The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4) (11 page)

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Authors: Kathy Coopmans

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4)
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“I’m still kicking your ass when this is all over.” Aidan and his damn smart mouth with the steam rolling out of it. He may be a big fucker, but he’s as much of a pussy on the inside as the rest of us. He isn’t kicking anyone’s ass, and he knows it. Asshole.

“No one’s kicking my ass again, fucker, so bring it. Now, I don’t know about any of you, but hell, I have one beautiful woman around here somewhere. Like Salvatore said, let’s enjoy the amenities.” I hear Aidan growl, Cain laugh, and Roan say shit I don’t even want to repeat when I walk out of the door and head toward the front desk.

I tip the concierge when he hands me my bag then make my way to the elevators with one hell of a smile on my face as I visualize the stoic expression on Miguel’s face when whoever Ivan has on the inside surprises that fucker. I hope they fuck him with his own dick. The sick asshole. One down and a few more to go.

As I step off the elevator, I use the key card to Anna’s room she gave me before I left. I have a beaming ass smile on my face. That is, until I pull my phone out of my pocket, noticing a voicemail.

I toss my bag on the bed and hover over the button. The number is unfamiliar, but yet I know damn well whose it is. I knew the minute I looked at my phone.

It’s not Jazmin. It’s her brother. I know damn well it is. Making my way to the couch, I sit down and place the phone on the coffee table, then hit the listen icon along with speaker. I thank god Anna isn’t in here when his threats swarm out of my phone.

“Dilan Levy,” Juan speaks in his heavy accent. “There’s an old tale about weddings. Certain days of the week, and certain months of the year, are better than others for a wedding. It seems your family did not choose the right day. You see, Mondays you marry for health, which up until now, your family is healthy. Tuesdays are for wealth, which I could care less about at the moment. Wednesdays are for best of all, that one fits. See, I wish you all the best in this war you have started. Thursdays are for losses, which you will have plenty. Fridays are for crosses. I will make sure several of them are tossed on top of your graves. And Saturdays, this one is my favorite of all, especially since that was the day your piece of shit cousin was married. You see, they mean no luck at all. You’ve crossed me, Dilan Levy. Stay and enjoy your last few days on this earth. Your luck has run out.” I lean forward and save his voicemail, chuckling at the stupidity of the way he has delivered his threat.

“You forgot the best tale of them all, asshole. This one could give a shit what day, year, or goddamn decade it is.”
Dogs howling in the dark of night howl for death before daylight.





The muscles in my body feel like a piece of sponge cake after being massaged for an hour and a half. They’re springy, pliable, and yielding to my own body. I’m refreshed.

All the ladies went to lunch together, including Dilan’s mother, Ginny. I fell in love with her immediately. She adores her son. Even though she carries her worry and fear well, you could still tell by the dark circles under her eyes she’s frightened for his safety as well as everyone else’s . None of us know what’s happening behind those doors the men are gathered, what plans are being derived. We won’t find out either. They will keep it to themselves, tell us what they feel we need to know. But no damn way will I be left in the dark. The dark sucks. I will not let anyone attempt to destroy, hurt, or destruct anyone in this family.

I want to look at it as the beginning of Dilan and I, and the end of them.

Ginny, it seems, had no idea about the feelings Dilan and I have for each other, or anything at all about our past, until my mother cornered me the first chance she got. A spark immediately framed Ginny’s dreary eyes when she overheard.

And my mom. God, I love her, but she needs to back off. Worrying is one thing, telling me what to do is another. I mean, she knows what kind of woman I am. I have more respect for myself than I do for anyone else. It’s all because of her and the way she raised me.

When she told me how worried she was about me, I tried to set her at ease. I explained how Dilan and I talked, that we’re working it out, leaving out the private details. I understand that she’s concerned for me. She’s my mother. But she needs to let me go, let me take care of myself. The minute I told her as calmly as I could that Dilan had his reasons for doing what he did, she wanted to know more, but I cut her off at that point. She does not need to know more than that. That’s when Ginny stepped into our conversation. Maybe she wanted to calm my mom down before she went into hysterics or became irrational like she often does when it comes to protecting me. I don’t know. But whatever the two of them talked about seemed to set my mom at ease, and I’m grateful for that.

After that, we diligently talked about our jobs, while mom talked about Ramsey. Then Ginny directed her attention to me. She’s graceful, caring, and I’m so happy Dilan has a supportive family. He’s going to need them. We’re all going to need each other when it comes down to it.

She’s a delightful woman, and I’m thankful my mom and her hit it off so well. She’s taken her mind off of me, distracted her in ways I couldn’t. I’ll never be able to express my gratitude enough.

Guilt strikes me hardcore for thinking the way I do. My mom witnessed my downward spiral more than anyone after Dilan left. She’s seen me at my lowest. I’m desperate now to find him.

The three of have been standing in the hallway for the past half hour, but I excuse myself, leaving the two of them to discuss whatever dinner plans they are making for the evening.

I begin to search around the hotel until I find all the girls. When I approach them, I see they’re shopping online, all of them sprawled across the couch like they own the place, with their feet up on the glass table and their heads huddled together. Alina studies the screen with brightness in her eyes. Her demeanor is sweet. Not one shred of bitterness whatsoever shows in her appearance. I listen intently as they laugh and talk about whatever it is they are looking to buy. Family. Love. Those are the words popping in my head right now as I make my way to where they are.

My mind also goes right to Dilan. I know he is going to beat himself up about them still being here. By the way Alina is laughing at something Deidre points out on the computer though, I’m guessing Roan and her are here by choice, not because of the fact that something dreadful has happened.

“Anna.” Alina looks up from the computer. Her calling out my name has the others looking up as well. Both Deidre and Calla have their adorable children on their laps, who are wiggling desperately to be let down. I’m assuming they needed to have their children here with them again, needed to know they are safe. I’m in love with this new family of mine. Right down to these little children, who steal your heart the minute they look at you with their mouths half full of teeth and their eyes full of mischief. Adorable.

“Did you have fun last night?” Deidre’s eyebrows shoot up, a knowing smirk on her face. “Did you?” I retort back. “Oh, you know I did.” She rubs the bump on her belly. “Deidre, mind your own business. I swear you need to walk around with a gag in your mouth at times,” Alina says then rolls her eyes. “Oh, listen to you talk, Mrs. Diamond. The minute you let your husband inside of your super-glued vajayjay, you couldn’t wait to tell me. And I like being gagged with my man’s big co—” Calla reaches up and slams her hand across Deidre’s mouth. She finishes her sentence through her muffled mouth. The four of us burst out laughing so hard, we have people staring at us like the crazy women we are.

“We talked,” I say then wink. I’m not giving her any more, that nosy little busy body with no filter in her mouth. She probably lost even more of her filter the moment she fell for Aidan. He lets words roll off of his tongue and doesn’t care who’s around to hear them. I love how we all accept each other for the way we are, not giving a crap how you act or what you do.

“Whatever. Don’t tell us all about the sexy, tatted-up Dilan Levy then. Come and shop with us. Alina has all her sexy honeymoon lingerie with her. Calla and I are shopping. Figured we may as well make the best of our stay here.” Her eyes go back to the screen. “Why I spend money on this stuff I will never know. Cain just rips it off of me anyway.” Calla hikes Justice back onto her lap.

“Well, I for one cannot afford it, I’m sure.” Although, the thought of Dilan ripping anything off of me and having him take me hard and fast sends a streak of heat through me that spikes up my temperature to damn near boiling.. I’m ready to be fucked.

I peak over the top of their heads to see the site they are shopping at, and damn near gasp when I see some of the prices. Agent Provocateur. Definitely not in my price range.

“He rips it off of you, because it turns him the hell on,” Deidre addresses Calla then turns to me. “And you, Little Miss Thing, will be buying something too. I’ve already found the perfect thing for you.” I look at her knowingly. My friends all know I’m a virgin. Well, they may think I lost it last night, but I’m not telling them. Especially the mouth from the south here. Knowing her, she would broadcast it in the middle of Times Square with her big mouth. I love her though.

“All right, let me see it,” I give in curiously.

She clicks a few times until the screen pops up. “Oh, wow. It’s…” “So you, Anna. Yes, I know,” she agrees delightfully.

“It’s beautiful, Anna. Dilan would love it,” Alina chimes in.

I love it. It’s simple but sexy. A lavender silk bra with black lace and a matching thong.

“I just need your bra size, then we can call the order in. They’ll bring our things to us.” They all look so hopeful and happy. “How much is it?” I ask.

“Worth every penny you spend.” Deidre’s answer has us all laughing. I imagine what Dilan’s expression would be when he saw me in this. That rush of desire spreading in between my legs boils over. I want him in ways I’m sure all three of my friends, who are so happily in love, desire their men. I exhale. I hate to spend the money, but I also know I would give my last dollar to do anything to make Dilan happy. Lingerie it is. He did tell me I was naughty after all. This ensemble screams naughty, seductive, and dangerous. I give Deirdre my bra size. Her brows lift when I expose it. “This bra is going to have his eyeballs bouncing off the walls, especially with tits like yours.” I roll my eyes. I swear to god all this woman has on her mind is sex. Even when she’s trying to help me out, pushing me to do things I’ve never done before. Like spending money I don’t really have on lingerie. She then hands Diesel to Alina, picks up her phone, and places our order as she clicks away and rattles off everything, charging it to her account of course. The devious bitch.

“They’ll be here in an hour,” she declares after she hangs up. “Great. Let’s find something for these two little cuties to do while we wait,” Alina says.

“I’m happy for you.” Deidre laces her arm through mine as we trail behind Alina and Calla down the long hallway, watching them chase after Justice and Diesel. This place has everything. We’re headed to the gift shop, because Deidre claimed she needs a snack.

“I’m happy too. This place is beautiful, but I know Dilan wants out of here. We’ve all been through enough, don’t you think?” I change the subject. Even though my friends seem to not be bothered by us having to be here, trapped once again, I need to know for my own peace of mind they’re not angry about it. This isn’t what Dilan had planned. He never wanted to put anyone in danger. He told me so before he left the room, his guilt written all over his face. And now with Roan here, he’s going to feel like absolute shit.

“We have. Remember though, we’re a family. A family that sticks together. We have each other’s backs, Anna. Besides, a few days in this place… Who can complain?” She spreads her arms out wide. This place is beautiful; it’s not home though. Nor is it normal. Our lives will never be normal. We will always try and protect ourselves in some sort of bubble. It’s the day that bubble pops that scares the living shit out of me. Why do I feel that day is approaching rapidly? Will any of us be able to handle it when it does?

Deidre starts to talk again, bringing my thoughts out of the darkness that has taken over my mind. “Our lives are all coming together. You and Dilan are perfect for each other. And I know you’re going to come out of this stronger. Yes, it’s bullshit we cannot go home. But hell, if your room is anything like ours, then consider this a mini vacation. Take advantage of it.” She signals with her hand once again. She’s so right. Everyone loves the comfort of their own home. This place however, does feel like a vacation. Besides, it’s cold outside. Freezing. I smile, thinking the possibilities here are endless. I know that Dilan and I are not where the rest of our family and friends are in their relationships. But that doesn’t mean we don’t know each other. We do. I remember everything he’s told me about himself, and I want to know more. I want it all with him. The happy and the sad. The ups and downs, and all of the in-betweens. I want to know I have someone who cares and accepts me for who I am. My heart and soul. The pit that grows from nothing and shields you from destruction. I want the contentment.

I grip my fingers around hers as we walk into the gift shop, my mood upturned. I’m ready to face life and those who wish to destroy this family head-on.

“Finally.” I slump up against the door when I enter my room, my pink Provocateur bag in hand.

“Finally what?” Dilan startles me when he comes around the corner. “Those women can shop,” I say, exhausted. The minute I see him, all exhaustion is gone, like the wind blowing from one place to the next. He thrills me.

I was hoping to beat him here, to be lying in bed when he comes in. The way he looked at me last night, like he wanted to have me for all three meals with just a simple black, strapless bra on, will be nothing compared to the look he’s going to give me when I’m wearing nothing but the sexy little items I have now. That bra barely holds my breasts in, and I don’t even want to think about how little that scrap of panties covers my ass. I’m turning myself on just thinking about it. My nipples are hard. My pussy is having a Dilan attack. I’m addicted. I want to be fucked in the hardest way possible.

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