I are heading back to Tucson," she said. "He needs to get back to school and I need to get back as well." She gave Carrie hug, holding the embrace. "You have no idea how happy I am to finally have my granddaughter back."

"Me too, Grandma. I've missed you, so much."

She gave her brother a goodbye hug before walking them to the door.

"You know, they're good people," said Armando after they'd stepped out. "I really think Linda should have allowed him to see Carrie. He's a good father."

"He is now," agreed Julia, "however Jonathan's admitted that there were many, many times when Linda came home from work to find Carrie hungry, crying and neglected, while he was so high on coke that he was completely unaware of anything being wrong."

"I can't even begin to imagine what that must have been like," said Catherine.

"I can't either," agreed Julia. "He's been an incredibly good father to Danny, but he still feels a tremendous amount of guilt over you, Carrie, so please, let him take care of the wedding for you. He needs to do this for himself as much as for you." She reached for her tablet. "The Double-Diamond has an opening for a wedding the first weekend in April. That's about eight weeks from now, which should be more than enough time for both of you to fully recover."

"That'll put me at four months. So if I am showing by then, it won't be very much."

"Then let's book it," said Alex, looking at his parents. "Will that work for you?"

"You tell us when and we'll be there," said Armando. "And as long as it's a weekend your brother can make it too."

"And I've already told Julia that I can help her," added Catherine. "So don't worry, you kids will have a nice wedding, even if it is on short notice."

Julia started making more notes while the nurse came back into the room.

"I need to change the bandages, and once I've finished with the rest of your paperwork you can go home."

"Thank goodness." Carrie laid back down on the bed. She pulled up her top just enough to expose the bandage.

"Oh my God," said Alex as the nurse removed it.

"Actually, it's healing quite nicely," she said reassuringly, "and there's no sign of any infection." As she put on fresh bandages, she noticed Alex looked a little green.

"I can help take care of it," said Catherine. "He's a bit squeamish."

"Better get used to it," said Julia. "You'd be amazed at all the cuts, scrapes, skinned knees and other things kids will get."

"I couldn't agree more," said another woman's voice.

They looked up to see Reggie entering the room with a bouquet of flowers, greeting Carrie with as hug as the nurse left.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you safe and sound. I was standing near the exit yesterday when the shooting started. I saw both you, and Jonathan, going down. I tried to help, but the security guards were already blocking the exits and holding us back. Next thing I knew there were police cars and helicopters everywhere and everyone inside the atrium was watching live newsfeeds on their tablets. Then I started hearing people saying you'd been killed." She reached into her purse for a tissue. "Sorry guys, I'm still pretty shook."

"It's okay, Reggie," assured Carrie. "We're both fine now. They're even thinking that Scott Andrews might make it."

Reggie was brought up to date on Carrie's condition and told about Jonathan being her father. Like the others, the news took her by complete surprise. Carrie and Alex then showed her the diamond engagement ring.

"Well, it's about time, Alex. You still have some vacation time coming, so don't worry, you can have a honeymoon. Have you set the date yet?"

"First Saturday in April," he replied, "and the wedding's in Tucson, so anyone who wants to attend should be able to."

The nurse came back in to announce that Carrie had just been released. She took a few minutes to go over her discharge instructions.

"Someone will be bringing in a wheelchair shortly," she explained, "but with all the press hanging around we plan on taking her out the back. Problem is, there are reporters stationed at all the doors, even the service entrances. We can send some security guards with her, but be aware that you're still probably going to be hounded by the press."

"Wait a minute," said Armando, looking at Reggie. "Would you mind standing next to her?" Reggie walked over and stood next to Carrie. "See that? They're close to the same height and weight, and their hair looks similar too."

"I know where you're going, Dad, and I think it'll work." Alex turned to Carrie. "Would you mind if Reggie put on your robe and your slippers?"

"Not at all." Carrie began taking them out of her overnight bag.

"Are you okay with this, Reggie? We'll take you out first, load you into my car and take off. Then, as soon as the reporters leave, my parents can take Carrie home."

"Are you kidding? It sounds like fun. Besides, I'd just as soon share a ride with you to the arraignment. I'll even buy lunch, as long as you bring me back to my car later."

"Can I go with you?" asked Julia. "I'm planning on going to the arraignment as well, and afterwards I need to go pick up Jonathan's car. It was parked in one of the parking garages. Hopefully, it's still there."

Alex jotted down his cell phone number on the back of one of his business cards.

"Let me know if there's a problem with the car, Julia. I'll take care of it."

Reggie put on Carrie's robe and slippers while the nurse stepped away to get a second wheelchair.

"Your shoes are in my overnight bag." Carrie handed it to Reggie. "And I'll need you to take some of the flowers with you as well."

"We'll take care of the flowers," said Julia. "Just go tell your father goodbye."

Carrie stepped out, returning just in time for both wheelchairs to arrive. She grabbed her purse and the roses before taking her seat in one as Reggie sat down in the other. Both women put their sunglasses on and Reggie looked at Carrie.


"Let's do it," replied Carrie.

Reggie placed the overnight bag in her lap. Julia gathered up the rest of the flowers while Alex kissed Carrie goodbye and headed out to the parking lot with his father. The rest of them took the service elevator to the back door where they nervously waited for Alex. A few minutes later, the white Camaro pulled up. Both women took a deep breath as the attendant opened the door and wheeled Reggie outside. The reporters and cameramen began to swarm around them. Julia quickly scrambled into the backseat, as Alex helped Reggie into the passenger seat. Once she was settled he hoped in and took off.

"Damn, that was scary," said Reggie as they pulled away. "One second thought, you're buying lunch today, Montoya."

"That can be arranged." Alex turned onto the main road. "Did they take the bait?"

"Hook, line and sinker," said Julia as she peered out the back window. "Don't look now, but we've got one, make that two, news trucks behind us."

"We've got some time before the arraignment, so I'll give them the scenic tour, then I'll buy you two ladies lunch. Meantime, Reggie, would you mind calling Carrie? I need to make sure she got out all right."

Reggie pulled out her phone and placed the call. A few minutes later she turned back to Alex.

"She says they got out without any incident, and they're stopping at a drive thru on the way home."



ouise Dickenson put on her robe and stepped outside to fetch the morning paper. She brought it in and dropped it on the kitchen table, unfolding it as she sipped her coffee. A big smile broke out across her face.

"Look Karl, they've published some of the photos I took yesterday on the front page, and the caption credits me as the photographer."

"That's nice."

"Of course it's nice. Look out Phoenix, Louise Dickenson is back."

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