The Deception (46 page)

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Authors: Marina Martindale

BOOK: The Deception
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"I used to come here, a lot, when I first came to Tucson," explained Jonathan. "I'd find a nice, tranquil spot, like this one, and I'd sit for hours, trying to figure out how I was going to put the pieces of my life back together without putting another spoon up my nose."

"I can't even imagine what that must have been like. I'll admit I tried smoking a little pot once at a party back in college, but I didn't really like it. All it did was give me a bad headache. I just wasn't into the drug scene."

"That's good to know, Cara Mia, and I certainly don't want drug addiction to become a family legacy. I've been honest and upfront with your brother about all of this, but he's at the age and stage where I'm really starting to worry. Fortunately, with his interest in sports, he's surrounding himself with a good group of kids. Peer pressure is a big factor too, you know. That's how I got mislead. I'd made some poor choices for friends."

"Unfortunately, Dad, I too succumbed to a so-called friend's influence, and as a result I now have my own checkered past that I have to live with."

"I know, and one of the reasons why I brought you here today is so we can talk about it. None of us can undo what happened, but Alex and I have been able to do some damage control."

"What do you mean?"

"Alex decided not to mention this you at the time, but the day she was killed, Louise Dickenson had told him that she planned to sell the rights to all your photos to
Gentry Magazine

Carrie couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her biggest fear was coming to life.

"What! She couldn't do that. Please don't tell me this whole nightmare is starting up again."

"Relax, Cara Mia, it's okay." He reached over and patted her arm. "Reggie filed an emergency injunction that very day with the court. Later on, we found out Louise had died before she'd signed the contract, so none of the photos were ever sent to the magazine. The deal never went through."

"That's all well and good, but upon her death the rights would have automatically gone to Karl, since he's her heir. So what's to stop him from selling the rights?"

"He already has."

"What! I don't believe this."

"Calm down, Carrie. Please, let me explain. Apparently, Karl was more of a friend to you than you were aware. He says he never backed Louise on the lawsuit. In fact, he says he tried to convince her to drop it."

"I see." Carrie's tone indicated she was unconvinced.

"The day you came down here Karl called Alex. He said he's trying to settle Louise's estate. He plans to dispose of her computer and all of her photography equipment, and he wanted to know if you were interested."

"I know. Alex called me, but I told him I already have everything I need."

"And that's what Alex told Karl. Then he said he wanted to get rid of the photos of you. He says he wants Louise to be remembered for her commercial work, you know, things like the Mercer's Markets ads, and he felt those particular photos tarnished her image as well as yours, so he signed the rights over to Alex."

"What? You're joking. So why didn't Alex tell me this?"

"Because we both wanted it to be a surprise."

"Oh I'm surprised, alright." There was a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"Now, don't be angry, Cara Mia, it's all worked out for the best. Alex took the paperwork over to Karl's house and signed it. He had a number of unsold prints leftover from that gallery in Scottsdale, so Alex took them." Jonathan stopped to clear his throat. "So, whatever happens to them now is up to the two of you, and I don't need to know."

"Thanks, Dad. I'm sure he and I will figure something out."

"Anyway, there's more to the story. The files were still on Louise's computer, and Karl wants to include the computer in the estate sale, so that's when Alex called me. Yesterday morning I drove up to Phoenix and I replaced the hard drive. While I was there, Karl gave me all of Louise's memory cards. He says he's deleted all of them, but he wanted you to have them as a token of his good will."

Jonathan reached into his backpack, handing her a small envelope. She opened it and inspected the contents.

"Thanks, Dad. Now these I can use. I can never have too many memory cards." She immediately stuffed the envelope into her pocket.

"Wait, there's more." Once again Jonathan reached into his backpack, this time removing a plastic bag. "Think of this as an early wedding present from me to you."

He opened the bag and removed Louise's hard drive. He reached back into his backpack, this time taking out a hammer.

"You understand, Carrie, that we can't go back and get the prints that have already been sold, but what I can guarantee is that once this hard drive is destroyed, no others can ever be printed, and all of the unused photos will remain unseen forever. So, would you like to do the honor?"

"With pleasure."

Jonathan handed her the hard drive and the hammer. She carefully placed it on top of a rock, lifted up the hammer, and smashed it with all her might. He quickly gathered up all the broken pieces and dropped them back into the bag.

"And with that, Cara Mia, it's all over. At least as much as it can be."

Carrie wrapped her arms around him and held him tight.

"I love you, Daddy."

"I love you too. Now let's get going. We need to go home and change before we head over to the rehearsal."





he following day's forecast called for partly cloudy skies and mild temperatures and the weatherman delivered. As soon as breakfast was over, Carrie packed her bags and headed off to the Double-Diamond Resort for her appointment at the spa and beauty salon. Allison would meet her there, and after a few hours of pampering, it would be time to go up to her suite to get ready for the wedding.

Allison had helped her find the perfect bridal gown. It was a simple yet elegant tea-length dress in ivory satin with lace trim and a loose-fitting bodice. Completing the ensemble was a pair of ivory-colored Mary Janes and a wide-brimmed matching hat trimmed with silk flowers and lace.

"Oh no, please don't tell me." Carrie was smoothing out the front of her dress as Allison zipped up the back.

"What's wrong?"

"I've got a baby bump."

"You sure do," said Allison, "but barely shows. You'll be holding your flowers in front of you, so I doubt anyone will see it, and even if they do, it's not like it's a big secret."

"I've noticed lately that all my clothes have been getting too tight on me, so a couple days ago Julia and I went shopping for maternity clothes. I just didn't expect to be wearing them on my honeymoon."

"Well, I wouldn't worry about it. From what I know about the two of you, neither one of you will have your clothes on for much of time anyway."

They both burst out laughing. Afterwards, Allison helped her with her hat and jewelry She was also loaning her an antique blue cameo necklace.

"Now you've got something old, borrowed and blue, all at the same time, which means you have everything you need to be a happy bride."

"Allie, I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything. Just know that I love you, and I'm happy to see you finally marrying the man of your dreams. I knew, even back in high school, that you two were meant for one another, but I guess both of you had to go out and experience life's hard knocks in order to figure it out for yourselves."

"I'm so glad to have you here with me, and you look stunning too. You did a great job picking out your dress."

Allison glanced at her watch. "Whoops. The photographer is supposed to be here in five minutes."

They quickly finished putting on the final touches. Exactly five minutes later they heard a knock at the door. Allison looked through the peephole.

"It's your dad, Carrie, and the wedding photographer is with him."

She opened the door to let them in. Jonathan looked handsome in his tuxedo. Other than the glasses and the slightly graying hair, he looked much as he did in the old photo Alex had found in her mother's papers. A photo that was now framed and proudly displayed in their home. As she greeted her father with a kiss, the wedding photographer came in to shoot a few photos of the bridal party. Before long it was time to get in the elevator and head down.

"Are you ready, Cara Mia?"

"I'm ready, Dad. How 'bout you?"

"Let's do it."

Allison led the way. The wedding was being held on the lawn near the pool
, at the same spot where Carrie and Alex had once danced under the stars. A wedding arch, decorated with flowers, had been set up. Alex was waiting in front of it, decked out in his tux, with Mark standing beside him. As Jonathan walked her up the aisle and handed her over to Alex his eyes opened wide.

"You've got a baby bump," he whispered under his breath.

"I know," she whispered back with wink and a smile.

The minister gave them both a look before clearing his throat and beginning the ceremony. Once it was over, and the pictures were taken, they walked into a nearby tent where the reception was being held. As their guest greeted them with applause, the deejay began playing "Unchained Melody."

"Would you like to have this dance, Mrs. Montoya?"

"I'd be honored, Mr. Montoya."

Alex escorted her to the dance floor. Steve and Allison joined them, along with Jonathan and Julia, and George and Betty McCormick. Before long most of the other guests were on the dance floor as well.

"So, are you happy, Carrie-Anne. Really happy?"

"Yes, Alex. This has been the happiest day of my life. And you? Any regrets?"

"None. Well, maybe one."

"And what's that?"

"That we ever allowed ourselves to lose touch with one another in the first place." She rested her head on his shoulder as he led her around the dance floor. "But you know what, Carrie-Anne? You're still my best friend."

"And you're my best friend too, Alex. Now and forever."




cott Andrews survived, but he continued on a long, painful road to recovery. He remained hospitalized for several weeks, having to undergo additional surgery before finally being well enough to return to Kansas City. By then, all the charges against him had been dropped. While he was recuperating, he married Nancy in a civil ceremony. Sarah, Ben, and Nancy's adult son, were the witnesses.

Maggie remained in jail, held without bond and without the means to hire an attorney. She continued to be represented by an over-worked, under-paid public defender. The case against her was strong. Even without Louise Dickenson's testimony, her photos were more than incriminating enough to prove her guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. With no other options available to her, Maggie finally asked her attorney to negotiate a guilty plea, hoping the judge would show mercy and give her a lighter sentence. After following the proper protocol, a sentencing hearing was scheduled for the Wednesday after Labor Day.

Alex woke up that morning to the usual sound of his alarm, but when he turned over he found himself alone in bed. Carrie's due date was only days away, so he quickly got up to look for her. He found her sitting at the dining table, sipping a cup of chamomile tea.

"Are you alright, Carrie-Anne?"

"I don't know." She took another sip of her tea. "I've been up since four-thirty this morning. I woke up with a backache. I guess I must have slept crooked or something, and then the baby's been kicking up a storm. So I decided that as long as I was up, I'd do a little housecleaning. I was just taking a break."

"Delores can do that, and she'll here soon. Do you feel up to going to the hearing?"

"I have to, Alex. She's the one who sent those photos to
Gentry Magazine
, and then she tried to kill me, and our baby. This is my one chance to confront her in a court of law. I don't care how lousy I feel, I have to have closure."

"I understand, Carrie-Anne, and I have to have closure too." He squeezed her hand and gave her pregnant belly a pat before going into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. When he returned, he went over their plans for the day.

"As it turns out, I have to be back in court today myself. The hearing I had yesterday is taking longer than expected, so we have to finish up this morning. The judge agreed to hold off until after Maggie's hearing which, as you know, is at nine o'clock. It shouldn't be more than an hour at the most, and then I'm due back in the other courtroom at ten. I figured your father wouldn't mind giving you a ride home."

"No, he won't--" Carrie abruptly stopped. "Dang that smarts."

"What's wrong? You're not having contractions, are you?"

"No, just some really sore back muscles. I'm okay. I'm not due for a few more days, remember?"

"I know, but even so, let's take it easy."

"I'm fine, Alex." She was beginning to sound irritated. "I promise, once the hearing's over, I'll head straight home and lie down, so stop worrying. Meantime, could you do me one little favor?"

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