The Demon and the Succubus

BOOK: The Demon and the Succubus
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Praise for the novels of Cassie Ryan
“From the first erotic word to the last sensual line,
Ceremony of Seduction
weaves a spell around its reader and doesn’t let go.”
—Joyfully Reviewed
“An incredibly creative read. If you’re looking for a sexy escape, you’ll find it here.”
—Romantic Times
“Ms. Ryan creates a bold and beautiful world . . . I highly recommend it.”
—Night Owl Romance
“An amazing journey between two worlds. Definitely a book that, once opened, won’t be closed until the final page has been read.”
—Kate Douglas
Berkley Sensation titles by Cassie Ryan
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Berkley Sensation trade paperback edition / April 2011
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Ryan, Cassie.
The demon and the succubus / Cassie Ryan.—Berkley Sensation trade pbk. ed. p. cm.
eISBN : 978-1-101-47909-4
1. Demonology—Fiction. I. Title.
PS3618.Y33D45 2011

Thanks to my awesome agent, Paige Wheeler, and my fabulous editor, Kate Seaver, for following through on this second book in the Sisters of Darkness series. They rallied the troops to overcome obstacles and moved this project through on schedule like the wonderful professionals they are.
To my critique buddies—Erin Quinn, Jordan Summers, and Kayce Lassiter—my eternal gratitude for your help and support in getting the final touches put on this story.
As for all the friends, family, coworkers, and fans that have been there for me these last few months with cards, letters, food, labor, prayers, and positive energy for healing . . . you humble me with your loving and caring hearts. You brought food to my family, you packed our belongings and showed up with trailers and trucks to help us move, you showed up in the dark to work a yard sale, and you let me know I wasn’t alone. Thank you!
For the fabulously skilled and talented staff and volunteers at the Scottsdale Health Care Osborn Medical Center, there are no words to express my undying gratitude for all you have done for me and for my family.
Bree, my best barista friend, you truly rock, girl! What didn’t you do?
My father, David, and my sister, Amy, have shown me how truly priceless the love and support of family can be. I love you both.
Finally, my thanks and love to Jon and Darian for your love and support. Your faith in me never wavered and I could not have come half the distance without the two of you cheering me on. You are my life and I couldn’t have done any of it without you guys!
“Not what I
expected. But a lovely prelude to our relationship.”
Sunk deep in a relaxing hot bath, Amalya glanced toward the doorway to find a stunning stranger in a very expensive Italian suit devouring her with an amused hazel gaze. Irritation and surprise warred inside her and she bit them back. “I’m sorry. Did we have an appointment, Mr.—” She remained in her reclined state with her head resting back against the bath pillow and her arms resting along the sides of the ridiculously large claw-footed tub as she waited for him to fill in the blank as she mentally reviewed her calendar.
There were no appointments for today, and the Madame hadn’t informed her of any pop-ups, which was why she’d slept in this morning and was now lounging in the tub.
After all, even succubi liked to relax on their days off.
“Levi.” His rich voice with a definitely upper-crust British accent softly echoed around the spacious bathroom as he walked forward uninvited. He grinned as he crouched and reached out to rub some strands of the long blond hair she’d pinned on top of her head in between his fingertips. “Soft and lovely.” His inflection told her he meant more than just her hair.
Surprised at the man’s bold actions, Amalya resisted the urge to define her personal space. Instead, she mentally shifted into work mode.
She cocked her head to the side and reached out to touch his hair in the same manner he had hers, smiling when he raised his brows as if she’d surprised him. His hair was soft to the touch, the color of rich milk chocolate, clean cut, but longer on the top where it fell over onto his brow. She traced one finger down his sideburns, which were worn long and ended even with the bottom of his earlobes.
He was definitely good looking, attractive with a strong jaw and rich hazel eyes that sparked with amusement.
He intrigued her.
A glowing aura of nearly white energy surrounded him like a pulsing mist. Amalya wasn’t in need of energy, having just entertained a client last night, but this man’s presence tasted human with an undertone of something exotic she couldn’t quite place. Her skin began to ache—the succubus equivalent of a stomach growl, telling her he would give her a surge of energy better than any she’d had lately among the stream of humans and lower-level supernaturals. Not to mention he was interesting, and she had a feeling she would very much enjoy spending some time with this mystery man.
Everything that made it well worth working on her day off.
“So what
you expect, Mr. Levi?” she asked with a small smile.
“Levi is my given name.” His gaze devoured her face as silence fell between them as if he were trying to put his thoughts into words. “Perhaps someone older?” His lips quirked up at the edges.
A lie.
Amalya bit back a smile. Each succubus had a gift and hers was being able to discern truth from lies. Not the most powerful gift among her people, or even her three sisters, but one she’d grown to rely on over the millennia—and millennia was how long she’d lived.
From the way Levi’s eyes sparkled, he knew it.
His grin widened as he slowly stood and reached into the inside pocket of his jacket. “The Madame gave me this.” He held up a black old-fashioned ladies’ fan, and a spurt of surprise threaded through Amalya that she hoped hadn’t shown on her face.
Each different color of fan represented what the client had paid for and what he expected from his time with her. A very simple tool that kept all talk of money out of the bedroom and part of a philosophy that had made Sinner’s Redemption one of the most profitable legal brothels not only in Nevada, but in the world. The black fan meant this man had paid with an open account and he had deep enough pockets to cover whatever he wished to go on inside this room or out.
“My apologies, Amalya. I’ve caught you off guard.” He bowed from the waist as if they were in Victorian England, but the intense hazel gaze that bored into hers held no apology, only delight, intrigue, and anticipation.
“Not at all,” she lied, glad most others didn’t share her gift. “I must not have received the Madame’s message to expect a client. If you’ll give me a moment, I’ll get ready.” She sat up and braced her hands on the side of the tub so she could stand.
“Don’t.” His voice sounded like more of a request than a statement and she stilled and glanced up at him.
He laid the fan aside and crouched again next to the tub, making the room feel very small as he loomed next to her. “Please don’t be angry with the Madame. She didn’t know of my arrival until just a few minutes ago, and I asked her not to disturb you.” He smiled—the first genuine smile she’d seen from him, which made him look younger and more vulnerable. Now that she’d seen the real man behind the mask, he’d never be able to fool her with his masked expressions again. “And now I’m glad she didn’t.”
Amalya sensed no danger—no special succubus talents needed. Pure female intuition honed over a long life. Not to mention that Jethro, her longtime friend and the bodyguard for Sinner’s Redemption, wouldn’t have let Levi through if he were any danger to her. She’d saved Jethro’s life years ago when a stray demon had cornered him in the alley behind Sinner’s Redemption. Amalya had been wounded in the rescue and nearly died herself, but Jethro had given his own sustenance to bring her back. Since then he’d become a trusted ally, privy to the truth about who and what she was. Jethro would take a bullet—or a demon, as was more likely—for her. And Amalya would do the same for him.
She had been in Hell’s version of Witness Protection for just over seven hundred years. She couldn’t afford to let down her guard when the demon she’d helped lock away still had plenty of contacts within the human realm and would relish the chance to torture she and her sisters for the rest of eternity.
She searched Levi’s face, finally meeting his deep hazel gaze squarely. Pure logic told her there was something more going on here than a rich playboy who wanted some time with her. “What can I do for you, Levi? Really.”
“It’s what I can do for
that brings me here.”

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