Read The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4) Online

Authors: Kathy Coopmans

Tags: #General Fiction

The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4) (3 page)

BOOK: The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4)
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“My little girl is all grown up. And quite the knockout. That dress looks heavenly on you, dear.” She pulls me in for a hug.

“Thanks, mom.”

“Well, let me escort two of the most gorgeous women in, shall I?” Each of us loop our arms through his. We find seats in the middle of the church. I find myself looking around for the one person I hope to see. When I don’t find him, a ping of disappointment bellows through me. His loss, I suppose, if he doesn’t show up. He better though. Not for me, but for Roan. I know how badly he wants him here.

I take the next few minutes to look around. It’s simple, yet elegant. There are light-cream-colored ribbons at the end of each pew, adorned with dark green flowers. The same flowers and candles in every shape and size embellish the front of the church. It screams Alina. Rare, pure, and elegant.

More people trickle in and just as I expected, before long, the place is packed. Small and simple, they said. If this is small, then I wonder what big looks like. There are several hundred people here. I smile, knowing all of these people are here to witness a love like I’ve never seen before. Well, that’s not entirely true. Cain and Calla along with Aidan and Deidre’s love speak volumes too. As soon as the music starts, I remind myself that someday, I will be loved like that. I deserve to be.

It’s in the moment I stand up when Alina begins to walk down the aisle with her father, that I see the man I was hoping to see. Only he doesn’t look like the same man. No, this man has much longer hair, dark sunglasses on, and his arm around a tall, beautiful, long-haired brunette.

My heart stops. I can’t breathe. I know he sees me through those glasses. And when he lifts his hands and takes them off, his eyes holding mine, I falter in my confidence, because he’s not looking at me the same way he used to. No, he is most assuredly not. His mask is blank. Void, as if he doesn’t even know me at all. He’s full of shit. It may have been a while since we’ve seen each other, but he’s a liar if I’ve ever known one. And I’ve known a few in my short years. He wants me as much as I want him. Nevertheless, he’s here with someone else. And damn it, that hurts.





Shit. Just my luck. The minute I walk through the door, my mom spots me. “Dilan.” She looks me up and down. Her disapproval of my attire is written all over her. I know my appearance is different from the last time she saw me. My hair is longer. I haven’t shaved in a week. At least I’m dressed up, a little. Black dress pants. Black button-up shirt. She hates black, unless it’s black tie. Which in this case, it is. This is as close to black tie as I’m going to get. She’ll have to deal with it.

I’m practically choking to death on my own guilt now that I’m here. I should have worn a suit jacket. No damn way am I wearing a tie though. I’d hang myself with the damn thing by the time this night is over. Especially with this greedy, money hungry, powerful, and dangerous woman by my side.

“It’s so good to see you.” She approaches, leans in for a hug. “I’ve missed you too, mom,” I say truthfully, wrapping her in my arms. “You look like hell, boy. Are you doing okay?” she whispers in my ear. “I’m good, mom. Just tired. It’s been a long drive,” I lie through my teeth. Jazmin lives here, about an hour out of the city. After our dinner date, I invited her to the wedding. She stuttered her answer of yes. Shocked, I’m sure. I’m sure the minute my friends and Roan have the chance to talk to me, I’ll get my ass chewed out. Like I said, they know where I’ve been. I’m surprised Roan hasn’t demanded I get my ass back here before now. He wasn’t happy when I told him I wouldn’t stand up with him. It killed me to tell him that. But my plan was already set. All I needed to do was find Jazmin, and then it started rolling.

“Who do we have here?” She releases her hold on me and turns toward Jazmin. Fuck. Here we go. “Mom, this is Jazmin. Jazmin, my mom, Ginny Levy.” I decide not to tell Jazmin’s last name. Not yet anyway. The minute Roan, Cain, and Aiden see her, I may end up dead by the end of the night. Not to mention all the others who will more than likely be there. Each one of them will wonder what in the fuck I am doing.

“It’s nice to meet you.” Mom sticks her hand out for Jazmin to shake. “You too,” Jazmin replies, taking a hold of mom’s hand. I want so badly to tell her to sanitize the hell out of her hand. I don’t. “You should really go take a seat, honey. We can talk at the reception.” Mom releases her hand, scrutinizing me as she does so. Fuck, she knows. I can see it. Her eyes are sending me that what-in-the-fuck-do-you-think-you’re-doing look. My mom normally speaks her mind. She’s not one to hold a damn thing back. I’m thirty-one years old, and if she feels like she has to crack me upside my head, she will. Her cheeks twitch. This is killing her not to call me out. But it isn’t the right place for her to say anything.

“Where’s dad?” I ask, trying to lighten the disappointment coming from the only woman I’ve ever loved. Well, up until Anna walked into my life anyway.

Jazmin doesn’t pick up on shit. She’s scoping out the place, her eyes flitting all over. I give the bitch credit. Hell, she could be walking into a trap for all she knows. She most assuredly is though. I put my arm around her, my insides balking at me, trying to claw their way out of my body. Even they can’t stand her. “He’s already in there. I came out to grab these.” She pulls out tissues from her hand.

“Weddings are a joyous occasion. Why we cry at them, I’ll never know,” Jazmin pipes in, leaning into me as if we’re a couple. Yeah, we’re a couple all right. A couple of people who would shoot the other one in the back if given the chance.

“This is true. But you see, this is my only nephew. I’m happy for him. He’s been through a lot these past few years. So has his bride. I’ll do everything to make sure the two of them stay happy and no one tries to ruin their happiness.” I almost choke on my mom’s insinuation. Again, Jazmin doesn’t pick up on a thing. She smiles politely, showing her agreement.

“I’ll let your dad know you’re here,” she says and strides away.

“Shall we?” I ask pleasantly.

“I’m excited. Never would I have guessed I would be attending this wedding. I mean, we all know how our families don’t get along. Maybe with us seeing each other, we’ll be able to call a treaty like The Diamonds and Solokovs did. I mean look, they hated each other once, and now their children are getting married. I think it’s wonderful.”

This bitch is good. I’d love to give her my honest answer to her dumb question. Two families who despise each other can make amends. Become friends. Not in our case though. When one family provides the drugs to help set another family member up to go down for shit they knew nothing about, then fuck no, we do not become friends. We kill to the death like male BETA fish do when they’re dropped in a tank. Either kill or be killed. I’m not about to die. I’ll seek revenge in the most excruciating form.

In my case, I’m killing them all. Wiping out the entire empire. With no misconceptions, no turning back, and no remorse.

She loops her arm through mine. My skin is screaming at me to take a shower. To wash her filth off of me.

“Two dates do not qualify as us dating. And if another marriage is what you’re looking for, you won’t find it in me, Jazmin. Ever. Let’s find a seat.” Her red-stained lips part open, a soft gasp of surprise escaping her soiled mouth. Everything about her is unclean. And the Oscar goes to? Her, not me. Dumb bitch.

We walk the rest of the way in. I guide her around the back of the last pew. I know I’ll be spotted the moment the guys all stand up there. I should be one of them. Up there with my cousin, my friend. I’ve fucked them all over with this personal vendetta I have.

I hate myself for it. I follow behind Jazmin, allowing her to sit first. The minute I sit, I spot her. Anna. Her hair color is different. One of her sexy as hell shoulders is bare, exposing skin my fingers curl up into a fist over, because all they want to do is touch her. She hasn’t seen me yet. She’s talking to her mom and an older man.

Her pheromones are invigorating. Sweet and innocent. Airborne to a degree that stimulates a stir to my cock. He hasn’t awakened since the last time I saw her. Before she was taken from me.

The music starts and yet I still can’t look away. The minute she stands, her tiny frame rotates in my direction, her gaze darting all over. My mind is wondering if she’s searching for me. Hoping.

When her baby blues find me, I feel a hit of regret in my chest. She’s hurting. I would give anything to not be the cause of her hurt. For her to see the real me. The man who wants her more than anything. I would walk through a burning fire with nails sticking of out my body for her to look at me the way she used to. She’s not though. Instead, she looks defeated. Like she knows she’s truly lost whatever connection we once had. The pull deflates in her eyes, and fuck if it doesn’t puncture my gut worse than any gunshot ever did.

I observe her stance. It’s assured, stronger, if at all possible. Her head is held high. Her shoulders are pulled back. Christ, how I wish I could jump over these pews and touch her. Hold her up against me, run my fingers down her bare arm. She’s killing me with that sexy as fuck dress. I’m unable to see the whole thing from where I’m standing, but I know it’s short, showcasing those legs.

Her eyes dart back and forth between me and the skunk-smelling bitch. I restrict the urge to go to her. Instead, I pull my glasses off. My stare changes from lust to disgust. Her gorgeous head snaps back. A line of confusion draws across her forehead. She needs to stay away from me. I do the one thing I hate to do. I sketch a mental picture of her in all her beauty. I need to try and forget about her, for now. I’m not good for her, not when I have a vendetta to end. Lives to take. I watch sadness overlap her hurt when I place my arms around Jazmin’s stomach, tugging her gently against me.

Fuck. When Jazmin tilts her head back to look at me, her overly heavy made-up face is enough to make me want to vomit. As much as it kills me, I divert my gaze away from Anna. Fake a small smile and wink at Jazmin. She giggles lightly. That puke wants to unquestionably come up now. This bitch is sour. There isn’t a damn thing sweet about her. Christ, I feel sick.

I am instantly aware that someone else is glaring at me. Logic has me shifting to the front of the church, where both Aidan and Cain move from watching the wedding party come down the aisle to finding me, while Roan watches his soon-to-be wife approach him. Anger is pouring out of them at the recognition of who I have with me. Questions demanding to be answered sear into my brain from them. I stare back, telling them not here, not tonight. Not ever. I will not allow any of them to be hurt or killed.

I glance at Anna one more time before the ceremony starts. Her back is to me now, her hands gripping the pew in front of her tightly. My heart drops to the damn floor when I see her lift a hand to swipe away a tear. Fuck, darling Anna, if you only knew how much I wish it were you standing next to me right now.

We take our seats the minute Alina reaches Roan. I feel a slight tug at my heart, knowing he’s happy and found true love.

After that, I have no clue what is said during the ceremony. I am fixed to the back of the head of the woman I crave Not once does she turn back to look at me. Her spine is straight the entire time. Focused on the now happily married couple.

Jazmin and I leave, along with my mom and dad. We trek the short distance to the reception, Jazmin walking alongside my mom, who is doing a damn good job pretending she’s paying attention to whatever the hell she’s saying.

It’s my dad, whose angry vibes hold my interest. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing bringing that bitch here? Whatever the hell you have planned, you need to end this now. Dumbest thing you’ve ever done in your life, Dilan.” He grabs me by the elbow to slow us down some.

“I’m going to destroy them, dad. Every single one of them. Uncle Salvatore knows. You keep out of it.” I speak quietly as we continue to walk. “Keep out of it? What part of you’re my son and I love you did you miss your entire life? I sure as hell will not keep out of it. Christ. This is your cousin’s wedding and you bring the enemy here. That woman is viscous. You’ve lost your damn mind if she doesn’t suspect you have something brewing. God, boy, you spent a few years in prison because of her family and Royal setting your ass up. Let that shit go.”

He has no clue how badly I want to let it go. Fuck that shit. I will not let it go until they pay with their lives for putting me in that hellhole. For making me live in a cage for a couple of years. Locked away from my life.

“Roan will understand. And as far as that bitch goes, I know damn well she has an agenda of her own. She’s made it perfectly clear for years she’s wanted me. She’s on the other side of fucking crazy. The sight of her makes me sick. She thinks I’m giving in to her.” My skin actually starts to crawl. I may even be shivering, and it sure as hell isn’t from the cold outside. Dad scoffs at my remark. “Of course he will, Dilan. He’s also not stupid. He’s going to know. So will she.” He nods his head with a chin lift in Jazmin’s direction. Good, let her. Let her get pissed and run to her brother.

I stop walking for a bit and shove my freezing hands into my coat pocket. “Let me handle it my way, dad. My goddamn way.” He just stares at me. Like he has no clue who I am. Like he’s lost his son. Right now, maybe he has. It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks. This shit has to be done. I will deliver my revenge. I will seek justice in my own damn way.

“I can see you’ve made up your mind. You better have a plan, boy. You’re my son. I love you more than anything, but don’t you dare think you can take them down all by yourself. If you and Salvatore don’t finish them soon, then by god, I will. Bringing that bitch here will arise suspicion. Did you think of that?” People walk around us. Glaring, wondering what the hell is going on out here.

“Calm down. Jesus. I’m not stupid. I know they’ll have questions. Lots of them. Let me handle this, dad. I’m not backing down. This is something I have to do in order to have peace up here.” I point to my head.

BOOK: The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4)
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