Read The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4) Online

Authors: Kathy Coopmans

Tags: #General Fiction

The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4) (5 page)

BOOK: The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4)
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“This cunt ran into me. She spilled our drinks all over me. Look!” She’s good. Playing the innocent victim. The way she regards his attention by showcasing her fake boobs with the span of her hand. Maybe Dilan is all over her, this perfect replica of a bitch. Not me. I know Cain well enough he’s not either. I slowly step in between them all, planting my tiny self directly in front of her, my back to Dilan. That’s all he deserves, my back to him. Fuck him.

“Cunt? You really did not just call me a cunt?” I lean into her. Before I say another word, I set my drink and clutch down on the table behind her, deliberately nudging her as I do. “I saw you,” I whisper into her ear. I pull back. Her eyes challenge me. I won’t back down. I don’t care who she is. “You saw nothing,” she spits back. ‘Right,’ I think to myself.

“Anna,” Cain says.

“Cain. I’m not sure where Dilan found this cunt. My guess is some drug outlet or the corner of Division and 48
. Whoever she is, I watched her put something in one of those drinks.” She sets both glasses down casually, grabs several of the cloth napkins from the table, and begins dabbing down the front of her dress. I know how to stand up to people. I’ve been doing it most of my life. To bullies in high school, who looked down on me because I was an athlete, never one to hang out with the girls, only the guys. My half-brother, who tried to kill me. I don’t care who this so-called poisonous woman is. I want her out of here. Now.

“What the fuck, Jazmin?” Dilan’s voice speaks roughly from behind me. His voice is clipped. Angry. It’s still his voice though. That shiver is back, racing up and down my spine. It’s been too long since I’ve heard the deep monotone of his voice. Even though he’s directing them toward her, I feel it in my chest. I do my best to shove it aside. He’s a fool. A stupid fool.

Suddenly, I’m lifted off of my feet and moved out of the way. I may have saved Dilan from this woman’s poison, but my heart is breaking at the scene playing out in front of me. Not for her, but because she’s cussing, causing a scene. “She’s a liar. I did no such thing. You’ll pay for this, you little bitch!” she screams. Roan is suddenly at our side. “Get her the fuck out of my wedding reception. She fucking stinks, reeks, and I want her gone. You can get the fuck out of here right along with her, Dilan.” This is the first time I’ve heard the usually calm Roan lose his temper. I take a deep breath as I watch Aidan and Cain escort her out of the room. Dilan walks to where her purse sits tucked away on the chair and snatches it up, saying nothing to his cousin. He doesn’t look back. Not once.

Me though, I feel as if everyone is staring at me. Well, not everyone. My mom and Ramsey. John and Salvatore, who are now standing around us too.

I bury my hands over my face. And cry. I feel so horrible. “Hey.” Strong arms wrap around my waist.

“Anna, are you all right? What on earth is going on here?” my mom demands. “She’ll be fine, Grace. She had a slight confrontation with someone who shouldn’t be here.” It’s Roan. I know I shouldn’t feel bad. I know what I saw. And yet, I do.

“Anna. Look at me,” Roan demands gently. “I’m sorry,” I say through my tears. He guides me around. My hands are still covering my face. I pause momentarily, catching my breath before I drop them to look up. I must be a mess now. My perfect makeup ruined. And I did it all for him. A man who wouldn’t even look at me, speak to me, or thank me. God. I’m the stupid fool.

“I’m not sure what happened, but I promise you we wanted her out of here. Please, don’t feel bad. If anyone should feel anything, it should be him. Not you,” he says calmly. “Thank you.” I stare at him for a moment, trying to smile but failing miserably. “It’s true, Anna. She doesn’t belong here. He knows that.” This now comes from Salvatore.

The music is still playing softly in the background. The lights are low. I’m shaking. Not from the conflict with her, it’s more than that. I know the minute I turn around, everyone in here will be thinking I’ve done something wrong.

“Anna, sweetie. Come on. Let’s go get you cleaned up. I promise no one saw anything,” Deidre says. I didn’t even notice her and Calla approaching us. Tearing my eyes away from Roan, I scan around for Alina. When I don’t see her anywhere, I let out a thankful breath, feeling somewhat better. I have so many questions to ask about this mystery woman. Who is she? Why would Dilan bring her here, if he knew she would cause discomfort to his family? And lastly, what is he doing with her?

“Go. Get cleaned up. We all want you here to celebrate with us.” Roan winks at me.

“I’ll come with you,” mom says, her gentle hand sliding up and down my back.

“I’m fine, mom, really. You stay here. I’ll be right back,” I say. My lips are trembling. She goes to rebuke my plea. “Let her go, honey,” Ramsey declares. “Are you sure you’re all right?” Her hand is still on my back.

“I’m fine. Let me get cleaned up. I’ll be right back.” I resist the urge to cry some more. I saved him. I know I did. Roan’s words stay lodged in my head. I have no clue what I witnessed or why. All I know is, my gut tells me I did the right thing. Unfortunately, my gut also tells me I may have made an even worse enemy out of this woman than I had in my half-brother. There’s not a damn thing funny about this at all. It’s a paradox of contradictions. A jack in the box full of danger, never knowing when that lid is going to pop open; and when it finally does, it scares the living shit out of you.

It pounces. Attacks. Am I strong enough for more? God, this is too much. All I want to do is crawl into a bed and start this entire day over. Life doesn’t work that way though. I grab my clutch, smile at my family, and once again hold my head up.

Then I overhear Salvatore tell John that obviously Dilan’s plan went the way he wanted. To go take care of her. That can only mean one thing, especially when I hear John reply with. “My fucking pleasure.” Something is going down. I will not be sheltered from this storm. Not this time. I know what I said earlier about giving up on Dilan. I won’t though. I may not have him the way I want him, but if he needs me for anything, if anyone in this family needs me, I will do everything I can to help them, the same way they’ve helped me and my mom.

Because yes, I’m strong enough. I’ve been beaten down before and survived. If danger strikes me or anyone I care about again, nothing will stop me from doing the right thing, even if I have to kill someone.

“Who is she?” I ask Deidre, the very second we step into my room. I dare not say a word until I know we are alone. The lights immediately come on when we step inside. Well, that’s nice. At least I don’t have to skim my fingers along a wall to find a switch.

I don’t bother to look around. I head straight for my suitcase, which is sitting unopened on a chaise lounge at the foot of the bed. I unzip it, retrieving my toiletry bag. I head straight for the bathroom, where Deidre is already running a washcloth under the sink.

“Thanks.” I take it from her and wipe the dark streaks of mascara off of my face. God, I look hideous. Thank god the elevators are right down the hall from the reception. How embarrassing.

“Her name is Jazmin Carlos. She’s an assassin for The Mexican Cartel.”





“Shit,” I muttered under my breath the minute Anna barged across the room in our direction. I knew she suspected something the way she flew across the room. My world damn near went from desperate to desolate not to touch her. Those eyes set deep on a mission to destroy the woman who has no damn soul.

Call me an asshole, but I couldn’t help but convey every dream I’ve had of her in the few short seconds it took her to almost knock this bitch off of her feet.

I stood still, watching her firm breasts move as her chest heaved up and down. My cock has never wanted out of my pants as fast as he did then. My hands ached to bring her into my arms. To feel her pressed up against me. To wash the repugnance toxin from her body from Jazmin touching her.

There wasn’t a damn thing I could do. I had to play like I didn’t know her. That killed me more than not being able to touch her. I fucking hate it. I can lie to myself until I take my last breath about not wanting her. Christ, I’m a fucking idiot.

I felt her presence the moment she walked into the room with Aidan. She glanced over to where I was talking with John and my uncle. We were discussing our plan with John. I followed her out of the corner of my eye, until I couldn’t see her anymore. It killed me not to go to her, to wrap my lips around hers, if only to feel if they’re as soft as they look. To tell her I’m a liar.

My intentions to stay far away from her, to not drag her into this, have been shot to hell. She unknowingly brought herself into this. Now, she’ll be right in the middle of it all. That’s the gift Anna has. She’s like the rest of us. She protects those she cares about whether there’s danger involved or not. And now. Fuck. She’ll demand to know what the hell is going on. They all will.

The corners of my mouth tip slightly. God, I hope she’ll talk to me, let me explain everything to her. Let me look after her, in more ways than shielding her from all the contamination that surrounds our lives.

“Shut your trashy mouth,” John spurts out to Jazmin. The urge to think about Anna is so deep, I’m not paying attention to what this bitch is saying as we sneak out of the back exit door of the reception.

I approached my uncle and John the minute I had a chance to get away from her. To say John was all in is an understatement. Not so much at the revenge I need to seek, to want it to the extent it’s been the backbone so powerful to my life that I’ve shoved living a full life out of the way until I destroy those who deserve it. He wanted to make sure no one knew. That he was the one who caught her off-guard the minute they could be alone. He was going to slip her out the door, undetected, after he slipped a sleeping aide in her drink. She beat us to it though by trying to get to me.

I had no doubt she would try and poison me with her famous drug, though I didn’t think she would try and do it here. She’s been caught. I owe Anna, and I’m a dick for wanting to pay her back by worshipping her body, claiming her and showing her what she means to me. My brain is so fucking warped. Jesus Christ.

But this is how Jazmin kills her victims. She’s like a spider. They bite you with both of their fangs, leaving two puncture wounds. The poisonous ones can kill you within minutes, while others eat away at your flesh. Jazmin chooses which way she wants to kill you. Then she strikes. Although, I didn’t think she would do it this fast. It’s apparent she had plans of her own. I underestimated the conniving bitch. “I’ve wanted you for a long time, Dilan.” That right there should have set me off. The knowledge of how she strikes and kills her victims. Usually, they’re ones who have crossed her family. The reason she poisons them is because she’s too damn weak to capture them any other way. Once she slips her venom into their bodies, that’s when her hunches drag them away. Most of them never to be heard of again. She’s fucked up.

“You won’t get away with this. My brother will kill you this time instead of sending you to prison, you fucker,” she wails as she tries to get out of her restraints. The minute we were out of view, John clipped her hands behind her back, securing them with the zip ties I had in my pocket.

“Should I be scared?” I say with acrimony. My eyes barely dart over her man-eating flesh. “I want him to come after me, you bitch. All of them. In the meantime, my plan begins with you. For a woman who’s known to be a killer, you sure did the dumbest act tonight, Jazmin. Did you really think drugging me in front of my entire family was going to work? You must be getting desperate.” I swing her around to face me. My grip on her arm is painful. I watch her facial expression change to sheer panic when she realizes she’s in a back alley with four men who would all give anything to put a bullet through her head.

“He knows where I am. He has men here,” she confesses.

“Not anymore, he doesn’t,” John admits.

“What?” She tries to crank her head to look at John. I won’t allow it. Not until I’m done saying what I have to say. Then he can take her.

“Seriously, woman.” I place my hands around her neck, shove her up against the SUV waiting to take her where we will keep her until the time comes. I squeeze tightly, feeling her pulse speed up, fluttering in a tyranny of disarray as I pull as much oxygen out of her lungs as I fucking can. “Do you think two high-powered families would not have every bit of protection they can surrounding this wedding? Hell, there are people within a ten-mile radius of here. Every person was scanned the minute they stepped through the church. Then again the second they stepped into the hotel.” Her eyes become as wide as if someone had lifted a hand to land that lethal blow. She’s never been the victim before. Always the hunter. Not this time. Now, for the kick in the teeth. To not only her but my friends and family surrounding me. The ones I didn’t want involved in this shit.

“I know everything, bitch. Part of this is for me. The other part is for Alexei Solokov. You do remember him, don’t you? The man you helped Royal Diamond kill?” She gasps.

“What the fuck are you talking about, Dilan?” This is coming from Cain. I feel them all guarding my back. Their rendition of this known cunt gets better. They will want her family destroyed after they find out the truth and her part in how Alina’s brother was taken.

“She spiked his drink. That’s how Royal was able to catch him off-guard. Isn’t that right, you fucking cunt?” I grip her throat tighter. I couldn’t care less if I kill her. She reeks of her venomous poison. It’s leaking out of her pores, polluting the fresh, crisp air.

“So you see, I haven’t been off having the time of my life. No. I’ve been planning the demise of you and your entire empire. This is war, Jazmin. Not only with me, but with the Solokovs. I planned on having John kill you nice and quick tonight. But now I think you need to suffer. I say he sends one piece of your body to your brother at a time. Take her, John. Lock her up. Let her go crazier than she already is with worry. She knows damn well her life is coming to an end. She’s all yours.” I release my grip. She coughs, leaning forward to try and catch her breath. Her legs damn near give out. No one here will help her. The moment she gains control and tries to sputter her harsh words at me, I turn, ignoring her, nodding to my friends. Nothing more needs to be said, not until we get inside, away from the smell of her.

BOOK: The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4)
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